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How Much Should I Pay


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Once again thanks for all the healthy advice. Well I am out here in Thailand now and I sat with my girl this afternoon and we discussed how much I should give her on a monthly basis. She hit me for 10,000baht - I said I would give her 6,000 and she was more than happy. Yes you moralists I know it sounds like buying a cow but we are both adults and being realistic.

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Sounds like a resonable deal to me, as long as she remains at home and doesn't wander

I reckon I'm tight but I don't think you could expect someone to sit at home for 6000bht, sounds like top up money to me!

Oh ye naysayers.......(always wanted to say that)

6000 to a girl in the sticks is plenty......what does she need more for....she has everything she needs.

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Once again thanks for all the healthy advice. Well I am out here in Thailand now and I sat with my girl this afternoon and we discussed how much I should give her on a monthly basis.  She hit me for 10,000baht - I said I would give her 6,000 and she was more than happy.  Yes you moralists I know it sounds like buying a cow but we are both adults and being realistic.

sorry max bit late to this discussion ... can I ask what your plans are for your future with this girl ?? how long are you prepared to live apart and send her money ? would you be happy in having a long time relationship where you both live apart from a majority of the time ? what does your gf plan to do for work or is she going to just live off the 6000 you send he a month ?

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Once again thanks for all the healthy advice. Well I am out here in Thailand now and I sat with my girl this afternoon and we discussed how much I should give her on a monthly basis.  She hit me for 10,000baht - I said I would give her 6,000 and she was more than happy.  Yes you moralists I know it sounds like buying a cow but we are both adults and being realistic.

Good stuff Max....went pretty much to plan then ???

For the moralists....Max is not buying a cow or an investment....what he is doing is showing that he is prepared to make a commitment to this girl....Obviously by accepting his lower proposition, she is declaring that she is not in it for as much as she can get out of him.

To Spacebass and Snoop......In Max's own words the lady is no spring chicken, working in a bar she would be getting less than 6000 a month and probably not getting taken out too much.....more than likely was surviving on her wage plus tips, I would also say that she probably doesnt have another financial benefactor either.

You know there are girls like this working the trade.....they just want a good bloke who is prepared to show some commitment to them.....and lets face it...when you live a thousand miles away it is hard to show them that you are serious about them unless you show them something tangible. Max has done ok.

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Max, I will not advise you on giving more or less. It is difficult to say what is enough or not enough.

But one thing I will like to point out is, it would be nice if one could try and put oneself into another one's shoe and think.

Will she think of her future? Does she have doubts in you? Will you get bored soon and look for another girl? What is she going to do then? She might get old very quickly and become less capable in making a living or feeding her family. A lot of things go up to her mind, especially if you are not together with her.

Remember, they need the sense of security!

And like everyone else, she has her shortcomings. But that doesn't mean that it's because she was a BG. And also she might have picked up some bad habits and bad way of thinking in her previous job. And are usually more cynical about men.

Of course there are lots of examples where ex-bgs were just after money, but I leave this to your own judgement.

I hope she turns out to be a caring girl and most importantly you a caring man.

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Good a happy ending for all involved then...

I see no reason to keep this thread open any longer, should you disagree, feel free to PM me with your reasons.


I've been off-air for 24 hours and have just caught up with this thread. I must say Wolfie, as I read the last page of posts I thought it was the perfect time to close the thread too - good decision and good luck to Maxcherry.

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