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Thailand The Most Dangerous Place For Australians To Visit

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Interesting that in todays Sydney Morning Herald, Thailand is rated as the most dangerous place for Australians to visit, claiming 105 died in Thailand in 2008/09, that despite it being second to Bali in terms of tourist numbers (58 died in Indonesia).

You can read the article here.

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As soon as they can show that 80% of them didn't die of old age, perhaps they can really claim it's so dangerous.

Also, blaming a country because visitors roar around the beach areas on bikes while wearing no helmuts is a bit of stretch.

In fact, Thailand is clearly the most dangerous place on earth for Australians to visit, according to figures supplied to Travellers' Check by the Department of Foreign Affairs.

I reckon a fortnight's bed and breakfast in Helmand would be a bit dicier. :)

" Hello? Reception? Excuse me. This is Mr Jones in room 109. I wonder if you could you move me to a quieter room room please? I can't sleep because of the American helicopter gunships razing the Taleban stronghold across the street and an armoured personnel carrier has just crashed through my wall.

As soon as they can show that 80% of them didn't die of old age, perhaps they can really claim it's so dangerous.

Also, blaming a country because visitors roar around the beach areas on bikes while wearing no helmuts is a bit of stretch.

You miss the point entirely.

No one is blaming Thailand for anything....and the fact that people can "roar around the beach areas on bikes while wearing no helmuts" is precisely why the numbers are they way they are...it's a dangerous place. Get it.

I'm sure some died of old age...but I'd say you attempts at trying to justify Thailand is not dangerous is "a bit of a stretch".

As soon as they can show that 80% of them didn't die of old age, perhaps they can really claim it's so dangerous.

Also, blaming a country because visitors roar around the beach areas on bikes while wearing no helmuts is a bit of stretch.

You miss the point entirely.

No one is blaming Thailand for anything....and the fact that people can "roar around the beach areas on bikes while wearing no helmuts" is precisely why the numbers are they way they are...it's a dangerous place. Get it.

I'm sure some died of old age...but I'd say you attempts at trying to justify Thailand is not dangerous is "a bit of a stretch".

Not trying to justify it mate but perhaps the article (despite two sentences at the bottom) should place more emphasis on the behavior of those who come here. You want to blame the police because you didn't where a helmut?

You want to blame the police because you didn't where a helmut?

Why would somebody blame the police for asking for directions to the nearest German mate? :)

You want to blame the police because you didn't where a helmut?

Why would somebody blame the police for asking for directions to the nearest German mate? :D

sorry i fell off my bike this morning sans chapeau - can't spell. :)


Come on James. You smarter than that.

No ones blaming Thailand or the police for anything. It's not even worth aportioning blame. It's just the way it is.

The article just states with some reasonable data that Thailand is the most dangerous place for Australians, and then makes that data stronger by stating that while Indonesia has more Australian tourists, it has half the deaths - and Indonesia is not exactly a safe place. I think that's pretty significant and says a lot about Thailand.

We can argue all day long about why this is so, like the poorly enforced laws on helmets, licences, roadworthy vehicles and drink driving, the ease of renting motorbikes with no experience, the lack of safety standards - the list goes on...but that's what makes Thailand attractive to many - the lack of laws.

No doubt about the behaviour of individuals coming here, but its more than "Davo and Shazza" not wearing a helmet...


Now now boys don't let this turn into a scrum

Obviously Austrlia is the most dangerous as since Gallipoli most Ozzies have died there

Skin Cancer 40 Peter Jacksons and Bikey gangs drugs and drunken drivers make this reader feel far safer

Also for aboriginal Australians the state petrol and fellow natives must be as dangerous as a land of begging monks and sexpats on 100cc bikes

Come on James. You smarter than that.

No ones blaming Thailand or the police for anything. It's not even worth aportioning blame. It's just the way it is.

The article just states with some reasonable data that Thailand is the most dangerous place for Australians, and then makes that data stronger by stating that while Indonesia has more Australian tourists, it has half the deaths - and Indonesia is not exactly a safe place. I think that's pretty significant and says a lot about Thailand.

We can argue all day long about why this is so, like the poorly enforced laws on helmets, licences, roadworthy vehicles and drink driving, the ease of renting motorbikes with no experience, the lack of safety standards - the list goes on...but that's what makes Thailand attractive to many - the lack of laws.

No doubt about the behaviour of individuals coming here, but its more than "Davo and Shazza" not wearing a helmet...

excuse me for thinking that if you are old enough to get a passport, by a ticket and get on a plane, doesn't mean that common sense should be left at home. just because they don't enforce a law (licenses for example) doesn't give you the right to break it.

Interesting that in todays Sydney Morning Herald, Thailand is rated as the most dangerous place for Australians to visit, claiming 105 died in Thailand in 2008/09, that despite it being second to Bali in terms of tourist numbers (58 died in Indonesia).

You can read the article here.

:D when the boomerang returns, australia may be next, if not, on top of the list. :D:)


Well, in some countries they wouldn't let businesses get away with renting bikes to tourists who have no motorcycle license and not wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle, would they? That's just one of many reasons Thailand is dangerous. It is. So what? Nothing to defend or argue about. If you like Thailand, stay here, and don't be stupid, you'll be much less likely to be a statistic.


As an Aussie staying in LOS i can see where this is coming from.

IMO it has more to do with the idiots that come and how they behave when here.

Others are right in pointing out the softer laws but for me the cheap beer and habits of the said tourists must have a big role in the tradgedies.And for some reason Aussies seem to loose all common sense before they hit swampy.

There exists an aussie mentality to brag about how much we can drink so guys often come here embarking on the good old Aussie tradition of the 8 hour binge drink session...trouble is kinda inevitable isnt it?

Anyone noticed how the aussies that make the news are usually in the Sh!ite after big binge sessions??

Some Aussie tourists are often their own worst enemies.

Cant blame that on Thailand or anyone/thing else really :)



I agree with you, but what makes Thailand more dangerous than Indonesia? More tourists and less deaths in Indonesia.

I spend a lot of time in Bali and I wouldn't say the laws are any better...

And I would suggest that common sense does not differentiate between tourists who visit Thailand or Indonesia.

Why do you think it is?


Yup, Thailand is a deadly country for Aussies. If the crooks and thieves don't get you then the cobras, centipedes, scorpions and crocodiles are bound to kill you. Better stay home. That goes for Brits, Americans, Scotts, Irish and Europeans as well. Us Canadians are used to the wild beasts and bad guys so we'll tough it out and keep the Thai ladies happy. After all, SOMEBODY has to put a smile on their face. :)


Well of cause it will have a high number of death compared to another country because like they said its the No.2 Asian destination for australians , they tell you that 105 died , but they dont say how many people went there !!! its all about the ratio of people to deaths

maybe Taksin had something to do with this travel blog :):D

just a joke people calm dowm !!


Funny i dont rememebr hearing anything in the Thai news , or anywhere else about 105 Aussies dying in Thailand during last year..

Anyone else..

Do they give details..??

Guess i shouldnt be lazy and take a look myself,, :)

I reckon a fortnight's bed and breakfast in Helmand would be a bit dicier. :)

" Hello? Reception? Excuse me. This is Mr Jones in room 109. I wonder if you could you move me to a quieter room room please? I can't sleep because of the American helicopter gunships razing the Taleban stronghold across the street and an armoured personnel carrier has just crashed through my wall.

Haha, talk about a dumb tourist going to Afghanistan to begin with.

And <deleted>'s a fortnight? :D First time I'd heard it over here I had to think back to my high school Shakespeare to dust the cobwebs off the term 'fortnight'. A Canadian colleague asked me the same question. Some Brits occasionally use 'fortnight' but many Aussies use it regularly.

I reckon a fortnight's bed and breakfast in Helmand would be a bit dicier. :D

" Hello? Reception? Excuse me. This is Mr Jones in room 109. I wonder if you could you move me to a quieter room room please? I can't sleep because of the American helicopter gunships razing the Taleban stronghold across the street and an armoured personnel carrier has just crashed through my wall.

Haha, talk about a dumb tourist going to Afghanistan to begin with.

And <deleted>'s a fortnight? :D First time I'd heard it over here I had to think back to my high school Shakespeare to dust the cobwebs off the term 'fortnight'. A Canadian colleague asked me the same question. Some Brits occasionally use 'fortnight' but many Aussies use it regularly.

Very popular word in Oz because people are paid fortnightly. :)


I agree with you, but what makes Thailand more dangerous than Indonesia? More tourists and less deaths in Indonesia.

I spend a lot of time in Bali and I wouldn't say the laws are any better...

And I would suggest that common sense does not differentiate between tourists who visit Thailand or Indonesia.

Why do you think it is?

Yeh thats a good observation

I think your question would be better answered if we knew which age groups were the highest proportion of deaths and how those deaths occured.

Not meaning to generalize but i think the boisterous tourists are more likely to wind up in trouble here by thinking they can get away with anything in LOS..maybe because they consider themselves well off in comparison to the majority of the population and with that, the inferance that they can buy their way out of or into anything..

Also this might give them a somewhat false sense of security and a tendancy to take greater risks?

I guess this still doesnt answer your question in regards to the comprison between the two countries though.

Maybe Aussies are basically accomodated around the same areas in Indonesia and being in bigger groups in smaller locations might make it more common for tourists to stay out of trouble or band together in a crisis?

Maybe the age groups of people that come to LOS are younger and are more likely to come into risk from the type of entertainment/sports they embark on?

I think Indonesia as a whole is more likely to be patronized by families?...therefor less statistics of trouble?

From what i notice tourists here tend to be spaced out (pardon the pun!) or isolated in more larger areas and locations and are often more apt to travelling longer distances by land?..maybe causing more incidences or accidents?

Also the class of Aussies that you see here couldnt be accused of having the "help out a mate" mentality,its every man for himself :D

Considering the way farangs treat each other here (the basic rule being you MUST ignore each other) they would most probably walk over you if you were doubled over in the street..

Not that its any different back home for that matter :)

Well of cause it will have a high number of death compared to another country because like they said its the No.2 Asian destination for australians , they tell you that 105 died , but they dont say how many people went there !!! its all about the ratio of people to deaths

Ummm...let me help.

Thailand had 380,000 Australian tourists of which 105 died, which means 1 in every 3,619 tourists die

Indonesia has 420,000 Australian tourists of which 58 died, which means 1 in every 7,241 tourists dies

That means that as an Australian tourist, statistically speaking, you are twice as likely to die holidaying in Thailand than in Indonesia.

Are those the ratios you were referring to?

Yup, Thailand is a deadly country for Aussies. If the crooks and thieves don't get you then the cobras, centipedes, scorpions and crocodiles are bound to kill you. Better stay home. That goes for Brits, Americans, Scotts, Irish and Europeans as well. Us Canadians are used to the wild beasts and bad guys so we'll tough it out and keep the Thai ladies happy. After all, SOMEBODY has to put a smile on their face. :)

From my observations Ian i am thinking the highest risk factor for you must be jealous Thai husbands/boyfriends...hehe

Well of cause it will have a high number of death compared to another country because like they said its the No.2 Asian destination for australians , they tell you that 105 died , but they dont say how many people went there !!! its all about the ratio of people to deaths

Ummm...let me help.

Thailand had 380,000 Australian tourists of which 105 died, which means 1 in every 3,619 tourists die

Indonesia has 420,000 Australian tourists of which 58 died, which means 1 in every 7,241 tourists dies

That means that as an Australian tourist, statistically speaking, you are twice as likely to die holidaying in Thailand than in Indonesia.

Are those the ratios you were referring to?

HMM...having read that you might think it had something to do with the "class" of tourists that are more likely to come here compared to those that go to Indonesia

And Yeh, i know the irony of saying that when I spend a lot of time here myself :)

And <deleted>'s a fortnight? :) First time I'd heard it over here I had to think back to my high school Shakespeare to dust the cobwebs off the term 'fortnight'. A Canadian colleague asked me the same question. Some Brits occasionally use 'fortnight' but many Aussies use it regularly.

I can't speak for other Brits Publicus but where I come from in the UK "fortnight" is extremely commonplace. It'd be interesting to know if it's common in other parts of the UK too (I'm a Norwich boy) and do Do North Americans use it?


I came to Thailand to get away from australia and australians, I think the aussie media should post stories like that everyday.

Aussies dont go to Thialand its bad for you, go to bali nothing to worry about there... well .... just some muslim suicide bombers,

but the rest is ok.

As soon as they can show that 80% of them didn't die of old age, perhaps they can really claim it's so dangerous.

Also, blaming a country because visitors roar around the beach areas on bikes while wearing no helmuts is a bit of stretch.

They can just as easily die of old age in Bali or anywhere else.............so your assumption is not "necessarily" valid.........although understood.......the assumption is that more Australians in Thailand are old and retired than in other places.

The same can be said of how they drive or whatever they do........for whatever reason, Thailand, according to the author, is the most dangerous place for Australians to visit.

Bali, by the way, seems safe in comparison to Thailand.......at least to me. I think that is one factor. Lots of Australians go to Bali for vacation (and yes, there was a serious bombing incident many years ago in Bali......but now, and for many years now, it has been safe).

As soon as they can show that 80% of them didn't die of old age, perhaps they can really claim it's so dangerous.

Also, blaming a country because visitors roar around the beach areas on bikes while wearing no helmuts is a bit of stretch.

You miss the point entirely.

No one is blaming Thailand for anything....and the fact that people can "roar around the beach areas on bikes while wearing no helmuts" is precisely why the numbers are they way they are...it's a dangerous place. Get it.

I'm sure some died of old age...but I'd say you attempts at trying to justify Thailand is not dangerous is "a bit of a stretch".

Not trying to justify it mate but perhaps the article (despite two sentences at the bottom) should place more emphasis on the behavior of those who come here. You want to blame the police because you didn't where a helmut?

Absolutely agree.

Many Farangs visiting or living in Thailand, seem to not continue with the safety factors as practiced in the home countries once they reach the Kingdom. Also many Farangs here do become involved with the wrong crowds and seal their own fates delving in activities that are out of they’re leagues.


Lets just grab some statistics of death of farangs in Thailand and make it sound like there's crooks, murderers lurking in every single corner waiting to jump out and slit your throat if you so much dare to make a single sound when you're walking. Spin it into the news. Scare the living daylights out of those who had never been to Thailand or ignite a debate and get the papers selling like hotcakes!

Its all the usual fluff guys. Those living up to this point with their common sense (congrats! You are still alive!) intact would know that you are your worst enemy. Rather than blaming others, take a good look at one's actions first. No one's gonna help you if you insist on going for a binge drinking session and dying of alcohol poisoning.

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