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Average Cost Of Apartments


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Hi,I am a professional fighter and want to further extend my thai fighting skills.I just won a tournment in Brasil in vale tudo(elbows to the face/spine and headbutts are legal)

The place I am looking to train at is in North Klongtan Wattana, Bangkok.

I have no idea where that is or what the average food/apartment/travel costs are in this area.I don't plan on going to thailand for at least a year or more(I like to plan ahead :o ),but I want to get an idea of what I am going to need there.I am not interested in site seeing,bar hoping,clubbing,chasing women,etc just train,eat,sleep,train,eat,sleep,ect,etc. Kind of like what I do right now lol.

I fought under many different rules,but Thai fighting rules seem better than most places I have fought in,not to mention the culture of fighting is much more stronger there than in the US where you can't even throw elbow strikes under any cirumstances.

anyway,If you know about this area and what the average apartment costs there,I would greatly appreciate it,I want to make out a budget list and make sure I bring enough money with to train and eat with.

BTW,I am looking for cheap apartments,I don't really care about living in the lap of luxury while I am there.I just need a cheap place to sleep in at night and the rest of my time I will be outside/or at the gym training.

Thanks in advance.

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Hi,I am a professional fighter and want to further extend my thai fighting skills.I just won a tournment in Brasil in vale tudo(elbows to the face/spine and headbutts are legal)

The place I am looking to train at is in North Klongtan Wattana, Bangkok.

I have no idea where that is or what the average food/apartment/travel costs are in this area.I don't plan on going to thailand for at least a year or more(I like to plan ahead :o ),but I want to get an idea of what I am going to need there.I am not interested in site seeing,bar hoping,clubbing,chasing women,etc just train,eat,sleep,train,eat,sleep,ect,etc. Kind of like what I do right now lol.

I fought under many different rules,but Thai fighting rules seem better than most places I have fought in,not to mention the culture of fighting is much more stronger there than in the US where you can't even throw elbow strikes under any cirumstances.

anyway,If you know about this area and what the average apartment costs there,I would greatly appreciate it,I want to make out a budget list and make sure I bring enough money with to train and eat with.

BTW,I am looking for cheap apartments,I don't really care about living in the lap of luxury while I am there.I just need a cheap place to sleep in at night and the rest of my time I will be outside/or at the gym training.

Thanks in advance.

Plenty of appartments/condos for 4000 baht/month. Nothing extravagant, very basic and located central to where you want to be. Cost of travel 10 baht to hop on the back of a motor cycle.Food is very inexpensive. I would imagine your diet would be plenty of protein, fruit, rice all very cheap. Eating three times a day on basic food, I would say 150 baht per day. As long as you are not eating out at the Sheraton or going to the tourist haunts you can live very cheaply and well over here!!!

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I fought under many different rules,but Thai fighting rules seem better than most places I have fought in,not to mention the culture of fighting is much more stronger there than in the US where you can't even throw elbow strikes under any cirumstances.

BTW,I am looking for cheap apartments

Many apts here for any budget, which won't bite your ear off... :o

Seriously tho, you should budget min 45,000 baht per monthly total expenses for an avg bkk expat existance which may seem high to some and low to others. therefor, perhaps middle of the road for what you describe.

Good luck!


Edited by bahtandsold
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45,000 seems ridiculously high for what he's described...

Most regular job Thais earn around 15-20K, and he's not talking about wanting a great lifestyle. (Eat, Sleep, Train, Eat, Sleep, Train, etc. ) seems like a very cheap lifestyle if he can get by on Thai food.

Unless he eats in fancy restaurants (i.e. where there's a door and aircon), wants UBC, aircon in his flat, broadband, etc. he's not going to be anywhere near 45,000 (if we believe him about the girls anyway...)

Of course, I've got no idea how much the training might cost...

Edited by bkk_mike
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if u REALLY can avoid the "girlie"-thing I assume 10.000 baht/month will do just fine for you. Enjoy and improve your skills. Send invitation if u r having a nice fight coming up. Chockdee.

Yes,I am looking for a very cheap lifestyle while I am there,training is my main focus women,exploring,eating at fancy places is the last of my concern.

I highly respect the thai's fight style and culture and I feel the only way to truly master(for lack of a better word,you never truly master anything,you are always learning) authentic Muay Thai is to actually be there training with thai masters.

You all are welcome to see me fight as well,In fact I think that would be cool,especially since I could talk you easier as you all speak english :o

for the training costs I emailed the Muay thai gym in bankok and they said 10,000 baht(I am guessing a month,they didn't really say) for 6 hours a day,everyday and I am guessing for a months time.

Edited by CageWarrior
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if u REALLY can avoid the "girlie"-thing I assume 10.000 baht/month will do just fine for you. Enjoy and improve your skills. Send invitation if u r having a nice fight coming up. Chockdee.

Yeah, I'll second that (excluding training costs of course). But you might want to have a reserve of about 4,000-10,000baht/month, in case your standard of living differs from what was initially imagined. It all depends on what you're comfortable with.

You can have a meal for 25-40 baht if you're fine with tiny little shops and roadside stalls, but some of them are not too sanitary :D if you have concerns about this you can have your meals at nice restaurants, nothing too fancy (think S&P-type for those of you familiar with Thai eateries) for maybe 60-100 baht.

You might need to x2 for all this if you require large portions of food though, I've had farang friends complain about how the portions here are so small. :D With all the training I suppose you will need to eat a lot?

I noticed you asked about fresh meat here, it sounds like you'd like to cook your own food. There's plenty of fresh meat and vegetables here, inexpensive and will really keep your cost of living low. Keep in mind though, that many of the cheaper tiny apartments don't allow cooking. You might want an apartment with a kitchen, which will of course be more expensive, I'm not sure 4,000baht will cover this. :o I'm not familiar with costs of apartments in that area so I can't give an estimate, sorry.

Anyway, a 'Welcome to Thailand' in advance. Happy training and good luck! :D

Edited by siamesekitty
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No I don't eat large portions of food,I eat 6 small meals a day which mainly consists of fish(usually salamon) and chicken,at least a gallon of water,raw eggs(for breakfast) and fresh fruits and veggies like banana's,oranges,cabbage,fresh salad w/carrots & onions(no dressings),potatoes,and a small amount of unsalted nuts or homemade peanut butter and sometimes things like rice or pasta(not often though).

I asked about meat because I like to make my own meals as opposed to eating out as I have a strict diet and some meals have to be prepared a certian way(i.e I heat up meats enough to kill bacteria but eat them raw).

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caged, its interesting to read your description of your daily diet. i suppose the taste of victory is better than a thousand gourmet meals to you. your diet speaks of a discipline and sacrifice which i will never understand, but good luck all the same. by the way, on the average, apartment rental in the city is about 330 baht per square meter, but i think you can get a basic room for around half that rate.

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No I don't eat large portions of food,I eat 6 small meals a day which mainly consists of fish(usually salamon) and chicken,at least a gallon of water,raw eggs(for breakfast) and fresh fruits and veggies like banana's,oranges,cabbage,fresh salad w/carrots & onions(no dressings),potatoes,and a small amount of unsalted nuts or homemade peanut butter and sometimes things like rice or pasta(not often though).

I asked about meat because I like to make my own meals as opposed to eating out as I have a strict diet and some meals have to be prepared a certian way(i.e I heat up meats enough to kill bacteria but eat them raw).

A standard main Thai meal might be rice (fried or boiled), with a combination of vegetables and some kind of meat (pork,chicken,beef,fish,sea-food) or egg. That you can get for about 25-30 baht but the portions are indeed small compared to western meal. The meat usually comes in small portions as well.

Then you can also have many kinds of noodles with the extras mentioned. Noodle dishes are a bit cheaper then rice dishes.

But since your diet is very different you will have to cook for yourself, and spend more on apartment. Most small apartments don't have even the most basic kitchen facilities (a Thai friend of mine explained that it doesn't worth the effort to cook for one person..). It will probably be more then 4,000-5,000.

If you cannot find anything cheap with a kitchen maybe you can ask someone to use their's :o

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who needs a (fully/partly equipped) kitchen inside his apartment? ALL u need for cooking can be bought real cheap (e.g. rice cooker available for less than Bht 300). Of course you have to be sure it is allowed to cook. I got offers for apartments in "wealthier" areas for less than Bht 4000,-/month so you should find a suitable one for sure. Nevertheless u might not find that perfect place within the first days. And yes, I agree have a little "spare money" aside...just in case thai living isn't your style. Once again, good luck and lots of success.

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Must be a troll ... :D ... There is no marmite on the diet list !! :o

Don't these people go live in camps upcountry like in Beautiful Boxer ?? Which should not cost much.... I guess the OP will find his way around once he is here.

As for not being allowed to cook in some apartments ... who would know if you have a little electric wok, and a microwave. After all you are not allowed to drive the wrong way up a street, work on a tourist visa, buy pirate dvds, ride a motorbike without a helmet.....

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I agree with most of the advice already posted here. 10,000 to 20,000 baht should be a good monthly budget for you. The food may be more of an issue than you expect. I think it will be difficult to find the kind of food you are describing, although the ingredients will be readily available. You will need to do a logt of you own cooking and Western style kitchens are very rare in Bangkok apartments.

However you can easily cook in your standard studio/bed sit. They almost all have a balcony with running water and a drain.

Get an electic wok, a toaster oven, a microwave, a cutting board, a mobile dish rack and a plastic bucket for washing dishes and you are set! Most Thai cooks have a "kitchen" just like this set up in a corner of their apartment.

Good luck!

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