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Results Of Oct. 2009 Chiang Mai Mayoral Election

Gonzo the Face

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This election broke records. Normally handouts are 500 baht per household, this time it was 1000 baht per person! (I know of at least ten people wh ocame out of the election rather flushed!). They also confiscated ID cards only returning them at the front of the polling station (though I don;t quite understand why, as in the polling booth people can vote for whoever they want anyway), but maybe it is a psychological tactic. I really do hope that the new guy will, maybe, with his relative youth, bring something new to the table, and not be as cynical as my thoughts are about him. By the way he is not Boonlert or Pakorn's son, but the son of their eldest brother. Anyway, the die has been cast and all we can do now is support the mayor when he does something good and scrutinise him when its suspect. I try to be sour grapes about the whole thing. As many of you said, for whatever reason, he is the candidate of choice for CM people.

And Dr Pang didn't produce a porn, a private video of her and her boyfriend was distributed by political enemies.

a very gracious comment and positive future-looking response. throughout this campaign and in citylife your comments have always been balanced and fair. very professional

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As long as people get paid from all sides and then vote for whoever they want then the result isn't affected anymore, at least in an electoral sense..

In the West politicians get elected by spending gobs of money on ads, and lock in billions through promises on tax cuts (if on the right) or social hand-outs (if on the left)... In Thailand some of those amounts are spent directly, prior to voting.. The one thing in common with both systems is that people still vote with their wallets firmly in mind. Same same but different?

Interestingly, the one election with the LEAST vote buying was during Thaksin's re-elections, as Thaksin very successfully moved to the Western model of doing things, namely delivering big (==spending big) on promises and projects that his intended electorate actually wanted and then rewarded him for in successive landslide election victories, without the need for massive vote buying.

Now it's back to the bad old days; since the coup basically.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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This election broke records. Normally handouts are 500 baht per household, this time it was 1000 baht per person! (I know of at least ten people wh ocame out of the election rather flushed!). They also confiscated ID cards only returning them at the front of the polling station (though I don;t quite understand why, as in the polling booth people can vote for whoever they want anyway), but maybe it is a psychological tactic. I really do hope that the new guy will, maybe, with his relative youth, bring something new to the table, and not be as cynical as my thoughts are about him. By the way he is not Boonlert or Pakorn's son, but the son of their eldest brother. Anyway, the die has been cast and all we can do now is support the mayor when he does something good and scrutinise him when its suspect. I try to be sour grapes about the whole thing. As many of you said, for whatever reason, he is the candidate of choice for CM people.

And Dr Pang didn't produce a porn, a private video of her and her boyfriend was distributed by political enemies.

As we know that the election committees and many police are Red Shirts supporters. When there was a report to get the two men who had money and cards of No 2 to the police, they said they were busy to go to arrest them. They are hopeless. Also when those to bought the vote, they made the copy of money to give to the family. The community leaders got the lists of whom already got the money and how many votes they would get. People would not dare to tell the truth. They afraid to be in the trouble.

We see from Boonlert's case already. The witness are his people. The EC believe in those witness. :)

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It was not 500 Baht this time, nor it was 1.000 Baht. According to this newspaper "Chiang Mai News", it was 1.500 Baht. A family made 10.000 Baht in total. Not too bad they will say and go gambling with it. TIT

A fairly well placed Thai friend of mine said that VERY large amounts of money were required to secure the position.

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One of his first jobs should be (if he has any authority) is to paint out these narrow lanes and arrows that go against the regular flow of traffic.

Loi Khoh is one and the steel bridge is another where if people take advantage of "driving what is essentially the wrong way" the realm's daily road toll will only increase.

A monkey would have more brains than to have dreamed up that idea. :)

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun John B. Good,

Ulysses G. was right, a few weeks ago, when he pointed out there was a bicycle lane across the steel bridge and up Loi Kroh ... running east to west (i.e., against the flow of traffic) : to my amazement I even observed (a few days ago) white-on-blue bicycle icon signs at the east-of-the-Ping side entrance of the steel bridge, and once gain about halfway up Loy Kroh.

I completely agree with you that these "invitation to suicide" lanes should be painted out : as a statement of "pure idealism mooning reality" I kind of admire them, though. My guess is the signs, and lanes, are paid for by Chiang Mai Ram.

As for "monkey brains" : speaking as an Orangutan soul/mind currently incarceratred in an aging farang container, I can tell you that monkey brains are, indeed, pathetic : compared to Orangs.

Monkeys are silly sex-aholics who only "think" about three things : food, getting high off fermented fruit, or psychotropic nuts, and berries, and sex (in that order of priority) : in that light, you might compare them with many farangs. As for those disgusting Bonobos in Madagascar whose females all come into oestrus once a year on the same full moon resulting in an orgy which would put Koh Pagnan to shame : we won't mention those.

best, ~o:37;

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How sad that Dr. Pong didn't win. I thought she was a very effective and responsible mayor during her short term. However I hae been informed by Thai people that she is featurd in porn videos on You Tube. Talk about "Dirty Politics'. My Thai companion always votes, but he votes NO for everyone. I gather this is to indicate his dis-satisfaction with Thai politics!! These people need to be educated. I know "jai yen yen". TIT!!!

I was told that it was not a porn video, but was allegedly a propaganda stunt by her opponent(s). I was impressed when meeting her and it was crystal clear that she is not the type who would have anything at all to do with pornography. She is a bright, impressive young lady who I believe would have been an asset to this city as its leader.

Agreed.. though when only 6000 people out of 100,000 agree with that, then honestly that's a result. :)

the thais voted her out; they were obviously more aware of her actual "impressive" achievements than you were. her pr impressed expats but not apparently actual voters.

The smear campaign was extremely effective.

For your edification, she was not 'voted out'. "She lost her seat as mayor in early April following a court ruling which disqualified her from contesting the Chiang Mai mayoral election, which she had won by a landslide on Jan 24, 2007."


Edited by venturalaw
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perhaps instead of saying "voted out" i should have said "she did not win" i refer to the present election not the previous situation.

i believe her performance as mayor influenced thai voters, the smear campaign was a bit more mai bphen rai and had no major effect.

the landslide in 2007 has nothing to do with how voters perceived her this time round.

just my opinion from my own observations of thai voteing. as i say we differ in our opinions.

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People get the government they deserve.

If most voters don't care except for their payout, do they think the politicians care about them?

Gin Muang (eat the country) is the political environment here and has been since the time of Rama 5 or 6. In other words everyone is out to help themselves.

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One of his first jobs should be (if he has any authority) is to paint out these narrow lanes and arrows that go against the regular flow of traffic.

Loi Khoh is one and the steel bridge is another where if people take advantage of "driving what is essentially the wrong way" the realm's daily road toll will only increase.

A monkey would have more brains than to have dreamed up that idea. :)

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun John B. Good,

Ulysses G. was right, a few weeks ago, when he pointed out there was a bicycle lane across the steel bridge and up Loi Kroh ... running east to west (i.e., against the flow of traffic) : to my amazement I even observed (a few days ago) white-on-blue bicycle icon signs at the east-of-the-Ping side entrance of the steel bridge, and once gain about halfway up Loy Kroh.

I completely agree with you that these "invitation to suicide" lanes should be painted out : as a statement of "pure idealism mooning reality" I kind of admire them, though. My guess is the signs, and lanes, are paid for by Chiang Mai Ram.

As for "monkey brains" : speaking as an Orangutan soul/mind currently incarceratred in an aging farang container, I can tell you that monkey brains are, indeed, pathetic : compared to Orangs.

Monkeys are silly sex-aholics who only "think" about three things : food, getting high off fermented fruit, or psychotropic nuts, and berries, and sex (in that order of priority) : in that light, you might compare them with many farangs. As for those disgusting Bonobos in Madagascar whose females all come into oestrus once a year on the same full moon resulting in an orgy which would put Koh Pagnan to shame : we won't mention those.

best, ~o:37;

I live in CM for 8 years now. This is the third time they painting the bicycle roads every where around and against he traffic direction. Don't worry, they will remove all soon again. TIT you have to remember. They have to keep busy with the most silly things to gave the friends the money the promised. If you have to rank on the internet or animal planet the most stupid and silly expenses of all time, the nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmbbbbbbbbbbbbbbber onnnnneeeeeeeeee would be for sure Thailand (Chiang Mai). The number two would even not come to the ankles.

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perhaps instead of saying "voted out" i should have said "she did not win" i refer to the present election not the previous situation.

i believe her performance as mayor influenced thai voters, the smear campaign was a bit more mai bphen rai and had no major effect.

the landslide in 2007 has nothing to do with how voters perceived her this time round.

just my opinion from my own observations of thai voteing. as i say we differ in our opinions.

I'm not arguing these points since you seem to know. I do not, so could you please provide the source of your information - specifically what about her performance as mayor caused the Thai voters to elect someone else, and, how you know that the widespread distribution of a surreptitiously recorded video had no major effect upon the recent outcome?

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perhaps instead of saying "voted out" i should have said "she did not win" i refer to the present election not the previous situation.

i believe her performance as mayor influenced thai voters, the smear campaign was a bit more mai bphen rai and had no major effect.

the landslide in 2007 has nothing to do with how voters perceived her this time round.

just my opinion from my own observations of thai voteing. as i say we differ in our opinions.

I'm not arguing these points since you seem to know. I do not, so could you please provide the source of your information - specifically what about her performance as mayor caused the Thai voters to elect someone else, and, how you know that the widespread distribution of a surreptitiously recorded video had no major effect upon the recent outcome?

Very good question. I, too, await the answer....

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perhaps instead of saying "voted out" i should have said "she did not win" i refer to the present election not the previous situation.

i believe her performance as mayor influenced thai voters, the smear campaign was a bit more mai bphen rai and had no major effect.

the landslide in 2007 has nothing to do with how voters perceived her this time round.

just my opinion from my own observations of thai voteing. as i say we differ in our opinions.

I'm not arguing these points since you seem to know. I do not, so could you please provide the source of your information - specifically what about her performance as mayor caused the Thai voters to elect someone else, and, how you know that the widespread distribution of a surreptitiously recorded video had no major effect upon the recent outcome?

I think the video DID have a major effect on the outcome of the election, but I don't think it was surreptitiously recorded, was it?

Edited by lannarebirth
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perhaps instead of saying "voted out" i should have said "she did not win" i refer to the present election not the previous situation.

i believe her performance as mayor influenced thai voters, the smear campaign was a bit more mai bphen rai and had no major effect.

the landslide in 2007 has nothing to do with how voters perceived her this time round.

just my opinion from my own observations of thai voteing. as i say we differ in our opinions.

I'm not arguing these points since you seem to know. I do not, so could you please provide the source of your information - specifically what about her performance as mayor caused the Thai voters to elect someone else, and, how you know that the widespread distribution of a surreptitiously recorded video had no major effect upon the recent outcome?

Isn't it pretty clear that the source of the information is simply a personally generated opinion? After all, Caf says - I believe and in my opinion, to qualify the opinions stated.

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perhaps instead of saying "voted out" i should have said "she did not win" i refer to the present election not the previous situation.

i believe her performance as mayor influenced thai voters, the smear campaign was a bit more mai bphen rai and had no major effect.

the landslide in 2007 has nothing to do with how voters perceived her this time round.

just my opinion from my own observations of thai voteing. as i say we differ in our opinions.

I'm not arguing these points since you seem to know. I do not, so could you please provide the source of your information - specifically what about her performance as mayor caused the Thai voters to elect someone else, and, how you know that the widespread distribution of a surreptitiously recorded video had no major effect upon the recent outcome?

Isn't it pretty clear that the source of the information is simply a personally generated opinion? After all, Caf says - I believe and in my opinion, to qualify the opinions stated.

Exactly, thank you.

My source was conversations with Thais with a vote and with a positive interest in the future of Chiangmai.

It was actually venturalaw who raised the point about the video when he said "The smear campaign was extreemly effective" Obviously that is his opinion, whatever his source. The election was fought on the issues and the money handouts involved (probably on many sides) not on videos.

My understanding is that while the video did not help there was a bit of a mae bhen rai attitude about it. And as another poster said, it was hardly surreptiously recorded. It was however a dirty trick, whoever released it.

(And this is not a court room , venturalaw, but better not to ask a question unless you know what the answer is going to be. First rule in law :) )

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perhaps instead of saying "voted out" i should have said "she did not win" i refer to the present election not the previous situation.

i believe her performance as mayor influenced thai voters, the smear campaign was a bit more mai bphen rai and had no major effect.

the landslide in 2007 has nothing to do with how voters perceived her this time round.

just my opinion from my own observations of thai voteing. as i say we differ in our opinions.

I'm not arguing these points since you seem to know. I do not, so could you please provide the source of your information - specifically what about her performance as mayor caused the Thai voters to elect someone else, and, how you know that the widespread distribution of a surreptitiously recorded video had no major effect upon the recent outcome?

widespread distribution? i think not. surreptitiously? i definitly think not.

however, my view is the video is a red herring now. it should not have been raised after the election. dr pang s team says they want to move on in the interests of chiangmai. she is a forceful character and may be effctive in opposition. there is always another election in the future. she choose not to make the video an issue. perhaps you should have followed her lead

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imho the deepest pockets won, ho hum nothing changes, although theres an article in the major english newspaper that we cant link to, that highlights that money politics can be eliminated (Kuanru in Songkhla province)

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A lot of posts here that are breaking the following forum rule:

29) Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording.

This includes bolding (font change) another members text.

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perhaps instead of saying "voted out" i should have said "she did not win" i refer to the present election not the previous situation.

i believe her performance as mayor influenced thai voters, the smear campaign was a bit more mai bphen rai and had no major effect.

the landslide in 2007 has nothing to do with how voters perceived her this time round.

just my opinion from my own observations of thai voteing. as i say we differ in our opinions.

I'm not arguing these points since you seem to know. I do not, so could you please provide the source of your information - specifically what about her performance as mayor caused the Thai voters to elect someone else, and, how you know that the widespread distribution of a surreptitiously recorded video had no major effect upon the recent outcome?

widespread distribution? i think not. surreptitiously? i definitly think not.

however, my view is the video is a red herring now. it should not have been raised after the election. dr pang s team says they want to move on in the interests of chiangmai. she is a forceful character and may be effctive in opposition. there is always another election in the future. she choose not to make the video an issue. perhaps you should have followed her lead

If you care to review the previous posts, you will see that I mentioned the video not to make it 'an issue', but rather in response, and to correct the following misinformation contained in the post copied hereinbelow:

How sad that Dr. Pong didn't win. I thought she was a very effective and responsible mayor during her short term. However I hae been informed by Thai people that she is featurd in porn videos on You Tube. Talk about "Dirty Politics'. My Thai companion always votes, but he votes NO for everyone. I gather this is to indicate his dis-satisfaction with Thai politics!! These people need to be educated. I know "jai yen yen". TIT!!!
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A lot of posts here that are breaking the following forum rule:

29) Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording.

This includes bolding (font change) another members text.

Since you say that 'a lot of posts' are doing that, then it suggests that it is common practice and generally accepted.

I've been doing that for ages!! If I'm replying to a specific point in a long article, then I find that 'bolding' or changing it to blue makes my reply easier to understand. Generally, readers will have read the original article and I am highlighting the part that I want to comment on. 

Are you saying I shouldn't be doing that? Has anyone complained?

Edited by KevinHunt
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A lot of posts here that are breaking the following forum rule:

29) Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording.

This includes bolding (font change) another members text.

Since you say that 'a lot of posts' are doing that, then it suggests that it is common practice and generally accepted.

I've been doing that for ages!! If I'm replying to a specific point in a long article, then I find that 'bolding' or changing it to blue makes my reply easier to understand. Generally, readers will have read the original article and I am highlighting the part that I want to comment on.

Are you saying I shouldn't be doing that? Has anyone complained?

I do that too. I think it helps to clarify what you're responding to while maintaining proper context.

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Are you saying I shouldn't be doing that? Has anyone complained?

Yes, you shouldn't be doing it. It is a new forum addition. Posting it again in case you missed it.

29) Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording.

Just trim the quote down to the specific item you are responding to. I believe you know the address of support if you have questions regarding the rules.

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Are you saying I shouldn't be doing that? Has anyone complained?

Yes, you shouldn't be doing it. It is a new forum addition. Posting it again in case you missed it.

29) Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording.

Just trim the quote down to the specific item you are responding to. I believe you know the address of support if you have questions regarding the rules.

I didn't see a thread on this at forum support but I'd like to say I don't think it's a very helpful new rule. OK, how about how I indicated I'm talking about the rule. Is that OK?

edit: No, that looks stupid.

Edited by lannarebirth
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