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S-e Asia Time Zones


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On UBC films channels,some of the Sport channels, and various other channels you see the following: (this is an example)




Also if you log onto espnstar.com the times for Thailand are always wrong. Does anybody know in this corner of the universe what time it is. Or don't they care. Maybe Malaysia has daylight saving time which we don't know about,and goes onto it every evening. Or are the programmes there set an hour in front of everyone else. Or maybe mal doesn't stand for Malaysia

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All it took was 10 seconds on Google.

WIB = Waktu Indonesia Barat or Western Indonesia Time


WITA = Wakta Indonesia Tengah or Central Indonesia Time

WIT = Waktu Indonesia Timur or Eastern Indonesia Time

So I was half right, sort of, but not really.

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Myanmar is one half hour behind Thailand. It seems strange, to be half an hour off from the rest of the world, but there are other places like that. Does China still have one Bejing time when it should have lots of time zones?

Most time zones in the world are stretched too far west. Almost all of Alaska, for example, is in the wrong time zone. Now that it's the vernal equinox, 'high noon' should occur between 11:30 and 12:30 everywhere on the planet, but it's not so. And noon never gets high in the British Isles or Scandanavia.

Especially in March and October, it's confusing with all those frozen people up north who have to save all that daylight time as they begin to have 14 to 24 hours of it. But they don't save it long enough to use in the frigid frozen snowy winter.

Edited by PeaceBlondie
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Myanmar is one half hour behind Thailand.  It seems strange, to be half an hour off from the rest of the world, but there are other places like that. 

Kathmandu's time is GMT + 5:45. I don't know of anywhere else that's out by 15 minutes from its neigbbours.

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India is an odd half hour out, but it does sit half-way between two time zones so it is understandable :o

As for UBC times, if there is something really special that I want to see - doesn't happen often - I always write the time down minus one hour, just in case...

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I have found out the answer for myself now. I looked on AXN website,and it seems that each SE Asian country has its own schedule,except of course for live sport. In that case you just add or subtract the hours accordingly. eg the new AXN programme 'Lost' wasn't even shown in Singapore.

So of course the new question has got to be what if you live on the Mal/Thai border. Even taking into consideration the time zone,the programmes are still one hour apart. Weird if you ask me

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