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Carrefore Discount Coupon Promotion


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a note to all about a promotion that is currently running for the benefit of shoppers at Carrefore

the promotion offers you a chance to receive a sealed discount coupon for the next time for every 600 baht you spend

you get this by presenting your bill at the table next to the Info centre in the middle of the building near the checkouts

the girl gives you the coupons from a box on the desk and you open them to see wether you can benefit from a discount % printed inside

it looks like everyone get 3% at least but other denominations are 10%, 20%, 30, 50% and even 100% !

so it can be pretty beneficial if you get lucky

also fairly straightforward you would think

last week i shopped there spent 2500 and got 4 coupons, all offering a 3% discount

which you can use with seperate bills only

so x1 coupon x1 bill =3% discount

so this week i went back did my shopping to the value of 5250

claimed my 3% discount and went to the desk to claim my new coupons

i gave the girl the bill, she gave me 5 coupons.

i asked her why i only get 5 coupons instead of 8?

she says one bill can only get 5 coupons

so i say where does it say that?

she say head office say?

i say whoa, not fair

she says she cannot do

at this point the helpful girl on the info desk butts in and says, head office say only 5 per one bill and no alcohol qualifies

i say i have no alcohol and its not playing fair.

so i say if i had spent 20,000 baht i would still only get five not the x33 i would be due?, she says yes

i say that not fair, she says head office etc

i say ok, what if i go back, get a refund on 2000baht worth of stuff in my trolleys then push it through again on a second bill, then i will qualify to get my 3 more coupons that i am due?

she says yes but seems surprised by the strategy

i say ok, get the manager down here, thats exactly what we will do

she says hold on a minute, calls someone on the internal phone, a short conversation ensues, she then calls the coupon girl over who re-examines my bill and thrusts another 5 coupons into my hand with a go on now, piss off look her eyes

i thank her and the info girl politely and proceed to open my coupons

like a scene from a movie all were 3% but the last one, which was one of the extra ones i was given for being a pain in the arse was a 10% discount coupon

i triumphantly showed it both girls and went on my merry way, with my wife laughing behind me, having seen this juvenile behaviour on many occasions before.

the point is this, if you are going to shop at carrefour and want to increase your chances of getting high value discount coupons then stop the cashier at 3000 baht pay the bill and then continue with the remainder of your shopping and start a second bill.

that way you will get what you are entitled to without having to resort to dramatics

now before you finger pointers and discenters, scream cheap charlie, you should have waiied and walked away, obeyed the rules, you are guest here, bow down so low you get gravel rash on your arse, etc etc etc

the last time they ran this type of promotion i got a 50% coupon and bought a 42'' plasma TV for half retail price

i still look at it lovingly and remember the day i almost got something for nothing in Thailand........

and for all the doubting thomas's heres a scan of the 10% voucher


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Yep, guys like you give the rest of us a bad name...

Clearly they have their rules; one coupon per 600 baht spent with a maximum of 5 coupons per bill: simple.

They were very reasonable to break the rules because of your whinging... Where is Maigo6 when I need him? This is a clear case of excellent Thai service in the face of abuse by a foreigner who felt he was special and wanted to break the rules.

Carrefour sevice management = 1.

Foreigners = 0.

(I've added a website FYI: http://esl.about.com/od/englishgrammar/a/a_punctuation.htm)

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Yep, guys like you give the rest of us a bad name...

Clearly they have their rules; one coupon per 600 baht spent with a maximum of 5 coupons per bill: simple.

They were very reasonable to break the rules because of your whinging... Where is Maigo6 when I need him? This is a clear case of excellent Thai service in the face of abuse by a foreigner who felt he was special and wanted to break the rules.

Carrefour sevice management = 1.

Foreigners = 0.

(I've added a website FYI: http://esl.about.com/od/englishgrammar/a/a_punctuation.htm)

thanks for the confirmation, i thought it wouldn't be long before an arse scraper would come along and TV is not a classroom, Teach, i do not need lessons in grammar/spelling from you

give a bad name? its the bend over and allow yourself to get shafted people like you that give us a bad name

its the 99 out of 100 who allow people to get away with it, that makes it so much more difficult for the one who won't

the point is it was not in the rules of the promotion, it was not written on the ticket nor on the promotional blurb on the desk, it was simply an afterthought by management to try to restrict the number of coupons given out and they thought they could verbally enforce it.

when challenged they knew they could not and were forced to cave in to the original rule which says, spend 600baht, get x1 coupon

so listen up jasreeve17, mummys calling you, your alphabetti spaghetti is ready and Barneys on TV so off to your room now little man....

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Whether the OP did the right thing or not, he did get what he deserved according to the visible policy of the 'game'.

A lot of this kind of promotions are set up without thinking of possible consequences, I mean, the Carrefour management didn't possibly think of someone buying a 42" LCD TV with one of the coupons, so probably, electronics will be exempted along with the currently exempted booze.

Always be aware, of ad-hoc made up rules in this case of promotions by the store-staff. They always hide behind some kind of policy or the hq's.

Edited by farangpattaya
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Whether the OP did the right thing or not, he did get what he deserved according to the visible policy of the 'game'.

A lot of this kind of promotions are set up without thinking of possible consequences, I mean, the Carrefour management didn't possibly think of someone buying a 42" LCD TV with one of the coupons, so probably, electronics will be exempted along with the currently exempted booze.

Always be aware, of ad-hoc made up rules in this case of promotions by the store-staff. They always hide behind some kind of policy or the hq's.

you are correct but its not difficult to state your case rather than allow yourself to be fobbed off

a previous poster suggested i was abusive, i was not, i was firm and assertive

the Info girl laughed with me (or even at me), until i got the 10% voucher and then i think she realised that maybe i had a point,

we left smiling and waiing

i expect they will be there next week when i get to claim my 10% discount

i am curious what happens if you get the 100% voucher?

now that sounds like a shopping spreeeeeeeeeeeeeee........

Edited by timekeeper
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The OP is confused.

'Getting away with it' is when somebody is trying to cheat you, which isn't the case here.

Carrefour have a promotion with a set of rules and regulations; the same for you and their Thai customers. The rules and regulations are, designed, shock and horror, wait for it... to make them money. Thus, they are tightly controlled to induce you in without the risk for them of losing money.

You wanted the rules and regulations to be broken to suit yourself. The Thai staff were very good. If you did the same in the US or UK or Australia, etc, the staff would have abided by the rules and regulations - you would have received 5 tokens only. In this case they were exceptionally kind to you and bent the rules as a result.

You writing is difficult to understand, through the childish insults, due to the lack of punctuation.

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The OP is confused.

'Getting away with it' is when somebody is trying to cheat you, which isn't the case here.

Carrefour have a promotion with a set of rules and regulations; the same for you and their Thai customers. The rules and regulations are, designed, shock and horror, wait for it... to make them money. Thus, they are tightly controlled to induce you in without the risk for them of losing money.

You wanted the rules and regulations to be broken to suit yourself. The Thai staff were very good. If you did the same in the US or UK or Australia, etc, the staff would have abided by the rules and regulations - you would have received 5 tokens only. In this case they were exceptionally kind to you and bent the rules as a result.

You writing is difficult to understand, through the childish insults, due to the lack of punctuation.

Unless the limitation was published with equal prominence to the offer they would be liable to honour them and this would be enforced by the state and federal trading authorities in Australia. They would be also be liable for fines of up to a million dollars under the trade practices legislation. Some counties abide by laws.

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OP and Harry, what country are you in? The basic problem here is that you're comparing apples with oranges...

Austalian rules and regulations have their unique qualifiers.

US rules and regulations have their unique qualifiers.

UK rules and regualtions have their unique qualifiers.

We are in Thailand. The Thais at Carrefour acted correctly under their rules and regulations, as every store in every complex in every town in every province of Thailand would. In this cae they were very kind and broke the rules for a forigner, out of their kindness.

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Some time ago, Tesco Lotus had a really good promotion, can't remember the exact details but it was something like spend 200 Baht and get a 50 Baht voucher, then spend 500 Baht get a 100 Baht voucher, spend 1000 Baht get a 150 baht voucher. So the more you spent, the lower the value of the voucher.

It was absolute madness at the checkout as the Thais in front of me kept stopping the cashier and playing around with their purchases to get separate bills as close to 200 Baht as possible to get the maximum benefit. The queues at the checkouts were monstrous!

These vouchers had a limited window when they could be used, It was something like between 4 and 7 days later and of course there was a minimum purchase requirement to use these vouchers, and only one voucher per transaction. I think that you had to spend at least 200 Baht to utilise the 50 Baht voucher and so again the Thais were playing around with their purchases and stopping the cashier to get each transaction as close to the 200 Baht level as possible.

It seems to me that usually customers and staff have little regards for the rules of any promotion. How many times have you seen at item offered at a really good discount, but with a maximum of 6 items, yet see Thai strolling out with a trolley load!

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the point is it was not in the rules of the promotion, it was not written on the ticket nor on the promotional blurb on the desk, it was simply an afterthought by management to try to restrict the number of coupons given out and they thought they could verbally enforce it.

when challenged they knew they could not and were forced to cave in to the original rule which says, spend 600baht, get x1 coupon

I am sorry, but you are wrong about that. Have you read the rules on the back of the coupon or got your wife to read them for you? It is Rule number 2 on the back of the coupon. The rules are the rules. And it very clearly states, 5 coupons per receipt.

I have scanned this for you to see and underlined it in black.

So, This IS the rule of the promotion, and it IS written on the coupon.


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the point is it was not in the rules of the promotion, it was not written on the ticket nor on the promotional blurb on the desk, it was simply an afterthought by management to try to restrict the number of coupons given out and they thought they could verbally enforce it.

when challenged they knew they could not and were forced to cave in to the original rule which says, spend 600baht, get x1 coupon

I am sorry, but you are wrong about that. Have you read the rules on the back of the coupon or got your wife to read them for you? It is Rule number 2 on the back of the coupon. The rules are the rules. And it very clearly states, 5 coupons per receipt.

I have scanned this for you to see and underlined it in black.

So, This IS the rule of the promotion, and it IS written on the coupon.

Is that on the back of the coupon that you receive after passing through the checkout?

If the same rules are on a board or something as you enter the store - fair enough, but if the only opportunity you have to read this is on the back of the coupon, after paying your bill, it's not really fair.

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If the same rules are on a board or something as you enter the store - fair enough, but if the only opportunity you have to read this is on the back of the coupon, after paying your bill, it's not really fair.

Thats a bit like saying I broke the forum rules but didnt know I'd broken them because I never saw or read them, as it go's the OP of this thread had the chance to read the rules of the promo as he had already, quoted below..

last week i shopped there spent 2500 and got 4 coupons, all offering a 3% discount

The small print is normally there for all to read, it's just that sometimes people don't look for it.

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Once the OP had decoded the system, he played it to his advantage.

I would have done the same.

All's fair in love and shopping.

Lighten up jasreeve17, it's not a big deal like you seem to think. :)

I agree it's not a biggie.

I simply stated that the Thai staff were overtly reasonable, plus the OP was wrong. When that was suggested to him, he replied with more aggression and rudeness... Now that there is clear evidence to the fact, I'm interested in how the OP next replies... :D

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Where is Maigo6 when I need him?

You're doing just fine on your own.

The OP has been shown that all his complaints are groundless, and the Thai staff, indeed were good to him.

I must wonder how much patience he would have been shown in a large busy store in his own country, ranting away when he is totally wrong ?

Probably tazered by security and ejected from the premises. :D

Polite & patient Thai Staff 1 v 0 Miserable, grumpy & Whinging Farang.


Edited by Maigo6
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the last time they ran this type of promotion i got a 50% coupon and bought a 42'' plasma TV for half retail price

Hmmmm. Are you sure? Because the rules state that 1 coupon can be used for no amount over 10,000 baht, so I can't see how it can be used to purchase a 42" plasma TV :)

See attachment.


Edited by Meg_2003
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like a scene from a movie all were 3% but the last one, which was one of the extra ones i was given for being a pain in the arse was a 10% discount coupon

i triumphantly showed it both girls and went on my merry way, with my wife laughing behind me, having seen this juvenile behaviour on many occasions before.

It's a surprise that she still puts up with you then.

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the last time they ran this type of promotion i got a 50% coupon and bought a 42'' plasma TV for half retail price

Hmmmm. Are you sure? Because the rules state that 1 coupon can be used for no amount over 10,000 baht, so I can't see how it can be used to purchase a 42" plasma TV :)

See attachment.

please note Meg2003, as you have been kind enough to point out my reading skills or lack of them i said in my post ''last time they ran this kind of promotion'' which was over 2 years ago so unless you have the details of that one then this is a moot point.

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like a scene from a movie all were 3% but the last one, which was one of the extra ones i was given for being a pain in the arse was a 10% discount coupon

i triumphantly showed it both girls and went on my merry way, with my wife laughing behind me, having seen this juvenile behaviour on many occasions before.

It's a surprise that she still puts up with you then.

she enjoys the fact that i have a pulse and am prepared to stand up for myself, unlike many foreigners who walk around bowing so low that they have gravel rash on their arse cheeks

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the point is it was not in the rules of the promotion, it was not written on the ticket nor on the promotional blurb on the desk, it was simply an afterthought by management to try to restrict the number of coupons given out and they thought they could verbally enforce it.

when challenged they knew they could not and were forced to cave in to the original rule which says, spend 600baht, get x1 coupon

I am sorry, but you are wrong about that. Have you read the rules on the back of the coupon or got your wife to read them for you? It is Rule number 2 on the back of the coupon. The rules are the rules. And it very clearly states, 5 coupons per receipt.

I have scanned this for you to see and underlined it in black.

So, This IS the rule of the promotion, and it IS written on the coupon.

thank you for this Meg2003, my wife was not involved at all, i did not ask her to read any conditions on the back of the ticket

however, i did ask them to show me where it said that the 5 coupon only rule applied

neither the coupon giver nor the info girl did so, had they done so i would have walked

i think that just goes to prove the ineptitude/ill training of the Carrefour staff

at any time they could have stolen my thunder and said hey moron its says here, 5 coupons only!!

i know i would have done if the positions were reversed

i for one appreciate standing up for your rights can work both ways

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Thanks for posting that Meg.

I'm looking forward to an apology... :)

you will be waiting a while for that apology Jason

i see no reason to apologise to a person whose opening salvo was full of inaccuracies and assumptions

you start by saying that i give rest of us a bad name

whose the rest of us?

what group do you like to be pigeon holed as?

why would you think i would want to be referred to as part of any collective that could call you a member ?

i dance to the beat of my own drum

you accuse me of whinging, thats another assumption, you weren't there

you do not know how i approached the staff or how spoke to them

i felt i had a legitimate complaint and i was firm and assertive.

words you are likely not familiar with

i was not rude, abusive or even raised my voice

i do not need to, i have enough presence without having to bully people as you suggest

you again assume that i was abusive '' in the face of abuse by a foreigner''

wrong again, i was not abusive and you weren't there to know anyway

we all know only asses make assumptions

'excellent Thai service' ?

the truth is, the Thai staff did not know that it was written on the back of the ticket

i asked them to show me where it said that the 5 coupon rule only applied, they could not and did not

had they have known, do you not think they might have shown me and shot me down in flames?

i know i would have if the positions were reversed

however, i expect you will put that down to staffs kindness to allow themselves to lose the 'Thai face' in favour of a foreigner who was actually wrong?

if that was expected of Carrefour staff i do not think they would have many left

its clear you are the kind of person who feels the need to consult, get agreement and support from others like Maigo6?

are a founding committee member for the PC brigade?

when you read that post about the 5 coupon limit printed on the ticket from Meg2003 you must have thought it was manna from heaven

you must be very small minded indeed to feel so superior over so very, very little..........

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If the same rules are on a board or something as you enter the store - fair enough, but if the only opportunity you have to read this is on the back of the coupon, after paying your bill, it's not really fair.

Thats a bit like saying I broke the forum rules but didnt know I'd broken them because I never saw or read them, as it go's the OP of this thread had the chance to read the rules of the promo as he had already, quoted below..

last week i shopped there spent 2500 and got 4 coupons, all offering a 3% discount

The small print is normally there for all to read, it's just that sometimes people don't look for it.

like the staff at Carrefour didn't look for it when they had the opportunity.....

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Once the OP had decoded the system, he played it to his advantage.

I would have done the same.

All's fair in love and shopping.

Lighten up jasreeve17, it's not a big deal like you seem to think. :)

I agree it's not a biggie.

I simply stated that the Thai staff were overtly reasonable, plus the OP was wrong. When that was suggested to him, he replied with more aggression and rudeness... Now that there is clear evidence to the fact, I'm interested in how the OP next replies... :D

you are making more ASSumptions, whats the lottery numbers for the 16th?

i ask as you must have the benefit of 2nd sight-you weren't there!

you DO NOT KNOW if:

''the Thai staff were overtly reasonable''

''replied with more aggression and rudeness''

''clear evidence to the fact''

you are the one who is confused

as to my responses Jason, they will of the be same short shrift, i gave to you when you sent me a grovelling personal message asking me to stop being rude to you

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