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Depending on your passssport its likely you'll need an Indo visa too they brought this pain in acouple of years ago

Shooting themselves in the foot onTAT model


I used to be able switch at Swampy no all hassle of trip to embassy agen or consul

Cost me $25 with EU passport belive for 28/30 days there waa some nonsense about day in and out counting

Suffice to say I cannot be bothered and spend my money in Musact or Oz instead pity as bewtween volcanoes erupting mudslides Tsunamis got some nice views crews and food.

Tourist visas in Georgetown malysia easily from Indo consul on Jalan Wright Peneng near Adventist Hospital Gurney Drive area !RM on any Ferringhi bus from Chulia Street /Jeti or Peneng Rd as your Hotel

You may be eligible for visa on arrival depends on pasport


7. Fees for Visa On Arrival :

For a 7 (seven) day visit = USD 10

For a 30 (thirty) day visit = USD 25

Please note: Other nationals without residence permit in Thailand must apply for a visa at Indonesian Embassies or Consulates in their home country.


I go often to Jakarta, but always use the $10 visa on arrival for 15 days. If you're planning on spending 60 days, you should visit the Indo consulate and get a longer tourist visa.

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