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Ed Visa - Proof ?

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if your on a ED VISA in a language school, do you have to proof that your actually taking those classes?

Or could you just sign up for the school, get the VISA and never visit the school again?

Just curious course i hear a lot of rumors about it and it would be an easy way to solve the VISA problem..

Thanks for your input ! :)

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You need to attend the classes, the school will need to issue a letter stating the same.

If they issue the letter without this being true, then you are both breaking the law.

Why would you not want to actually attend the classes? If you are living in Thailand, I can not see any reason why you would not want to learn Thai.

Plus you have already paid the tuition costs, why would you pay without wanting to get what you paid for?

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Walen takes good care of our students. If you cannot attend lessons from time to time we can make arrangements so you can catch up, it is not a lot of time per week and you will not have any visa problems as everything will be well taken care of by Walen staff.

Walen School - reasonable requirements


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