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How Much Should I Pay?


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One thing I hate about thaivisa is the lack of community that is often apparent here and the bargirl haters, and the people who are content to slag someones wife or gf off without knowing anything about them.  :o

It's a shame that a guy like Maxcherry, who is a newbie to Thailand comes to one of the biggest forums on Thailand and gets abuse in his polite asking for advice posts.  I bet the people that dish out that abuse here would never do it face to face with people out of sheer courtesy yet behind the computer they start to be the bully boys.

Nicely put! :D

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I see you lot are in full anal mode again, bunch of stiff assed humourless doltards. If a guy wants to post his intentions to live with an ex hooker and you lot all jump to his defence when the actual reality of the situation is pointed out to him then you are all doing him a massive disservice, not helping. I know most of you find getting a decent girl difficult but it still does not change the fact that your chosen mode of sexual gratification has to be paid for.

:o :

I tend to agree with Toastwars however, if this uy intends to stay with this BG then all I can say is "be very careful". I wouldn't go over the moon and give her my shirt off my back or even 200k per month. The avarage "low wage" for a "Public Servant" is approximately 5k per month, I personally wouldn't give any more then that amount from the start. Later on, if the relationship continues it might be a bit different. :D

Good Luck

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Who will screw around on you, and hurt your pride and feelings I exspect.

skycop :o

Give her as much as you can. In fact give her the shirt of your back for those cold nights back home without you.

You might also consider any insurance policies your parents have taken out that might benefit you/r girlfriend in the event of a tragic accident befalling them.

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...i suspect your most succesful relationships have been with mrs palm and her 5 daughters.....


Strange how I write a "derogatary" post and it is deleted with digging comments from the mod and everyone has a free for all on my and the mods joins in?

Not that I care in the slightest, I stand by what I said about shacking up with exhookers, all I am wondering is why the incosistancy and why this BG thread is still running?

RDN.. you always fail to amaze me.

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Probably haven't got much room in that 1800 baht appartment

What is this hang up you all have withthe price of my pad, I like it, it gives me more disposable income and I have helped four other Thai Visa members look around them? I am not insulted or embarrased or I wouldn't have posted the price I pay. Main room 7m x 5m, bathroom 3m x 2m

One thing I hate about thaivisa is the lack of community that is often apparent here and the bargirl haters,

If community means all agreeing with each other all the time you must be looking in a wierd dictionary. I take my membership seriously and I may have different views to others but it does not make them any less valid this is a forum for people to post their opinions, I get slagged more than anyone do you see me whinging and whining about it? I have been responcible for policy changes on this forum behind the scenes on two occasions, helped members find accomadation amongst other services that is my contribution to this community. Whats yours? apart from kissing mod butt?

  I bet the people that dish out that abuse here would never do it face to face with people out of sheer courtesy yet behind the computer they start to be the bully boys.

When people ask my opinion I tell them what I think warts and all, I have never hidden where I live, pop down I will give anyone the benefit of my wisdom face to face quite happily. funny how in the past anyone posting "I met some bird in abar six weeks ago and her family has rickets so how can I send em the 2000000bt that they need" gets a barage of "don't be so stupid" posts in reply but now the sheep are herding together you all jump to the defence of the op who is posting a BG thread contrary to rules laid down here.

If you lot want to go around spending your money on hookers then feel free it's your money but I am entitled to my opinion and I will tell you it at any opportunity as is my want, I have a girl in England who I am happily engaged to and find the cultural and interlectual divides between myself and "good" Thai girls irreconsilable never mind an ill educated bar girl, I can understand the appeal to the less enlightened members here, after all an independant western woman must scare you to death.

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TW, I feel sorry for your post being deleted.

But I really want to ask: why do you have to insult someone just because they are bargirls? They are just exchanging their company or sex for money which in a lot of cases to send home to take care of their families. So what gives you the right to insult or look down on them?

What do you feel if someone says farangs who lives in a 1800 baht room in Thailand must be losers or theives?

I got the feeling that anyone who has to insult or look down on BGs or anyone for no reason, they are very inferior and insecure people. Is that the case?

after all an independant western woman must scare you to death.
It might be true for some cases, I guess. But I don't believe it's true for all cases. For me, an always demanding, never satisfied, don't understand what happiness is, (western or not) woman scares me to death. By the way, I'm from chinaland, so western women were never within my choices.
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Probably haven't got much room in that 1800 baht appartment
What is this hang up you all have withthe price of my pad, I like it, it gives me more disposable income and I have helped four other Thai Visa members look around them? I am not insulted or embarrased or I wouldn't have posted the price I pay. Main room 7m x 5m, bathroom 3m x 2m

No hangup about it, just showing you how easy it is to make fun of other peoples lives, it seems you don't like to recive it as much as you like to dish it out.

One thing I hate about thaivisa is the lack of community that is often apparent here and the bargirl haters,

If community means all agreeing with each other all the time you must be looking in a wierd dictionary. I take my membership seriously and I may have different views to others but it does not make them any less valid this is a forum for people to post their opinions, I get slagged more than anyone do you see me whinging and whining about it? I have been responcible for policy changes on this forum behind the scenes on two occasions, helped members find accomodation amongst other services that is my contribution to this community. Whats yours? apart from kissing mod butt?

No kissing Mod butt, I have my own suspension in the past, just sticking up for Maxcherry who doesn't deserve your comments and showing him that this is a friendly place. I'm all for disagreeing with people's opinions but being downright rude to people is not that at all. You never disagreed with Maxcherry at all, you started your own comments totally different from what he was asking so don't start with that "it'd be a boring board if we all disagreed line" coz it doesn't disguise that you made a comment befitting an arse.hole in the pub. A community I think is about some respect and politeness offered out to people, and it should be the same amount of respect given on the internet as real life.

  I bet the people that dish out that abuse here would never do it face to face with people out of sheer courtesy yet behind the computer they start to be the bully boys.

When people ask my opinion I tell them what I think warts and all,

The truth of the matter is he didn't ask you your opinion on his life or his gf, just wanted to know about living costs for his gf. You made your comment to get a good kick out of putting down and insulting somebody else. In fact, talking of all your wonderful contributions I didn't see you attempt to answer the Maxcherry's post at all, just had a go at him and his gf for your own pleasure.

Anyway, lets not get into this, it's certainly a waste of my time, and I hope for your sake, a waste of yours.......

.............that mansion must take a while to clean for a start :o:D:D:D

ok, couldn't resist that one toastie, let's be friends, I really do enjoy most of your posts, just bit p.issed off with this one, let's not have handbags at dawn. :D

Edited by RDN: fixed all the complicated "quotes within quotes". Was it worth the effort? :D

Edited by RDN
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Some women become prostitutes because they have no other way of making money, period. She may want a relationship with you because she truly loves you or because she only wants your money. To be honest, at this point, you most likely don't know which it is. My suggestion is to send her money (if you wish), but don't send her XXL amounts. Between the 6000-10000 baht range will usually do for one person, a little more if she has a child. Keep in mind that she will likely expect more than that once you're here so if you start on the high end now, you'll end up paying even more later. Again, just speculation. Every person is different, just be careful.

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Ever seen a vaudeville act or sat in at open mic night at a comedy club?  If someone steps out on the stage and grabs the mic...well.  We all have a bit of the barbarian in us. That's why there are mods.    :D

Very nicely put! :o:D

I've just scanned the forum rules. Can't find any mention of sarcasm!


Thank God for that! I can carry on then :D

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Fair enough I agree with what most of you are on about but there are a few things I fundamentaly disagree with. This misty eyed view of the prostitutes here is one of them. There are plenty of poor girls here who don't take the easy way out and sell their bodys to the highest bidder the ones who do show a lack of moral fibre that I find difficult to understand. A lot of you here are claiming they have no choice but they do and you are being led down the primrose path if you think otherwise. A couple of hypothetical questions for you , answer them honestly and you will understand where I am coming from:

Your younger brother turns up to visit telling you that he has met the woman of his dreams an ex prostitute from Liverpool he tells you that she wants out so he is putting a deposit down on a flat and buying her all her furniture and sending her 500 pounds a month...how do you feel about it and what would your advice be?

Your sister tels you that she is tired of managing on her wage from Debenhams and as she wants to be able to go out more she is giving up her job and moving to Chapletown in Leeeds to go on the game...how would you feel about that and what would your advice be?

prostitution is the easy way out, the girls have a choice and this rose tinted veiw taken about thai BG's is purely an easy option for farang to justify their actions. The veiw that you are helping them by screwing them for money is misguided at the very least

Max sorry if I insulted you I just want you to know that you need to be a bit guarded if you are to embark on this venture I see a lot of hurt people here because they get into things without being fully aware of what they are getting into, I can be a bit harsh sometimes but my intentions are honarable

Bkk just because I am the "moral minority" doen't make me wrong, I think you are mistaken in beliving that TV has an immoral majority but there you go!

anyway I will say no more on the issue it obviously gets peoples backs up

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How I hate the word prostitute when talking about bgs.  :o I was a very successful conract aircraft engineer. Why was I so successful? I use to sell my services to the highest bidder. Guess I'm nothing but a prostitute  :D

No, hopefully your clients didn't need servicing all over again the next morning. :D


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How I hate the word prostitute when talking about bgs.  :o I was a very successful conract aircraft engineer. Why was I so successful? I use to sell my services to the highest bidder. Guess I'm nothing but a prostitute  :D

what would you prefer..fairy princesses? They are prostitutes! and that is the very misty eyed romanticism I am talking about.

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How I hate the word prostitute when talking about bgs.  :o I was a very successful conract aircraft engineer. Why was I so successful? I use to sell my services to the highest bidder. Guess I'm nothing but a prostitute  :D

what would you prefer..fairy princesses? They are prostitutes! and that is the very misty eyed romanticism I am talking about.

You know, Toasty, using the words Pro or Ho is just too insulting to many married members here, no need to be so hard nosed about it.

Anyway, I reckon Chelski is onto something here, we could create a complete new set of words instead of using 'prostitute'.

A 747 could represent a lass who is slightly large who has had a few kids.

A Spitfire could be an older but firm girl.

and so on.....

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I use the word prostitute because that is what they do, I didn't use pro or ho. Lokk I have nothing against people going to prostitutes If thats their bag ce la vie. But as I said before the rose tinted view that the poor BG has not other choice is absolute rubbish. The other thing I have a problem with is that the outside world views Thailand as a den of vice, I know it isn't and prostitution here does Thailand no favours. I don't come here to have sex, I come here because Thailand still has a fantastic skills base and the artisans and craftsmen here still have a pride in what they produce, the things I have made here I would not be able to :

a: find anyone skilled enough to do in the west

b: would be prohibitivly expensive

This is the real Thailand the Thailand I love and have a deep respect for, I know some members are married to exBGs good luck to them I hope they are happy but if they get upset when it is mentioned perhaps they should have thought of that before getting involved, if they love them it shouldn't matter what they did in the past we all have skeletons in the closet but going into denial about it doesn't make them dissapear.

I get tired of the knowing looks I get abroad when I mention that I live here I just wish that Thailand was better known for the positive things in its country and culture not just the cheap and available prostitutes

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How I hate the word prostitute when talking about bgs.  :o I was a very successful conract aircraft engineer. Why was I so successful? I use to sell my services to the highest bidder. Guess I'm nothing but a prostitute  :D

Mr Mourinho: Do you sell your cheese to the highest bidder?

Seems we have got lots of things mixed up here!

Max. You asked asked how much to send. I think there are two simple answers

1. If you have a decent 'conversational nrelationship' with the girl then you should be able to come to an agreement

about what she needs and what you can afford. It is true. You will know soon enough if the whole thing is a sham and it won't have cost you much. But also remember girls are good at waiting!

2. If it is 'just another story', or you really don't know, then 5000B a month is enough. I think 10000B+ way over under the circumstances..What she earned in BKK is irrelevant.

I rather go along with most of Toastie's beliefs and comments. The trouble is that LOS is not like Liverpool. Prostitution in Europe is marginal and mostly pretty grubby. In LOS it is a way of life for a huge number of people resulting from the institutionalised Thai male's attitudes to, and patronage, of women, the education and employment structure etc...do you realise that most girls without high school/university leaving certificates can't get the majority of jobs...and even if they can no-one is going to employ them if they are over 25. LOS is ridden through with treatment of girls that, by western standards, is considered totally unacceptable.

So I am not prepared to condemn bgs/hookers on the basis that it is the soft option.

What I do think is sad is that ,once they have some money, they don't have the skills/support/confidence to get out and do the only thing they can which is start their own business.....God I sound like Miss Manners

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Anyway, I reckon Chelski is onto something here, we could create a complete new set of words instead of using 'prostitute'.

A 747 could represent a lass who is slightly large who has had a few kids.

A Spitfire could be an older but firm girl.

and so on.....

Ain't that the way it goes..... marry an F-16, and wake up 20 yrs later with a DC-10. :o


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Anyway, I reckon Chelski is onto something here, we could create a complete new set of words instead of using 'prostitute'.

A 747 could represent a lass who is slightly large who has had a few kids.

A Spitfire could be an older but firm girl.

and so on.....

Ain't that the way it goes..... marry an F-16, and wake up 20 yrs later with a DC-10. :o


Keep trading them in :D

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How I hate the word prostitute when talking about bgs.  :o I was a very successful conract aircraft engineer. Why was I so successful? I use to sell my services to the highest bidder. Guess I'm nothing but a prostitute  :D

what would you prefer..fairy princesses? They are prostitutes! and that is the very misty eyed romanticism I am talking about.

You know, Toasty, using the words Pro or Ho is just too insulting to many married members here, no need to be so hard nosed about it.

Anyway, I reckon Chelski is onto something here, we could create a complete new set of words instead of using 'prostitute'.

A 747 could represent a lass who is slightly large who has had a few kids.

A Spitfire could be an older but firm girl.

and so on.....

And toastie is a fokker <deleted>

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Anyway, I reckon Chelski is onto something here, we could create a complete new set of words instead of using 'prostitute'.

A 747 could represent a lass who is slightly large who has had a few kids.

A Spitfire could be an older but firm girl.

and so on.....

Ain't that the way it goes..... marry an F-16, and wake up 20 yrs later with a DC-10. :o


Keep trading them in :D

Um... but I'm the one turning into the DC-10. She's still an F-16. :D


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/nasty and silly posting deleted. You know better than that toasty. calm down and learn some manners please. **cv**

You will have to let me know where your WIFES bar is in Surin I might pop in for one or two

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