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Have An Ed Visa Already...

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I have been doing my bachelors degree on an ED Visa at ABAC university. This will expire soon when I graduate. I am thinking about taking thai courses at somewhere like Walen. Would I need to re-apply for a new ed visa?

Ask Walen :)

Edited by uptheos
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I have been doing my bachelors degree on an ED Visa at ABAC university. This will expire soon when I graduate. I am thinking about taking thai courses at somewhere like Walen. Would I need to re-apply for a new ed visa?

Firstly, I bet you are really glad to hear from "uptheos" with his very helpful comment!! Rediculous how some people act on here.

Anyway, the simple answer is yes, you should be able to remain in thailand on your ED visa if you sign up with a thai language school here. I am with Walen in Bangkok and find the girls there in the office both professional and very helpful. All you will really need to get in order to transfer the ED visa (so that you can remain in Thailand without needing another visa and/or to go for visa runs) is a certificate from the ABAC university saying that you completed your course, they should then be able to transfer it to be used with them. One thing you should be aware of though, unlike with the university you will only be given 90 day validity which is then extended o a 90 day basis at 1,900 baht a time, you probably got the full year stamped in to your passport being at the university and just reported every 90 days for the residence reporting.

Hope it helps,


Edited by Falcon
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You will need a letter from ABAC stating the completion date of your degree program as well as a letter from the Thai Language school advising that you will be taking thai lessond from them.

I am not 100% on the dates required but I would guess that the best thing to do is to ensure that there is at least a couple of weeks overlap to ensure that you will not have any problems. (ie. ABAC letter states ending 12 DEC and Walen letter stating you will start 1 DEC)

This should ensure that you visa can be transferred rather than cancelled.

I would recomend taking a trip to Immigration and check with the ED visa section on what they will require and then ensure that both letters are written to meet there needs.

It may also be helpful if you politely ask them if they can write a very short note for you in Thai to advise both the schools what is needed. You could advise with a small smile that your Thai is not good and you are afraid that if you explain it to the schools your self you will explain it incorrectly.

This will alsocover you in case when you come back, you speak to a different person who has a different interpretation of the regulations.

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Ok thanks for all the info.

I will give Walen a call today. I only just did my last exam the other day and still have a few other things to sort out there though so not quite finished yet.

As far as I know after the graduation ceremony in January you are given 7 days to leave, which I think is just great... 'Thanks for the fees for the last 4 years and here's your degree..... now P*SS OFF!'

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You do not require a new ED visa. There are several things that need to be done before you can transfer but Walen we will advise you on what to do and how to do it.

Walen School - visa problems, think Walen


Thanks. Yes I called your school today, the member of staff was very helpful and explained everything clearly to me. I will be popping in for a look in the next couple of weeks .

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