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Where To Buy A Riding Crop?


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Sorry, I couldn't resist.

I use a 4' bamboo stick on my daily runs. Haven't had as much problems down here in the jungle as I did in CM with the landsharks, but this morning as I'm huffin'and a puffin' down the road 2 males dogs came out to "greet me" and after a couple of swipes and the swoosh sound it made, they wanted nothing to do with me.

A real bargin as well...free from the jungle.

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Im sure Nienke will be able to best comment on this but I would imagine using a crop to hit the dogs could seriously aggravate them.. i would think something like a dog whistle would be better...? (sonic vibrations)

..My personal opinion is that crops in general should be never be used on animals (i rode horses for many years, there is no need to use them, and i think they are unnecessarily cruel). If you want to use them on each other however, thats up to yourselves. :)

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we know its really that your super kinky. But seriously rocks work well. If you even reach down to the street and pretend to pick up a rock then a lot of dogs will scatter.

My aim has improved quite a bit since moving to CM.

What about pepper spray?

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Ebay is my source for such things. Declasse perhaps, but the prices are good. Getting vendors to ship to Thailand may be a problem sometimes, but I'm sure there are those who'll oblige.

Rocks and sticks are good alternatives, but I don't think dogs respond to pepper spray.

Tasers work too, although you might run afoul of the law by carrying one.

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When i go walking up the Doi, i sometimes have a problem with aggressive dogs from the stretch that starts at Wat Sri Soda to the check point a bit further up the hill. Strange thing is, it's always the brown coloured mongrels that seem to make the most noise! Anyway, i first tried taking a packet of cheap biscuits with me seeing if i could win the howling hounds over. Unfortunately, the minute they'd chomped through a stale cookie or two, they were back snapping at the ole ankles.

Nowadays, i carry a stick with me. I've never had to use it physically, but just raising it in the swiping position has them running for them there hills :)


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Trying to buy the dogs off with food is never going to work. It's just going to teach the dogs that aggressive behavior will yield food. What is the longterm plan? Feed an aggressive dog so much that he/she is too fat to run and bother people? LOL

Another option is picking up one of those slingshots they sell everywhere. Fire a small rock or two in their direction and they will get the message.

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I remember a few years back i had a delivery service and used to deliver the orders on my motorcycle, always got chased by Soi dogs, your immediate reaction is to open up the throttle and zoom off the problem with that is your usually in top gear and doing like 30-40 KPH well on one of those little moped/scooter things it just don't work so you panik and try change down a few gears only to find your in first or second, well now the bikes reving at about 10000 rpm (slight exageration)and one experiences anxiety increased heart rate and a sence of <deleted>, the next thing is youve hit a speed bump and you leave the saddle briefly the bike starts to go out of control the delivery that you had in the basket of the bike leaps out and on to the road only to be taken by the Soi dogs that had been chasing you...what a fffing nightmare!!

Then one day some one told me if you ever get chased by a dog or a couple of those little yappie things JUST STOP turn around and look them straight in the eye and they will back off.

It took me a while, and i thought i will only give this a try if it is a small yappi dog there was no way i was going to put this to the test with say two rottweilers, but in the end i was amazed to find what this guy said was absolutely true and it has worked every time ever since.

Ps i am not advocating any body tries this as i would not want to be responsible for any injuries i am just saying this is my personal experience is the most effective way i have found of dealing with it .

Of course there is always going to be an exception to the rule.

Edited by tigerbalm
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a good long whip source if possible, as well, please: An Indiana Jones job, preferably.

Maybe some knackered out dominatrix who is retiring might have one or two?

Soi dogs attack my dogs when we walk and once the altercation is under way

no bamboo in the world will separate them. I broke a bamboo on the back of one once and it hardly noticed.

Rocks are not always immediately available, although they have been satisfactorily employed, occasionally.

A riding crop is too short as you don't want to get too near to a shower of demented rabies infested warring mongrels!!

Anybody know where to a buy a tazer on a long pole: one of those up the jacksy would refocus the canine mind effectively, or,

fireworks: those very loud crackers that you can light - up and throw into the middle of the melee and watch the

buggers scatter into the next county.

Trouble with dogs is that they learn quickly, are very territorial and are natural born bushwackers.

Therefore, there is always the chance that they could learn and employ the same methods as above and then where would we be??

Might write to the "Dog Whisperer" bloke on the telly, see if he has any ideas and get him down here!, or, even Henry Kissinger, he's overdue a visit

and he did a great job in Cambodia!!

there are dogs here. many dogs. dogs everywhere.

you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a dog here.

i don't have a dead cat, so i need something else with

which to swing at the dogs whilst running & cycling.

anyone have a local source?

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A few years back when I was still in the running mode and these cur's used to run out and spur me on (and sometimes frighten the <deleted> out of me)

Well in the end I was getting a tad pyssed off by all this so one morning I stopped at a shop that was selling brooms.

They probably thought I had gone troppo (and they were probably right because I said I don't want the broom but just the handle)

Well I bought the handle and cut it down to a manageable length and each morning I went running armed with "my stave" and any dog that got within cooey got the smack on the head.

Before anyone says I am not a dog lover and that no one should ever do something like wot I did (a) I have owned championship breed dogs and (:D no one should ever be in a position to either be, or ever feel threatened by an uncontrolled dog.

It's perhaps an alien concept to many but humans have rights too. :)

Around ten years ago there was a full page article in the Bangkok Post soliciting funds for some temple that had 400 dogs.

I wrote in and said that they should put the whole lot down.

Here they were soliciting donations for dogs when they have hundreds of thousands of girls selling their bodies just to put food on their families tables.

People have to get their priorities right.

Edited by john b good
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I am a dog lover; had a crazy g/f in Laguna Beach who had 2 dogs.

A doberman named "Misty" (OK this was the 70's) and a full groom French Poodle named "Tisha"

When we split up, or were slowly splitting up, it was amusing to me, and mortifying to her (the former g/f, that is) that the dogs took sides.

The doberman Misty lined up behind me, Tisha the poodle on the other side.

I was bit real bad in a soi off Tapae Rd. walking back to my hotel at around 1 AM about 3 years ago.

Had to go through the full treatment of 5 rabies shots at Ram, which were not cheap.

I'm sorry, dog lovers, but I agree with johnny b good on this one.

There is no excuse for uncontrolled animals, and/or irresponsible owners.

The 2 dogs that set on me were obviously pets, not soi dogs. Alsatian/mixed breed.

Tried all the tricks in the book- bending down to pick up the fake rock, yadda yadda.

Sometimes, I think a .25 ACP round through the head is the only solution.

Sorry, very harsh I know...but many farang here don't care about this, 'cause they're driving around in a Fortuner, and don't have to deal with this.

The estimate from the Thai Health site that I googled at the time 3 yrs ago said that the estimate for rabies in the soi dog population is about 40%.

For those who are not aware, rabies has a 100% mortality rate, if not treated within a day or so of a bite from an infected animal.

Something to think about.

I carry either a large umbrella, or my Burma Trekking Stick, when I go walking, BTW.

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