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Need Answers & Help On New Built Pc And Windows Xp


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First I want everyone to know I today burned out a power supply and almost destroyed my new motherboard, new cpu and cpu fan all by 1 freaking mistake in which I did not find this information online anywhere while reading or on thaivisa about building new computers. Mind you this is my first built computer. I didn't know that before you install your new motherboard you have to install some screws, then place the motherboard on top of those screws to help prevent static electricity. By luck or something else because of that My power supply never even turned on at all even which I had attached the ATX and ATX 12 V, my cpu fan never came on. Wound up taking the computer to the shop tested checked, motherboard, cpu, cpu fan turned out ok.

The reason for saying all of this is I basically took my old IDE hard drive that been using for 3 years plus with windows xp, installed it, had to repair windows xp since had all new chipsets, install the drivers for the motherboard, after all of this it runs still slow.

1. IS my cpu working properly or not, so far it does or I assume a faulty cpu won't run ( is my cpu fine? anyways for me to test out. I did let a live cd of ubuntu run and computer ran pretty fast mind you this was version 9.04. compare that with windows xp and quite the difference

2. Keep in mind this hard drive has had have bad boot sectors fixed 2 times already. Its never be reformatted either. ( I do have a new SATA hard drive but i'm saving it for windows 7 )

3. Specs part. The old computer was a Intel Pentium 4, DDR, Ram total 1.5 GB, Gigabyte GA-8SR533P

Specs Part. The new computer Intel Pentium Dual Core E5300 2.60 Ghz, DDR2, Ram Total 4 GB, Gigabyte GA-G41M-ES2L

Anyone out there care to help me understand why with a new build windows xp runs so freaking slow, loading, hard drive maybe, or bad hardware after i'm almost fried it. I would appreciate any and all comments

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I basically took my old IDE hard drive that been using for 3 years plus with windows xp, installed it, had to repair windows xp since had all new chipsets, install the drivers for the motherboard, after all of this it runs still slow.

^ ^ There's the problem -- different hardware configuration. Always do a 'fresh' install if possible.

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First I want everyone to know I today burned out a power supply and almost destroyed my new motherboard, new cpu and cpu fan all by 1 freaking mistake in which I did not find this information online anywhere while reading or on thaivisa about building new computers. Mind you this is my first built computer. I didn't know that before you install your new motherboard you have to install some screws, then place the motherboard on top of those screws to help prevent static electricity. By luck or something else because of that My power supply never even turned on at all even which I had attached the ATX and ATX 12 V, my cpu fan never came on. Wound up taking the computer to the shop tested checked, motherboard, cpu, cpu fan turned out ok.

The reason for saying all of this is I basically took my old IDE hard drive that been using for 3 years plus with windows xp, installed it, had to repair windows xp since had all new chipsets, install the drivers for the motherboard, after all of this it runs still slow.

1. IS my cpu working properly or not, so far it does or I assume a faulty cpu won't run ( is my cpu fine? anyways for me to test out. I did let a live cd of ubuntu run and computer ran pretty fast mind you this was version 9.04. compare that with windows xp and quite the difference

2. Keep in mind this hard drive has had have bad boot sectors fixed 2 times already. Its never be reformatted either. ( I do have a new SATA hard drive but i'm saving it for windows 7 )

3. Specs part. The old computer was a Intel Pentium 4, DDR, Ram total 1.5 GB, Gigabyte GA-8SR533P

Specs Part. The new computer Intel Pentium Dual Core E5300 2.60 Ghz, DDR2, Ram Total 4 GB, Gigabyte GA-G41M-ES2L

Anyone out there care to help me understand why with a new build windows xp runs so freaking slow, loading, hard drive maybe, or bad hardware after i'm almost fried it. I would appreciate any and all comments

I'd imagine that re-installing XP should get you running really well.  You may also need the hotfix for dual core support.

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First I want everyone to know I today burned out a power supply and almost destroyed my new motherboard, new cpu and cpu fan all by 1 freaking mistake in which I did not find this information online anywhere while reading or on thaivisa about building new computers. Mind you this is my first built computer. I didn't know that before you install your new motherboard you have to install some screws, then place the motherboard on top of those screws to help prevent static electricity. By luck or something else because of that My power supply never even turned on at all even which I had attached the ATX and ATX 12 V, my cpu fan never came on. Wound up taking the computer to the shop tested checked, motherboard, cpu, cpu fan turned out ok.

The reason for saying all of this is I basically took my old IDE hard drive that been using for 3 years plus with windows xp, installed it, had to repair windows xp since had all new chipsets, install the drivers for the motherboard, after all of this it runs still slow.

1. IS my cpu working properly or not, so far it does or I assume a faulty cpu won't run ( is my cpu fine? anyways for me to test out. I did let a live cd of ubuntu run and computer ran pretty fast mind you this was version 9.04. compare that with windows xp and quite the difference

2. Keep in mind this hard drive has had have bad boot sectors fixed 2 times already. Its never be reformatted either. ( I do have a new SATA hard drive but i'm saving it for windows 7 )

3. Specs part. The old computer was a Intel Pentium 4, DDR, Ram total 1.5 GB, Gigabyte GA-8SR533P

Specs Part. The new computer Intel Pentium Dual Core E5300 2.60 Ghz, DDR2, Ram Total 4 GB, Gigabyte GA-G41M-ES2L

Anyone out there care to help me understand why with a new build windows xp runs so freaking slow, loading, hard drive maybe, or bad hardware after i'm almost fried it. I would appreciate any and all comments

I'd imagine that re-installing XP should get you running really well. You may also need the hotfix for dual core support.

The manufacturer of the board may have specific drivers to allow the computer to run properly. If you can, turn off the speed control of the processor. The drive might be causing the slowdown, too. Invest in another drive, they are cheap and if you have a decent MoBo, you may be able to hardware mirror or at least software mirror the drives (hw raid is faster, but even s/w mirror saves your data.

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First I want everyone to know I today burned out a power supply and almost destroyed my new motherboard, new cpu and cpu fan all by 1 freaking mistake in which I did not find this information online anywhere while reading or on thaivisa about building new computers. Mind you this is my first built computer. I didn't know that before you install your new motherboard you have to install some screws, then place the motherboard on top of those screws to help prevent static electricity. By luck or something else because of that My power supply never even turned on at all even which I had attached the ATX and ATX 12 V, my cpu fan never came on. Wound up taking the computer to the shop tested checked, motherboard, cpu, cpu fan turned out ok.

The reason for saying all of this is I basically took my old IDE hard drive that been using for 3 years plus with windows xp, installed it, had to repair windows xp since had all new chipsets, install the drivers for the motherboard, after all of this it runs still slow.

1. IS my cpu working properly or not, so far it does or I assume a faulty cpu won't run ( is my cpu fine? anyways for me to test out. I did let a live cd of ubuntu run and computer ran pretty fast mind you this was version 9.04. compare that with windows xp and quite the difference

2. Keep in mind this hard drive has had have bad boot sectors fixed 2 times already. Its never be reformatted either. ( I do have a new SATA hard drive but i'm saving it for windows 7 )

3. Specs part. The old computer was a Intel Pentium 4, DDR, Ram total 1.5 GB, Gigabyte GA-8SR533P

Specs Part. The new computer Intel Pentium Dual Core E5300 2.60 Ghz, DDR2, Ram Total 4 GB, Gigabyte GA-G41M-ES2L

Anyone out there care to help me understand why with a new build windows xp runs so freaking slow, loading, hard drive maybe, or bad hardware after i'm almost fried it. I would appreciate any and all comments

I'd imagine that re-installing XP should get you running really well. You may also need the hotfix for dual core support.

The manufacturer of the board may have specific drivers to allow the computer to run properly. If you can, turn off the speed control of the processor. The drive might be causing the slowdown, too. Invest in another drive, they are cheap and if you have a decent MoBo, you may be able to hardware mirror or at least software mirror the drives (hw raid is faster, but even s/w mirror saves your data.

Wow...that's way out there.

First he's coming from a motherboard that used the SIS 645 chipset.  Then he used the SAME install on a motherboard that uses the G41 chipset.  Furthermore that first chipset supported, per the Gigabyte website, at best the P4-Northwood 2.66G.  A single core chip--no hyperthreading.  Which I may add did not have any sort of SpeedStep.

So, you're expecting different chipsets, different processors (dual core versus single core, SpeedStep versus nada) and three years worth of cruft to be cleared away by simply installing the correct drivers and disabling something that has never been enabled.  Absolutely brilliant.

And we mustn't forget about that magical word: RAID.  Forget the fact that mirror, especially with a software solution, is SLOWER at writing then a single drive...we must have some buzz words.

And BTW, a mirror never saves your data.  If for instance he had fried the controllers on a mirrored array instead of just his PSU, where is his data.  Please teach responsible back-ups (i.e., multiple rotating off sites).

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I had such a problem last week when I moved to an new computer with Gigabyte P55 UD6 and I7-860. I made a repair install of WinXP SP3 so that I do not have to do all the settings again. Then I installed all the new drivers. The computer was very slow.

Then I made a clean WinXP SP3 install and installed the new drivers. It run without problems. The reason in my case was a driver of the software Powerstrip for the screen settings. Did not work with the new graphic card very well. Did the repair install again and removed this software - no problems anymore. But I had luck that I found this driver. At a new computer so many things could be wrong.

So try a fresh install of WinXP SP3 and check. If you do not have SP3 you have to install the drivers for multicore so that you can use your CPU at faster speed. Then try the repair install again and install the core drivers if not SP3. Did it 2x times (over the repair again) since the first repair was not perfect. Some software might require a reinstall despite the repair like Nero.

Edited by Beggar
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First I want everyone to know I today burned out a power supply and almost destroyed my new motherboard, new cpu and cpu fan all by 1 freaking mistake in which I did not find this information online anywhere while reading or on thaivisa about building new computers.

For the next computer :) :


A good PSU should have switched off without dying. But perhaps they did not test it your way.

Edited by Beggar
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