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Are There Many Guys Like Me In Thailand?


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just think what would have happened if the OP had not mentioned his chosen budget....

I'd like to imagine a world where he would have just got answers to the very reasonable question that he asked...

In answer to your question. There are people like you in Korat.

To answer a question with a question, would you enjoy the company of Thais? because coming here to be with like minded farang is a less easily accomplished goal.

Good luck what ever..

Do you play Golf?

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Question for the OP: Which class do you identify with? I'd be interested in hearing how Brits (so sorry - I mean English, Scots, Welsh, etc.) classify themselves these days. In the US, we generally don't talk about class, but I would break down our society roughly as follows: poor/underclass (living on government funds and/or sporadic part-time minimum-wage jobs); lower-middle/working class; professional/managerial/upper-middle-class (includes most doctors, lawyers, etc.); wealthy/rich/upper-class (don't need to work, due to enough inherited and/or earned money to live very comfortably the rest of their lives, but many still do work). I guess only the latter two classes generally go to university. Is all that pretty much the same in the UK? Or do you have different terminology?

Next question: is nationality or class more important to you? Do you identify more with other Brits who come from a different class background, or more with other Anglos (Yanks, Canucks, Aussies, etc.) who come from a similar class background?

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You are mobile so take advantage of that and try several cities. Get short term leases that you can afford and try the areas. If you have a favorite club you follow find which pub typically plays your team and meet some guys. If you work out find the gym that suits your price and type of workout that fits you. Whatever it is that interest you try moving near those locations in different cities. I suggest try them all and then settle down. Or just keep moving.

Sounds like fun to me.

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YanTree, what's with the English teacher hate?

I don't hate English teachers or Tuk Tuk drivers or janitors or <insert low salary earning trash here>, I'd just prefer they stay the hel_l away from me.

I'm guessing you would feel intellectually threatened by such people. It's not easy being the village idiot. :)

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YanTree, what's with the English teacher hate?

I don't hate English teachers or Tuk Tuk drivers or janitors or <insert low salary earning trash here>, I'd just prefer they stay the hel_l away from me.

I'm guessing you would feel intellectually threatened by such people. It's not easy being the village idiot. :)

Yes, whenever tuk tuk drivers open their mouths I instantly feel stupid.

FWIW I could teach graduate students if I wanted to (here, or back home). I do not consider English teachers to be intellectuals - quite the opposite actually.

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YanTree, what's with the English teacher hate?

I don't hate English teachers or Tuk Tuk drivers or janitors or <insert low salary earning trash here>, I'd just prefer they stay the hel_l away from me.

I'm guessing you would feel intellectually threatened by such people. It's not easy being the village idiot. :)

Yes, whenever tuk tuk drivers open their mouths I instantly feel stupid.

FWIW I could teach graduate students if I wanted to (here, or back home). I do not consider English teachers to be intellectuals - quite the opposite actually.


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YanTree, what's with the English teacher hate?

I don't hate English teachers or Tuk Tuk drivers or janitors or <insert low salary earning trash here>, I'd just prefer they stay the hel_l away from me.

Yeah right cos anyone on a low salary is trash!

What a wanke_r!!! fuc_kwit!!!

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YanTree, what's with the English teacher hate?

I don't hate English teachers or Tuk Tuk drivers or janitors or <insert low salary earning trash here>, I'd just prefer they stay the hel_l away from me.

I'm guessing you would feel intellectually threatened by such people. It's not easy being the village idiot. :)

Yes, whenever tuk tuk drivers open their mouths I instantly feel stupid.

FWIW I could teach graduate students if I wanted to (here, or back home). I do not consider English teachers to be intellectuals - quite the opposite actually.

Such a shame that you don't give us your location, YanTree. If we knew where you lived, the saner members of this Forum would at least be able to avoid you and your loathsome attitude.

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YanTree, what's with the English teacher hate?

I don't hate English teachers or Tuk Tuk drivers or janitors or <insert low salary earning trash here>, I'd just prefer they stay the hel_l away from me.

Yeah right cos anyone on a low salary is trash!

While not 100% infallible, this is a fair measuring stick.

Certainly there are teachers teaching for the sake of teaching and for something interesting to do, who do not need the money - of course this would not apply to them. However anybody willing to work for $1,000 a month in Thailand with little or no savings and as their sole source of income can be only one thing - trash.

As for wanting to know where I live to avoid me - don't worry, it wont be a problem. I may bump into one of your wives, girlfriends or daughters - or one of their family members - on Soi Cowboy or Nana, but doubt we will be crossing paths. I don't consort with Farang trash or senior citizens.

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YanTree I don't know of any Farang Tuk Tuk drivers or Janitors.

So to be clear is it your view that all Thai janitors and Tuk Tuk drivers are trash? What about street vendors, bar girls, security guards, laborers ?

Also Farang low paid workers in their own country? All trash?

As opposed to a fat fuc_ker thrown out of Monaco for using drugs and acting like a &lt;deleted&gt;?

I know which I would call TRASH!!! :)

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While not 100% infallible, this is a fair measuring stick.

Certainly there are teachers teaching for the sake of teaching and for something interesting to do, who do not need the money - of course this would not apply to them. However anybody willing to work for $1,000 a month in Thailand with little or no savings and as their sole source of income can be only one thing - trash.

As for wanting to know where I live to avoid me - don't worry, it wont be a problem. I may bump into one of your wives, girlfriends or daughters - or one of their family members - on Soi Cowboy or Nana, but doubt we will be crossing paths. I don't consort with Farang trash or senior citizens.

Yeuch. What a classless, ignorant snob you are.

Many of my friends are what you might call low salary earners and most of them are fine upstanding people.

I know who I'd rather associate with.


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Mr. YanTree who only hangs out with the highest class of individual, oh and could teach graduate classes on nuclear physics at MIT but chooses to spend his time on......wait for it....soi Nana :)

This guy is a classic case for a psych 101 class

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YanTree, what's with the English teacher hate?

I don't hate English teachers or Tuk Tuk drivers or janitors or <insert low salary earning trash here>, I'd just prefer they stay the hel_l away from me.

Yeah right cos anyone on a low salary is trash!

While not 100% infallible, this is a fair measuring stick.

Certainly there are teachers teaching for the sake of teaching and for something interesting to do, who do not need the money - of course this would not apply to them. However anybody willing to work for $1,000 a month in Thailand with little or no savings and as their sole source of income can be only one thing - trash.

As for wanting to know where I live to avoid me - don't worry, it wont be a problem. I may bump into one of your wives, girlfriends or daughters - or one of their family members - on Soi Cowboy or Nana, but doubt we will be crossing paths. I don't consort with Farang trash or senior citizens.

:) Haha thats the funniest post I've ever seen on Thai Visa!

For the O.P, I've heard Hua Hin is quite a decent place, but Chiang Mai is great if you want to escape farangs. The city isn't really targetted towards Farang, unlike the resort towns, and as a consequence, the Thai's are more 'real' - or less westernized, in my humble opinion. 40K you can live like a king, but would advise a hobby, (that doesnt include the small red light zone). great for golf up here, biking, fitness, nature... and you can go months without seeing a yob (or indeed a hooker) if you know the decent Thai areas.

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I'm 40, by no means rich, but I can live in Thailand on about 40k a month. I am university educated but a bit of a slacker. I dont strive to meet success and success doesnt strive to meet me Open to meeting anyone but do like mates from the same age range and social class as myself. (lol, yes I am a Brit:)

Am I right in thinking that there are more older retirees in a place like Chiangmai?

Pattaya, yobs from Essex?.....sorry just watched "Trouble in Tourist Thailand" smile.gif

High flying expats in BK?

Sorry if I am way off the mark.

Anyway, which place am I most likely to meet guys in their early 40's who have managed to amass a bit of cash and want to live a normal life on a 40kish type of income? I'm thinking of a bit of sport in the morning, maybe a coffee in the afternoon watching the girls go by and a beer or two in the evening type of thing.

Of course most guys in my age range are married, have kids and are paying off the mortgage, but I am hoping there are a few who have chosen a different life to live. Where is the best city in Thailand to find them?

Hi vrsushi.

I havent read all the replies, so apologies if already mentioned.

Just wish to say that although Chiang Mai has its fair share of retirees, there is (imo) a good mix of ages around. Not all at your age are married either. Im 37 and i know that when i want to go out and meet up with similar aged people, there are definitely places out there (single, married, dating, etc..lots of mixes). Im not a big socialiser, but many of my friends are, and they are never short of pics of interesting people they have randomly met! I cant vouch for other places, because i kind of landed in Chiang Mai and stayed (just over 3 years now). Just fell in love with the place. Ive no regrets or thoughts of moving on.

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Mr. YanTree who only hangs out with the highest class of individual, oh and could teach graduate classes on nuclear physics at MIT but chooses to spend his time on......wait for it....soi Nana :)

This guy is a classic case for a psych 101 class

I could not teach any kind of science course nor anything at MIT or a similar institution. Some knob end said something about English teachers being too intelligent for me to hold conversation with and I was merely pointing out that my education credentials run circles around the average English teacher in Thailand (who has just an undergraduate degree from a second rate foreign Uni, if not a forged diploma).

I don't think setting foot in a red-light district instantly makes one Farang trash - if you do, then I suppose by your definition I am as well. I don't think the Thai's have a problem with affluent sexpats, I do think they have a problem with low earning, border-running, visa-abusing trash. So I'll rest easy knowing the Thai's are on my side.

You guys can continue to bash me all you want, I wont be reading or responding in this thread again. Maybe I've been too blunt and crass with my choice of words - sorry if I've offended anybody. I don't have a problem with those who I've called trash living in Thailand or anywhere else, I just prefer not to associate with them. I believe that is my right.

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Can someone clarify something for me?

When people say a job pays 40K/month, how much of that is taxes?

In the US, 40K/month job equates to 27K that you actually take home each month... Rest goes to various taxes...

I believe that total deductions are 7% + 500 baht/month for social security.

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Ahh so trash are people who make less money than you, or hold menial jobs. Or is it also the degree you hold that makes you think others are trash.

And that was such a snarky comment about meeting other peoples girlfriend at soi cowboy, but it tells us something about you that we already assumed. For people to be willing to be around you, they need to be paid!

I wouldn't be surprised at the number of truly affluent and intelligent people you have blown off because they didn't fit into your little schema.

But you thrive on the attention don't you? So why not take your little flying spaghetti monster and go back to trolling fark.com or 4chan?

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