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Sodium nitrite, with chemical formula NaNO2, is used as a color fixative and preservative in meats and fish.....It's "E" number E250. Potassium nitrite (E249)

This chemical will prevent the growth of bacteria, it can be toxic in high amounts for animals, including humans!

A principal concern of sodium nitrite is the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines in meats containing sodium nitrite when exposed to high temperatures. Sodium nitrite's usage is carefully regulated in the production of cured products in the United States as the concentration in finished products is limited to 200 ppm, and is usually lower. In about 1970, it was found that ascorbic acid (vitamin C), an antioxidant, inhibits nitrosamine formation


So , just make sure you have plenty of margarita's with your Hot Dogs and BLT Sandwiches...

Some educating reads about Nitrite "cured" meats, consumption there of and nitrite containing foods and it's connection to ones health:


it's consumption can lead to anything...


there was even a petition on Nitrite out:

prevent cancer.com

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I am surprised no one has noticed that the two posters (NIB and touting this both have very few posts. Seems a bit fishy to me. I don't mind someone announcing their product but I don't like these shady fake postings.

<deleted> are you on about?

I think its now pretty obvious that the kit maker is not even a member of TV, <deleted>

You must lead a pretty shallow life dude.

LOL, What are YOU on about? How is it obvious that the maker is NOT a member. Why would someone who finds Thai Visa so useless that they don't bother to be a member be willing to pay money to advertise here?

One day you start a thread calling the product "Thai Visa's Make your own Bacon kits", intimating that it is a product of Thai Visa, and pointing out exactly where to find the advertisement.

The next day it is not only clear that you know it isn't a Thai Visa product but you also have details about where the sellers is based and where he sells (with a convenient disclamer that you read it in his pamphlet).

In addition to this you have been a member for about 6 months. In your first 2 months you made nine posts then didn't post again for 4 months until you started this thread and made 3 followups in it with no other posts anywhere else. You expect us to believe that you were so excited by this product that you started posting again after four months just to share this amazing find of yours?

As I said, the product is a good idea. There is a market for it in Thailand although I think the price point is high. Shilling on a forum is not a very good marketing tactic. It might get you a few customers but if you get caught you just alienate your target market.

You are right about my life though. At the moment it is pretty shallow. I spend all my time working, which happens to be analizing data to diagnose and correct problems. A quick look at the data here gives me a pretty good idea of what is going on. If you want to keep on in this vein you are only hurting yourself. My advice is to take another tack, let it go and do honest marketing in the future. Good luck, you had a good idea. I hope you can make it work.

Feel free to PM me if you want to discuss this further in private.

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My starter kit, plain not smoked arrived yersterday via EMS.

I got loin pork from Makro last Sunday and mixed my first batch this morning so it should be ready by Sunday morning. :)

I hope it works as I usually buy my bacon from Makro in Nakhon Sawan as I live way out in the sticks.

I made some homemade sausages a few weeks ago and for a first try at least I can eat them and the dog hasn't been sick yet. :D

Next month I start on homemade bread but no we don't grow our own veggies yet.

That is in next years plan.

You may wish to consider a Kit-Car also and perhaps learning to knit

My ex-wife was the one who did knitting and as for building a kit car that isn't a bad idea except that I am too old and it is too hot outside to do it.

However a microlite would be fun especially up here as long as I keep away from the Burmese border.

Alternatively perhaps you would be happy if I drank beer all day and night and be on ThaiVisa all the time.

I actually live about 125km from the nearest western style supermarket so it is not as though I can nip down to Lotus Tesco or Big C in 10 minutes.

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My starter kit, plain not smoked arrived yersterday via EMS.

I got loin pork from Makro last Sunday and mixed my first batch this morning so it should be ready by Sunday morning. :)

I hope it works as I usually buy my bacon from Makro in Nakhon Sawan as I live way out in the sticks.

I made some homemade sausages a few weeks ago and for a first try at least I can eat them and the dog hasn't been sick yet. :D

Next month I start on homemade bread but no we don't grow our own veggies yet.

That is in next years plan.

You may wish to consider a Kit-Car also and perhaps learning to knit

My ex-wife was the one who did knitting and as for building a kit car that isn't a bad idea except that I am too old and it is too hot outside to do it.

However a microlite would be fun especially up here as long as I keep away from the Burmese border.

Alternatively perhaps you would be happy if I drank beer all day and night and be on ThaiVisa all the time.

I actually live about 125km from the nearest western style supermarket so it is not as though I can nip down to Lotus Tesco or Big C in 10 minutes.

making bacon:


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You may wish to consider a Kit-Car also and perhaps learning to knit

Alternatively perhaps you would be happy if I drank beer all day and night and be on ThaiVisa all the time.


Drinking beer all day is no problem for me - however i keep away from bacon due to the high fat and cholesterol levels



Rab C Broon

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I'm well pleased with my kit so far. Used it twice with pork loin from Makro. You can get a 2kg piece in the box. After three days a quick rinse and into the fridge for a couple of hours. It tastes better than most of the bacon you buy here and if you want rashers of loin they aren't that easy to find outside of the expat supermarkets like Villa. Will try streaky bacon next followed by shoulder of pork.

Bought a pork belly from Makro - far too much, about 5kg. Cut it and threw half in the freezer. Cut the skin of the other half and tied it in a roll. Put it in the salt mix for 48 hours. Rinsed it and then steamed it for 5 minutes. It tastes good but salty and I should probably have turned it a few times. With the other half I might leave the skin on and maybe go for 36 hours.

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I bought a 'bacon kit' a few days ago, bought my pork, mixed it up and stuck it in the fridge. it came out after 3-and-a-bit days looking like bacon but when I ate it, it wasn't like any bacon I've ever eaten - was it real bacon? If that's the case then it's amazing that I have never seen real bacon before, is the bacon we get in the supermarkets so heavily treated that it changes the appearance & consistency of the bacon??

Perhaps I did something wrong, I mixed the brine well with room temp water before I put the pork in to ensure the salt dissolved, I left it in the fridge for long enough, I hung it for an hour then I put it in the fridge for a day...

Don't get me wrong, it was nice, but it wasn't like the bacon I know, it was just more like salted pork belly, if that makes sense...

Another thing, it's dead hard to slice, it moves around a lot and even with a very sharp knife it's still difficult to slice thinly, I've put the bacon in the freezer now so I can try slicing it when it's rock-solid, that should make it easier.

Another thing, when I started to fry the bacon it turned a white-ish colour just like raw pork does when it's being cooked, that, for me, was a sign that something was wrong, any ideas?

I put 2 different bits of pork in the brine, belly & loin, I haven't tried the loin/back bacon yet, probably tonight.

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I bought a 'bacon kit' a few days ago, bought my pork, mixed it up and stuck it in the fridge. it came out after 3-and-a-bit days looking like bacon but when I ate it, it wasn't like any bacon I've ever eaten - was it real bacon? If that's the case then it's amazing that I have never seen real bacon before, is the bacon we get in the supermarkets so heavily treated that it changes the appearance & consistency of the bacon??

Perhaps I did something wrong, I mixed the brine well with room temp water before I put the pork in to ensure the salt dissolved, I left it in the fridge for long enough, I hung it for an hour then I put it in the fridge for a day...

Don't get me wrong, it was nice, but it wasn't like the bacon I know, it was just more like salted pork belly, if that makes sense...

Another thing, it's dead hard to slice, it moves around a lot and even with a very sharp knife it's still difficult to slice thinly, I've put the bacon in the freezer now so I can try slicing it when it's rock-solid, that should make it easier.

Another thing, when I started to fry the bacon it turned a white-ish colour just like raw pork does when it's being cooked, that, for me, was a sign that something was wrong, any ideas?

I put 2 different bits of pork in the brine, belly & loin, I haven't tried the loin/back bacon yet, probably tonight.

It doesn't go as red as store bacon. I think that's probably that there's no, or very small amounts of, nitrates in the salt mix, which may be a good thing. Mine has fried up a browny/gray, not like your white, but definitely tastes like bacon not pork. For slicing, just fridge cold and a sharp knife works for me. With the belly pork I have steamed the meat after curing which stops the outside fat being too soft. Might have a go at smoking some soon. Lots of old mango tree wood in the garden.

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I bought a 'bacon kit' a few days ago, bought my pork, mixed it up and stuck it in the fridge. it came out after 3-and-a-bit days looking like bacon but when I ate it, it wasn't like any bacon I've ever eaten - was it real bacon? If that's the case then it's amazing that I have never seen real bacon before, is the bacon we get in the supermarkets so heavily treated that it changes the appearance & consistency of the bacon??

Perhaps I did something wrong, I mixed the brine well with room temp water before I put the pork in to ensure the salt dissolved, I left it in the fridge for long enough, I hung it for an hour then I put it in the fridge for a day...

Don't get me wrong, it was nice, but it wasn't like the bacon I know, it was just more like salted pork belly, if that makes sense...

Another thing, it's dead hard to slice, it moves around a lot and even with a very sharp knife it's still difficult to slice thinly, I've put the bacon in the freezer now so I can try slicing it when it's rock-solid, that should make it easier.

Another thing, when I started to fry the bacon it turned a white-ish colour just like raw pork does when it's being cooked, that, for me, was a sign that something was wrong, any ideas?

I put 2 different bits of pork in the brine, belly & loin, I haven't tried the loin/back bacon yet, probably tonight.

It sounds like there are no nitrites in the salt cure mix .... so it is only regular sea Salt & Sugar/Dextrose and a few drops of liquid smoke... ooow and a plastic container..

If you have an oven try slow cooking the whole piece at about 190 Fahrenheit.... skin on & skin side up.... till you get an internal temp of 160f ish.... Let it cool than rifigerat....

It will taste more like what your used too ... and will be alot eazer to cut.

Please describe the flavor more ....

(1)It is it like bacon ..if so It's just the lack of nitrites .. but you cure time is close... just tweek it up or down depending on how salty you like.. ad some flavor helpers ..black pepper/ bay... up to you

(2) it is it more like roast pork ... if so .. cure longer, make sure you have the right ratio of cure to water

for a gallon of water I have a combined weight of 600ish grams of my Salt/sweet blend (not the kit... as I can't justify that price for salt and sugar.. unless it comes in 10kg sacks) but most cure ratio's are the same.... I leave it to cure for 5 day's.... and I use Nitrite salt so it comes out pink and has that distinctive cured taste ... you just don't get from regular salt..

I'm with Chef heat on the smoking of bacon ... I like the taste of smoke and salt over the sweet thats why I use dextrose and brown sugar ..... I made a smoker out of two 55gal oil drums .... and I use mango wood...


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I did my first batch and I should have taken it out on Sunday but I was away and it was in for 4 days.

Yes it was salty but I can live with that.

I also had a problem cutting the meat and it sort of came out the thickness of gammon rashers.

The first bit I tried was just he end cut and off cuts but it fried up well enough and was white and when finished was nicely browned.

I was going to have some more today sauteed with garlic, onions and mushrooms but the guy from the resort next door got me to come over and meet a Brit so I ended up with some chicken fried rice plus Sang Som and soda. :D

It was fine but tomorrow I will have my sauteed bacon etc. :)

From 2kg of pork loin I got about 24 rashers or about 12 meals worth.

For me living out in the sticks it is well worth the money and I will be going back soon to try the smoked version. :D

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I did my first batch and I should have taken it out on Sunday but I was away and it was in for 4 days.

Yes it was salty but I can live with that.

I also had a problem cutting the meat and it sort of came out the thickness of gammon rashers.

The first bit I tried was just he end cut and off cuts but it fried up well enough and was white and when finished was nicely browned.

I was going to have some more today sauteed with garlic, onions and mushrooms but the guy from the resort next door got me to come over and meet a Brit so I ended up with some chicken fried rice plus Sang Som and soda. :D

It was fine but tomorrow I will have my sauteed bacon etc. :)

From 2kg of pork loin I got about 24 rashers or about 12 meals worth.

For me living out in the sticks it is well worth the money and I will be going back soon to try the smoked version. :D

If you ever find it two salty again ... just put it back in a large volume of cold water.... and leave it for a day.... you can change the water once or twice if you want ....

Salt is magic.. it always tries to find a balance, and so will be drawn out into the fresh water....

Sorry I didn't know Salt and Sugar where hard to find out in rural Thailand..... and if your in rural Thailand you have no excuse not to build a smoker.... And by he sound of things you can do a better job than the one I made..... It sure is ugly ... but it works like a charm...



Unless your too busy or have no interest in food....

I understand ... I take my motorbike in to get the oil changed ... I'm sure it's easy... I just have never done it and have no interest in it .... or car's ... In fact I never learned how to drive a car ... so maybe it's like that with you and food.....


Edited by SlackJawChef
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I did my first batch and I should have taken it out on Sunday but I was away and it was in for 4 days.

Yes it was salty but I can live with that.

I also had a problem cutting the meat and it sort of came out the thickness of gammon rashers.

The first bit I tried was just he end cut and off cuts but it fried up well enough and was white and when finished was nicely browned.

I was going to have some more today sauteed with garlic, onions and mushrooms but the guy from the resort next door got me to come over and meet a Brit so I ended up with some chicken fried rice plus Sang Som and soda. :D

It was fine but tomorrow I will have my sauteed bacon etc. :)

From 2kg of pork loin I got about 24 rashers or about 12 meals worth.

For me living out in the sticks it is well worth the money and I will be going back soon to try the smoked version. :D

If you ever find it two salty again ... just put it back in a large volume of cold water.... and leave it for a day.... you can change the water once or twice if you want ....

Salt is magic.. it always tries to find a balance, and so will be drawn out into the fresh water....

Sorry I didn't know Salt and Sugar where hard to find out in rural Thailand..... and if your in rural Thailand you have no excuse not to build a smoker.... And by he sound of things you can do a better job than the one I made..... It sure is ugly ... but it works like a charm...



Unless your too busy or have no interest in food....

I understand ... I take my motorbike in to get the oil changed ... I'm sure it's easy... I just have never done it and have no interest in it .... or car's ... In fact I never learned how to drive a car ... so maybe it's like that with you and food.....



It is not that I am too busy or not interested in food more like up until now as I have retired have I really had enough time to do things like making bacon, bread, sausages etc.

Fortunately (or not) I am the only one in the family who eats bacon and sausage so either I have to make small amounts more often or a large amount which will last 6 months or more and then I have to freeze it and by the time I get around to making more I have forgotten how to do it.

From the starter pack of 6 I will probably make about 72 meals of bacon and as I only usually eat it for my traditional Sunday lunch thats a lot of bacon.

Out of interest do you have any plans on how to make a smoker? I recall another thread that you were posting on was about that.



Out of interest like you and cars I used to build mobile telephone networks in a lot of countries and all I use my mobile for is the odd phone calls and mostly an internet connection.

For me now I am retired I can dabble in lots of small things as I am beholden to no man but I do listen to my wife an awful lot.

Edited by billd766
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I did my first batch and I should have taken it out on Sunday but I was away and it was in for 4 days.

Yes it was salty but I can live with that.

I also had a problem cutting the meat and it sort of came out the thickness of gammon rashers.

The first bit I tried was just he end cut and off cuts but it fried up well enough and was white and when finished was nicely browned.

I was going to have some more today sauteed with garlic, onions and mushrooms but the guy from the resort next door got me to come over and meet a Brit so I ended up with some chicken fried rice plus Sang Som and soda. :D

Hi Build

It was fine but tomorrow I will have my sauteed bacon etc. :)

From 2kg of pork loin I got about 24 rashers or about 12 meals worth.

For me living out in the sticks it is well worth the money and I will be going back soon to try the smoked version. :D

If you ever find it two salty again ... just put it back in a large volume of cold water.... and leave it for a day.... you can change the water once or twice if you want ....

Salt is magic.. it always tries to find a balance, and so will be drawn out into the fresh water....

Sorry I didn't know Salt and Sugar where hard to find out in rural Thailand..... and if your in rural Thailand you have no excuse not to build a smoker.... And by he sound of things you can do a better job than the one I made..... It sure is ugly ... but it works like a charm...



Unless your too busy or have no interest in food....

I understand ... I take my motorbike in to get the oil changed ... I'm sure it's easy... I just have never done it and have no interest in it .... or car's ... In fact I never learned how to drive a car ... so maybe it's like that with you and food.....



It is not that I am too busy or not interested in food more like up until now as I have retired have I really had enough time to do things like making bacon, bread, sausages etc.

Fortunately (or not) I am the only one in the family who eats bacon and sausage so either I have to make small amounts more often or a large amount which will last 6 months or more and then I have to freeze it and by the time I get around to making more I have forgotten how to do it.

From the starter pack of 6 I will probably make about 72 meals of bacon and as I only usually eat it for my traditional Sunday lunch thats a lot of bacon.

Out of interest do you have any plans on how to make a smoker? I recall another thread that you were posting on was about that.



Out of interest like you and cars I used to build mobile telephone networks in a lot of countries and all I use my mobile for is the odd phone calls and mostly an internet connection.

For me now I am retired I can dabble in lots of small things as I am beholden to no man but I do listen to my wife an awful lot.

Hi Billd

I sort of cobbled my smoker together out of a few plan's I found on the net......

Maybe I will post my build pics and a "How too" in a new thread... If anyone is interested...

It took me three days to make ... and I have to be the worst handy man I know...

So if I can do it, I'am sure anyone out there can make one....

Actually if I can build it, a well trained chimp, with one hand tied behind it's back could do it... and it would probably look better.....

But it works like a dream.... I love it... easy to use... holds steady temp's

Great project.....


Edited by SlackJawChef
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I did my first batch and I should have taken it out on Sunday but I was away and it was in for 4 days.

Yes it was salty but I can live with that.

I also had a problem cutting the meat and it sort of came out the thickness of gammon rashers.

The first bit I tried was just he end cut and off cuts but it fried up well enough and was white and when finished was nicely browned.

I was going to have some more today sauteed with garlic, onions and mushrooms but the guy from the resort next door got me to come over and meet a Brit so I ended up with some chicken fried rice plus Sang Som and soda. :D

Hi Build

It was fine but tomorrow I will have my sauteed bacon etc. :)

From 2kg of pork loin I got about 24 rashers or about 12 meals worth.

For me living out in the sticks it is well worth the money and I will be going back soon to try the smoked version. :D

If you ever find it two salty again ... just put it back in a large volume of cold water.... and leave it for a day.... you can change the water once or twice if you want ....

Salt is magic.. it always tries to find a balance, and so will be drawn out into the fresh water....

Sorry I didn't know Salt and Sugar where hard to find out in rural Thailand..... and if your in rural Thailand you have no excuse not to build a smoker.... And by he sound of things you can do a better job than the one I made..... It sure is ugly ... but it works like a charm...



Unless your too busy or have no interest in food....

I understand ... I take my motorbike in to get the oil changed ... I'm sure it's easy... I just have never done it and have no interest in it .... or car's ... In fact I never learned how to drive a car ... so maybe it's like that with you and food.....



It is not that I am too busy or not interested in food more like up until now as I have retired have I really had enough time to do things like making bacon, bread, sausages etc.

Fortunately (or not) I am the only one in the family who eats bacon and sausage so either I have to make small amounts more often or a large amount which will last 6 months or more and then I have to freeze it and by the time I get around to making more I have forgotten how to do it.

From the starter pack of 6 I will probably make about 72 meals of bacon and as I only usually eat it for my traditional Sunday lunch thats a lot of bacon.

Out of interest do you have any plans on how to make a smoker? I recall another thread that you were posting on was about that.



Out of interest like you and cars I used to build mobile telephone networks in a lot of countries and all I use my mobile for is the odd phone calls and mostly an internet connection.

For me now I am retired I can dabble in lots of small things as I am beholden to no man but I do listen to my wife an awful lot.

Hi Billd

I sort of cobbled my smoker together out of a few plan's I found on the net......

Maybe I will post my build pics and a "How too" in a new thread... If anyone is interested...

It took me three days to make ... and I have to be the worst handy man I know...

So if I can do it, I'am sure anyone out there can make one....

Actually if I can build it, a well trained chimp, with one hand tied behind it's back could do it... and it would probably look better.....

But it works like a dream.... I love it... easy to use... holds steady temp's

Great project.....


Yes! Thinking about building a smoker soon... Love to see your plans... Might take me just as long as you, I fear... Thanks!!

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just fried the back bacon, makes a nice sandwich, the bacon is still a bit pale but the taste is equal to normal decent (UK)supermarket bacons, I'm not sure about higher quality bacons because I don't even know if I've had it before in my life!

I'm not too fussed about the colour of the bacon and if the only thing missing is nitrite then I'm not too bothered about that either, I've read some warnings about nitrite and unless someone can tell me why I SHOULD be using it then I don't think I'll bother adding it - I received an answer from a large distributor of ingredients in Thailand which was recommended to me by another TV member, the nitrite was on their price list, B130 for 1kg or B2135 for a 25kg bag - I don't know the delivery costs nor the minimum order, I'm hoping there is no minimum order and that their post costs are cheap, I'll get back to them about that - if I NEED to add it to my cure.

I do understand other members views on bacon being simple to cure but I'll defend my first purchase of this kit due to it being easy, convenient and a good way for a beginner like me to realise how easy it is to cure meat, I can only learn from here :)

I was getting so pi$$ed off with the crap 'smoked' bacon available everywhere that I was even thinking of opening a pig farm! That was BEFORE I knew how easy it was to cure pork/bacon, and I probably would never have thought about 'making' my own bacon...

Anyhow, I ended up sticking the cured streaky(belly) bacon & Back(loin) bacon in the freezer and slicing with a sharp knife from frozen makes all the difference, perfectly sliced bacon like I used to eat!

I think I will get round to going it alone with my own cure, just have to get through all this bacon first! :D

BTW, flavours are fine, nice and salty, the way I like it. smonkey flavour is distant but it's noticeable.

If I was to go down the DIY route I'd need to get smoke flavour as there is no way I could have a smoker here in bkk and smoke prices are rather high, my wife would string me up if she saw me paying these prices:




SlackJawChef, where can I find dextrose?(haven't had a chance to look locally)

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just fried the back bacon, makes a nice sandwich, the bacon is still a bit pale but the taste is equal to normal decent (UK)supermarket bacons, I'm not sure about higher quality bacons because I don't even know if I've had it before in my life!

I'm not too fussed about the colour of the bacon and if the only thing missing is nitrite then I'm not too bothered about that either, I've read some warnings about nitrite and unless someone can tell me why I SHOULD be using it then I don't think I'll bother adding it - I received an answer from a large distributor of ingredients in Thailand which was recommended to me by another TV member, the nitrite was on their price list, B130 for 1kg or B2135 for a 25kg bag - I don't know the delivery costs nor the minimum order, I'm hoping there is no minimum order and that their post costs are cheap, I'll get back to them about that - if I NEED to add it to my cure.

I do understand other members views on bacon being simple to cure but I'll defend my first purchase of this kit due to it being easy, convenient and a good way for a beginner like me to realise how easy it is to cure meat, I can only learn from here :)

I was getting so pi$$ed off with the crap 'smoked' bacon available everywhere that I was even thinking of opening a pig farm! That was BEFORE I knew how easy it was to cure pork/bacon, and I probably would never have thought about 'making' my own bacon...

Anyhow, I ended up sticking the cured streaky(belly) bacon & Back(loin) bacon in the freezer and slicing with a sharp knife from frozen makes all the difference, perfectly sliced bacon like I used to eat!

I think I will get round to going it alone with my own cure, just have to get through all this bacon first! :D

BTW, flavours are fine, nice and salty, the way I like it. smonkey flavour is distant but it's noticeable.

If I was to go down the DIY route I'd need to get smoke flavour as there is no way I could have a smoker here in bkk and smoke prices are rather high, my wife would string me up if she saw me paying these prices:




SlackJawChef, where can I find dextrose?(haven't had a chance to look locally)

Try and find "United Progress" or "Schmidt co ltd" If you need help, PM me as I can't post phone numbers or web sites... but Google it.. and ad "Bangkok" to the search

Nitrite is manly added to brevent botulisam in the smoking part... as you are adding fake smoke you don't really need it for anything other than color... I do like the extra flavor of it though......

As to the health worrys ... you eat more nitrates in spinach and celery salad than you would in a bacon sandwich....

That 5Kg bag of Smoke powder would last you a life time..if your only making it for yourself..... might be good if you can find a few friends to go in on it with you .....

(Anyone out there in Bangkok, interested in splitting the cost of smoke powder with MaiDong???)

Lots of other things you can use it in, like BBQ sauce and cheese sauce.. You might even get into making small ham's.... or Chicken breasts...


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Try and find "United Progress" or "Schmidt co ltd" If you need help, PM me as I can't post phone numbers or web sites... but Google it.. and ad "Bangkok" to the search

Nitrite is manly added to brevent botulisam in the smoking part... as you are adding fake smoke you don't really need it for anything other than color... I do like the extra flavor of it though......

As to the health worrys ... you eat more nitrates in spinach and celery salad than you would in a bacon sandwich....

That 5Kg bag of Smoke powder would last you a life time..if your only making it for yourself..... might be good if you can find a few friends to go in on it with you .....

(Anyone out there in Bangkok, interested in splitting the cost of smoke powder with MaiDong???)

Lots of other things you can use it in, like BBQ sauce and cheese sauce.. You might even get into making small ham's.... or Chicken breasts...


I don't eat spinach or celery :) but I understand your point, perhaps I should think about the nicotine and sugar content in my fags & beer if I'm going to worry about nitrites in other foods :D

Splitting the smoke powder would look funny, can you imagine me going to the post office with 3, 4, 5 bags of a rich sandy coloured powder! But seriously, that would be a bit of a pain splitting it but I'll work on it, my mum will be coming out from the UK in the new year and she might like to carry that rich sandy coloured powder onto the plane... :D

And on your last point, I'll definitely be wanting to make small hams, I've got very fond memories of my nan making the nicest hams, that was actually the whole point of me curing bacon - so I could then make boiled bacon/gammon!

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Splitting the smoke powder would look funny, can you imagine me going to the post office with 3, 4, 5 bags of a rich sandy coloured powder! But seriously, that would be a bit of a pain splitting it but I'll work on it, my mum will be coming out from the UK in the new year and she might like to carry that rich sandy coloured powder onto the plane... :D

I always have some of the Morton's curing products, that I mentioned earlier in the thread, when I fly to Thailand. No problems, although I would not take it in carry on. :D

I just remembered a little incident we had at the house. An uncle was visiting during the first time I was curing some bacon in Thailand. I failed to mention to anyone what I was doing and while I was out he decided to make some pork dish for lunch. When I came home I found a perplexed uncle trying to cook the pork and it just wouldn't turn brown. No matter how long he boiled it it stayed pink. Everybody laughed about that for weeks. :)

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Hi Billd

I sort of cobbled my smoker together out of a few plan's I found on the net......

Maybe I will post my build pics and a "How too" in a new thread... If anyone is interested...

It took me three days to make ... and I have to be the worst handy man I know...

So if I can do it, I'am sure anyone out there can make one....

Actually if I can build it, a well trained chimp, with one hand tied behind it's back could do it... and it would probably look better.....

But it works like a dream.... I love it... easy to use... holds steady temp's

Great project.....


Hi S.J.C

Sorry to chop the post but it saves space.

I will have a root around on the net later today or tomorrow and see what I can find.

My only thoughts are that I can probably make it (Can we build it, yes we can, Er I think so said Lofty) (quote from Bob the builder) but that it will not get enough use unless I eat more and as I have lost 10kg since June by not eating so much I really don't want to start again.

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Mine is a very cold place, I need to keep my beers cold! :)

Well, after some investigation it seems that a fridge would be fine... Silly me

What do you think is in this brine mix anyway?

The 2 basic requirements would be non-iodized salt (like sea salt) and sugar.

For the smoke flavoring: by reading their method, it appears they might be using smoked salt.

Then again, they may provide you with some liquid smoke... cannot determine which from the information provided.

A 3rd requirement, cure (sodium nitrite), would be needed if actually smoking in a smoker. But reading their 3 examples on their site, I cannot determine if they are using cure in their mix or not, as it appears 2 of their methods require steaming (which would not necessitate a cure, as the steam-heat would kill bacteria). Not something I am familiar with, perhaps these are English-style methods? German?? Scandinavian??

I wish some information please, (Sodium nitrite) Nitrate salt, what are the Thai names , do you know?

I am planning on DIY dry cure in the fridge, I know that after that curing process you have an end product ,Bacon. No further action needed,

I would also ask what you use in the dry cure to give it the smoked flavor?

This is my 1st attempt to cure bacon, I just need to go into Nakhon Sawan to buy the pork belly.

Thank you in advance, for any info you may provide!

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I wish some information please, (Sodium nitrite) Nitrate salt, what are the Thai names , do you know?

I asked my wife... she is not aware of any Thai name...other than "so-di-um ni-trite".

I am planning on DIY dry cure in the fridge, I know that after that curing process you have an end product ,Bacon. No further action needed,

Wrong - especially if you are going for American bacon.

It really needs to be smoked the old-fashioned way.

Otherwise you end up with saltpork, or if flavored with the right spices, perhaps pancetta.

I would also ask what you use in the dry cure to give it the smoked flavor?

For a dry cure smoke-cheat, you can use smoked salt

But you just wont get the same lovely flavor of real smoke.

I just made some more bacon at home last week - about 3-kilos this time. No fancy marinade, just 1-cup light-brown sugar and 1-cup salt, plus a bit of cure (based on meat weight and method), and about 2-Ltr filtered water - this time used about 1-Tb black pepper for a little flavor. I used a brine, as opposed to dry cure. Marinated/cured it in the fridge for about 2-weeks.

I have a home-made brick smoker; ugly as sin - but it works.

I used mango wood (cheap and easy to find "up-country") to smoke it for 18-hours with heavy smoke. And man, did it come out delicious!!! I really like the mango wood smoke -- seems rather smooth -- no acrid or harsh flavors.

I used large semi-green logs, so they smolder well over charcoals, produce a heavy smoke, but don't really catch fire. I like the larger logs for several reasons, but mainly so I can start the smoking process around 6pm, when its cooler outside, and two or so in the burn chamber will last through the night. Then I can restock the wood the next morning, and finish smoking until noon. 18-hours

This is my 1st attempt to cure bacon, I just need to go into Nakhon Sawan to buy the pork belly.

Thank you in advance, for any info you may provide!

Well, good luck. Its a very easy, fun, and satisfying hobby...

- not to mention tasty, and can save money.

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Forgot to mention... before smoking, give the bacon an ice-water soak in plenty of filtered water and clean ice for 1-hour. This extracts any excess salt and sugar.

Salt and sugar, besides flavoring, also help in the curing process by pulling water out of the meat as well as any microbes, killing them. Once cured, the bath brings levels down to the right palatable level.

After soaking, hang the meat until somewhat dry to the touch before smoking. A gentle fan can help speed up the process. Put a pan with newspaper or some absorbent material underneath it as it will drip.

Edited by ChefHeat
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Forgot to mention... before smoking, give the bacon an ice-water soak in plenty of filtered water and clean ice for 1-hour. This extracts any excess salt and sugar.

Salt and sugar, besides flavoring, also help in the curing process by pulling water out of the meat as well as any microbes, killing them. Once cured, the bath brings levels down to the right palatable level.

After soaking, hang the meat until somewhat dry to the touch before smoking. A gentle fan can help speed up the process. Put a pan with newspaper or some absorbent material underneath it as it will drip.

Thank you for you input, I will have to do a bit of reading on the subject of smoking or making a smoker, I am in the process of building a horno -Pizza brick oven- as soon as I finish that I will plan on making a smoker for cheap.

Would you take a picture of your smoker and include the picture in one of your post.

I will include a picture of my Horno, as I learn to place it on another post, I also will include a picture of my failed fish pond project. It worked good until the weather heated up and the fish died, maybe some one out there can give me an idea what to make with it .




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Hey, nice job on the horno!! :D

Much more aesthetically pleasing than my smoker.

Could you build me one? :)

I'll see if I can dig a pic of my smoker...

I posted it once someplace here, but since have had my data disk go out on me.

OK, found an old pic... like I said, its ugly, but it works.

I'm sure someone with your skill could make one in a day - only prettier.

There are a few steel bars inside the taller meat-hanging chamber, first cinder-block section down from the top, to accommodate meat hooks.


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Hey, nice job on the horno!! :D

Much more aesthetically pleasing than my smoker.

Could you build me one? :)

I'll see if I can dig a pic of my smoker...

I posted it once someplace here, but since have had my data disk go out on me.

OK, found an old pic... like I said, its ugly, but it works.

I'm sure someone with your skill could make one in a day - only prettier.

There are a few steel bars inside the taller meat-hanging chamber, first cinder-block section down from the top, to accommodate meat hooks.

You gave me an idea of how I could make a smoker! I like your fire box and pipe to the bottom of a 55 gallon steel drum I saw on an other thread or an old refrigerator I may find !

You gave me some ideas on how to do what I want. I made a smaller horno in Arizona for my aunt, using plans from an old Sunset Magazine article. That I believe I still have. but I needed an old paper 30 gallon barrel. mine could have been simple but I Could not get the innards the right size.

If you want to make one I could help you via e-mail, and I have plans on making one.

I saw some thing in your fire box ,that would make the job a lot easier if you have any more of them, It looks like you made your fire box out of red brick, not the little Thai bricks. let me know and I will do all I can to help you build one.

I also need some info from you Re:Sodium nitrate/ nitrate salt and more info on making my own bacon, ham!

So let me know if you are interested and I will e-mail you the plans.

Thanks for all of you help.


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You gave me an idea of how I could make a smoker! I like your fire box and pipe to the bottom of a 55 gallon steel drum I saw on an other thread or an old refrigerator I may find !

You gave me some ideas on how to do what I want. I made a smaller horno in Arizona for my aunt, using plans from an old Sunset Magazine article. That I believe I still have. but I needed an old paper 30 gallon barrel. mine could have been simple but I Could not get the innards the right size.

If you want to make one I could help you via e-mail, and I have plans on making one.

I saw some thing in your fire box ,that would make the job a lot easier if you have any more of them, It looks like you made your fire box out of red brick, not the little Thai bricks. let me know and I will do all I can to help you build one.

I also need some info from you Re:Sodium nitrate/ nitrate salt and more info on making my own bacon, ham!

So let me know if you are interested and I will e-mail you the plans.

Thanks for all of you help.


Yes, those are red fire bricks.

You cant see in the pic, but there is a one-brick hole I left at the bottom of the fire box for oxygen intake, that I can dampen by sliding a loose brick in front it or half filling the hole with the loose brick turned sideways. There is a metal grate that sits just above the hole level where I start the charcoals, and room to lay wood on top.

for information on curing meat, this site has a lot of resources to study:


Read here for safety info:


Here is a good one to read through:


Yes, please email some horno plans. Thanks !!

[email protected]

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You gave me an idea of how I could make a smoker! I like your fire box and pipe to the bottom of a 55 gallon steel drum I saw on an other thread or an old refrigerator I may find !

You gave me some ideas on how to do what I want. I made a smaller horno in Arizona for my aunt, using plans from an old Sunset Magazine article. That I believe I still have. but I needed an old paper 30 gallon barrel. mine could have been simple but I Could not get the innards the right size.

If you want to make one I could help you via e-mail, and I have plans on making one.

I saw some thing in your fire box ,that would make the job a lot easier if you have any more of them, It looks like you made your fire box out of red brick, not the little Thai bricks. let me know and I will do all I can to help you build one.

I also need some info from you Re:Sodium nitrate/ nitrate salt and more info on making my own bacon, ham!

So let me know if you are interested and I will e-mail you the plans.

Thanks for all of you help.


Yes, those are red fire bricks.

You cant see in the pic, but there is a one-brick hole I left at the bottom of the fire box for oxygen intake, that I can dampen by sliding a loose brick in front it or half filling the hole with the loose brick turned sideways. There is a metal grate that sits just above the hole level where I start the charcoals, and room to lay wood on top.

for information on curing meat, this site has a lot of resources to study:


Read here for safety info:


Here is a good one to read through:


Yes, please email some horno plans. Thanks !!

[email protected]

I sent the e-mail and received a failed delivery notice, Let me give you the e-mail address for the ovens.


If you like an oven click on the picture, get more data. In the mean time I will look up the Sunset Magazine plans.

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You gave me an idea of how I could make a smoker! I like your fire box and pipe to the bottom of a 55 gallon steel drum I saw on an other thread or an old refrigerator I may find !

You gave me some ideas on how to do what I want. I made a smaller horno in Arizona for my aunt, using plans from an old Sunset Magazine article. That I believe I still have. but I needed an old paper 30 gallon barrel. mine could have been simple but I Could not get the innards the right size.

If you want to make one I could help you via e-mail, and I have plans on making one.

I saw some thing in your fire box ,that would make the job a lot easier if you have any more of them, It looks like you made your fire box out of red brick, not the little Thai bricks. let me know and I will do all I can to help you build one.

I also need some info from you Re:Sodium nitrate/ nitrate salt and more info on making my own bacon, ham!

So let me know if you are interested and I will e-mail you the plans.

Thanks for all of you help.


Yes, those are red fire bricks.

You cant see in the pic, but there is a one-brick hole I left at the bottom of the fire box for oxygen intake, that I can dampen by sliding a loose brick in front it or half filling the hole with the loose brick turned sideways. There is a metal grate that sits just above the hole level where I start the charcoals, and room to lay wood on top.

for information on curing meat, this site has a lot of resources to study:


Read here for safety info:


Here is a good one to read through:


Yes, please email some horno plans. Thanks !!

[email protected]

I sent the e-mail and received a failed delivery notice, Let me give you the e-mail address for the ovens.


If you like an oven click on the picture, get more data. In the mean time I will look up the Sunset Magazine plans.

Hi Kikoman

I would like the plans too....

or better yet maybe you could post them in a new thread .... It would be a great project ..... I would love one... and I'm sure many readers would like to see how you built it..

as for the fish pond .. all I can think of is ad some aeration, and some shade tree's or lily pads .... Might be best to ask in the farming forum....

S.J.C ....

Hey Kirk ...Glad to see I'm not the only one with an Ugly Smoker...... Now I want a wood fired bread oven.....

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