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Scared Straight At Last !


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whoah..did I get a harsh scare 15 days ago. You see I am 52, good shape physically (as I played a low level of pro hockey.. 2 levels under the NHL, and still work out a lot ) but I had a problem. I was beer binge drinker for basically 30 plus years, and smoked pot too. The 2 go hand in hand for those who know. My modus operandi was simple..I would drink 3 or 4 beer( which would be plenty enough without pot), smoke a half a joint, then drink 3 or 4 more, then eat, then sleep a few hours later..a vicious circle to be sure.. but it had not ruined my health yet( soon I'm sure), except for more colds than the average person. My wife knew about the beer and smoking, but she hated the smoking part, but did not mind if I had beer a few times a week ( I did this drinking and smoking pot in LOS and Canada). I told her I would quit the smoking, and just have beer once in a while, but still snuck a smoke on occasion. 15 days ago we went crab fishing after my work on friday, and I was drinking some beer. I went to the washroom and smoked a half a joint..she knew, and told me if she could go back to Thailand NOW she would. It scared the Shiite out of me, as I love her dearly. I promised her that was it, but boy was she hot ( I mean mad as hel_l..she's hot as well). She has a temper on her second to none if provoked, and I ain't looking back. I always wanted to quit both for years, but did not have the sufficient motivation...now I do!! I have never felt better, and except for the one bad day at work, don't even want a beer. She has told me I can drink beer, but I fear to because thats when I will smoke pot, and she would leave me. Thank God I finally had the sense to quit both at the same time. Why do I write this for all and sundry?.. to illustrate that fear is a huge motivator, and I hope you out there with a similar problem will quit before you almost lose your wife, and hence your self dignity, a terrible thing to lose..Signed: relieved at last :)

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