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The Woppers Some Of These Girls Tell.


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A customer of my wifes was in the shop today with her boyfriend. We have known them both for a couple of years.

This lady tells my wife that her boyfriend has 300 Million Baht.

This guy stays in a 2 star hotel when he visits and just doesn't seem like someone that has even 1/20th of that amount.

Why do these girls have to try to be better than everyone else?

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Probably just a simple calculation and/or translation error. A lot of your average farmer girls have no concept anyway of bigger amounts.

Maybe she's talking only 3mil instead of 300mil.

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A customer of my wifes was in the shop today with her boyfriend. We have known them both for a couple of years.

This lady tells my wife that her boyfriend has 300 Million Baht.

This guy stays in a 2 star hotel when he visits and just doesn't seem like someone that has even 1/20th of that amount.

Why do these girls have to try to be better than everyone else?

Ever thought that she's telling the truth and that he's the one telling whoppers?

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Howard Hughes used to hitchhike around the country dressed like a bum.

Ever see the movie "Melvin & Howard"?

Anyway, oneupsmanship is human nature. Your'e a guy, you should understand that :o

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The Woppers Some Of These Girls Tell., They dont realise how unbelievable.

man I have told some double whoppers in my time in the hope of not sleeping alone, somehow I think the Thai ladies are not alone in the venture :o

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A customer of my wifes was in the shop today with her boyfriend. We have known them both for a couple of years.

This lady tells my wife that her boyfriend has 300 Million Baht.

This guy stays in a 2 star hotel when he visits and just doesn't seem like someone that has even 1/20th of that amount.

Why do these girls have to try to be better than everyone else?

LOL ! Could be her partner telling her this.

I had a 'mate' here who went around telling people it didn't matter if he got busted for drugs because he had a mate (me) with untold millions of baht to hand.

He was also handing out business cards with my address on them.

Fortunately, none of my family were kidnapped...

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