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I've been trying to gather insight into the film industry in LOS from friends, acquaintances, and residents, but without any real insight, and was wondering if anyone here could help clear up some speculation I have about film in Thailand either working or doing business.

My general perception is is that the film industry in Thailand that produces Thai movies is virtually an indestructible nut to crack-with the exception of a few experienced freelancers from either NZ or Australia I've heard of, no farang is going to get into the Thai film industry in any way, shape, or form (either language barriers, or perhaps there is already a sizable Thai talent pool in this field already). I'm referring more to the production aspect of things (producing, directing, editing, etc) than to acting and such, but regardless, it would seem that to get a job in LOS doing any such work would either require inside connections or networking skills handed down from the heavens themselves.

That being said, I was curious as to how it would work to finance an independent film in Thailand. I can't imagine their expenses are any more than some of the HK films of the '80s and early '90s before the Hollywood influence really kicked in, which would make it seemingly possible (and desirable) to make a good quality film in Thailand without the crushing hand of huge, huge money neccesary to make anything decent in the US. In fact, some of the Thai productions I HAVE seen were of relatively low production value as is ("So wait....there's a ghost....in the air conditioner? Okay."), so as little as they would cost HERE, I'd be surprised to see if they cost much there. More to the point, what would be the obstacles in funding a movie produced in LOS with foreign money? Could you hire local crew, or would there be union/gov't policies to step in your way? If it was funded and paid by a US Production company, what kind of Visas would they need if they weren't being paid by a Thai company? And for that matter, what about equipment and post-production (editing, foley sound, etc)? How much use of Thailand's resources could one make?

I ask these questions mainly because I'm curious to find a way to escape the nigh-monopoly of major studio influence here insofar as quality film production goes, but that being said and done, maybe it wouldn't be so bad to try and find a job and live with the in-laws in LOS, either. I realize this is a pretty broad spectrum of topics, but regardless, thanks for your opinion/input.

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Having ridden precisely that same train of logic once upon a time, I can tell you where the tracks lead. However, I do think your questions are a little too detailed and industry specific to deal with effectively here in a thread. If you'll PM me an email address, I'll be happy to share my experiences for whatever value they may have to you.

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More to the point, what would be the obstacles in funding a movie produced in LOS with foreign money?  Could you hire local crew, or would there be union/gov't policies to step in your way?  If it was funded and paid by a US Production company, what kind of Visas would they need if they weren't being paid by a Thai company?  And for that matter, what about equipment and post-production (editing, foley sound, etc)?  How much use of Thailand's resources could one make?

I ask these questions mainly because I'm curious to find a way to escape the nigh-monopoly of major studio influence here insofar as quality film production goes, but that being said and done, maybe it wouldn't be so bad to try and find a job and live with the in-laws in LOS, either.  I realize this is a pretty broad spectrum of topics, but regardless, thanks for your opinion/input.

Hope this helps abit


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OldAsiaHand, I'm quite interested in this topic too, can you post some of your experiences on here please?

I hate to seem ungracious after you've been nice enough to ask for my opinion, but whenever I've previously offered my views on filming in Thailand on this board I always seem to have spun the I-am-more-Thai-than-you crowd off into a frenzy. Observations about Thailand that are not entirely positive frequently seem attract an avalanche of name calling and I'm really not up for another round right now.

If you'd like to PM me with a specific question, however, I'd be glad to answer it as well as I can.

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No worries OldAsiahand, it was nothing specific, just interested in the topic for one of my later dreams of making a film here. :D

God forbid you say that Thailand is less than perfect and shatter people's own dreams. :o

I often think it's a shame we have a forum here where you do have to be careful what you say for fear of name calling and insults, ah well, some mother do 'ave em. :D

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