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Anyone Heard Of This Before

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Today I went with the wife to local ampher for some info regarding selling our house.I own House wife owns land plus 30yr lease.Ampher says because Im Falang I (not wife)and buyer who is thai have to first come to the ampher fill in some kind of form stating that i wish to sell my house to the named buyer and return again after one month to complete sale,when asked why the 30 day delay he said to make sure IM sure I want to sell the House,I said Ill be ready monday and he said no you have to wait 30 days,I then asked what happens if im longer than 30 days? Hes answer was have to do a new one for another 30 days.

This cant be right can it? He told my wife all falangs have to do.Anyone heard of it? Sounds like some sort of cooling off period.

Edited by lemsip
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I was in the same situation as the OP when selling a house in Pattaya.

I went back to the office an hour after being told to wait for 30 days with "an envelope" marked "Tea Money" and told them that I would be in the UK when the 30 days expired.

Just like magic, it was sortrd out there and then. House sold, money exchanged between me and buyer. The Best 5,000 Bt I have spent.

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