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Security At Government House Tightens As Protesters Ready To Rally


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classic case of "Shooting the messenger".

Nice try, doesn't scan.

It isn't an indictment it is only pointing out the obviousness

of the position, style and timing of posts and their monochromatic subject.

yep, you don't like people with another opinion or that they report about some red protest day at all. you wish they would get banned.


that's your attempt at mind reading... which no one can do.

I don't mind divergent opinions. Some have more validity than others.

Some are worthy of debate and some are just spent bolts,

lacking anything to back up the premise they so inadequately support.

I wish some posters would post something that made some sense,

and do it on a regular basis, rather than just when it obviously

suits the PR machines purposes, regardless of in-clarity of thought.

There is a world of difference between wishing for a ban

and wishing someone would just go away and stop bothering people.

And that essentially is what trolling, and false friend trolling is. Bothering people.

Your bit with urine last week certainly pushed the limits of good taste here,

so it is odd you calling me names. I didn't get you banned last week,

you did it all on your own.

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Well said and about time.

Yes and good morning to you too.

About time?

You have had you say and there is no reason to delete it.

Why should you be banned, it addresses actual issues. albeit personality ones.

You aren't swearing or using urine images to besmirch me.

Pedantic, I might buy,

smug is purely your opinion, I am entitled to mine also. Are you humble?

I very much doubt I can be considered the only smug or pedantic person on Thaivisa....

Intolerant, of the manipulations by the Thaksin PR team certainly.

But not of a legitimate portion of the Thai electorate wishing for better lives.

Even the confused deserve a better deal if they aren't getting it.

The 'red movement' is not particularly that significant, just loud,

while the 'Issan moving forward movement' is significant,

but they are not the same.

Try as the Thaksin PR machine wishes to make it seem so.

I have said before I am all for the people of Issan getting a better shake in Thailand,

just not in some "great leap forward" fashion, and/or with Thaksin at the helm.

That will not get them what they deserve, and that would be a shame.

Added to that 'revolutions' historically have hurt many, many of the smaller people

voluntarily or involuntarily involved in the area it takes place in. Bad business.

Eventually it gets better, but typically after greatly increased long term hardship.

See histories of China, CCCP, eastern block countries, assorted in south or middle Americas etc.

I could never wish that on anyone.

I am not backpedaling, nor changing, my positions, I have always held this general position.

I just take strong exception when I see the good people of Thailand, being lied to so that

one man and his cronies can get their hands back on the trough,

and do NOTHING for the people except window dressing.

And that includes using Thaksin PR machine, canned speeches, numbers and trolling on Thaivisa,

you seem legit, especially as a very long term member, and impassioned for your cause, good,

there are others who are clearly on the clock, and have no other things to say but supporting

red rally's and going after opposition thought, with canned phrases repeatedly.

It might have been more to the point to address how to improve the Thai's lot,

rather than attack me for a side reasoning to the whole thing. Contribute to a solution if you can.

I was not surprised Oberkomando would 2nd you and not exactly stressed over any of it.

There seem to be plenty here who support my positions, and still not the old status quo of

old world kow tow, money politics and abuse.

Still ignoring the Mao red star hat on the front page.

Still doesn't make much sense , in an context.

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So the rally was all about the petition. Fine, but why does Mr Dirk call it "democratic"?

There's nothing democratic about that petition.

It probably all to do with search engines. If we all started saying the undemocratic red shirts or the violent red shirts or the.......

But then again most of us post pretty much every day

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