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Living In A Village - Was It Tolerable For You?


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Excellent rambling Chinavet.

A big thumbs up.

When we moved here privacy was a major issue. I was used to living alone, nice and quiet. When we lived in Chiang Mai it was just her and I..nice and quiet.

Here, it's family all the time. Something that was still difficult for me to deal with.

Last weekend we ( all the rual country folk )loaded up in several vehicles and went to Rangsit for my wifes brother's wedding.

Something happened to me there, cannot put my finger on it, but it was just this feeling of ..ah hel_l...I don't know how to express it in words..I enjoy having them all around.

I really feel accepted by all of 'em, even if they still think that me having some eggs and bacon in the morning is strange.

and I can beat any Thai guy around here in the lazy department...I am the King of Lazy.

Yeah gpd I understand. Lately the wife's mother, sister and her family have been coming here (to our rented house) every Saturday afternoon. We have a palace compared to what they live in. They pull out their floor cover and sit eating and gabbing on our patio. Afterward they come into our air conditioned TV room, watch TV and eat and gab some more :) . Lots of smiling and laughing. I don't understand anything being said, but the good vibes are there from everybody. I sit back, observing, and feel kinda good thinking I am bringing them some pleasures.

Edited by Lopburi99
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Excellent rambling Chinavet.

A big thumbs up.

When we moved here privacy was a major issue. I was used to living alone, nice and quiet. When we lived in Chiang Mai it was just her and I..nice and quiet.

Here, it's family all the time. Something that was still difficult for me to deal with.

Last weekend we ( all the rual country folk )loaded up in several vehicles and went to Rangsit for my wifes brother's wedding.

Something happened to me there, cannot put my finger on it, but it was just this feeling of ..ah hel_l...I don't know how to express it in words..I enjoy having them all around.

I really feel accepted by all of 'em, even if they still think that me having some eggs and bacon in the morning is strange.

and I can beat any Thai guy around here in the lazy department...I am the King of Lazy.

Yeah gpd I understand. Lately the wife's mother, sister and her family have been coming here (to our rented house) every Saturday afternoon. We have a palace compared to what they live in. They pull out their floor cover and sit eating and gabbing on our patio. Afterward they come into our air conditioned TV room, watch TV and eat and gab some more :) . Lots of smiling and laughing. I don't understand anything being said, but the good vibes are there from everybody. I sit back, observing, and feel kinda good thinking I am bringing them some pleasures.

...and of course, ä whole lot of money. :D

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Excellent rambling Chinavet.

A big thumbs up.

When we moved here privacy was a major issue. I was used to living alone, nice and quiet. When we lived in Chiang Mai it was just her and I..nice and quiet.

Here, it's family all the time. Something that was still difficult for me to deal with.

Last weekend we ( all the rual country folk )loaded up in several vehicles and went to Rangsit for my wifes brother's wedding.

Something happened to me there, cannot put my finger on it, but it was just this feeling of ..ah hel_l...I don't know how to express it in words..I enjoy having them all around.

I really feel accepted by all of 'em, even if they still think that me having some eggs and bacon in the morning is strange.

and I can beat any Thai guy around here in the lazy department...I am the King of Lazy.

Yeah gpd I understand. Lately the wife's mother, sister and her family have been coming here (to our rented house) every Saturday afternoon. We have a palace compared to what they live in. They pull out their floor cover and sit eating and gabbing on our patio. Afterward they come into our air conditioned TV room, watch TV and eat and gab some more :) . Lots of smiling and laughing. I don't understand anything being said, but the good vibes are there from everybody. I sit back, observing, and feel kinda good thinking I am bringing them some pleasures.

...and of course, ä whole lot of money. :D

I'm a double dipper in pension..one from the US Army and another from a US state govt. My wife's folks make a helluva lot more than I do.... ( I'm not poor or even near it either here or back in the U.S. )

It's never been about money, from any of the family.

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It's funny, looking back on my concerns about village living before we came here.

I was worried mostly about the snakes :D . I had read so many posts about snakes getting into houses and the thought petrified me. You guessed it - haven't seen a snake in 2 months of living here! Lots of frogs in the house and things that look like leaches and other creepy crawlies, but at least no snakes.....yet!

But centipedes - huge mothers :D . Half a meter long and as thick as a snake. Outside, not in the house fortunately. Even the wife gets freaked at them. I've had to send about a dozen back to meet their Maker since being here. I think they like the potatoes plants growing near the house. I don't know.

And ants. Tiny ants by the millions. Finally after spraying all around the house and in the rooms I can make it though the night without awakening with another few itchy bites.

Even saw my first scorpion, up close and personal :) But it could run faster than I could, happily in a different direction.

Never thought the noise would be a problem. And I think I am so smart... :D

Speaking of bites, I happened to notice another farang's legs while waiting in line at 7-Eleven yesterday. Covered with red spots and scratch marks. Seems he has an ants problem too .

Interesting thread....we live on our rubber farm about 7k from the "village", have lots to do so boredom not a problem even if I do drink beer before the sun is over the yardarm. I hear all the wedding /funeral parties megabase speakers when they occur from miles away as we are high up on the side of our "mountain". sometimes hear the "morning campers!" if the wind is wrong.

Mostly its deadly quiet except for birds , wild chickens, big speckled lizardy things that make a noise like "f..you" and other unidentified wild things. We have 7 dogs so nobody comes near without we hear of/or invite 'em ..The wifes' family is spread over Trang/Krabi province so its we who visit them as and when... Usually combined with a visit to mr Tesco in Thung Sung/Krabi/Trang.

Speaking of ants , I used Borasic acid (or borax) and sugar solution in little jars around the house ... they were marching up the walls and in the bed too ..driven by the ceiling fan I guess. Apparently ( from a Florida blog site) the ants take the food back to the nest and it kills 'em all within a week. Seemed to work too. Now if I can just stop being stung and bitten by the other 10000 pesky little and not so little bugs that live in the jungle and now seem to like the concrete and tile environs as an abode!...Turn out that light!

Frankly I must admit its a fine life even though many friends and rellies think I have lost it "how can you live there"!?

I think one must get away now and then that's the answer and as one poster said ..can't wait to get back.

I get back to Canada and Oz every year or so too and that's an eye opener ! Who said visa runs were a pain, I try to use 'em as a holiday if nothing else. Rural/outback Thai life is not for everybody for sure!

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Excellent rambling Chinavet.

A big thumbs up.

When we moved here privacy was a major issue. I was used to living alone, nice and quiet. When we lived in Chiang Mai it was just her and I..nice and quiet.

Here, it's family all the time. Something that was still difficult for me to deal with.

Last weekend we ( all the rual country folk )loaded up in several vehicles and went to Rangsit for my wifes brother's wedding.

Something happened to me there, cannot put my finger on it, but it was just this feeling of ..ah hel_l...I don't know how to express it in words..I enjoy having them all around.

I really feel accepted by all of 'em, even if they still think that me having some eggs and bacon in the morning is strange.

and I can beat any Thai guy around here in the lazy department...I am the King of Lazy.

Yeah gpd I understand. Lately the wife's mother, sister and her family have been coming here (to our rented house) every Saturday afternoon. We have a palace compared to what they live in. They pull out their floor cover and sit eating and gabbing on our patio. Afterward they come into our air conditioned TV room, watch TV and eat and gab some more :) . Lots of smiling and laughing. I don't understand anything being said, but the good vibes are there from everybody. I sit back, observing, and feel kinda good thinking I am bringing them some pleasures.

...and of course, ä whole lot of money. :D

SOME GUYS JUST DONT GET IT.the family would be happier if op moved to bangkok and made more :D . if they not trying to talk to you its a bad sign fella!

And you of course know this for a 100% certainty because you know the op and his family?

Some guys like you don't get it actually.

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Well, we're in Lopburi for a week <groan>. Sure haven't missed this city. It is OK, just not for me. As I said before, the people here are great but they are everywhere in Thailand for the most part. Surprisingly, in almost 3 years of living in LOS, I haven't had one Thai act disrespectfully to me.

Really looking forward to next week though, when we're off to Jomtien Beach again because I want to assess my feelings of returning there after being in the village for the past 2 months. Then to Chao Lao Beach near Chanthaburi then back to Wang Nam Yen.

I still think a high-rise in Jomtien may make the most sense for me, but there appears to be some serious ramifications if I made such a decision. Still 3 months to let this all play out in the village before making the final decision, and it's going to be a big one.

BTW, no surprise but I haven't missed the village yet.

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I dont get it. A poster tells you earlier if you dont want to be a villager then leave. You get all huffy and say poster is full of it. :) And now you post again you dont want to be there.

read my luscious lips! LEAVE THE FREAKING VILLAGE THEN! is a thai wife worth living your whole life in a village! very few farang can take to village life. IT S A WHOLE LOTTA NOTHING! IF YOU LIKE NOTHING THEN THE VILLAGE IS a waiting!

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I dont get it. A poster tells you earlier if you dont want to be a villager then leave. ...

read my luscious lips! LEAVE THE FREAKING VILLAGE THEN! is a thai wife worth living your whole life in a village! very few farang can take to village life. IT S A WHOLE LOTTA NOTHING! IF YOU LIKE NOTHING THEN THE VILLAGE IS a waiting!

Giving village life a sincere effort for a few months is unwise, stupid, foolish? I think not. My wife deserves that of me.

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LEAVE THE FREAKING VILLAGE THEN! is a thai wife worth living your whole life in a village! very few farang can take to village life. IT S A WHOLE LOTTA NOTHING! IF YOU LIKE NOTHING THEN THE VILLAGE IS a waiting!

Wow, such negativity. I think that the whole point is that Lopburi99 hasn't decided yet, I'm sure that your yelling will not convince him. :) Some of us are willing to make compromises in order to stay with our partners and keep them happy. That is called a relationship. You should try it some time!

I have the opposite problem, I'd love to move to a small village, but my girlfriend prefers the city life. I'm sure we'll figure something out!


As an aside about the recent troll, I don't understand why someone needs to destroy a good thread. This is why we can't have nice things! :D

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LEAVE THE FREAKING VILLAGE THEN! is a thai wife worth living your whole life in a village! very few farang can take to village life. IT S A WHOLE LOTTA NOTHING! IF YOU LIKE NOTHING THEN THE VILLAGE IS a waiting!

Wow, such negativity. I think that the whole point is that Lopburi99 hasn't decided yet, I'm sure that your yelling will not convince him. :) Some of us are willing to make compromises in order to stay with our partners and keep them happy. That is called a relationship. You should try it some time!

I have the opposite problem, I'd love to move to a small village, but my girlfriend prefers the city life. I'm sure we'll figure something out!

no you wont. one party will be unhappy!

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I think this thread may be approaching the end of it's useful life. I'm suggesting the mods close it now, but that's up to them.

Let me give a heartfelt thanks to all those who have taken the time to contribute to this discussion. I think without a doubt many people have benefited from your experiences, suggestions, and reactions. Certainly I have! Even the few nastygrams I've gotten along the way were no problem, I have my bad hair days too. I've tried to keep the thread entertaining as well as informative, but my tongue-in-cheek humor isn't always appreciated by everyone. I remember my Dad (rest his soul) saying to my Mom, "Did it ever occur to you I like to complain?" :) I may have a touch of him in me so I need to factor that in also. A venting thing, not always serious.

The bottom line, I think is, living in the village is not for everybody. Living in the city is not for everybody. Living anywhere is not for everybody. I think trying out new experiences is good, but it's important to be able to realize when retracement might be necessary. Be especially careful when your partner's family is involved because reconsideration later could be very difficult. Try to manage everybody's expectations all along.

Good luck to all!


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