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I think that IE is just grand. I love having my PC vulnerable to security threats each time I browse the web, and I get a thrill loading MS security updates onto my system every fortnight. :o

Just kidding... Firefox is my brand.

whats the link for opera????

is it free????

just wondering or ill google...

Shows the problems of making posts/FAQ - people still jump in and ask the question you answered in the first place.

It's free and the link is in the original post.

Sounds to me that these browsers are much of a muchness. No one has posted about Avant browser yet though. One thing I have noticed is that many of the browsers will actually do the things people complain they can't do, with just a little fiddle of the settings. So, with a few extra words about opera, does my original post stand ok ??? For the upcoming FAQ

Yes - you're dead right pandit. Most people (average internet users) will not think about tweaking settings, or even if they are aware of being able to do it - will not try it for fear of f*&ing something up.

After having Opera for some weeks (first version I had some years back) I found all the settings, and set to max the number of synchronous DNS you could use, thereby increasing the speed. There are a bunch of examples within these alternative browsers, which given a little trial and error - can increase your browsing experience.

Most internet users will never get past IE, because they are not exposed to alternatives, or are too afraid to try them. Those that venture out on a limb and download some 'fancy' alternative browser, may use it once, but because they are used to IE - will go running back again without trying to learn the alternative and give it a chance.

Yes your original post stands - add the various features in for Opera (last few posts others have put in a few more features which are a plus for Opera).

Perhaps your thread will encourage a few average surfers out there to live a little, and try something else than IE for a change?

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