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Clean Your Computer


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From Microsoft.com

Clean your computer

I have a dirty secret. I've never cleaned my computer. Sure, I've dusted my monitor, but I haven't taken off the cover or tried to reach the crumbs lurking inside my keyboard.

clean your computer

"Your computer could fry if you don't keep it clean," says Jonathon Millman, chief technology officer for Hooplah Interactive


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Cleaning the computer inside is a task I like soooo much :-((( And even more all the Bios beeps when I start it up afterwards and I have to look why. My computer place is very dusty since the bed is inside the same room. Don't misunderstand me now - I remove all spider webs and so on inside the room on a daily basis ;-)

I have my case open now and put there a fine tissue instead of the door. Since this creates a big filter area it does not lead to heat problems at my computer. But the dust inside got much less and so the cleaning work.

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