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Thai Visitin Singapore - Visa Required?

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No visas in advance required for Thais or Americans (and I assume Brits) going to Hong Kong, Macau or Singapore.... Just came back from a visit to HK and Macau with my TW, and planning a Singapore trip next month... :)

Just need your passports with sufficient time left on them before their expire date.... There's some talk about also being able to show return air tickets... But in our travels about HK and Macau...none of the immigration folks ever asked about seeing our air tickets...which of course, we had.

Edited by jfchandler
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Thais used to get 15 days but now get 30 days. UK gets 90 days though some say 30 days.

Thai females travelling alone are often suspected of being prostitutes going to work in Singapore and may be required to show funds etc. but not when travelling as a couple. I doubt you'll get a second glance.

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Yep, no visa required. No probs for the missus to pass immigration on her own ever. Maybe she doesn't fit the profile :)

US, UK and EU passports get 90 days for a while now, thais propably 30 days or less if you travel frequently.

Return ticket is required, not so for Singapore immigration but for the airline as they are not going to check you in without return ticket or EP, PR etc to Singapore.

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If your wife is attractive, she may have a hard time at the immigration counter in Singapore.

Be sure you remain within sight, so she can point at you when immigration asks her, who she is with.

I don't think she has to go through ASEAN and can stay with you.

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I was there 2 weeks ago. I am a Brit and got 90 (free) days on arrival.

I had a Thai girl with me (not my wife) and it was her first time in Singapore (first time out of Thailand actually). She got a free 30 day stay and only got asked one question - "whats your name" which was more a simple 'pass the time question' rather than an 'official' question.

It was exactly how it should be - efficient, polite and straight forward.

I would go there more often if it wasn't so darned expensive LOL

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My Thai wife and I went through SG just in transit for 24 hours, my wife was taken away and questioned and her fingerprints were taken, apparently because it was her 1st time in SG. Been through half a dozen times since with no hassles.

Well something must have flagged Singapore immigration for this to occur, this is not standard practice as the first time my Mrs went to Singapore with me no hassles and all subsequent visits X 10 no hassles.

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