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Return Ticket Required ?

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The problem isn't coming into Thailand with a one way ticket, the problem is at some U.K. airports. If you get a snotty check-in clerk, they can make life difficult for anyone travelling on a one way ticket.

I got a snotty woman once at Manchester airport who just kept shaking her head and saying no way, eventually I was O.K. though because I had a tourist visa.

Other worldwide airports don't care at all. But I have yet to hear of anyone who was absoultely not allowed to travel on a one way ticket who had a tourist visa or non I. for Thailand.

Wilson Steer.

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I was turned away from the check in counter on my first trip to Thailand with no visa. I knew the regs and took the risk. No amount of bluffing and then begging would solve it. I had to head for Ebookers at Heathrow to get a refundable return ticket but it still cost me the 50 quid.

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Other worldwide airports don't care at all.

Just as a brief update to this comment. I was departing Perth W.Aus. on 30th December last year, and had to produce an on-going ticket to prove that I would be leaving the country. They are taking it seriously down under. This was at the Quantas check in desk.

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I am also traveling on a single ticket from LHR with thai airways and also have a multi non im O,

I have heard in the past of persons having hassle at check in so i contacted Thai air direct to check there position on this, got a call back from a chap who wasnt able to help but gave me email contact for LHR check in for thai, after five days no reply.

so have booked a flight out of Thailand with air asia for 359b to cut any hassle at check in time.

Good luck

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The problem isn't coming into Thailand with a one way ticket, the problem is at some U.K. airports. If you get a snotty check-in clerk, they can make life difficult for anyone travelling on a one way ticket.

I got a snotty woman once at Manchester airport who just kept shaking her head and saying no way, eventually I was O.K. though because I had a tourist visa.

There should be a special "snotty bi#ch" stamp that comes with the visa so people do not have to put up with these U.K. c#nts

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Other worldwide airports don't care at all.

Just as a brief update to this comment. I was departing Perth W.Aus. on 30th December last year, and had to produce an on-going ticket to prove that I would be leaving the country. They are taking it seriously down under. This was at the Quantas check in desk.

I just returned to thailand about 3 weeks and was told at the travel agent that I might need a return ticket but at the checkin (Singapore) at Tullamarine airport there was no problems at all. I had a Non-imm O visa.

Perhaps its just "Quaintarse" being a pain in the arse again. Never fly with them again!!

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Please enlighten me as to what is the difference between having a tourist visa in your passport as to getting one on arrival? If you only have a one way ticket, or no forwarding ticket surely that is the problem area. The only time having a visa would help you out is when it is of the non-tourist type. If that is the case then please make it clear.

I am sure there are quite a number of people similar to myself who find it hard to get longer stay visa's organised. I work at sea and find it very difficult to get the correct visa organised,( though will possibly get married to my Thai lady next year so a quick nip across to Malayasia and sort out a non-imm O visa should resolve the issue), mainly due ot the fact that you have to give your passport over to the captain on arrival on the vessel.

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Please enlighten me as to what is the difference between having a tourist visa in your passport as to getting one on arrival? If you only have a one way ticket, or no forwarding ticket surely that is the problem area. The only time having a visa would help you out is when it is of the non-tourist type. If that is the case then please make it clear. 

I am sure there are quite a number of people similar to myself who find it hard to get longer stay visa's organised. I work at sea and find it very difficult to get the correct visa organised,( though will possibly get married to my Thai lady next year so a quick nip across to Malayasia and sort out a non-imm O visa should resolve the issue), mainly due ot the fact that you have to give your passport over to the captain on arrival on the vessel.

The 30 day permit on arrival is not a visa. To be entitled to get it, the rules call for a confirmed outbound ticket in hand at arrival within 30 days.

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Guess we had this subject a couple of times.

1-way ticket and no visa means trouble with the airline.

I mentioned before, I always travel with r/trip tickets issued and ending in Bangkok and present a p/port without a Thai visa.

Roughly, 50/50 that they question the ticket at check-in of about 15 flights a year

into BKK.

March 25, HKG, CX downtown. No way they let me board. (Until I showed the second p/port with visa)

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I had a problem a year or so ago on a return ticket from BKK to LHR.

Thai Air check in, but Canadian Airlines acting as their LHR agent.

Had 7 weeks left on a year Spouse Non immigrant, multi entry, but was told by the check in lady that she could not let me fly home. Tried to explain that I lived with my wife in Los and my visa would be extended a week or so before expiry. Even showed a copy of my marriage certificate, to which she was still adamant that I couldn’t board.

Asked to see her supervisor and explained everything to him including that I didn’t even live in the UK anymore and had just been back for a holiday to see my family.

Luckily he said they would let me fly this time.

Now, I always get a dummy ticket issued from my Thai agent to show I am flying out of Thailand a few weeks later just to be on the safe side.

Never needed it though, although I fly with EVA now.

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