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What Is A Troll?


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Just a qustion here so I donot make the same mistake twice.

What is a troll?

I posted a topic on why guys marry bar girls and it was stopped because someone called it a troll, What is a troll please?

And what can i do to restate the thread so it is accepted, and not discontinued.

Because I feel it is a very real topic and should be discussed.

Or did the topic hit to close to home for a lot of people here?

Edited by lovelomsak
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Just a qustion here so I donot make the same mistake twice.

What is a troll?

I posted a topic on why guys marry bar girls and it was stopped because someone called it a troll, What is a troll please?

And what can i do to restate the thread so it is accepted, and not discontinued.

Because I feel it is a very real topic and should be discussed.

Or did the topic hit to close to home for a lot of people here?

I give this topic all of 30 minutes to last as well.

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A troll on an internet forum is when someone already has a set opinion on a subject and wants to stir up a controversy amongst others. There are sensible reasons for doing so and any DEBATE can be a good thing so long as people know how to write without being hateful towards others. A good debate often brings to light important sides to a controversial subject.

There is NO need to make disparaging remarks to anyone else's opinion. Opinions are like A-holes. Everyone has one. Everyone can learn a lot from a good debate... even if it only gives you a good understanding about the psychology of people.

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This is a tricky balance. Bonobo, even before he was a moderator, was my favourite contributor. I cannot mention and don't mention his reason for stopping your last topic. Indeed I am not allowed to do so. But I want you to note that you were not 'targetted' by your topic being described as trolling.

He made a hard call. I don't think you are necessarily of evil intent in posting what you posted, but I fear it goes down such an obvious series of narratives that you it is doomed to drop into a rant. Had you reframed your position it might have stood a chance. As it was you did this:

You problematised the type of women that farang men marry in Thailand (why did you choose to do this?)

You appear to associate women's desparate need for resources as a form or moral failure (an arguable position)

You used the conceptual framework of class (you seem to have not noticed you used two meanings of class: 'classy' and 'class of social status' )

You assumed a preference for the middle class, upper class girl (and assumed they are superior)

You assumed the vices are the problems of the lower classes only

You naively assumed Thais who marry up the social ladder do not suffer such vices (since they told you so)

You were inviting a narrative that is inherently insulting, since your assumptions are twisted away from reality. I just never seem to meet these men who are falling off bar stools trying to take in their next drug trip, who then stagger home, to have SM with their barn chicken, before exploding from the gluttony they suffer as a consequnce of marrying a woman of low morals. I just keep meeting gentlemen with nice wives who quietly get on with their lives.

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... Opinions are like A-holes. Everyone has one.

Not true.

About 6 weeks ago I spent 5 days in the Peter MacCullum Cancer hospital & one of the patients I shared a ward with had no arsehol_e.

He entertained the rest of us by farting out of a tube that was stuck in his guts. :)

Probably best not to feed this one. 30 seconds on google would have given him his answer with a lot less effort.

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lovelomsak: if you want a long life in Thailand, live by "live and let live".

Dont care so much about other people do and dont.

If you want a long life on this forum, when you already have 1 topic Closed = you should have get the message!

:Lay low, stop posting for a while, read and learn from others.

If you think you are so much better than the rest of us, please keep your thoughts for yourself. The topic did not "hit to close to home" as you say. You just come on as someone who think you are better than all others, and like to bash them with your thread.

The locals shure not appreciate it, something you will learn the hard way soon enough.

I would say you just made the same mistake twice.

If you get a topic closed and have problem with that, you should email support at thaivisa com or send a private mail (PM) to a moderator. Not try to reopen same thread!

If you are "soo upper class", aren't you in the wrong country/forum???

Edited by Smile4u
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This is a tricky balance. Bonobo, even before he was a moderator, was my favourite contributor. I cannot mention and don't mention his reason for stopping your last topic. Indeed I am not allowed to do so. But I want you to note that you were not 'targetted' by your topic being described as trolling.

He made a hard call. I don't think you are necessarily of evil intent in posting what you posted, but I fear it goes down such an obvious series of narratives that you it is doomed to drop into a rant. Had you reframed your position it might have stood a chance. As it was you did this:

You problematised the type of women that farang men marry in Thailand (why did you choose to do this?)

You appear to associate women's desparate need for resources as a form or moral failure (an arguable position)

You used the conceptual framework of class (you seem to have not noticed you used two meanings of class: 'classy' and 'class of social status' )

You assumed a preference for the middle class, upper class girl (and assumed they are superior)

You assumed the vices are the problems of the lower classes only

You naively assumed Thais who marry up the social ladder do not suffer such vices (since they told you so)

You were inviting a narrative that is inherently insulting, since your assumptions are twisted away from reality. I just never seem to meet these men who are falling off bar stools trying to take in their next drug trip, who then stagger home, to have SM with their barn chicken, before exploding from the gluttony they suffer as a consequnce of marrying a woman of low morals. I just keep meeting gentlemen with nice wives who quietly get on with their lives.

I would like to thank Ian Forbes and your self for assisting me here. But amnot clear on some of the issues that Gaccha makes about my post.And feel he issimply taking the high road to rationalize my post being stopped.

I was discussing bar girls marrying farangs which is common and not "problemiatised the typeof woman"

No where didI mention moral failure or need for resources.At no time did I state anything derogatory towards women.

Yes I did mention class thatis what the thread was about marrying within your class,would it be better i said peers of equality

Sorry if you read my statements as vices. I was thinking more of behavior patterns that influence everyday life

On the final statement he makes I can only reply on the thais I associate with,they tolerate such behavior but donot partake themselves.

So I am correct in assuming the thread hit a little to close to home for some here.

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OP, you have active life here in thailand. If one looks at your past topics and posts one could get the impression there is farangs out to get you just because you don't drink, smoke or do drugs. You also seem to be somehow involved with interpol catching child molesters and somehow, or due to this specific reason have managed to subscribe yourself to local mafia hitlist.

And today you drivel this topic on bargirls and are asking what is a troll.

If you ask me there is two options, your trolling or 12 years old.

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Just a qustion here so I donot make the same mistake twice.

What is a troll?

I posted a topic on why guys marry bar girls and it was stopped because someone called it a troll, What is a troll please?

And what can i do to restate the thread so it is accepted, and not discontinued.

Because I feel it is a very real topic and should be discussed.

Or did the topic hit to close to home for a lot of people here?

I always thought it related to fishing ... Trolling for fish...

You post something controversial "bait" and see if you get any bites......

Not the troll under the bridge....


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Just a qustion here so I donot make the same mistake twice.

What is a troll?

I posted a topic on why guys marry bar girls and it was stopped because someone called it a troll, What is a troll please?

And what can i do to restate the thread so it is accepted, and not discontinued.

Because I feel it is a very real topic and should be discussed.

Or did the topic hit to close to home for a lot of people here?

Got a mirror?

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How about marry someone you love? There is no such thing as classes least in my book. The whole idea is rather insulting. People are the same regardless how much money they have. :)

The poorest person in thailand is equal to the richest in my eyes, and prob a better person if the truth be told.

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Ok I get the picture I must be the most misunderstood guy in the world.I read all your replies and to be honest see l;ittle in them relating to what was on my mind when I started this thread or the last one. So I willsimply give up trying to make sense with you guys .

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They are coming out of the woodwork!! :D

Do you think if we sat back we could get lovelomsak ( sure glad he won't be here too long as his nic is a pain to type) and abcF to engage in a little back-and-forth?

Oughta be good for a laugh. :)

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lovelomsak - you have had two previous threads closed because you want to talk about B**girls.

Have you read the Thai Visa Rules ??

I think you should just let it go and leave it.

I use to collect Trolls when I was little, they were little dolls with big colorful hair.. :)

Edited by pattaya_girl
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Ok I get the picture I must be the most misunderstood guy in the world.I read all your replies and to be honest see l;ittle in them relating to what was on my mind when I started this thread or the last one. So I willsimply give up trying to make sense with you guys .

Strictly speaking your unseen Thai person problematised the bar girl, rather than yourself, so you protect yourself from asserting any opinion. Indeed, you provide your opinion as a source of assistance for us farang who are apparently constantly being asked by your unseen Thai party "Why do farang always marry bar girl". Well, perhaps it is always more interesting to turn the question back on the questioner.

When Thais say bar girls they have something special in mind. Although a great deal of the young (boys and) girls working as bar girls are actually university students of the elite universities and the not so elite colleges the Thais are resolutely not talking about them. They have in mind the ladies mainly from Issan who are forced by the invasion of late modern capitalism to destroy their old tight-knit community life and work in the diaspora of Issan people in the horrible trades of Bangkok: many a construction worker is an Issan lady, many a toilet cleaner.

The Thais clearly regard the bar girls as sinners, hence why they raise the issue to you (although not to me, not once, not even once) and that is what "to problematise it" means: to hold your frame of reference by a certain contingency. Your response is to attribute behavioural traits for the Thais and the farang to explain a problem that you create.

My response, au contraire, would be look at the mechanisms of late capitalism , the violent hypocrisy in the male upper classes in claiming not to partake in the vices, and the total lack of honesty in viewing the Issan girls as equalling bar girls. I have yet to meet any hi-so friends of mine who do not partake in the vices available and I feel they are a normal crowd.

The non-night worker girls often have curfews and are subject to strict regimes to suppress their sexual beings. Enormous social pressures deny them access to farang despite the recent fashion for the farang man.

So "why do farang marry Thai bar girls?". To answer this unseen Thai man:

a. the question is never asked (Thais do not think this)

b. is it because of smoking and drinking similarities? (no- it is a confluence of factors ranging from capitalist exploitation to old style patriarchy)

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Maybe in future the Mod who (rightly) closed the thread should expand on why it was closed instead of saying it was a troll topic, causing the OP to create a new troll topic.

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