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Nationwide Card Problems?

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Anyone else having problem getting money out of Bkk AT'Ms with a flex card? Seems to be getting worse where as before there were no problems. On tues tried K Bank SCB and another I forget none of them worked. Yesterday card worked in a siam city bank machine but today the same machine does not work and nor do three others tried, this was PM. Rang Nationwide who say there is no problem with the account or card ask at bank here, Banks here say contact nationwide. Anyone know why these connection problems are getting worse?

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Has happened to me a number of times, NW usually say nothing wrong their end but when I pushed them one time saying the ATM was telling me to contact them they said their security dept had flagged the account (use in Thailand) and that it was clear to use....used immediatly - no problem, now when it happens I give it an hour and usually no problems. A little frustrating but safe better than sorry.

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End of the month and beginning of the month there are always unannounced "blackout periods" for an hour or two on other bank cards, as ATM providers try to preserve their cash for their own cardholders. Applies to Thais too.

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There is defintley a problem with ALL international cards being used within thailand at the moment,

Me and 3 friends hold accounts with a bank in turkey and we were all refused money at various atms in hua hin last week

One of my friends was also refused with his nationwide card to

According to my bank in turkey the problem defintley lies with the banks here

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Had a couple of probs in BKK - had to contact Nationwide and they put a notification on your record that you are based in Asia - never had any problem since

Similar experience last year. I told them I lived here and everything was fine for a while then they ' forgot ' ( ? ) and they actually stopped my card because they thought it had been stolen ? They are not too quick on the uptake whether by design or error , who knows ?

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Yes I am having big problems with my NW Flex card since the introduction of the ATM Fees.

1) During the last week I have got only "Communication error" with GSB ATMs. At first I thought maybe they were out of cash and giving false info. A Lady yesterday filled one machine and I STILL got the "Communication error". I asked her what was going on . She said GSB are updating they programs and she felt it would be completed by 9th Oct. I have no idea how correct her info was or whether this means service back to normal OR that they too are about to charge 150Baht ATM fees (which is the one I would guess if foreign card holders are exhausting their ATMs of cash too quickly).

2) NW counts Thailand as a high risk for fraud area and their programs will trigger blocks on cards for signs of suspicious actions much quicker than in UK or EU countries.

I have had to phone UK several times to unblock my Flex card recently. .

Here are some IMPORTANT facts I did not know and others here may not know which have been advised to me by NW.

i) Even if you get money OR NOT not NW is aware of EVERY attempt. So if the machine was out of money, dispensing a lesser maximum than you requested or, you asked for an amount that after the Exchange rate and/or fees wer factored in exceeded the £300 per day NW ATM limit NW computers and its auto security “sees” ALL these attempts successful OR NOT.

So, in a scenario of:

ATM withdrawal rejected ATM as ATM has no money,

So try the next, this time rejected as ATM only dispensing a small maximum ot it too has no money . Go to another machine and maybe you will get “Not able to process transaction contact your card's bank”

because by the 3rd attempt, NW's automatic blocking of cards, due to suspicious activity, has kicked in.

ii) If you live in or are to be on holiday in Thailand MAKE SURE you ask NW to record those facts on their database.


iii) when I phoned 2 days ago and found out my card had, yet again, been blocked, I was told that it had been blocked an hour before BUT unblocked again 10 minutes PRIOR to my request to unblock call.

The reason I was told was: “Sir we have the fact that you are living in XX in Thailand on our records for your account. Although the automatic blocking will be triggered and cannot be switched off for security reason, the blocked card list is looked at (in order of cards blocked) within about 30 minutes by HUMANS working in the Security Dept. They look to see if the actions were really suspicious or not and they saw you had on your records you lived in XX Thailand where the ATM withdrawal attempts were made and THEY decided the actions were not of concern and unblocked the card themselves.

The Help Centre adviser suggested in future if I think NW has done an auto block on my card, to wait about 30 to 40 mins and try again. (hence the importance that NW card users have told NW they are in Thailand and where they are most likely to be).

The Help Centre Advisor seemed well clued up on Thailand’s ATM fees because she asked if I was mostly trying one of the non fixed fee charging banks ATMs.

I replied “Yes, the GBS ATMs which I believe are now the only ones not charging”.

She suggested maybe their ATMs were running out of money quickly as a result of foreign demand or even restricting foreign access due to machine running out too quickly to protect Thai Bank card holders.

The 30 min unblocking adds up to me, because last month I was in Big C and used a GSB ATM (tried twice and after several days withdrawals in a row )and got the “refer to your bank” type message. I went to eat cursing my luck and decided to try again as I left Big C some 45 mins later. This time the GSB ATM accepted my card and gave me the money I asked for.

Something however HAS changed with GSB since IMHO as I have been unable to get any money from 3 different GSB ATM locations during the last week and always got the “Communication error”

Hope this info is of help :D

For me, I think the time is fast approaching to try getting the money over the Bank counter (GSB say they do not offer this service) or get my pension transferred to a Thai bank EVEN though I am not is such good control of the Exchange Rate that will be used.

Before I do either, I need to be sure the fees will not add up to more than ATM withdrawals at major Thai banks like Kasikorn or Bangkok.

I find less problems with ATMs outside large branches during opening hours. However before the ATM fees were introduced I usually got cash form any machine wherever it was located (with only very rare out o order or no cash/reduced amount available messages).

The other day I bi the bullet and decided to use an ATM that charged the 150 Baht fee. It said I could not have 15,000 Baht only 2,500Baht max I of course was not going to pay a 6% charge. What a shame the fixed fee is not percentage (based with no min)

Cannot help thinking these ATM problems are not going to help the TAT campaign to bring more Tourists to Thailand. Withdrawing money used to be a formality now it is a worry every time. Monday I spent 2 hours. Went to GSB ATM - no luck. Went to another - no luck. Tried Bangkok Bank and got “refer to cardholder’s bank”. Drove all the way home to phone and get card unblocked. Went back to GSB ATM - no lick . In the end I withdrew from my Bangkok Saving Bank Ac (intended for Visa financial requirements)


Yesterday: went to GSB ATM - no luck so gave up and went to Bangkok Bank branch ATM and accepted the 150 fixed ATM fee – SUCCESS.

Edited by gdhm
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Thanks for the info, it certainly is getting frustrating having to spend so much time and calls just to get money out of an ATM. Good luck getting over the counter as all the Banks I have been in so far say this is not possible, but I am sure Siam Commercial do it so I will try there next week.

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I'm currently in the UK and on my first day back, the 9th September I went to my local Nationwide branch request my account be "downgraded" so I can have a cash only card issued, no charges from Nationwide. No problem, but could you put the request in writing which I did the following day and I was informed that it would take one week. Seventeen days later the card arrives, turns out the local branch did not process my request until the 18th September. With the card is a letter instructing me to use my old PIN with the new card, so off to the Nationwide ATM I go, use my old PIN and the machine keeps the card and I get a message "wrong PIN". I tell the staff in the branch what has happened and they ask me return to the following day when I can have my card back and they will order me a new PIN. Three days later two new PIN number's arrive, both the same so I try again with one of the counter staff watching what I do, wrong PIN card retained. When I return the following day to collect my card I'm informed that nothing is wrong with the card, we have checked it so we try again, card retained wrong PIN. Time to see the Manager as it's now 2nd October, I'll order you a new PIN and we can try again on Monday, please and you can keep using your old card until then. This is in the UK, no wonder we have problems in Thailand using Nationwide Cards.

I feel better now I have put this in writing and I hope all goes well on Monday or whatever day my new PIN arrives.


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Thanks for the info, it certainly is getting frustrating having to spend so much time and calls just to get money out of an ATM. Good luck getting over the counter as all the Banks I have been in so far say this is not possible, but I am sure Siam Commercial do it so I will try there next week.

Government Savings Bank still do not charge for withdrawals at the ATM

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I'm currently in the UK and on my first day back, the 9th September I went to my local Nationwide branch request my account be "downgraded" so I can have a cash only card issued, no charges from Nationwide. No problem, but could you put the request in writing which I did the following day and I was informed that it would take one week. Seventeen days later the card arrives, turns out the local branch did not process my request until the 18th September. With the card is a letter instructing me to use my old PIN with the new card, so off to the Nationwide ATM I go, use my old PIN and the machine keeps the card and I get a message "wrong PIN". I tell the staff in the branch what has happened and they ask me return to the following day when I can have my card back and they will order me a new PIN. Three days later two new PIN number's arrive, both the same so I try again with one of the counter staff watching what I do, wrong PIN card retained. When I return the following day to collect my card I'm informed that nothing is wrong with the card, we have checked it so we try again, card retained wrong PIN. Time to see the Manager as it's now 2nd October, I'll order you a new PIN and we can try again on Monday, please and you can keep using your old card until then. This is in the UK, no wonder we have problems in Thailand using Nationwide Cards.

I feel better now I have put this in writing and I hope all goes well on Monday or whatever day my new PIN arrives.


I did this, CIRRUS exchange is at a different rate, and Government Savings Bank ATMs do not accept this card.

GSB ATMs are still free

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I've given up using the ATM's completely for my NW card, just cash larger chunks over the counter and deposit in a Bangkok Bank account. Can then draw as much or little as I like with no fees and no worries about refusals for security issues etc.

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I started a thread on this Nationwide problem a while back, but after a few helpful answers the smart alecs, would be comedians and a sarcastic git from outer space chimed in and that was the thread, finished. Glad to see that most of the replies on here have been of the helpful sort.

Once the local banks started the 150 baht lark, I started to get problems at the ATMs after using them for years with only the odd glich. I spent a lot of time on the phone to Nationwide and also inside the local banks, but was assured by both that the problem wasn't with them.

In the end, to keep myself sane, I started to change my money over the bank counter. It's a pain in the backside as my bank is always busy, and I have to take my passport, sign countless forms and hold everyone else up. But at least I walk out of the bank clutching the amount I ask for. I wonder however, how long it'll be before the banks get fed up with this drawn out procedure and stop it's usage, forcing us once more out to the ATMs and the 150 baht fee.

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who is GSB???????

if you do a Google search on GSB Thailand (its website comes up first entry Thai (much more extensive) & English)

It is the Government Savings Bank. Its ATMs are mostly pink, some white and with dirty gold logo. Their ATMs seem much less plentiful than the major Thai Banks

I still have not been successful using my NW Flex to withdraw cash from any of 3 GSB ATMs in Khon Kaen.

Please can I ask those who have been successful with over the counter withdrawals on NW Flex card recently

1) Which bank(s) you use

2) If any charges are applied,

3) Are the rates used the same as ATM or T/T rates. I appreciate the conversion rate used will be later/maybe next day after the actual transaction time (therefore could be better/worse)

4) Maximum amount the bank permits to be withdrawn per transaction on a NW Flex card.

Thanks, Dave

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I could not use my Maestro ATM card in Laos last week, now not in Thai either, never had this before.

My Dutch bank explained there have been technical updates in the international ATM networks, but some banks have still not updated their system onto line with this changes, problems seem to appear worldwide especially in developping countries.

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Took out 10K last night (N/W Flex) from ATM GSB-Asoke and No Problem...also NO FEE..... :)

Rinrada I am afraid I think your "no fee" days are numbered :D :

2 hours ago I tried (AGAIN) (Sat 3rd Oct) to take out 10,000 Baht from the GSB main branch in Khon Kaen which is one of 3 GSB ATMs that have previously said "communication error.." since 27th Sept.

As I suspected they seem to have been updating their ATM programs for the reason I feared:

This time I did NOT get the "communication error.." message but got the dreaded on-screen message that there is a 150 baht fee and did I wish to proceed.

I of course said No because if I have to pay the 150 baht ATM fee then I will want to take out my daily maximum (around 14,500 Baht currently).

To be honest I was expecting this and do blame GSB as I feel they had little choice.

Even if GSB are not in the Association of Banks who agreed the fixed ATM fee of 150 Baht, it seemed pretty obvious (to me) that a large number of foreign cardholders would try using the GSB ATMs whilst it did not charge a fee. This obviously would disproportionately deplete GSB ATMs of cash and cause more frequent reloads or out of money failures. That would greatly inconvenience GSB Savings Account customers because they would increasingly find that they could not make withdrawals from their Savings Accounts via GSB ATMs.

The obvious logic would be for GSB to follow the other banks and impose the 150 fee, thus levelling the playing field and restoring GSB ATM usage to normal "pre ATM fixed charge" levels of usage

One negative positive is that now ALL banks make the 150 Baht ATM charge I will in future, not have to decide between the many very local Fee charging ATMs or going further afield to my nearest GSB ATM 2.5kms away (no easy parking) to save 450 Baht on 3 ATM withdrawals a month to draw my pension.

Sorry for the disappointing news which I feel was always "only a matter of time".

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Took out 10K last night (N/W Flex) from ATM GSB-Asoke and No Problem...also NO FEE..... :)

Rinrada I am afraid I think your "no fee" days are numbered :D :

2 hours ago I tried (AGAIN) (Sat 3rd Oct) to take out 10,000 Baht from the GSB main branch in Khon Kaen which is one of 3 GSB ATMs that have previously said "communication error.." since 27th Sept.

As I suspected they seem to have been updating their ATM programs for the reason I feared:

This time I did NOT get the "communication error.." message but got the dreaded on-screen message that there is a 150 baht fee and did I wish to proceed.

I of course said No because if I have to pay the 150 baht ATM fee then I will want to take out my daily maximum (around 14,500 Baht currently).

To be honest I was expecting this and do blame GSB as I feel they had little choice.

Even if GSB are not in the Association of Banks who agreed the fixed ATM fee of 150 Baht, it seemed pretty obvious (to me) that a large number of foreign cardholders would try using the GSB ATMs whilst it did not charge a fee. This obviously would disproportionately deplete GSB ATMs of cash and cause more frequent reloads or out of money failures. That would greatly inconvenience GSB Savings Account customers because they would increasingly find that they could not make withdrawals from their Savings Accounts via GSB ATMs.

The obvious logic would be for GSB to follow the other banks and impose the 150 fee, thus levelling the playing field and restoring GSB ATM usage to normal "pre ATM fixed charge" levels of usage

One negative positive is that now ALL banks make the 150 Baht ATM charge I will in future, not have to decide between the many very local Fee charging ATMs or going further afield to my nearest GSB ATM 2.5kms away (no easy parking) to save 450 Baht on 3 ATM withdrawals a month to draw my pension.

Sorry for the disappointing news which I feel was always "only a matter of time".

Tried the one ...IE the GSB ATM on Friday night on the top floor at Seacom Square with my N/W Flex but it would NOT play the game...said was counting dosh but just gave me my cards back.

There is also an EAON located at the other end of the floor about 10 minutes walk but had a Long Q so didnt bother but wife said she used it and was free...

anyway.....headed off to BUA Restaurant for last meal....nice one...

Now back in UK :D

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Just tried again after calling NW who say they have no knowledge of the problems in Thailand and card is OK. Tried BB and K Bank machines, same old communication error message. How do they expect to make on the 150 baht charge if the dam_n machines won't work? It is just as difficult to get money over the counter as most Banks just deny you can even do this. Can always post a swift form off to the UK, but that takes at least ten days to go through, will try SCB first.

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Took out 10K last night (N/W Flex) from ATM GSB-Asoke and No Problem...also NO FEE..... :)

Rinrada I am afraid I think your "no fee" days are numbered :D :

2 hours ago I tried (AGAIN) (Sat 3rd Oct) to take out 10,000 Baht from the GSB main branch in Khon Kaen which is one of 3 GSB ATMs that have previously said "communication error.." since 27th Sept.

As I suspected they seem to have been updating their ATM programs for the reason I feared:

This time I did NOT get the "communication error.." message but got the dreaded on-screen message that there is a 150 baht fee and did I wish to proceed.

I of course said No because if I have to pay the 150 baht ATM fee then I will want to take out my daily maximum (around 14,500 Baht currently).

To be honest I was expecting this and do blame GSB as I feel they had little choice.

Even if GSB are not in the Association of Banks who agreed the fixed ATM fee of 150 Baht, it seemed pretty obvious (to me) that a large number of foreign cardholders would try using the GSB ATMs whilst it did not charge a fee. This obviously would disproportionately deplete GSB ATMs of cash and cause more frequent reloads or out of money failures. That would greatly inconvenience GSB Savings Account customers because they would increasingly find that they could not make withdrawals from their Savings Accounts via GSB ATMs.

The obvious logic would be for GSB to follow the other banks and impose the 150 fee, thus levelling the playing field and restoring GSB ATM usage to normal "pre ATM fixed charge" levels of usage

One negative positive is that now ALL banks make the 150 Baht ATM charge I will in future, not have to decide between the many very local Fee charging ATMs or going further afield to my nearest GSB ATM 2.5kms away (no easy parking) to save 450 Baht on 3 ATM withdrawals a month to draw my pension.

Sorry for the disappointing news which I feel was always "only a matter of time".

That leaves AeON opposite Mcdonalds as the only fee free choice now in Khon Kaen GDHM. No worries about overuse there because the machines are used to deposit money as well as withdraw. The atms are inside the branch, opening hours 9am (might be 8 ?) till at least 9pm (might be 10) on weekdays, not sure about weekends but know they are open Saturday.

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Tried the one ...IE the GSB ATM on Friday night on the top floor at Seacom Square with my N/W Flex but it would NOT play the game...said was counting dosh but just gave me my cards back.

There is also an EAON located at the other end of the floor about 10 minutes walk but had a Long Q so didnt bother but wife said she used it and was free...

anyway.....headed off to BUA Restaurant for last meal....nice one...

Now back in UK :)

I just tried the GSB in Fairy Plaza Khon Kaen. It did the same as your (said processing transaction but ejected my card). So now it will not work and the GSB Branch ATM is already charging the 150 Baht ATM fee.

I then tried a Bangkok Bank ATM in Fairy Plaza and it worked perfectly with the 150 Baht ATM fee of course.

One thing is certain IF this is a trend of ATM not working that WILL devastate the tourist trade if people cannot get money out on foreign Visa or debit cards and even worse if (as is being reported by many banks deny allowing over the counter debit card withdrawals)

I cannot help thinking the Banks are in branch or VISA rules if they are selectively refusing foreign debit cards. Maybe VISA need telling of this growing practise 9and the refusal to process over the counter after all it is costing them money if other arrangements are made.

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That leaves AeON opposite Mcdonalds as the only fee free choice now in Khon Kaen GDHM. No worries about overuse there because the machines are used to deposit money as well as withdraw. The atms are inside the branch, opening hours 9am (might be 8 ?) till at least 9pm (might be 10) on weekdays, not sure about weekends but know they are open Saturday.

Hi Parryhandy :D ,

Thanks for that info :)

I will try AEON again. I say again because I did try them about 2 months ago (once) just after Bank of Ayudhya stopped being free but the AEON ATM refused my card referring me to my bank (false message because thee was no block as I then found the GSB in Fairy Plaza a few minutes later and it worked -have been using that ATM ever since together with the GSB Branch further down near the main traffic lights).

I will try AEON again in a few days. Certainly worth trying to save 450 Baht a month if it is possible with my pension already savaged due to no RPI incr4ease this year and GBP Exchange rates.

I all stop being free maybe we should try and pool experiences soon seeing which bank will give over the counter cash (at least 20000baht/ideally 25,000 bat plus as my sole early retirement pension bears around 47,000 Baht (net of UK tax) a month.

Thanks again for the helpful info Parryhandy

Kind regards


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Can always post a swift form off to the UK, but that takes at least ten days to go through, will try SCB first.

Get a Halifax Reward account and make your SWIFT payment online. GBP 9.50 a go - excellent ! :)

I live in Thailand.

I would do as you suggest if I could but I (and everybody else needs to be a UK resident and apply within UK to do so and the banks require proof of UK residency utility bills etc. in ones own name showing a UK address. (UK banking Laws I believe).



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Can always post a swift form off to the UK, but that takes at least ten days to go through, will try SCB first.

Get a Halifax Reward account and make your SWIFT payment online. GBP 9.50 a go - excellent ! :)

I live in Thailand.

I would do as you suggest if I could but I (and everybody else needs to be a UK resident and apply within UK to do so and the banks require proof of UK residency utility bills etc. in ones own name showing a UK address. (UK banking Laws I believe).



I would like to do this also but it is law that you do need bills in your own name, I tried last time I was home. Strangely there is no problem opening an online account such as egg but only good for savings. Today I foolishly tried another ATM before going into SCB for over the counter and the machine retained my card without payment. The ATM was SCB and we rang up only to be told they could not give us the card back and that natonwide had canceled the card. Of course on ringing up NW they say they have not canceled the card Unfortunately they will not post to Thailand so will just have to hope the new one gets here. NW swift transfers are still by post and cost 20 quid.

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I would like to do this also but it is law that you do need bills in your own name, I tried last time I was home. Strangely there is no problem opening an online account such as egg but only good for savings. Today I foolishly tried another ATM before going into SCB for over the counter and the machine retained my card without payment. The ATM was SCB and we rang up only to be told they could not give us the card back and that natonwide had canceled the card. Of course on ringing up NW they say they have not canceled the card Unfortunately they will not post to Thailand so will just have to hope the new one gets here. NW swift transfers are still by post and cost 20 quid.

SCB are covering up an ATM failure I feel. NW block when suspicious/worried of fraudulant use and the cards are given back by the ATMs (5 occasions so far in my case).

On the Thai address.

NW will now accept a Thai address on their records. Someone told me this on ThaiVisa so I sent an online message to NW asking why I had always been been told "No" and was advised their policy has now changed and I can.

They have one inconvenient rule however, They will not send a renewal card (upon expiry of the old) direct to Thailand and will instead send it to your NW branch the account is currently with. You then need to contact that branch and ask them to forward the card to you and confirm your address. (Problem is knowing when they have used it in advance (always done in advance)

With a lost/stolen card I was told NW could send to my Thai address direct IF they have the Thai address currently on their records. The difference between a renewal card being issued and a replacement being issued is that they wish to confirm your address is still valid at the time of sending and of course when you ask for a replacement card you are able to confirm your Thai address they have on their records at the time of request having first answered all their security questions.

In my case when I needed a replacement Flex Debit Card (misisng/stolen) before I was allowed to record my Thai address.

They sent it to the UK address on their records. My friend (whose address it was) immediately sent it on to me. Took just over 2 weeks from request to receipt here.

5 days to be received by my friend (he got it on a Sat so had to wait until Tuesday (as bank holiday weekend -just my luck :) ).

Regards, Dave

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all stop being free maybe we should try and pool experiences soon seeing which bank will give over the counter cash (at least 20000baht/ideally 25,000 bat plus as my sole early retirement pension bears around 47,000 Baht (net of UK tax) a month.

I regularly use my N/W card at the Bangkok Bank Exchange booth on Pratamak Road Pattaya, I usually draw around 50,000 baht, no charges plus when the debit reaches my account the N/W apply their exchange rate which is always better than the Bangkok Bank. Only requirement is your passport and N/W card.

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