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Hard Violence By Insomnia Iclub Bouncers


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This club should be shut down!!!

And the owners (farang?) serve time before deportation!!!


Have herd the owners of insomnia are australian,and co owners of a bar in soi 8, the party bar,

and the doormen are all from deep south thailand,were all the trouble is, only what i herd.

didn't know manchester was in australia. :D

Empty spin then :) . Wow manchester,them manks get everywere,first the hasyenda NOW insomnia :D

Yeah went insomnia once AND only the ONCE,as for the doormen they are sitting ducks and we all no what can happen to sitting ducks :D

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This is a video clip of how bouncers should behave in a civilised 1st world country.

Bouncer violence is not unheard of in "civilised 1st world country". As a bouncer myself back in my 20's I was often witnessed unnecessary violence and on occasion extreme violence by bouncers.

Here's a report about a death as a result of bouncer violence on the Gold Coast, Australia just last year. I used to bounce there myself back in the early 80's.

TWO of three Gold Coast bouncers charged with the murder of a man outside a local tavern have joined a magistrate on a tour around the pub.

On the first day of a committal hearing into the death of patron Terii Tararo, a viewing of the scene outside Fisherman's Wharf Tavern was requested.

Southport magistrate Catherine Pirie adjourned the proceedings to inspect the Main Beach premises with prosecutors, police and defence lawyers.

Also present at the 30-minute viewing were accused men, Denis Legradi, 23, of Pacific Pines, and Naeroa Petera Te Pau Konui, 35, of Arundel.

They are conjointly charged with Morne Ricardo Lombaard, 28, of Southport, with murdering Tararo on May 18 last year.

Lombaard is the only one to have been denied bail.

In her opening address, prosecutor Rosanna Doolan told the court that on the night of his death, Tararo and three friends attended Fisherman's Wharf shortly after 10pm but were denied entry.

Ms Doolan said that after being turned away, Tararo appeared calm on security footage but a scuffle erupted shortly afterwards.

She said Lombaard was seen to pursue Tararo, grabbing him and exchanging punches.

Within seconds, other bouncers allegedly had joined the fracas and "the combination of (security) guards" took Tararo to the ground.

The court was told while he was being restrained face down on the ground, Tararo was repeatedly punched in the head by Lombaard and Te Pau Konui.

Ms Doolan said Legradi had straddled Tararo's back and applied a choker hold around his neck. She told the court Lombaard subjected Tararo to a "flurry of punches" before kicking him in the head.

On a couple of occasions security staff had allegedly attempted to push back Lombaard.

The court also heard that Lombaard was seen to crouch and reach for Tararo's right hand after which witnesses heard a popping noise and the accused man saying: "Two down, three to go".

Medical evidence showed deep bruising to fingers on Tararo's right hand, Ms Doolan said.

Tararo was still being restrained face down when police arrived. He was handcuffed but when police observed he was unresponsive, the cuffs were removed and they tried to resuscitate him.

A short time later, he was pronounced dead at the Gold Coast Hospital.

Police will allege Tararo's blood was found on clothing of all three accused.

Ms Doolan told the court significant contributing factors in Tararo's death included his restraint in a prone position, underlying heart condition, neck compression and head injuries.

The hearing continues today.

There's quite a few similarities to the Insomnia incident. As a result of this incident and others like it, the "bouncing industry" has been cleaned up quite a bit.

Edited by tropo
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Seen this before Thats why i say pattaya is a sh.t hole , I would never get in that position of being kicked but if i did it would be my lifes mission to apply some revenge, Nobody deserves that treatment , Only girls kick in my country , not real men

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what are you people doing in bars that makes you fear going to someplace like Insomnia and doing the same? while no one is saying these bouncers beat the shit out of people for fun, no one is saying exactly what these patrons did to get a beating.

here is some advice for those worried about getting beat up... stop acting like an idiot when you have a couple of beers in you.

I strongly disagree here. If someone is behaving bad in a pub, the bouncer should at first politely show him the door. If the guest refuses to comply, there are arrest techniques that immobilize the offender and the bouncer can walk him to the door without injuring him. Once the offender is outside the problem should be considered solved.

If the offender attacks the bouncer, the bouncer should have enough martial arts skills to counter such attack or he is the wrong person for the job.

In case the offender does whatever illegal (drugs for instance), the bouncer should hand him over to the authorities.

Beating the crap out of someone with a chako (sp?) is neither a display of martial arts skills nor an appropriate measure to deal with whatever offender in a bar.

This ain't your country now though is it?

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This place should be closed down if this is true ! its disgusting these things happen. people should get together and do something. :D


Do something,Yea right :):D:D:D

Oh get real. This happens regularly outside clubs in Manchester, Sydney, NY etc etc.

They were hardly full blooded kicks in the first video.

Maybe the guys 'touched up' a Thai gal in the club....maybe the three of them beat up a single Thai guy in the club.............you just don't know do ya?

They hardly got the crap beat out of them......that was just a slapping.

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Have herd the owners of insomnia are australian,and co owners of a bar in soi 8, the party bar,

FYI - Party Bar on Soi 8 is gone. I think the hotel (landowner) reclaimed the space or something like that. Cannot remember all the details as I was a wee bit tipsy when I got the information.


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If you played up back in the early 90's in Astoria Charing Cross Road London you would get one of those long heavy metal torches smashed across your head by the doormen, they all had them as a torch is hardly an offensive weapon. Other then the Brixton bully boys the club was the <deleted>.

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If you played up back in the early 90's in Astoria Charing Cross Road London you would get one of those long heavy metal torches smashed across your head by the doormen, they all had them as a torch is hardly an offensive weapon. Other then the Brixton bully boys the club was the <deleted>.

Me and a mate were stuck in a small room with 5 very large mean bouncers and a closed door, at Astoria once. They weren't very nice, but in the end they just kicked us out; threat of extreme violence, but no violence, just threw us out...

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Me and a mate were stuck in a small room with 5 very large mean bouncers and a closed door, at Astoria once. They weren't very nice, but in the end they just kicked us out; threat of extreme violence, but no violence, just threw us out...

Not a good situation Jas, lucky you and your mate got out of that one. The bouncers were nuts back then in the 90's, I think a cocktail of steroids and "e" made them all insane.

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Have herd the owners of insomnia are australian,and co owners of a bar in soi 8, the party bar,

FYI - Party Bar on Soi 8 is gone. I think the hotel (landowner) reclaimed the space or something like that. Cannot remember all the details as I was a wee bit tipsy when I got the information.


Really , can any body else confirm this?

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They were hardly full blooded kicks in the first video.

......that was just a slapping.

Those kicks were very hard. They were deceiving because of the speed at which they were delivered.

That was a real beating, not a slapping.

I wouldn't want to be at the receiving end those kicks.

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They were hardly full blooded kicks in the first video.

......that was just a slapping.

Those kicks were very hard. They were deceiving because of the speed at which they were delivered.

That was a real beating, not a slapping.

I wouldn't want to be at the receiving end those kicks.

A few of my rules for surviving in Pattaya are never go to Walking Street, stay away from "discos", stay away from groups of Thai men, as they can flip en masse for nothing, avoid all confrontations, never buy without knowing the price before, check bar bills as soon as you've ordered so if the bill is being padded you minimise the damage. Finally, never get so drunk that you dont know what you're doing. That leaves lots of nice bars and lots of nice places and it means I avoid the scum and the psychos, both Thai and falang.

Incidentally, im sure Korean guys would be more than happy to attack in big gangs, many on one. That seems to be an Asian thing.

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Me and a mate were stuck in a small room with 5 very large mean bouncers and a closed door, at Astoria once. They weren't very nice, but in the end they just kicked us out; threat of extreme violence, but no violence, just threw us out...

Not a good situation Jas, lucky you and your mate got out of that one. The bouncers were nuts back then in the 90's, I think a cocktail of steroids and "e" made them all insane.

Yep, they wanted to search us for the obvious reasons (not out of duty, but profit), we wouldn't let them and suggested they call the police instead... They didn't like that answer, it was touch and go, at least two of the bouncers wanted to force the issue (one thumped my mate), but the top dog stopped when he saw some membership cards I had in my wallet...

These insomnia bouncers will be slaughtered sooner or later, plenty of unbalanced folk around that don't like taking a beating...

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many on one. That seems to be an Asian thing.

I think this is a little biased. (I didn't want to invoke the R word). Perhaps you've been watching too many martial arts movies.

There's nothing Asian about many on one. It's worldwide.

It's also the logical way for bouncers to keep peace in any country - by the show of overwhelming force. Police force -same. Military - same. It's the way to prevent fights.

Do you think bouncers should stage one-on-one fights to show their skills and how manly they are? They are not fight competitors, but hired security people.

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many on one. That seems to be an Asian thing.

I think this is a little biased. (I didn't want to invoke the R word). Perhaps you've been watching too many martial arts movies.

There's nothing Asian about many on one. It's worldwide.

It's also the logical way for bouncers to keep peace in any country - by the show of overwhelming force. Police force -same. Military - same. It's the way to prevent fights.

Do you think bouncers should stage one-on-one fights to show their skills and how manly they are? They are not fight competitors, but hired security people.

You think its racist? Or you think ive been watching too many martial arts movies? Umm, no. Its after quite a few years living in Asia.

Your point about overwhelming force is well taken. I agree completely. But when a "team" of bouncers become a "pack" of bouncers, or perhaps just a pack of wild animals and they dont merely overwhelm but kick the heads in of their helpless prey, then they have gone way beyond what is "logical".

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Have herd the owners of insomnia are australian,and co owners of a bar in soi 8, the party bar,

FYI - Party Bar on Soi 8 is gone. I think the hotel (landowner) reclaimed the space or something like that. Cannot remember all the details as I was a wee bit tipsy when I got the information.


Really , can any body else confirm this?

I was surprised myself as I remember it was listed for sale on a website. So I went by a second to make sure it was being demolished. Then I spoke with another bar owner who suggested I speak to a gentleman in the bar who had intimate knowledge... That is when I found out about the hotel and land issue. Party Bar is gone...



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Its not just an asain thing. I know a few guys in England who would love having a pop at those bouncers. I also remember the last time I got threw out of a club in the UK the same thing usually happens all bouncers pile in. Rather than an asain thing I'd say it was a man thing.

It makes you wonder what the poor lads did to get a kicking, they must of does something to provoke.

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You think its racist? Or you think ive been watching too many martial arts movies? Umm, no. Its after quite a few years living in Asia.

Your point about overwhelming force is well taken. I agree completely. But when a "team" of bouncers become a "pack" of bouncers, or perhaps just a pack of wild animals and they dont merely overwhelm but kick the heads in of their helpless prey, then they have gone way beyond what is "logical".

Maybe even too many years in Asia. Unless you're from a utopia somewhere and totally out of touch with reality, you'd know that such violence and many-on-one attacks occur all over the globe. To say it is Asian only behaviour is incorrect and biased.

I abhor the behaviour of the Insomnia bouncers just as I do any such behaviour in other countries. Did you read my report about about how 3 or more bouncers attacked a guy in Australia and killed him. Three were charged with murder and the case is still ongoing in the Supreme Court in Brisbane. I've seen groups of white bouncers attack white guys on many occasions. Shocking isn't it? ...that even white guys can do this. It usually starts when a bouncer loses his cool after his ego has been challenged and he forgets he is doing a job.

They sacked this security company in Australia. It would be nice if they could do something about the security in Pattaya too...but that's probably asking too much.

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This is not the first time I saw the Violence-Guards of Incomnia's iClub beat up tourists (in this case Koreans?)


Perhaps they need a bit of training? - A bouncers job is to escort trouble makers out the door, not pull them down the street, gang-up on them and kick them while they are down.

Ahh well - at least this is one way of getting your club closed.

TIT donny.

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I never usually go to nightclubs anywhere but i was dragged along to Insomnia earlier in the year, everytime i bought a whisky had a sip and put it down before going for a boogy (right next to the drink but behind me) the barmen would take it this happened 3 times, the final time when i told him not to take it as ive had 3 taken already, the idiot thought he was tough and was most definitely trying to intimidate me into a fight once he had gone and got his mates.

I left never to return again.

Thais do fight in group mentality far more then the English, something like this rarely happens with indigenous English yes even nowadays despite what you 50/60 year olds like to make up, as if street fighting in your day was queensbury fcuken rules!

PS Viv Graham the one seen beating the doorman was shot and killed many years ago, he went down for that beating .... but it was a villain fighting a villain.

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Thais do fight in group mentality far more then the English, something like this rarely happens with indigenous English yes even nowadays despite what you 50/60 year olds like to make up, as if street fighting in your day was queensbury fcuken rules!

I LOL'd at the way you put it. I agree with you even I'm 50 year's old.

If you put a group of Englishmen in a situation where a particular group of foreigners were playing up and becoming a threat I'll bet my bottom dollar they will fight in a group. It's all comes down to situation. With Thais here in Pattaya it's an us and them situation so it's pretty obvious they're going to look after their own and fight as a team, especially if you consider the average size difference. Englishmen fighting Englishmen is not a comparable situation.

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Many on one attacks of course happen everywhere, but it seems to happen far more In Asia. Sorry if that sounds "racist", or biased or it sounds like ive been in Asia too long. Ive lived half my adult life in Western countries and half in Asia and I think it happens more in Asia.

Maybe in Thaland it is partly justifiable based on size, but actually thats ridiculous. Most bouncers here are actually trained Muay Thai boxers. Most falang are middle aged or old age, drunk, overweight and not trained in anything. The disproportionate, viscous, often would be murderous gang attacks are driven by vile, ignorant hate and blood lust and they happen time and time again because they get away with it every time.

In general Thais do seem to think falang are always in the wrong, that the authorities will always be on the side of the Thais and that any minor infraction on behalf of the falang (whether its merely complaining about a padded bar bill, "speaking no good" or genuinly doing something wrong) is an excuse to enage in an orgy of violence where the weight of numbers, use of weapons, one sided police, tendency for the falang to be drunk/old/overweight, or just pure animal like viscousness stack the odds greatly against the foreigner.

Perhaps these videos should be forwarded to the right UK papers and the foreign office, just so people know what happens over in the land of smiles to any falang or foreigner who is seen to have stepped out of line in some way. It does seem bad news seeping out upsets the Thai authorities and thats the way to change things.

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Maybe in Thaland it is partly justifiable based on size, but actually thats ridiculous. Most bouncers here are actually trained Muay Thai boxers.

Muay Thai is not going to help a bouncer do his job. It's the worst training a bouncer could have.

All it will do is help protect him from an attack, and the only way he can do that is by knocking out his opponent from a distance. Muay Thai will not help a solo 120lb Thai bouncer one iota when it comes to escorting a 200 lb + aggressive Farang out the door. By the very nature of what they must do, they need to work together.

The parties responsible here are the people who employ the bouncers. Bouncing needs to be regulated at a higher level. They need to be trained in the correct skills of crowd control. Aggressive people should never be hired in the first place.

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I completely agree Tropo.

If they dont have the budget/ability to properly train their bouncers then perhaps they are not the right people to run the club.

Also they should put CCTV everywhere so if they have a trouble maker, escort him out and hand him over to the police. Then offer them a 200 baht flash drive with a copy of the survaliance video (takes 10 minutes to make). A good CCTV system usually keeps the bouncers in line.

Hmm.. I wonder if the club owners are responsible for the act of their employees?

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