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A new solar power product is soon released. What do you think about it? is it better than existing products?


cheers, chr

I can not say if it's better but you may want to check out the VAWT windmill and the "boon dee" machine for driving customers to your business, that this manufacturer also produces.


A new solar power product is soon released. What do you think about it? is it better than existing products?


cheers, chr

I can not say if it's better but you may want to check out the VAWT windmill and the "boon dee" machine for driving customers to your business, that this manufacturer also produces.


what do you mean by "driving costumers to your business?"

are u suggesting i have a relation to this company?

cheers, chr

A new solar power product is soon released. What do you think about it? is it better than existing products?


cheers, chr

I can not say if it's better but you may want to check out the VAWT windmill and the "boon dee" machine for driving customers to your business, that this manufacturer also produces.


what do you mean by "driving costumers to your business?"

are u suggesting i have a relation to this company?

cheers, chr

I guess it's been removed, but they claimd that the interface between the lucky amulet and the electronics could enhance your customer traffic up to 65%. Maybe it could.



and when i go boating, i like to backpaddle when i realize i hit a waterfall. problem is. its usually when the boat is already vertical.

and when i go boating, i like to backpaddle when i realize i hit a waterfall. problem is. its usually when the boat is already vertical.

I wish them well. I've always like the inventors and the tinkerers. I used to fund, in a small way, a buddy of mine working on a perpetual motion machine. I knew it wouldn't work but he always came up with something cool.

Here's an example of what inventive minds, looking only for solutions can come up with:



so, do you know this product or are you just making general statements? tx anyway for posting something thats related to the topic :).

so, do you know this product or are you just making general statements? tx anyway for posting something thats related to the topic :) .

I know something about solar towers, but not the one you posted, as the manufacturer hasn't released any information about it.


yes, i cant find any info either. I guess that is the first test of the company, can they find this thread and provide some info.

there are some "electricity power savers" also on this site. would be nice if someone has any info on those too.

They don't work, period!! I challenge anyone to demonstrate, under controlled laboratory conditions, one of these units producing a significant (or even a measurable) reduction in electrical power usage by a normal houshold in Thailand.

Boondee have some interesting ideas, their (now withdrawn) Ghost Repeller being one of many :) and their wattmeter does not even measure Watts (it measures VA which 'aint the same thing).

The solar tower is an interesting concept, but a low-speed air turbine that produces 16-20kW will be something to behold :D

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


A little research turned up this wiki page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_updraft_tower

In 1982 a small-scale experimental model of a solar chimney power plant was built under the direction of German engineer Jörg Schlaich in Manzanares, Ciudad Real, 150 km south of Madrid, Spain; the project was funded by the German government.

The chimney had a height of 195 metres and a diameter of 10 metres with a collection area (greenhouse) of 46,000 m² (about 11 acres, or 244 m diameter) obtaining a maximum power output of about 50 kW.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

there are some "electricity power savers" also on this site. would be nice if someone has any info on those too.

They don't work, period!! I challenge anyone to demonstrate, under controlled laboratory conditions, one of these units producing a significant (or even a measurable) reduction in electrical power usage by a normal houshold in Thailand.

Boondee have some interesting ideas, their (now withdrawn) Ghost Repeller being one of many :D and their wattmeter does not even measure Watts (it measures VA which 'aint the same thing).

The solar tower is an interesting concept, but a low-speed air turbine that produces 16-20kW will be something to behold :D

check this "power saver" device video.


Its a miracle :) wecommended for small homes. :D


The solar tower MAY work but the 16 to 20 KW totally puts me off. The thing would have to be the size of a house. I'll be watching with keen interest.

there are some "electricity power savers" also on this site. would be nice if someone has any info on those too.

They don't work, period!! I challenge anyone to demonstrate, under controlled laboratory conditions, one of these units producing a significant (or even a measurable) reduction in electrical power usage by a normal houshold in Thailand.

Boondee have some interesting ideas, their (now withdrawn) Ghost Repeller being one of many :) and their wattmeter does not even measure Watts (it measures VA which 'aint the same thing).

The solar tower is an interesting concept, but a low-speed air turbine that produces 16-20kW will be something to behold :D

Actually Crossy, this one may work:


It wouldn't take much to play with waveforms (phase shift) to make a simple motor (induction disc meter) run backwards. I would suspect that the PEA/MEA would launch litigation against anyone found to be using such a device. In Australia, you would be heavily fined for using such a thing.

As for the solar tower, I have no doubt that it could work but who has the space for it? What right-minded person (in the local council) would give permission to erect such a thing? Then again, TIT. Anything can happen for the right dollar figure :D

A new solar power product is soon released. What do you think about it? is it better than existing products?


cheers, chr

There is no information on that ad.

...I intend to rule earth in Februry 2010. Please stay tuned!

Power meters are typically sealed with a tamperproof tab or compression seal. Tampering with power metering brings a fine where I live. I would imagine a 1-way gear would be quickly designed into meters if it was discovered that a voltage was somehow induced into a sealed motor and the motor somwhow was forced to run in reverse.

For 3 phase motors you just flop any 2 hot legs and it will reverse direction. Not sure I know how a pulse, sawtooth, triangle, or square wave replacing a sinusoidal wave would reverse a motor's direction.


  • 2 weeks later...

they must have made a mistake in the price, not 45,000 baht its 45,000,000 bhat !!!

here is a picture of the one in spain that worked and produced 50kw, makes you wonder how big your back yard must be to have a 16 - 20 kw unit !!!!



you just got to love this boondee company, have a look at there products,

boondee power meter

the power meter, this just about had me wetting myself. the volt and amp meters are mounted in coreflute plastic, and it comes with a 25 baht calculator glued on as well :)

Wind Turbine

ohhh and then there is the wind turbine, ohhh this one just made my day. its made from wood, it does have a rating of 30 km per hour, I would be scared to be near that thing in a 15 km per hour wind, let alone a good blast of wind!!!!! I just love how it is put together screws and little strips of metal !!!! install that one and then go and explain to the people next door why your wind turbine is imbedded in there front windows lol

Ant repeller

the ant repeller, this one is a classic and at $160 for one unit I am shocked !!!!

lost for words!!!!

Wave disperse through antenna plate to break the connection of communicationbetween the molecule of sweet smelling, food, oily foods and among ants. After applied Boondee Ants repeller you will see the result within 1 hour.

You can apply 3 antenna plate for three tables by using only one repeller device.

The distance from antenna plate to device should not exceed 25 cm

ok so your 3 tables all have to be within 25cm of the unit well the boondee site was a great laugh thanks for the posting!!!!! you made me smile, so what does it do?? if it is not ultra sonic, and it is not a high freq generator hmmmmmm maybe its the guts out of a microwave and it nukes the little sods, blocks ants and cell phone reciption lol

who knows if this works but it puts a smile on a tired face that is for sure!!!

Boondee have some interesting ideas, their (now withdrawn) Ghost Repeller being one of many :) and their wattmeter does not even measure Watts (it measures VA which 'aint the same thing).

Below from Wikipedia regarding VA, Watts and kWh meters :

Types of meters

Modern electricity meters operate by continuously measuring the instantaneous voltage (volts) and current (amperes) and finding the product of these to give instantaneous electrical power (watts) which is then integrated against time to give energy used (joules, kilowatt-hours etc). The meters fall into two basic categories, electromechanical and electronic.


as for stopping a standard meter.

check out SWER single wire earth return

wiki SWER

the funny thing is if you set up a system that is wired with a standard meter then there is no return to the meter, the result is the meter does not work!!!

At the end of the 19th century, Nikola Tesla demonstrated that only a single wire was necessary for power systems, with no need for a wired return conductor (using the Earth instead).[5] Lloyd Mandeno fully developed SWER in New Zealand around 1925 for rural electrification. Although he termed it “Earth Working Single Wire Line” it was often called “Mandeno’s Clothesline”. More than 200,000 kilometres have now been installed in Australia and New Zealand. It is considered safe, reliable and low cost, provided that safety features and earthing are correctly installed. The Australian standards are widely used and cited. It has been applied in Saskatchewan of Canada, Brazil, Africa, portions of the United States' Upper Midwest, and SWER interties have been proposed for Alaska and prototyped.

an old system that is in use today but the interesting thing is that the modern systems cant meter this, just some food for thought,


this has been posted for informational purposes only

as for stopping a standard meter.

check out SWER single wire earth return

wiki SWER

the funny thing is if you set up a system that is wired with a standard meter then there is no return to the meter, the result is the meter does not work!!!

At the end of the 19th century, Nikola Tesla demonstrated that only a single wire was necessary for power systems, with no need for a wired return conductor (using the Earth instead).[5] Lloyd Mandeno fully developed SWER in New Zealand around 1925 for rural electrification. Although he termed it "Earth Working Single Wire Line" it was often called "Mandeno's Clothesline". More than 200,000 kilometres have now been installed in Australia and New Zealand. It is considered safe, reliable and low cost, provided that safety features and earthing are correctly installed. The Australian standards are widely used and cited. It has been applied in Saskatchewan of Canada, Brazil, Africa, portions of the United States' Upper Midwest, and SWER interties have been proposed for Alaska and prototyped.

an old system that is in use today but the interesting thing is that the modern systems cant meter this, just some food for thought.

How very interesting. People being supplied power via an SWER system don't have KWH meters! I'd better tell the thousands of Australians who sre supplied power via an SWER system that they don't need their KWH meters because they don't work.

My next question is, what do these KWH meters do (the ones that are used to bill people on an SWER system)?


Dear elkangorito

well if you dont believe me then how about his one.

how about we make a bet on this on this public forum, as long as you have a earth system I will stop your Thailand meter running by turning your system into a SWER, then you pay my travel cost, my time and 50,000 baht to Father Joe and the orphans. all I will do is some very simple work inside your load center, I wont touch your meter nor will I go near it, other than to watch what it is doing!

we can make a video of this (not showing the work that is done) but not stopping the video whilst I stop your meter by turning your house phase/nuetral mains supply system into a swer systerm. we can post it on youtube for all to see and judge who wins the bet and if you should pay the money to Father Joe.

to confim the test if you have an aircon then I will make your aircon run without your meter truning once! it will have stoped, you will have electric supply but no meter movement.

now how much do want to risk on this one???

want to doubt my ability and knock it on the public forum???


you dont know who I am or what I have done for a trade. think long and hard, can you afford to loose the money? do you really know enough to make the call on this bet.

please please take me up on this bet as Father Joe needs all the money he can get.

Anybody with a good understanding of single phase power supply and Thailand meters will understand my posting, it is about changing your standard system over to swer, now if you dont understand it then you dont understand SWER or how a standard Thailand meter works!!!

This bet I think would be classed as power thieft, but I think that the thailand power company would be ok with it for 1 minute to donate 50,000 to Father Joe.

come on, time to put the money where the mouth is and help the poor children!

looking forward to your post!!!

Dear elkangorito

well if you dont believe me then how about his one.

how about we make a bet on this on this public forum, as long as you have a earth system I will stop your Thailand meter running by turning your system into a SWER, then you pay my travel cost, my time and 50,000 baht to Father Joe and the orphans. all I will do is some very simple work inside your load center, I wont touch your meter nor will I go near it, other than to watch what it is doing!

we can make a video of this (not showing the work that is done) but not stopping the video whilst I stop your meter by turning your house phase/nuetral mains supply system into a swer systerm. we can post it on youtube for all to see and judge who wins the bet and if you should pay the money to Father Joe.

to confim the test if you have an aircon then I will make your aircon run without your meter truning once! it will have stoped, you will have electric supply but no meter movement.

now how much do want to risk on this one???

want to doubt my ability and knock it on the public forum???


you dont know who I am or what I have done for a trade. think long and hard, can you afford to loose the money? do you really know enough to make the call on this bet.

please please take me up on this bet as Father Joe needs all the money he can get.

Anybody with a good understanding of single phase power supply and Thailand meters will understand my posting, it is about changing your standard system over to swer, now if you dont understand it then you dont understand SWER or how a standard Thailand meter works!!!

This bet I think would be classed as power thieft, but I think that the thailand power company would be ok with it for 1 minute to donate 50,000 to Father Joe.

come on, time to put the money where the mouth is and help the poor children!

looking forward to your post!!!

Oh I'm sitting here with sweating palms, I can just imagine what @#$% is feeling, Post back , don't post back, Should I take the bet, Hahahaha...........

Somebody do somethig the suspence is killing me...

Anyway, I'll give yah 50,000 if you stop my metre and kep my power flowing. I'm pretty sure I could round up a few more people to make your travel better for yah.


you would love your meter stopped for about 6 - 8 weeks then you would have a BIG problem!!!

the Thailand power company knows all the tricks in the book, so after paying your bill for months and then the meter stopping you will find a man on your doorstep asking how you are powering your house and not having any meter movement!!

so the trick to this is not stopping your meter but slowing it!!!

what I have listed here is something that is done in Thailand, they add some simple creative wiring and you end up with a unit that you can control the speed of your meter, I must say it is some very creative thinking and credit must be given to the person who came up with this one!!!

imagin a meter that with a turn of a knob you can make it go fast or slow. I have seen this system working many times here in bangkok hence I have no problem posting this bet.



if you note I have not posted 100% how it is done, and I wont as I dont want people poking there nose into this type of thing, after all if you dont already know how it is done then maybe you shouldnt be changing the wires that supply your house!!!!

to be honest I have also sent a PM to elkangarito telling him how it is done (as he has an electrical background) and advising him not to take the bet, what I want to see is people working together on this forum to increase electrical safety and awareness.

not fighting, hey if I can spend some time at my computer and maybe save someones life through making them aware of their system then great!!!

as for 50,000 to stop your meter or slow it for that matter hmmmmmmm that is tempting but illegal !!!


PM me when you hit 500,000 in work :D:)

you would love your meter stopped for about 6 - 8 weeks then you would have a BIG problem!!!

the Thailand power company knows all the tricks in the book, so after paying your bill for months and then the meter stopping you will find a man on your doorstep asking how you are powering your house and not having any meter movement!!

so the trick to this is not stopping your meter but slowing it!!!

what I have listed here is something that is done in Thailand, they add some simple creative wiring and you end up with a unit that you can control the speed of your meter, I must say it is some very creative thinking and credit must be given to the person who came up with this one!!!

imagin a meter that with a turn of a knob you can make it go fast or slow. I have seen this system working many times here in bangkok hence I have no problem posting this bet.



if you note I have not posted 100% how it is done, and I wont as I dont want people poking there nose into this type of thing, after all if you dont already know how it is done then maybe you shouldnt be changing the wires that supply your house!!!!

to be honest I have also sent a PM to elkangarito telling him how it is done (as he has an electrical background) and advising him not to take the bet, what I want to see is people working together on this forum to increase electrical safety and awareness.

not fighting, hey if I can spend some time at my computer and maybe save someones life through making them aware of their system then great!!!

as for 50,000 to stop your meter or slow it for that matter hmmmmmmm that is tempting but illegal !!!


PM me when you hit 500,000 in work :D:)

Interesting concepts and discussion. Of course absolutly nothing to do with this posters discussion topic ! By the way Elvis Presley is still alive and living on the moon, apparently sleeping on board a London double decker bus where I suspect many of the "so called" inventions' companies mentioned in this string have an operating base :D:D

there are some "electricity power savers" also on this site. would be nice if someone has any info on those too.

They don't work, period!! I challenge anyone to demonstrate, under controlled laboratory conditions, one of these units producing a significant (or even a measurable) reduction in electrical power usage by a normal houshold in Thailand.

Boondee have some interesting ideas, their (now withdrawn) Ghost Repeller being one of many :D and their wattmeter does not even measure Watts (it measures VA which 'aint the same thing).

The solar tower is an interesting concept, but a low-speed air turbine that produces 16-20kW will be something to behold :D

This tower is only worth its cost if it can cool the ground below the solar panels enough to cultivate a few rais of vineyard... :)

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