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Jealousy Amongst The Friends Of A Farang Mia


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My friend informed me today that his wife has experienced many problems because of marrying a farang because her friends are green with jealousy. They hate the idea that she comes from the same background as they do but now she is a Hi-So Farang Mia. Have you and your wife experienced this in your village/personal life?

Edited by RogerSterling1
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Another good topic Roger - my wife's friends are more jealous of my good looks and the fact that I don't drink. She hasn't gone up in any social hierarchy by marrying me.

To talk to yourself you do not need to post here in TV. You are in the same room, sorry head so please talk it thru. And there's also PM if all else fails... :)

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My friend informed me today that his wife has experienced many problems because of marrying a farang because her friends are green with jealousy. They hate the idea that she comes from the same background as they do but now she is a Hi-So Farang Mia. Have you and your wife experienced this in your village/personal life?

This type of jealousy exists: things like the girl telling her "friend" who has a farang boyfriend that she will also have one within a year.

Among Thai women who are married with westerners, both here and in the western countries, there is also a lot of jealousy concerning wealth and status of the husbands.

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My friend informed me today that his wife has experienced many problems because of marrying a farang because her friends are green with jealousy. They hate the idea that she comes from the same background as they do but now she is a Hi-So Farang Mia. Have you and your wife experienced this in your village/personal life?

My current GF was jealous with her friend but after she joined a few Asian dating sites she realized that farang guys are just a dime a dozen, especially for the really attractive Thai girls like her.

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My friend informed me today that his wife has experienced many problems because of marrying a farang because her friends are green with jealousy. They hate the idea that she comes from the same background as they do but now she is a Hi-So Farang Mia. Have you and your wife experienced this in your village/personal life?

This type of jealousy exists: things like the girl telling her "friend" who has a farang boyfriend that she will also have one within a year.

Among Thai women who are married with westerners, both here and in the western countries, there is also a lot of jealousy concerning wealth and status of the husbands.

very true indeed.

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My friend informed me today that his wife has experienced many problems because of marrying a farang because her friends are green with jealousy. They hate the idea that she comes from the same background as they do but now she is a Hi-So Farang Mia. Have you and your wife experienced this in your village/personal life?

This is a joke right? Marrying a farang make a Thai a Hi-So. OMG Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy must be churning out so many Hi-So's Thai's it unbelievable.

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My friend informed me today that his wife has experienced many problems because of marrying a farang because her friends are green with jealousy. They hate the idea that she comes from the same background as they do but now she is a Hi-So Farang Mia. Have you and your wife experienced this in your village/personal life?

This is a joke right? Marrying a farang make a Thai a Hi-So. OMG Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy must be churning out so many Hi-So's Thai's it unbelievable.

for huge portions of thai society, marrying a farang is considered hiso. the word hiso is super common in thai pop culture. you sound a bit out of touch.

Edited by RogerSterling1
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My friend informed me today that his wife has experienced many problems because of marrying a farang because her friends are green with jealousy. They hate the idea that she comes from the same background as they do but now she is a Hi-So Farang Mia. Have you and your wife experienced this in your village/personal life?

This is a joke right? Marrying a farang make a Thai a Hi-So. OMG Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy must be churning out so many Hi-So's Thai's it unbelievable.

for huge portions of thai society, marrying a farang is considered hiso. the word hiso is super common in thai pop culture. you sound a bit out of touch.

Oh please. Out of touch. If Thai's think that marrying a farang is considered being 'Hi-So', then all that is, is a sad (very) indictment on Thai society, or at least those Thai's that think that marrying a farang elevates them to Hi-So status.

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Another good topic Roger .........


Yup, bang on the money Sterling

He's making quite a name for himself already! Village .... comes to mind.

Those who have to resort to using personal insults to get a point across, is a sign of low intelligence. And seeing your reply, the second part of your meaning, I would say is pertaining to yourself. You`re not so smart, buddy.

My wife and I live within a small village community. My English friend who lives nearby and I, are the only two Farangs living in the area.

Fortunately we have very nice neighbours, who are genuinely poor. Sometimes they chat with my wife and the main part of the conversation mostly starts with how hard up they are and how fortunate my wife is being married to a rich Farang. Although I am comfortable, we are by no means rich. But probably comparing the lifestyles between us, we do seem rich to them, so I do understand.

I doubt whether it`s jealousy on their part, but more so they are bringing they’re hardships to our attention, which is sad, really.

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how many other farang did she go through before she found you? many nationalities?

She is 23, I am 25. She was with some Arab french guy before she was with me. The frenchy dumped after he met some woman in his own country.

What difference does it make ?

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My friend informed me today that his wife has experienced many problems because of marrying a farang because her friends are green with jealousy. They hate the idea that she comes from the same background as they do but now she is a Hi-So Farang Mia. Have you and your wife experienced this in your village/personal life?

Marrying a Farang makes her high-so?? Maybe if he (the husband) is the golden goose type and they are flaunting their wealth. Many women I know prefer not to be associated with Farangs, because they will ruin their chances to get a proper Thai husband, ie they have no interest in them.

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One thing that bothers me is when her friends ask about my salary (as most Thais do). Then when they find out they tell her how lucky she is that she never has to work.

A rather funny thing happened the other day. My apartment has quite a few western/Thai couples and many of them have children. My wifes friends were visiting and ofcourse they went all goo-goo eyed over the cute kids. Suddenly her friend who cannot speak a word of English said she wanted to meet a farang to have a baby with but not for a relationship as she really loves her Thai boyfriend. My wife told her how is she going to meet a westerner if she cannot speak to them when she replied "hey you, me, boom boom". I nearly choked on the chicken kebab I was eating.

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Actually, it is Mia Farang, not 'farang mia'.

In all my years here, I've never met a Thai woman elevated to Hi-So status because of marrying a farang. Hi-So is a commonly misunderstood word. It is not just about money. For example, would a trailer trash American who won the lottery be Hi-So? I've met so many guys who tell me that their girlfriend is Hi-So to find out that their nothing of the sort - usually just middle class ordinary girls.

I have a couple of friends that married Hi-Sos - their wives are both Great grandchildren of a former King.

Most Thais hate Hi-Sos and don't want to be one.

The Lo-So, mostly prostitutes, that have married money from farangland are obvious to all Thais and some foreigners. Dark-skinned, too much gold, toyota hilux or fortuner, tatoo on shoulder. The way they speak too gives it away - 'same same', 'too much', and some Thai(which has been banned from this forum for some strange reason). They'll also open a restaurant called ' Dave and Noi's' or Bob and lek's'.

There's also the Chinese/Thai women whose friends may be jealous because all they think about is money. Their families generally hate farang but are willing to put up with them if there is money in it. They treat marriage like a business.

Edited by Neeranam
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The Lo-So, mostly prostitutes, that have married money from farangland are obvious to all Thais and some foreigners. Dark-skinned, too much gold, toyota hilux or fortuner, tatoo on shoulder. The way they speak too gives it away - 'same same', 'too much', and some Thai(which has been banned from this forum for some strange reason). They'll also open a restaurant called ' Dave and Noi's' or Bob and lek's'.


So true. I like your style.

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Unfortunately the folks who consider marrying a westerner somehow makes that person hi-so are of the mindset "money=class" and come from the lower end of the economic scale as it were. Speaking the brutal truth these folks think that wearing 10 bahts worth of bling around the neck and wrist elevates them above the rest when in fact it shows a distinct lack of class in my humble opinion. Like the Essex boys from back home with their sovereign rings.

Stereotypical mia farang? I can spot them a mile off even without hubbie in tow. :)

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My friend informed me today that his wife has experienced many problems because of marrying a farang because her friends are green with jealousy. They hate the idea that she comes from the same background as they do but now she is a Hi-So Farang Mia. Have you and your wife experienced this in your village/personal life?

Marrying a Farang makes her high-so?? Maybe if he (the husband) is the golden goose type and they are flaunting their wealth. Many women I know prefer not to be associated with Farangs, because they will ruin their chances to get a proper Thai husband, ie they have no interest in them.

So what makes you different from all the other farang?

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Actually, it is Mia Farang, not 'farang mia'.

In all my years here, I've never met a Thai woman elevated to Hi-So status because of marrying a farang. Hi-So is a commonly misunderstood word. It is not just about money. For example, would a trailer trash American who won the lottery be Hi-So? I've met so many guys who tell me that their girlfriend is Hi-So to find out that their nothing of the sort - usually just middle class ordinary girls.

I have a couple of friends that married Hi-Sos - their wives are both Great grandchildren of a former King.

Most Thais hate Hi-Sos and don't want to be one.

The Lo-So, mostly prostitutes, that have married money from farangland are obvious to all Thais and some foreigners. Dark-skinned, too much gold, toyota hilux or fortuner, tatoo on shoulder. The way they speak too gives it away - 'same same', 'too much', and some Thai(which has been banned from this forum for some strange reason). They'll also open a restaurant called ' Dave and Noi's' or Bob and lek's'.

There's also the Chinese/Thai women whose friends may be jealous because all they think about is money. Their families generally hate farang but are willing to put up with them if there is money in it. They treat marriage like a business.


Excellent, Neeranam, you made my day!


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You cant catapault a bg to hi so overnight !,.its normally these sorts that show jealousy, i have friends ( yes i know ) married to bgs and all they do is talk about money, whos got this and that etc..my wife totally ignores and does not mix with these sorts,.again its the type of woman you choose,.if from "the industry" then you wont stop it if they mix with their "friends ". :) .....par for the course id say,...

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Actually, it is Mia Farang, not 'farang mia'.

In all my years here, I've never met a Thai woman elevated to Hi-So status because of marrying a farang. Hi-So is a commonly misunderstood word. It is not just about money. For example, would a trailer trash American who won the lottery be Hi-So? I've met so many guys who tell me that their girlfriend is Hi-So to find out that their nothing of the sort - usually just middle class ordinary girls.

I have a couple of friends that married Hi-Sos - their wives are both Great grandchildren of a former King.

Most Thais hate Hi-Sos and don't want to be one.

The Lo-So, mostly prostitutes, that have married money from farangland are obvious to all Thais and some foreigners. Dark-skinned, too much gold, toyota hilux or fortuner, tatoo on shoulder. The way they speak too gives it away - 'same same', 'too much', and some Thai(which has been banned from this forum for some strange reason). They'll also open a restaurant called ' Dave and Noi's' or Bob and lek's'.

There's also the Chinese/Thai women whose friends may be jealous because all they think about is money. Their families generally hate farang but are willing to put up with them if there is money in it. They treat marriage like a business.

Superb observation/post, shame it will fall on deaf/stupid ears and the application room at the embassy will be full of euros with a bg on the arm and a beer in the other hand, :) ,bob and leks! :D:D .love it,.
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Does it just make you laugh typing this junk or are they serious issues you have had happen to you?

What has happened here to make your postings smell of resentment against Thailand/Thais?

Dave and Noi's


Bob and lek's


Smashing post Neeranam! love it...

The gold is the give away..much like when i see a farang with a big gold chain and a buddha charm...i always think...oh dear......but then i get jealous because i want their pension!

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My friend informed me today that his wife has experienced many problems because of marrying a farang because her friends are green with jealousy. They hate the idea that she comes from the same background as they do but now she is a Hi-So Farang Mia. Have you and your wife experienced this in your village/personal life?

Marrying a Farang makes her high-so?? Maybe if he (the husband) is the golden goose type and they are flaunting their wealth. Many women I know prefer not to be associated with Farangs, because they will ruin their chances to get a proper Thai husband, ie they have no interest in them.

So what makes you different from all the other farang?

In regards to what? I don't have piles of money to throw at them (the women), so my choices are limited. I Never bought a house or car for one, so I'm really a "cheap Charlie". But, I have found one, who does not base our relationship on money and has never asked me for any. (The first and only one I have met in five years here, I might add.) Although, what makes her different is that her parents are well off and she has a professional job. ...and don't tell me about bar girls. I NEVER went looking there for a GF. It was quite a fluke that I met this one. Just in the right place at the right time.

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