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Why Do Farangs Like Thai Girls With Dark Skin ?


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Is it not simply down to exposure?

More Westerners than not meet girls who make themselves more available. It's more probable that girls who are prepared to make themselves more available come from a less affluent demographic.

Unfortunately, in Thailand area's of less affluence are also area's where the people are naturally darker.

Hence, more Westerners may simply be justifying their choices of darker women.....

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Thai people think dark skin is a sign of somebody who have to work in the fields and therefore have no money, when white is a sign of the upper class.

Tanned skin in the Western world was previously seen as a person rich enough to travel and not stand in a dusty factory all day.

Personally do not mind any colour, but have to admit than I see it more logical that people living under the sun and in a tropical climate have dark skin and not white.

However back home a fresh face with a tan from skiing in the mountains was always recognized as sign of good health. Pale white was however subject to the question, are you well!

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Is it not simply down to exposure?

More Westerners than not meet girls who make themselves more available. It's more probable that girls who are prepared to make themselves more available come from a less affluent demographic.

Unfortunately, in Thailand area's of less affluence are also area's where the people are naturally darker.

Hence, more Westerners may simply be justifying their choices of darker women.....

Exposure to the sun, yes.

Farmers work in the sun.

Not hard, and not ethnic.

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Thais ask me this question all the time and i am unable to give any satisfactory answer.

I say, "why don't thais like darker shades of skin ?" they say it looks dirty, and are amazed at why farangs are attracted to dark skinned females. truly amazed. and they seem to think or expect me to have the answers.

does anyone have an explanation for this (perhaps false) perception ? BTW this sterotype that farangs love dark skin is huge, up there with the walking ATM stereotype.

This is an idiotic post. If you want to adopt Thai prejudices then go ahead but don't insult our intelligence with it.

I have had white and darker skinned girls, I choose them because I like them individually and couldn't give a stuff what others including you think. You may be delighted to know that the current is fair though, but the next may be black as spades, I don't care.

I suppose this is a infantile dig at Pattaya relationships where most are dark from Isaan, if so spit it out and face them down.

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Ok follow the ramble,

Perhaps, the Thai perception that farangs like dark skinned girls comes from their observations. Holidaying men meet charming ladies and travel around Thailand to some extent. The said ladies may be of dark skin because they come from places where the skin is darker. The observing thais then put 2 and 2 together and ergo, farang like dark skin.

In addition, the farang who may have lived in the west for most of his life sees tanned skin as being exotic. This may have transpired cos during the 60's, 70s' and 80's foreign travel became more accessible although still more expensive than holidaying at cloudy home . Individuals coming back from a foreign holiday would often be tanned. Therefore a tan became a status symbol of international travel and wealth.

Then there is the dark skin is for field workers mindset.

Also, of every thai man i have asked about their perferance, they almost exclusively liked the Japanese skin colour, which is blue white in most cases. This may come from the mindset above or them watching mainly Japanese porn. White skinned girls are the perferred colour for Thai men, in my experience.

I guess Thai women know this too, hence the obsession with scrubbing themselves white and avoiding any sort of sunlight, despite UV being (nearly) unable to travel thru glass and being able to bounce off every other surface.

Thai women also love white skinned males, in my experience. I too am very handsome BTW. My wife gets mad when I pull weeds out of the garden in the midday sun barebacked. I perfer a little colour as I am otherwise Blue White. My arguement is that if I have a tan, less women will be attracted to me and my wife will have less girls to fight off. Yet she still wants me to be white.

I very much doubt race comes into the equation from a western POV, more likely just personal perference. I would suggest, the majority of the thais I observe are overtly racism when it comes to skin colour, or maybe that's cos I think differently from them.

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Ok follow the ramble,

Perhaps, the Thai perception that farangs like dark skinned girls comes from their observations. Holidaying men meet charming ladies and travel around Thailand to some extent. The said ladies may be of dark skin because they come from places where the skin is darker. The observing thais then put 2 and 2 together and ergo, farang like dark skin.

In addition, the farang who may have lived in the west for most of his life sees tanned skin as being exotic. This may have transpired cos during the 60's, 70s' and 80's foreign travel became more accessible although still more expensive than holidaying at cloudy home . Individuals coming back from a foreign holiday would often be tanned. Therefore a tan became a status symbol of international travel and wealth.

Then there is the dark skin is for field workers mindset.

Also, of every thai man i have asked about their perferance, they almost exclusively liked the Japanese skin colour, which is blue white in most cases. This may come from the mindset above or them watching mainly Japanese porn. White skinned girls are the perferred colour for Thai men, in my experience.

I guess Thai women know this too, hence the obsession with scrubbing themselves white and avoiding any sort of sunlight, despite UV being (nearly) unable to travel thru glass and being able to bounce off every other surface.

Thai women also love white skinned males, in my experience. I too am very handsome BTW. My wife gets mad when I pull weeds out of the garden in the midday sun barebacked. I perfer a little colour as I am otherwise Blue White. My arguement is that if I have a tan, less women will be attracted to me and my wife will have less girls to fight off. Yet she still wants me to be white.

I very much doubt race comes into the equation from a western POV, more likely just personal perference. I would suggest, the majority of the thais I observe are overtly racism when it comes to skin colour, or maybe that's cos I think differently from them.

That Just about sums it up I guess. I hadn't thought about the Japanese porn connection though. Thats more Milky white than Blue white isn't it :)

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It seems like a lot of people here don't want to accept the truth of the matter, and I'm sure I'll get loads of people telling me how wrong I am (I wonder why?). But, after more than 10 years of living in Thailand and having had Thai girlfriends of varying degrees of dark skin, it is my opinion that a lot of western guys would be just as happy with a fair skinned Thai girlfriend as long as they still have a lovely personality. However, most just don't know how to go about finding one (most Thai girls hanging out in the touristy areas will usually be of darker skin color, as in general that is the working class/farmer shade of skin color), or if they do know, they aren't willing to put in the effort required (a bit of dating and getting to know eachother, as well as probably no bedtime activities for a while). There are also western guys that just wouldn't be able to chat up a fair skinned good Thai girl, the same way they have problems in their home country with girls. It seems to me, guys who don't really know anything about Thailand come here and fancy themselves as Romeos, and somehow loose sight of the fact that anybody in Thailand with a bit of money can score a nice looking young girl (probably dark skinned though!).

I have also been asked this question by many Thais, and it can be a difficult thing to explain with my limited Thai. The really unfortunate thing though is that a lot of Thais will also pre-judge you on what your Thai girlfriend looks like, dresses like, education level etc. I guess it's up to each individual if they want to buy into that or not. I went out with a very fair skinned pretty northern girl for a while and all the Thais we would meet would tell me how lucky I was to have such a beautiful girlfriend. However, I have never met such a spoiled, mean and volatile girl in my entire life!

I must admit, I prefer the fairer look (as long as it a healthy look and not that overly white pasty kind of white), but I would never use this as a criterea for choosing a girlfriend and would be quite happy with a darker skinned girl if I liked her. This is what I also try to tell the Thais who ask me this question.

So anyway, my answer to the question, most farangs don't prefer darker skin, but it's what they can get without too much effort, they are after all here for a holiday or nice easy lifestyle!

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Thais ask me this question all the time and i am unable to give any satisfactory answer.

I say, "why don't thais like darker shades of skin ?" they say it looks dirty, and are amazed at why farangs are attracted to dark skinned females. truly amazed. and they seem to think or expect me to have the answers.

Actually it is the East Asian (Chinese) concept of feminine beauty which praises lighter skin over darker skin tones. With their control over the media in Thailand, this cultural preference has now long been instilled into the Thai population who have been taught to see themselves as inferior on this mark. Let's face it, nobody does racism as well as the Chinese, although some segments of the US population are a very close second indeed.

One can only speculate over the origins of these cultural norms, but I think some insight can be gained by looking towards that greatest of American worldly philosophers, Thorstein Veblen. In China, light skin showed that one did not work out in the sun, that one was not a day laborer or farmer. It was the mark of the leisure class. In the west in more recent times, having the time to get out to a beach, disrobe to near nudity and tan became a mark of leisure. Now add in the underlying racist attitudes of melanin challenged people from the more northern latitudes towards the more melanin enriched derma of those originating from the more tropical latitudes and one can begin to see why some folks make a big deal out of skin tone.

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It seems like a lot of people here don't want to accept the truth of the matter, and I'm sure I'll get loads of people telling me how wrong I am (I wonder why?). But, after more than 10 years of living in Thailand and having had Thai girlfriends of varying degrees of dark skin, it is my opinion that a lot of western guys would be just as happy with a fair skinned Thai girlfriend as long as they still have a lovely personality. However, most just don't know how to go about finding one (most Thai girls hanging out in the touristy areas will usually be of darker skin color, as in general that is the working class/farmer shade of skin color), or if they do know, they aren't willing to put in the effort required (a bit of dating and getting to know eachother, as well as probably no bedtime activities for a while). There are also western guys that just wouldn't be able to chat up a fair skinned good Thai girl, the same way they have problems in their home country with girls. It seems to me, guys who don't really know anything about Thailand come here and fancy themselves as Romeos, and somehow loose sight of the fact that anybody in Thailand with a bit of money can score a nice looking young girl (probably dark skinned though!).

I have also been asked this question by many Thais, and it can be a difficult thing to explain with my limited Thai. The really unfortunate thing though is that a lot of Thais will also pre-judge you on what your Thai girlfriend looks like, dresses like, education level etc. I guess it's up to each individual if they want to buy into that or not. I went out with a very fair skinned pretty northern girl for a while and all the Thais we would meet would tell me how lucky I was to have such a beautiful girlfriend. However, I have never met such a spoiled, mean and volatile girl in my entire life!

I must admit, I prefer the fairer look (as long as it a healthy look and not that overly white pasty kind of white), but I would never use this as a criterea for choosing a girlfriend and would be quite happy with a darker skinned girl if I liked her. This is what I also try to tell the Thais who ask me this question.

So anyway, my answer to the question, most farangs don't prefer darker skin, but it's what they can get without too much effort, they are after all here for a holiday or nice easy lifestyle!

I would agree with many of your points, but it is quite annoying to see how you generalize it, and almost come out as a bit arrogant.

Ok, you have had several girlfriends over the 10 years you have lived here.

Good for you, and that might give you a lot of experience.

But that can be used against you. You are not able to keep a relationship going, or you are so shallow that you constantly "change" your girlfriend after a while.

And still you are cocky enough to tell why other guys can not get certain girls. And how a lot of people here dont want to accept the truth of the matter.

You saying most westerners here just don't know how to go about finding one with fair skin?

Seems like you are only talking about one special type of westerners.

And that is the holiday makers that are here for some "special" fun.


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It seems like a lot of people here don't want to accept the truth of the matter, and I'm sure I'll get loads of people telling me how wrong I am (I wonder why?). But, after more than 10 years of living in Thailand and having had Thai girlfriends of varying degrees of dark skin, it is my opinion that a lot of western guys would be just as happy with a fair skinned Thai girlfriend as long as they still have a lovely personality. However, most just don't know how to go about finding one (most Thai girls hanging out in the touristy areas will usually be of darker skin color, as in general that is the working class/farmer shade of skin color), or if they do know, they aren't willing to put in the effort required (a bit of dating and getting to know eachother, as well as probably no bedtime activities for a while). There are also western guys that just wouldn't be able to chat up a fair skinned good Thai girl, the same way they have problems in their home country with girls. It seems to me, guys who don't really know anything about Thailand come here and fancy themselves as Romeos, and somehow loose sight of the fact that anybody in Thailand with a bit of money can score a nice looking young girl (probably dark skinned though!).

I have also been asked this question by many Thais, and it can be a difficult thing to explain with my limited Thai. The really unfortunate thing though is that a lot of Thais will also pre-judge you on what your Thai girlfriend looks like, dresses like, education level etc. I guess it's up to each individual if they want to buy into that or not. I went out with a very fair skinned pretty northern girl for a while and all the Thais we would meet would tell me how lucky I was to have such a beautiful girlfriend. However, I have never met such a spoiled, mean and volatile girl in my entire life!

I must admit, I prefer the fairer look (as long as it a healthy look and not that overly white pasty kind of white), but I would never use this as a criterea for choosing a girlfriend and would be quite happy with a darker skinned girl if I liked her. This is what I also try to tell the Thais who ask me this question.

So anyway, my answer to the question, most farangs don't prefer darker skin, but it's what they can get without too much effort, they are after all here for a holiday or nice easy lifestyle!

u think this is actually original commentary? i can show u the exact same thing posted about 400 times.


hate to bust ur bubble as you are probably thinking how u killed the thread or something.

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It seems like a lot of people here don't want to accept the truth of the matter, and I'm sure I'll get loads of people telling me how wrong I am (I wonder why?). But, after more than 10 years of living in Thailand and having had Thai girlfriends of varying degrees of dark skin, it is my opinion that a lot of western guys would be just as happy with a fair skinned Thai girlfriend as long as they still have a lovely personality. However, most just don't know how to go about finding one (most Thai girls hanging out in the touristy areas will usually be of darker skin color, as in general that is the working class/farmer shade of skin color), or if they do know, they aren't willing to put in the effort required (a bit of dating and getting to know eachother, as well as probably no bedtime activities for a while). There are also western guys that just wouldn't be able to chat up a fair skinned good Thai girl, the same way they have problems in their home country with girls. It seems to me, guys who don't really know anything about Thailand come here and fancy themselves as Romeos, and somehow loose sight of the fact that anybody in Thailand with a bit of money can score a nice looking young girl (probably dark skinned though!).

I have also been asked this question by many Thais, and it can be a difficult thing to explain with my limited Thai. The really unfortunate thing though is that a lot of Thais will also pre-judge you on what your Thai girlfriend looks like, dresses like, education level etc. I guess it's up to each individual if they want to buy into that or not. I went out with a very fair skinned pretty northern girl for a while and all the Thais we would meet would tell me how lucky I was to have such a beautiful girlfriend. However, I have never met such a spoiled, mean and volatile girl in my entire life!

I must admit, I prefer the fairer look (as long as it a healthy look and not that overly white pasty kind of white), but I would never use this as a criterea for choosing a girlfriend and would be quite happy with a darker skinned girl if I liked her. This is what I also try to tell the Thais who ask me this question.

So anyway, my answer to the question, most farangs don't prefer darker skin, but it's what they can get without too much effort, they are after all here for a holiday or nice easy lifestyle!

Truth of the matter ? Accepting the Truth ? My mate has a girlfriend with very pale skin. She looks unhealthy to me. She gets a lot of unwanted attention from Thai males and he's the jealous type and he's built like a brick outhouse. You can imagine the result. Its not pretty .

Shock Horror; Thai's pre-judgeing us on what our Girlfriends look like. Guess I'd better trade mine in for a whiter model.

My wifes family hail from Issan originally and tend to be dark. The wife spent 10 years in England and dark thai's thought she was Japanese due to her Skin Colour , Ten minutes back in Thailand and she's darker again. Another Woman I know has in the past week turned from Ghostly white to dark because she went out and enjoyed herself. It'll take months to get her preferred Skin Colour back. The Thai males don't give her so much attention anymore; seriously; How Shallow can people be. Its just about the Sun folks. Give them another Hundred years and maybe they'll see this too :)

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It seems like a lot of people here don't want to accept the truth of the matter, and I'm sure I'll get loads of people telling me how wrong I am (I wonder why?). But, after more than 10 years of living in Thailand and having had Thai girlfriends of varying degrees of dark skin, it is my opinion that a lot of western guys would be just as happy with a fair skinned Thai girlfriend as long as they still have a lovely personality. However, most just don't know how to go about finding one (most Thai girls hanging out in the touristy areas will usually be of darker skin color, as in general that is the working class/farmer shade of skin color), or if they do know, they aren't willing to put in the effort required (a bit of dating and getting to know eachother, as well as probably no bedtime activities for a while). There are also western guys that just wouldn't be able to chat up a fair skinned good Thai girl, the same way they have problems in their home country with girls. It seems to me, guys who don't really know anything about Thailand come here and fancy themselves as Romeos, and somehow loose sight of the fact that anybody in Thailand with a bit of money can score a nice looking young girl (probably dark skinned though!).

I have also been asked this question by many Thais, and it can be a difficult thing to explain with my limited Thai. The really unfortunate thing though is that a lot of Thais will also pre-judge you on what your Thai girlfriend looks like, dresses like, education level etc. I guess it's up to each individual if they want to buy into that or not. I went out with a very fair skinned pretty northern girl for a while and all the Thais we would meet would tell me how lucky I was to have such a beautiful girlfriend. However, I have never met such a spoiled, mean and volatile girl in my entire life!

I must admit, I prefer the fairer look (as long as it a healthy look and not that overly white pasty kind of white), but I would never use this as a criterea for choosing a girlfriend and would be quite happy with a darker skinned girl if I liked her. This is what I also try to tell the Thais who ask me this question.

So anyway, my answer to the question, most farangs don't prefer darker skin, but it's what they can get without too much effort, they are after all here for a holiday or nice easy lifestyle!

Ten years in Thailand.....limited Thai? and you have the hide to denigrate guys that are "not willing to put the effort in" Enough said I think.

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To me brown (not very dark) skin looks healthy, and pale skin doesn't. And for some reason the person with the brown skin looks happier. Can't explain why.

For your second one.

I think its because when a person with brown skin is happy as he/she is, then all is well.

But anyone born with brown/tan skin and wants to be whiter, must constantly work for it, and he/she can never put it to rest or they will return to brown/tan. A constant hazzle in life in order to gain a certain appearence.

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To me brown (not very dark) skin looks healthy, and pale skin doesn't. And for some reason the person with the brown skin looks happier. Can't explain why.

..and with clean white teeth, smiles are really enhanced.

I have a photo of the wife and I on the kitchen wall, both smiling. She looks normal. I look like a ghost :)

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To me brown (not very dark) skin looks healthy, and pale skin doesn't. And for some reason the person with the brown skin looks happier. Can't explain why.

..and with clean white teeth, smiles are really enhanced.


And to quote one of the other members here (thank you Gary A):

Dark skin looks terrific against white sheets.

Maybe a bit shallow, but still it is true.


But, as mentioned before, some like the mother and some like the daughter, some like this and some like that.

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Thais ask me this question all the time and i am unable to give any satisfactory answer.

I say, "why don't thais like darker shades of skin ?" they say it looks dirty, and are amazed at why farangs are attracted to dark skinned females. truly amazed. and they seem to think or expect me to have the answers.

does anyone have an explanation for this (perhaps false) perception ? BTW this sterotype that farangs love dark skin is huge, up there with the walking ATM stereotype.

Because their society tells them too!

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Here's one reason:

Pretty much all Thai females have black hair, including body hair. On pale skin the black body hair really shows up like a sore thumb. I'm talking female mustache, arm hair, leg hair etc...

At least on dark skin such body hair is not immediately apparent. I've lost count of the number of times i've seen what looks to be a beautiful fair skinned girl from a distant, as i get closer she looks more like grizzly adams.

Some pople really dont mind the hair :)

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Thais ask me this question all the time and i am unable to give any satisfactory answer.

I say, "why don't thais like darker shades of skin ?" they say it looks dirty, and are amazed at why farangs are attracted to dark skinned females. truly amazed. and they seem to think or expect me to have the answers.

does anyone have an explanation for this (perhaps false) perception ? BTW this sterotype that farangs love dark skin is huge, up there with the walking ATM stereotype.

Duh... because those are the ones working in the bars who are easy to meet

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To me brown (not very dark) skin looks healthy, and pale skin doesn't. And for some reason the person with the brown skin looks happier. Can't explain why.

..and with clean white teeth, smiles are really enhanced.

I have a photo of the wife and I on the kitchen wall, both smiling. She looks normal. I look like a ghost :D

Understand. And I look like death warmed over :D . Hence, again, the handsome Raymond Burr as my avatar :)

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^however doesnt explain why westerners like dark skin. :)

Many westerner's do not like dark skin. In fact, Michael Jackson disliked dark skin so much that he not only changed his to white but even decided to have white children ! I guess it all boils down to different strokes for different folks. When it comes to women, I personally focus in on beauty of any color and the only shade I'm not partial to is green ! :D

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I don't think most westerners really care one way or the other.  Westerners are not as color-oriented but rather oriented on other physical attributes.  Sure, some men prefer darker-skinned women and some men prefer lighter-skinned women, but I believe that preference tends not to be absolute.

However, Thais do seem to be attracted to lighter skin, both men and women.  And of the women who might tend towards the more commercial or semi-commercial sides of relationships, the lighter-skinned women tend to seek a Thai client/sugar-daddy/whatever. But the dark skinned woman, after having it driven into her head that she is less desirable, goes to where she firmly believes she has an advantage:  with western men. She goes to where she can meet a western man, and lo and behold, he is attracted to her. Wala!  Proof!  Western men like darker women! And this helps perpetuate the myth.  What she doesn't realize is that with her same physical attributes, but with lighter skin, that same westerner would still find her attractive.

This then holds true outside the more commercial side of things.  Dark-skinned women, perhaps despairing of finding a Thai man, might join an international dating site with the belief that as a dark-skinned Thai, westerners will be more attracted to her.  Of course there are a myriad of reasons a Thai woman might join such a site, but I do think the perception that many have that a westerner will find them more attractive due to her dark skin is a factor.

I was in Buriram for business once, and at a semi-social function after the work for the day, I started chatting with a very light-skinned Thai. I ended up asking her to dinner for the next day.  During that date, she admitted that she was shocked I had asked her out.  When I asked why, she said it was because she had light skin, and "everyone knows" westerners like dark-skinned women.

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Exotic is the word that sums it up best for me.

White, pasty skin compared to a sultry, exotic, dark skinned Thai. No contest.

I am not attracted to Black - as in African - but a Thai, 'normal' or dark has that allure that gets the blood pumping.

These pale skinned Thai that you see on television so much do not do a lot for me either. Their features seem at odds with their colour.

As for darker skinned Thai looking 'dirty'. Not to me.

But it is all Hi-So for the Thai and the paler skins work in offices and the darker out in the fields.

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