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How is it that dr pat pong knows so much?

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I would suggest to Professor Nana (or whatever it is he chooses to call himself) that claiming to be an authority and then failing to reveal sources is the quickest and easiest way to lose credibility.  Perhaps one day the good professor will learn this.

For the time being, every thing you need to know can be obtained either from the immigration department or your own embassy. Knowlege is power, and in a foreign country it's essential that this knowledge is credible, up to date and accurate.

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I would suggest to Professor Nana (or whatever it is he chooses to call himself) that claiming to be an authority and then failing to reveal sources is the quickest and easiest way to lose credibility.  Perhaps one day the good professor will learn this.

For the time being, every thing you need to know can be obtained either from the immigration department or your own embassy. Knowlege is power, and in a foreign country it's essential that this knowledge is credible, up to date and accurate.

::o: THIS WHAT YOU MEAN??????????????


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Might be that the good Dr. is just sharing his experiences at immigration with others,It is good to learn from experience,then others will not have to make the same mistakes.

But my experiences have been different each time I talk to or visit immigration,depends who you talk to and their mood that day. :o

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and why not "treacherous cretins" like FZ said  :o

we use a lot of words here ...

does respect mean something to anyone?

if Dr knows and say to you the best advice, isn't he helpful?

better say thanks sometime ... no one is paranoid here .. not yet  :D

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Listen all, Dr. PP is not an immigration officer.  It is a crime itself for impersonating such when one is not such official.  

Also the knowledge of Dr. PP is quite obvious, look at the number of post here, and he is also one of the owners of this site along with George.  Thirdly, Dr. PP has been in Thailand for quite a long time now, and does have certain connections obviously over the course of time.  We all do that after staying at one place for a long duration.

He does have a right to not reveal his sources if he wishes not to divulge it.  In doing so might jeopardize his source or contact of their jobs.  So use your head OK

I am not just here to stick up for Dr. PP, I am here to also give good reasons too.

So quit accusing Dr. PP unless you can prove such otherwise and accept certain facts as dictated. OK

So I think this thread should close and vamoose itself.

Pointless to accuse someone without hard evidence.


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Rickman, Tomy, Mr Average and Reggie  you guys are unbelievable.  Sigh

For starts yes the site of mfa is a good source of information, but THAILAND is well known to add rules that Immigrations say and do, and also they bend the rules to accomodate their hospitality to you at their discretion.  Depends on you and of course how you present yourself and your ATTITUDE, and of the legit reasons you give to them at the time of your infamous interview with them.

So lets put it this way to you guys being the MOD SQUAD  -   Bad boy bad boy what you gonna do when the Immigrations get you?

Hehehehehehehee   :o  :laugh:  :laugh:

You four should be really the MOD SQUAD on this forum. :laugh:


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Oh my Buddha, what a discussion. You come here to get information. Read it and make up your own mind. I have no idea why the Dr. gives his advice from 4:oo a.m to midnight.

Perhaps his good heart, perhaps he just likes it.

He might be wrong and is the first one to come out to say so.

the easiest way for everybody, go and make your own experience. If something goes seriously wrong, use your one-call-only, if you get one and complain again.

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One more thing comes to my mind. Dr. and many of you advised in here to carry the passport when going out, the police will be checking, especially over APEC-week. I blame you all for this mis-information.


Worse, I felt the disappointment when I had to explain again and again to the girls that this is only my passport.

Shame on you for giving me such wrong advice.

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Axel, you are suppose to have your passport with you at all times while you are in Thailand as per se you being the visitor in and to their country.  Don't forget (we) all stick out like a sore thumb and no way look close to be Thai! In physical sense and look sense.  A bonifide squito sure as heck can't miss making a beeline on some bombing run or it needs new glasses pronto.

If your scared of having it with you, then make certified copies of your passport and carry that with you, where as your genuine true passport is kept safe and under watch by tweety pie!  :o   Like tweety says   NO SWEAT!

hehehehehe   :laugh:  :laugh:  :D


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I blame you all for this mis-information.NOBODY CHECKED ME!

Worse, I felt the disappointment when I had to explain again and again to the girls that this is only my passport.

Shame on you for giving me such wrong advice.


Yes they check you.. Axel read your own words.......above and below..



I felt the disappointment when I had to explain again and again to the girls that this is only my passport.


They did, CHECKED YOU OUT.........


B)  :o  :cool:  :laugh:

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