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How Many Farangs Do You Know,


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Not counting Thai Visa Forum, where many seem to be really bitter and twisted about the desicions they have made in their lives, how many normal Farangs do you know that are relatively happy ?

This site has so many threads that seem somewhat strange, there are too many posters here that are so angry, so pissed off, so bitter and twisted about seemingly all things Thai. I can only put this down to bravado and just winding people up on an anonymous internet forum.

Cos surely, if it was that bad, they wouldn't be here. So, I have to come to the conclusion that most of the constant whiners are trolls or idiots that stay in a place they dislike, then blame the place they choose to stay in.

Did they think everything would change overnight cos they decided to move here ?

I hear constantly the whinges of how Farangs cannot own land and house in Thailand, yet this has been the case for as long as I can remember, everyone knows it, yet still Farangs come here, buy land and build a house knowing full well they cannot own it, yet they still do it, then spend the rest of their lives <deleted>' moaning on internet forums about something they knew right from the start !!!!

OK, to the original question, I know quite a few that are happy, I would say that all seem to be financially secure and have choices.

I also know some who are very bitter, I would say the vast majority are struggling financially and should have planned their lives better, and basically, have very little choice.

They blame Thailand and Thai people for their own failings.

Nobody likes to admit to being a failure, and that comes across so well in Thailand where every Farang who fails seems to blame Thailand and Thai people.

It's never their own fault !!


Edited by Maigo6
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Yes, you make some good points.These are all the things that us happy farangs cant understand about attitudes of those you describe.

Ive noticed its a bit hard to meet farangs here,i only know a few but they are all positive thinkers and have the same thoughts as you and me.

Maybe the reason why the others are not content goes a lot deeper and closer to home than just being in Thailand.

Maybe a lot of them feel lonely here, or they feel isolated, hence the need to vent their frustrations?

Its a sad part of the human egoic condition that the only way to make themselves feel a little better about their position and place is to whinge about everything else.

I am alone in a room for the better part but somehow still i am not "lonely" so for this i am happy.

Im just greatful to have a pretty easy life here (for the short term anyway) so i am greatful for the things that i am able to do here in LOS that i cant do at home.

Well at least you can draw a little happiness by knowing that you are the exception on these pages :):D

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I know of at least one fairly normal farang who is relatively happy. Lived in Pattaya for almost 20 years, married for 18. Puts up with all the crap that Thailand throws at him with only a modicum of complaint. (That means I HATE dual-pricing with a vengeance)

Not many of us around !! :)

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I am as happy as a pig in shxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i must pick mates who are happy too,except one guy who is being stitched up by gf and he has a baby too so a bit difficult.I always look forward to going out to see friends as we never stop laughing.Life is brilliant and my mates are great.possibly about 25 mates too

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Sure you've said this many times before. :)

Mr T,

We have also had many threads on Sin Sot and double pricing, and just about everything you could ever think of many times before, it still don't stop identical threads coming back thick and fast ! :D

Ain't it about time for another " Where did you meet your Wife " thread ?


How much do you send to the Family ? :D

Or even, how long will Torquay United stay in the Football League ? :D

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And I am as content as a pig in something.

One question does cross my mind though when I come across overly negative comments on TV concerning Thailand: I wonder if the negative amongst us were/are ever members of a forum discussing their home country's good and bad points? or is their complaining confined to Thailand related issues, which they can never change as they can't vote here. Nothing wrong with seeing things as they are but why stress about something we have no say in changing;)

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Sure you've said this many times before. :)

Don't think I have, but you're welcome to try and find a quote from a previous post if you wish.

However - that's not what this thread is about. I was merely replying to the original question of "how many normal farangs are relatively happy"? 'Relatively' being the operative word. With the odd exception I have to put up with, I am happy. Relatively.

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Most people from western cultures have a choice. They can CHOOSE to be sad or CHOOSE to be happy. It's really that simple. My brother chooses to be sad and blames everyone else for his ailments; most of which he brought on himself. I choose to be happy and I make decisions that are not too risky. And, I'm willing to accept the consequences of my OWN actions. However, I'm fortunate that I have good health. But, for the most part that was also a CHOICE. I eat well, but not too exccess, I exercise and I don't smoke. When I drink it's in moderation. I budget my income and live within my means.

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If all these unhappy people went back to their home countries......I think you would possibly find very little to post about Maigo..... :)

The answer to your question you touched on already........finances.......if you have funding to meet all requirements, all of the time, you are very unlikely to be unhappy anywhere.....so unidentified/unexpected additional financial pressures are what I would point to as the root cause......

Excepting the people everywhere who just enjoy moaning of course!!!!

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And I am as content as a pig in something.

One question does cross my mind though when I come across overly negative comments on TV concerning Thailand: I wonder if the negative amongst us were/are ever members of a forum discussing their home country's good and bad points? or is their complaining confined to Thailand related issues, which they can never change as they can't vote here. Nothing wrong with seeing things as they are but why stress about something we have no say in changing;)

Good point, JUDAS. I think EVERYONE complains to some degree. I make lots of complaints about our elected government when I see something that is totally wrong. However, I have no power to change it, so it's only a discussion. Posters on tv might SEEM to be unhappy, considering their topics of discussion, but that is all it it... just a discussion. In reality they are really quite happy with life.

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And I am as content as a pig in something.

One question does cross my mind though when I come across overly negative comments on TV concerning Thailand: I wonder if the negative amongst us were/are ever members of a forum discussing their home country's good and bad points? or is their complaining confined to Thailand related issues, which they can never change as they can't vote here. Nothing wrong with seeing things as they are but why stress about something we have no say in changing;)

Good point, JUDAS. I think EVERYONE complains to some degree. I make lots of complaints about our elected government when I see something that is totally wrong. However, I have no power to change it, so it's only a discussion. Posters on tv might SEEM to be unhappy, considering their topics of discussion, but that is all it it... just a discussion. In reality they are really quite happy with life.

I would disagree on that one Ian....I believe your whole outlook on life at any moment defines your reaction to a situation.......so if you are really happy you would not be getting p*ssed off with minor inconsequential things.......let alone feel the need to expand your feelings onto a forum........surely happy people just let these things ride and may even find them slightly amusing......just my view.........

You remember the old saying though......you can please some of the people......

edit = spelling

Edited by 473geo
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All my foreigner friends seem happy here, but we have all been here under 5 years, we are all young and not the type who goes to gogo bars etc.

Most of us have wives and gf's

So the recipe for happiness is to be young, have a wife or girlfriend and don't, heven forbid, go to go-go bars (etc).

If you are old single and visit go-go bars (etc) you are doomed, apparently. No wonder most TV members aren't happy !!!

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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Sure you've said this many times before. :D

Don't think I have, but you're welcome to try and find a quote from a previous post if you wish.

Your post and Mr Toads were in quick succession, I believe Toads was in answer to the OP


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Sure you've said this many times before. :)

Don't think I have, but you're welcome to try and find a quote from a previous post if you wish.

Your post and Mr Toads were in quick succession, I believe Toads was in answer to the OP

Good point - well presented. I may have misunderstood Mr Toad's reply. My apologies

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All my foreigner friends seem happy here, but we have all been here under 5 years, we are all young and not the type who goes to gogo bars etc.

Most of us have wives and gf's

So the recipe for happiness is to be young, have a wife or girlfriend and don't, heven forbid, go to go-go bars (etc).

If you are old single and visit go-go bars (etc) you are doomed, apparently. No wonder most TV members aren't happy !!!

Do you automatically get unhappy after 5 years here?

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All my foreigner friends seem happy here, but we have all been here under 5 years, we are all young and not the type who goes to gogo bars etc.

Most of us have wives and gf's

So the recipe for happiness is to be young, have a wife or girlfriend and don't, heven forbid, go to go-go bars (etc).

If you are old single and visit go-go bars (etc) you are doomed, apparently. No wonder most TV members aren't happy !!!

Do you automatically get unhappy after 5 years here?

Yes but it's necessary to spend 5 years in a go-go bar.

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Not counting Thai Visa Forum, where many seem to be really bitter and twisted about the desicions they have made in their lives, how many normal Farangs do you know that are relatively happy ?

This site has so many threads that seem somewhat strange, there are too many posters here that are so angry, so pissed off, so bitter and twisted about seemingly all things Thai. I can only put this down to bravado and just winding people up on an anonymous internet forum.

Cos surely, if it was that bad, they wouldn't be here. So, I have to come to the conclusion that most of the constant whiners are trolls or idiots that stay in a place they dislike, then blame the place they choose to stay in.

Did they think everything would change overnight cos they decided to move here ?

I hear constantly the whinges of how Farangs cannot own land and house in Thailand, yet this has been the case for as long as I can remember, everyone knows it, yet still Farangs come here, buy land and build a house knowing full well they cannot own it, yet they still do it, then spend the rest of their lives <deleted>' moaning on internet forums about something they knew right from the start !!!!

OK, to the original question, I know quite a few that are happy, I would say that all seem to be financially secure and have choices.

I also know some who are very bitter, I would say the vast majority are struggling financially and should have planned their lives better, and basically, have very little choice.

They blame Thailand and Thai people for their own failings.

Nobody likes to admit to being a failure, and that comes across so well in Thailand where every Farang who fails seems to blame Thailand and Thai people.

It's never their own fault !!


I only know three, two of them are both happy, financially secure and one who is not so secure but quite happy

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I am as happy as a pig in shxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i must pick mates who are happy too,except one guy who is being stitched up by gf and he has a baby too so a bit difficult.I always look forward to going out to see friends as we never stop laughing.Life is brilliant and my mates are great.possibly about 25 mates too

The Philosophy of Sh*t

To live in sh*t, be happy with sh*t, love composted sh*t, without being a pig is ideal. To be constipated, unable to sh*t is bad; worse is shitaphobia: fear of sh*t. Being a Shitian I say: why do you see the small pile of sh*t of another and not see the big pile of sh*t in yourself.

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I may start a new thread...........

Did you buy or build a house in Thailand knowing full well you cannot own it ? :D

I wonder how many will say, Yes ?

YES, I (we) did :D ....I am not always happy but most of the times my posts should only keep the tourist masses away for have an easier live here in LOS :)

I want my Thailand back like it was 20 years ago. not much traffic, really friendly THAIpeople, no scams, no low life farangs which have no clue of Thailand.

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Well I'm happy here, if I wasn't I would go somewhere else.

My 3 good and true friends are all happy in Thailand although I must say one of them just compares everything to back home in the UK and whinges all the time, but thats his nature, he wouldn't consider leaving.

Interesting, one of my friends is an American guy, him and his Thai lady spent many years in America and have retired to Thailand, she hates it and would return to the states tomorrow if she could convince him, but he's staying put, loves it here.

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Most of my farang friends own small businesses, some work for multi-nationals. Some are well off but most are in the middle, and a few at the struggling to build a business stage but doing interesting things. All are happy. I think this is for two reasons.

One is they are all busy doing things that interest them. Maybe some do well with sitting around but I think most people need to be active and engaged in something. Building something for tomorrow, learning something, helping someone. Doing something. I suspect part of the problem with many here is that they are doing nothing.

The other reason is that I have zero tolerance for negative attitudes and complaining - so if you're not happy I'm not interested in having you as a friend. Which doesn't mean I expect everyone to happy all the time and we all have bad times - but deep down happy people don't let the bad times get them down.

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Yes, you make some good points.These are all the things that us happy farangs cant understand about attitudes of those you describe.

Ive noticed its a bit hard to meet farangs here,i only know a few but they are all positive thinkers and have the same thoughts as you and me. Maybe the reason why the others are not content goes a lot deeper and closer to home than just being in Thailand.

Maybe a lot of them feel lonely here, or they feel isolated, hence the need to vent their frustrations?

Its a sad part of the human egoic condition that the only way to make themselves feel a little better about their position and place is to whinge about everything else.


Im just greatful to have a pretty easy life here (for the short term anyway) so i am greatful for the things that i am able to do here in LOS that i cant do at home.


Great post, Ozzie.

I am a new farang here...retired, age 60, from America. I've wanted to retire here since around 1990, so for me it makes me happy that I had a goal and accomplished it.

I don't understand the attitude of so many on this forum. If they hate it that much, why not leave. And I'm not saying "love it or leave it", I'm saying that they -- not Thailand or Thais or anyone else -- are responsible for their own happiness. Having said that, I realize Thailand has its faults (rubbish, poor cable television and internet, motorcycles on the sidewalks...and those are just three of my pet peeves), but on the other hand, what country doesn't have its faults...including my own country.

It is hard to meet people here, so I am lucky to be in a long-term committed relationship. I am only beginning to learn Thai, so the language barrier makes meeting and establishing relationships with Thais more difficult. While I wouldn't mind some "Western" friends, I am put off by the attitudes I read here on this and other forums (BTW, if you think this forum is negative, try reading "Ajarn Forum"...and that really irks me since I am a career educator!).

I'm about to start a small photography club...it will be interesting to begin meeting a few Westerners in a different setting.

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