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Update Evidence!

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hi all

Happy Easter! :D

Just couple of question today, i know it bests to update supporting evidence like bank statements,phone records, letters etc.

by the time of my wife's interview (may 13th)

my bank statements will be 3 months out of date,

do you guys think,

it will be ok to just submit the last one of the three statements?

the reason i ask this is because 2 of the 3 statements where produced while being in thailand, and because of being self-imployed this means i haven'ent earn any money for those months (no work no money) but of course spent a great deal. will this go against me if i hand these statements in too?

im back home now earning again so the lastest one statement should look ok.

thank you! :o

Edited by mills25
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Hi Mills,

If you submit only the last one the embassy may think that you're trying to hide something so submit them all. The visa officer will have at least 6 months' worth and can see how much you tend to earn. He can also see that at the time no money was being earned you were in Thailand, so, no, it won't be held against you.



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We submitted bank statements etc. with the application, and neither submitted nor were asked for more up to date ones at the interview.

Mills, I know this is a worrying time, but try not to worry about things that don't matter.

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It is always possible that the visa officer would not ask to see more up-to-date evidence but in submitting the extra bank statements you are doing your wife's application no harm.

Indeed, when I worked as a visa officer one little trick that was (still is) employed was in a situation where an application was to be refused and no recent documents had been provided then this was thrown in to bolster the refusal.



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If it helps, my gf had initial interview where my bank statements were read, she had further interview 10 weeks later and the Officer advised her to bring up to date bank statements when she returns for the second interview.

The new bank statements were read by the Officer in the 2nd interview.


Clive Sorts

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hi clive

i didnt realize that eco's may need more than one interview . what are the possible reason for this?.

If it helps, my gf had initial interview where my bank statements were read, she had further interview 10 weeks later and the Officer advised her to bring up to date bank statements when she returns for the second interview.

The new bank statements were read by the Officer in the 2nd interview.


Clive Sorts

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My gf handed in the documents in Dec 2004 and she was given a short interview( it suprised her as she didn't think she would be interviewed then ), questions regarding her relationship with me and when we were going to get married.

My gf didn't know the exact date that we were going to get married, the Officer wanted her to furnish a date and because my gf couldn't she was asked to attend a further interview( I was present ) in March 2005. That interview went smoothly as we had a date set by then.


Clive Sorts

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