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Serious Questions About Penile Surgery

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Hello all

I am currently preparing an article about penile surgery, not reattachment, but enlargement, i.e. lengthening and widening.

I already did some research on the net, but I am a somewhat puzzled by how few information is available on this subject.

So I am looking for people who know something about the ins and outs of this medical market, and about what is performed in Thailand.

Here is what I have found out so far:

- Western doctors do not communicate on that subject, except to tell people shouldn't take this surgery.

While the advice is probably good, it is not backed up by any facts or useful information, except that cutting the suspensory ligaments is not going to increase the size of the erect penis, and results only in a cosmetic lengthening in flaccid state.

Western doctors speak only about this one lengthening technique.

- Asian sites seem to say that another procedure exists, much more invasive, which consists in extracting the part of the penis that's inside the body (about 40% of its length, they say).

This makes necessary a surgical disassembly of the penis, where it is stripped of everything save the glans, uretra and the central nerve bundle, and a later reassembly in the same procedure, after some of the remaining part has been pulled out.

I found some information on this second procedure on 2 internet sites only, and the information was rather vague.

Neither western doctors nor Asian doctors give any useful statistical data on these surgeries (complications, distribution of results, failure rates, evolution in time, satisfaction survey, etc.).

I am looking for information on:

- who/which hospitals perform either procedure in Thailand or elsewhere

- conditions to perform (but I am not expecting there are any in Thailand)

- post-operative data (complications, distribution of results, failure rates, evolution in time, satisfaction survey, ...)

- contacts who could tell me more

I do intend the article to stay neutral and to state the hard facts.

It is not intended to promote surgery (I know stats from doctors must be taken with a grain of salt).

If you know anything on the subject, or if you know people I could interview on the subject, please post your info here or send it to me via private message if you don't want to post publicly.

If you are a matter expert, you can be referenced in the article if you so wish.

Many thanks

I am currently preparing an article about penile surgery,
except that cutting the suspensory ligaments is not going to increase the size of the erect penis, and results only in a cosmetic lengthening in flaccid state.
- Asian sites seem to say that another procedure exists, much more invasive, which consists in extracting the part of the penis that's inside the body (about 40% of its length, they say).

This makes necessary a surgical disassembly of the penis, where it is stripped of everything save the glans, uretra and the central nerve bundle, and a later reassembly in the same procedure, after some of the remaining part has been pulled out.

I sincerely hope you include a chapter in regard to psychiatric help or counselling, because the invasive nature of the surgery with little practical enhancement, would suggest a need for either one, or the other and probably both.


Ouch..... ai-yaaaa....

Ok, sorry...

I believe Yanhee hospital in Bangkok is renown for it's cosmetic surgery, particularly if I'm not mistaken in area's of... well... private areas..

If you are in Bangkok and your research is genuine, by attempting to speak to specialists directly your search of knowledge in otherwise embarrassing topics may illuminate your sincerity and prove more fruitful. If not, perhaps attempting to e-mail a Dr. at Yanhee hospital my yield the information required.

I opened this thread out of shear curiosity - and guessing on the direction its going to take I wish you luck in avoiding a 'lengthy hard' struggle ;-)


Thank you Richard

I spent a week researching on the net without Yanhee popping up.

I will contact Yahee to see what they can tell - fist "under cover" as a potential client.

I wonder if they press hard their sales.

Mossfinn, yes, there will be a part of the article looking at normal penis sizes and why men want to have a bigger penis.

One valid point is that men with a normal size don't need surgery, but rather need to adjust their self-esteem or their expectations.

Sorry to go into statistics, but "normal" means the 66% part of the population around the average size. That leaves about 33% of men with either an abnormally big or abnormally small penis, or 16.5% with abnormally small penises.

If we take 2 x sigma deviation, that's still 10% of men with very small penises, and whose small penis is not imaginary.

10% of the male population is a huge potential market.

And britmaveric, sorry, but your claim about size being irrelevant in pleasing women is just not true.

When we talk about penises that are about 2 to 3 inches long: these men have problems to even barely penetrate their partners, especially if their partner has some extra pounds.

And the partner preferences of slim women is not exactly biaised towards men with small penises, so these guys have a really difficult time.

Still looking for good info, keep it coming!


I understand this procedure is popular with Japanese men and that holiday packages are offered to them that include the operation - I also understand, rightly or wrongly, that the penis cannot be lengthened, only its circumference increased. From what I recall of a program I saw on this subject years ago, most participants were dissatisfied withe outcome of the procedure.


yes, I "hear" / "read" the same.

but which program, who offers those packages, which survey was done, where was it published... ???

without any references, this is at best a rumor - can't build an article on that.

yes, I "hear" / "read" the same.

but which program, who offers those packages, which survey was done, where was it published... ???

without any references, this is at best a rumor - can't build an article on that.

Why don't you simply go to the major hospitals in Bangkok and talk to the doctors and staff there, they have all the answers you seek.


I'll be "in the field" soon for interviews.

I just need the research before, because otherwise I'll need several appointments with the same person before being knowledgeable enough to ask them the right questions.


Well unless u have an extremely small penis - deep penetration is hardly necessary when most of stimulation resolves around the labia. Not to mention there are other ways manual/oral manipulation. Like I said I think I'd far prefer that then having a radical surgery which for the most part seems to cause more problems than what it solves.

If a lady seems to make you feel bad about who you are, prob shouldnt be with that person anyways.


I don't think I will cut of half mine, just to achieve an average length. :)

Anyone undergoing this sort of surgery should consult a shrink first and learn to live with what they were born with.

Katoey's excepted of course. :D


my western doctor friend who is an expert tells me

" measurable sustained growth is a myth'

And sorry to say that so is the belief that the ladys do not like large members.

^Unfortunately it is a myth that lady's prefer large members. :)

I suppose many wish that were true about the ladies not like big chaps

It may be a visual thing. I am told its part that and party that it feel undeniably better.

Without going into too much details ,in my youth ,in europe, and here some years back I used to attend certain wild partys!

there,I have gone and said it!

they were fun and we were young, and, suffice to say, the big chaps received the biggest screams and the most attention!


It appears that you are not writing a scholarly article. There are sufficient published articles in various journals such as Urology and Reconstructive Surgery that allow for a literature review by someone qualified to offer an intelligent assessment. Phalloplasty is a legitimate procedure for those that have an underlying problem such as a micro penis or other genetic defect. It is not recommended for cosmetic reasons because the potential for serious complications is too great. There really isn't anything to write about.

People often confuse penis enhancement and penis lengthening. To lengthen, all that is done is that the ligaments that support the penis and that are attached to the pubic bone are severed. It can provide 2-5cm of length. The problem is that you can say buh bye to a nice erection. Sure the penis can engorge with blood and become firm, but the patient doesn't have the same erection state as prior to the surgery.The penis really isn't lengthened. As for the business of stripping down a penis and then rebuilding it, I don't think say. Nerves don't respond well to that kind of attack. The funny aspect of this procedure is that the males requesting the cosmetic procedure usually have teeny weenies because they are obese. The fat hides the penis. The most effective solution is to simply lose some weight. Too simple I guess in a time where people want immediate results.

I think the current approach to increasing girth size is to inject fat harvested from other parts of the body. Although I haven't squeezed anyone's fat juiced penis, I would expect that while the flesh might look plump, the fat doesn't lend itself to making for a firm plumpness. The fat will eventually get reabsorbed anyway.

I don't think Thailand is a hub of penis enlargement. Reconstruction and reassignment surgery, perhaps.

^Unfortunately it is a myth that lady's prefer large members. :)

oh honey...no,no, no,pleeeeeze!

Size DOES count, no if's,no but's, no maybe's, -just plain, maybe ugly fact.

Its been that way since day 1. Lets get a little relaity check here.

I guess you jest.

And from I hear surgery is just so plain risky. I do understand why some would risk it though.

And I was told that the dane's have a sort of machine that actauly work's called a jeez extender


Unfortunately its how you use your member, not the size. Pretty daft to think otherwise. :)


I do not think anyone can reasonable deny that the lady's prefer big gents.

I mean, a small weiner also does not look very nice does it?

And if all things are equal in the skill department a bigger one score more touch bases

A bit like if there were two equally skilled swordsmen, who would have an advantage?

And in those adult mag's have anyone ever seen a lady asking for a small, or average gent?

What a funny thing to be talking about.

  • 3 weeks later...

"While the advice is probably good, it is not backed up by any facts or useful information, except that cutting the suspensory ligaments is not going to increase the size of the erect penis, and results only in a cosmetic lengthening in flaccid state."

I'm confused by your post. You seem to accept the doctors' advice, and then you complain that it's not valid, except that they are telling you the truth.

I do not think anyone can reasonable deny that the lady's prefer big gents.

I mean, a small weiner also does not look very nice does it?

Maybe it's just your preference to admire a big penis.

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