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Priewpan Sues Prime Minister


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Whatever the "reason" he made this mistake.......... it was only after 18 months of desperate searching by those who engineered the coup --- they came up with this ----a very weak point to "convict" him over.

After all the resources deployed to "get" him and his --- this was it!! Pretty sad !!I would have expected after all the effort invested to have had definite proof of him handing the ammunition the Oswald in the library in Dallas. :)

On the contrary, there are several other cases in-progress, this was merely the first one to result in a conviction and a sentence. :D

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Ricardo--- this is the only conviction !! One --- one conviction --- other posters (not yourself) apparently believe anything put in front of them --- magically even achieving a list of the most unusual convictions.

"there are several other cases in-progress" -- I would love to be informed of even one. I was under the impression that no cases were "in-progress" due to the the fact that the various charges (which have been leveled against Thaksin) require his presence in court before they can proceed.

Should there be any which do not require this --- I would love to be informed.

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The asset concealment case is "in progress", if you are so nitpicky.

All other cases are waiting for his return to stand trial.

Then there's lottery case where he was found guilty alone with some others. Thaksin wasn't present so his sentence wasn't read. The other guys got suspended jail, Thaksin shouldn't get anything less.

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The asset concealment case is "in progress", if you are so nitpicky.

All other cases are waiting for his return to stand trial.

Then there's lottery case where he was found guilty alone with some others. Thaksin wasn't present so his sentence wasn't read. The other guys got suspended jail, Thaksin shouldn't get anything less.

"Then there's lottery case where he was found guilty alone with some others."

Seldom is Plus one to allow accuracy to get in the way of his bias. This report tells the true story.


-- The Nation 1/10/2009 http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2009/10/01...cs_30113495.php

Found guilty were then-deputy finance minister Varathep Ratanakorn, then-Finance Ministry permanent secretary Somchainuk Engtrakul and then-Government Lottery Office chief Chaiwat Pasokpakdi. The trio were handed suspended two-year jail terms with probation.

The court suspended decisions on Thaksin, because he remains a fugitive after being convicted in another case.

Sorry to be nitpickey as you choose to phrase it --- others call it accuracy.

"The asset concealment case" ....... Plus there are no charges against your Satan here ... as your inaccurate post tries to imply.

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Thaksin is working feverishly to stop all of the several judicial procedings that are pending either in the pipeline or as in the lottery case still unanounced publicly and therefore hanging over him like the proverbial sword of Damocles. The court withheld declaring its judgement in the lottery matter because Thaksin isn't here. And Thaksin isn't here because if he were here he'd go to prison.

I wouldn't try to second guess a judicary but the recent trends regarding courts' judgements in cases involving Thaksin are keeping him in Dubai and on the phone to his reds privately and publicly, much to the detriment of Thailand.

I edit because I wanted to pose the question of why Thaksin the democrat :) is holed up in an emerates with some byzantine democracy that is less democracy and more byzantine. Why doesn't Thaksin the democrat :D show his face in a viable and recognized democracy instead of some recently jazzed up shiekdom (emerate)?

Edited by Publicus
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There are at least 6 PENDING cases with Thaksin as litigant.

The only and I mean ONLY reason there is ONLY one conviction is because he has absconded.

If he comes back without SIGNIFICANTLY changing the playing field in his favor;

via red shirt an PTP machinations,

he will have little choice but face the music, in a profoundly MINOR key.

Enough to make Arnold Schoenberg blush in it's dissonant power.

Import/Export bank loans to Burmese junta to purchase shin sat products.

Lottery decision done with convictions, but pending his return for HIS personal one.

There are others; not fighting their way past my fall cold.

They succeeded with the easiest, and that scared him sufficiently to abscond.

If he were convicted of only half, his career is toast

and his time behind bars will take a significant portion of his remaining time on the planet.

7 years at his age is half a life sentence to someone used to his life of power and luxury.

And EACH convictions incarceration begins AFTER the case goes full course,

likely years between each conviction and each one tacking on more time.

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There are at least 6 PENDING cases with Thaksin as litigant.

The only and I mean ONLY reason there is ONLY one conviction is because he has absconded.

Gentlemen .... please do not confuse my rejection of what are obviously incorrect posts .... and arguments with posts I believe are based on distortions if not outright lies .... with support or approval of either Thaksin ......or the methods he employs to avoid further prosecutions.

Posted 2009-10-14 18:33:51 I was under the impression that no cases were "in-progress" due to the the fact that the various charges (which have been leveled against Thaksin) require his presence in court before they can proceed.

Neither , I would point out , do I hold myself to be some sort of authority on these matters. I am merely a mildly interested commentator ..... as susceptible to my own personal biases as the next person. But I at least try to maintain some balance. Where I present views which are obviously slanted ... I do so to try to counter the ever prevalent and somewhat ridiculous...... "Thaksin is the root of all evil camp" ... people who could be doing a lot better by focusing elsewhere...... where real and current crimes are happening. I always believed this camp wanted to fight and destroy "Thaksin corruption" --- not 'corruption". There is a huge difference. Is this hypocrisy?

All the baying for Thaksins blood totally ignores the vast corruption --- immense criminality -- and outright hypocrisy reported in the Thai news each day.

Where are the astoundingly perceptive "BANNED# ???" group when they are really needed???

Our current PM returns from an extended overseas trip to get right down to business : On October 4 he calls an urgent meeting with a select pack of "BANNED #???" factional leaders :

Suwat Liptapanlop , Newin Chidchob, Anuthin Charnvirakul , Somsak Thepsuthin , Banharn Silpa-archa , Somsak Prisnananthakul , Phinij Charusombat and Pairote Suwannachawee .

They were obviously discussing the forthcoming worlds cup matches. :) Absolutely -- definitely --- totally ---- guaranteed to be not the slightest hint of any breach of law here is there??? Not any breach that the TV warriors for truth and justice wish to pursue anyway!

Come on guys --- just a little balance .... please.

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tig28>> So when PPP etc is having meetings with banned MPs, that is alright, but not if the democrats do?

Hi TAWP...... don't tell me that someone is finally getting it ??? When the "p" alphabet soup meet with just one of 'the banned" the usual suspects are screaming endlessly .... this was one of the favorite games of the ratbag "BANNED # ???" group ..... and it went on for dozens of posts ...... repeatedly. They were right to protest what was an obvious breach of the law.

Our current PM calls a meeting of the most influential pack of "the banned' (where I am certain that no political matters whatsoever were on their agenda) and what do we hear from these stalwart defenders of all that is right and just??

Not so much as one word.

Over to you.

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Including Koo82.

Where is Koo82?? I miss her. Her bravery under fire was impressive. The gang (including you) who berated her without mercy should beware karma. :) Next life .... maybe someone shall get you.

I also miss SJ ... I was out of country ... I have no idea of what happened to him.

Come on TAWP ... how about a bold strike on the side of justice ... offer some criticism of what was obviously a serious breach of law in the PM's meeting with this rather illustrious group .... remember just who they were:

Suwat Liptapanlop , Newin Chidchob, Anuthin Charnvirakul , Somsak Thepsuthin , Banharn Silpa-archa , Somsak Prisnananthakul , Phinij Charusombat and Pairote Suwannachawee

This is not just a group of concerned citizens --- if you tossed a net over this mob ---- you would get some genuine hard-core grubs. It is a virtual "who's who" of the ugly underbelly of Thai politics.....

I cannot remember anyone calling a group like this together for a meeting ..... but our current PM did!!

I also think it is against the law.

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I miss Koo, even after she stopped listening to anything at all.

The only way the Banned power brokers will stop being power brokers,

is when they are shot or drawn an quartered,

but at least the bans slow down their getting their votes

hand driven through the parliament.

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