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Annual Physical - Bnh Or Bumrungrad


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I'm almost 30 and haven't had a physical for probably 10 years. Been to the doctor here and there for sicknesses, but no physicals. Anyway, my health insurance will pay up to about 14,000 baht for a physical so I figured, hey, why not? Has anyone been to BNH or Bumrungrad lately? I'm wondering which one you'd recommend from any recent experience.

What does the Exercise Stress Test compose of?

Can I get it all done with results and everything in one day?

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I'm almost 30 and haven't had a physical for probably 10 years. Been to the doctor here and there for sicknesses, but no physicals. Anyway, my health insurance will pay up to about 14,000 baht for a physical so I figured, hey, why not? Has anyone been to BNH or Bumrungrad lately? I'm wondering which one you'd recommend from any recent experience.

What does the Exercise Stress Test compose of?

Can I get it all done with results and everything in one day?

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Was at Bumrungrad in Feburay around 13000 baht Bring running shoes for the stress test, make the appointment for first thing in the morning and you will be done by 2:00pm you will have to go back next morning to pickup results or they can mail them to you.You have to fast for 12hours, they say 9 hours I think.I was very impressed at the way you go from one station to the other station. Starting with #3 where you pay then on to #4 --#5---#6--- and back to #5 where I finished after seeing the doctor and going over the results.The same check up would take weeks to finish in Canada.

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Actually I find most of them to be the same with regard to getting results back same day and efficiently conducting all the tests. Also all the same in leaving it to the patient to decide what tests they want and not giving much in the way of help of guidance on it so do your homework first. And don't feel constrained by how the "packages" are set up, you can add to them or just construct your own based on what you need.

Where I do find considerable difference is in the thoroughness with which the test results are reviewed and analyzed with reference to the individual patient and their history, and I have to give Bumrungrad abysmally low scores on that. Empahsis is on doing the tests quickly with minimal wait, producing a nice booklet report and telling you you're fine, not on analyzing the results to see if in fact that is the case. Time and again I have seen them miss important findings or interpret them in ways that do not take the individual patient history into account. So I really do not recommend them.

I personally go to Samitivej and find them to be excellent in this regard, (and my standards are high!). Particularly like Dr. Anchana and Dr. Phuchai there.

I have not been to BNH but some posters have spoken well of their check-ups.

Wherever you go, be sure to go throguh all the test results yourself and to question anything that is outside normal limits (the normal values will usually be shown on the form) and don't be too quick to accept "mai ben rai" type of response.

A stress test is where they hook you up to an EKG and have you walk/run on a treadmill to see if there are an signs of ischemic heart changes when your heart has to work more. A 30 years old with no known risk factors would usually not be recommeneded one but from 40 on (men) a good idea, and women once past menopause. If you have any history of heart problems or known risk factors, that's another matter.

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I have been twice for the 13000 baht 'Bum test' and really do recommend it - I have done a proper comparison of all the tests between Bum, BNH, Bangkok Christian Hospital (Silom) and St Louis (Sathorn). I concluded that Bum came out tops - the whole thing is done on an industrial scale and very efficient. There are many foreigners (mainly arabs) who come to thailand just for the 'Bum test'. The stress test is the most unpleasant one, closely followed by the faeces collection, but having these tests, now annually, is the best value for money I can think of. It led to me considerably reducing my alcohol intake, diet and exercise and my health has greatly improved as a direct result of what they found in the first test. Don't, as I did, think you are 100% healthy just because you feel Ok and don't seem to have any major problems - the major ones start to creep up on you without you knowing and before you know it, it's too late to do anything about it. I think the heart tests and cholesterol tests are worthwhile at any age and wish I'd had the 'Bum tests' available when I was younger.

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For the past 5-6 years I did my annual check-up at Samitivej. They let you bring your own stool sample (they provide a little container with a tiny spoon). The advice you get at the end of the test seems to vary very much according to the doctor and what his/her interests are. I am always mildly anemic, but no symptoms. One doc said maybe my baseline is lower than normal, other docs told me to eat more of this or that.

I am going back to Bumrungrad this week for the full test since I got a discount and it's in a more convenient location. My report to follow. I will attempt to negotiate about the stool sample. :)

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Did the test in Samitivej and was very content with the way they set it up and test results were explained. Indeed bring your running shoes and stool sample. Price 8700 Baht (special discount) They explained very well how my liver must have felt for the last twenty five years and advised to give it an off day every week........


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Did the test in Samitivej and was very content with the way they set it up and test results were explained. Indeed bring your running shoes and stool sample. Price 8700 Baht (special discount) They explained very well how my liver must have felt for the last twenty five years and advised to give it an off day every week........


From my comparisons (not incl Samitivej) I found that there is little saving to be made on the Bum tests at other hospitals by taking the core tests costing a few thousand baht and then adding optional tests and in some cases it was more expensive. You could pay the same at Bum as Samitivej for fewer tests. The beauty of the Bum tests are that they are very comprehensive and are all done together and are chosen according to your age/sex (see their website). Also it is best to have repeat tests done at he same hospital to make sure good comparisons are made year after year to avoid inter-hospital test variations so it is best to make a proper comparison of test and cost before the first test. I agree that the post test general evaluation of your results could be a bit better at Bum but overall they did the job and made good recommendations, depending on who the doctor was but this is probably true anywhere.

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I went in person to make my checkup appointment with Bumrungrad today and they gave me the little plastic cup and spoon for a stool sample, just like at Samitivej. So if you want to avoid violation of your fundamental orifice, make the appointment in person.

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I went in person to make my checkup appointment with Bumrungrad today and they gave me the little plastic cup and spoon for a stool sample, just like at Samitivej. So if you want to avoid violation of your fundamental orifice, make the appointment in person.

And it's damned difficult catching it on that spoon!

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I don't know what kind of insurance you have, but my BC/BS (FEHB) plan from the U.S. demands a line by line accounting, i.e., a statement listing the cost of each test done, in order to evaluate how much their reimbursement will be.

When I asked for such an accounting at Bumrungrad, I got that wild-eyed look of confusion, followed by a telephone call to their accounting cost department, and then came the statement, "No can do." I was really surprised.

So I went to Phyathai 2 Hospital over on Phaholyathin Rd. near Victory Monument, and they were happy to provide a line by line accounting statement. You can check out their program on-line and compare it to Bumrungrad's. The costs are about the same. I was quite satisfied with their program.

If you go there you will probably notice that our Middle Eastern friends have not yet discovered Phyathai 2

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's time for my annual physical and I've not been satisfied with the cursory nature of the physicals here in Udon. I think they can probably do the lab work just fine but the "physical" part of the exam is pretty weak with the doctor spending about 1 or 2 minutes checking your body and then just reading the results out to you. So I thought I'd do my checkup during a trip to Bangkok and have looked at the packages at the various hospitals. Sheryl's comments about Samitivej sound like what I'm looking for in terms of doctor/patient interaction so I've scheduled a physical with them and specified Dr. Phuchai for me and Dr. Anchana for my wife.

But now I need to decide about what, if anything beyond a PSA test, to add to their package. Samitivej's Wellness2 here has the non-blood work tests, like a stress test, I'm interested in but the blood work is not as extensive as some of the other hospitals' packages for my age group (I'm 65).

In particular Samitivej has:

Creatinine for kidney function but not BUN

SGPT, SGOT. Albumin, AFP for liver function but not total bilirubin, globulin, or Gamma GT

TSH for thyroid but not Free T4

no HBsAg HBsAB, Anti-HCV for hepatitis screening

I'm not on any medication and I don't have any symptoms of anything so I'm wondering if Samitivej's package is fine or if I need to add things to make it look more like the other hospitals' packages. Or should I just wait to see if any of the included tests come back indicating I need something further.

And thanks for the tip - I will go by a day ahead of time to pick up the cup and spoon.

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  • 1 month later...

Just thought I'd follow up on my experience. Cost was not an issue with our insurance. The tests were good and the packet of results are nice and detailed. However, they run the whole department like a factory. Nurses are literally running around to different stations and everything is rushed. Even the final visit with a doctor was less than a minute. He basically said, "everything looks good, NEXT!" or something close to that. I think I'll try somewhere else next time where I actually have a chance to ask some questions and not feel so rushed. Just personal preference. Everything else seems top notch though.

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mnbcm, you don't mention which hospital you wnet to, but from your description I suspect Bumrunghrad. What you describe -- assembley line precision in getting all the tests done but very perfunctory review of the results -- is exactly my objection to it.

I might add that I have on several occasions seen the "you're fine" given to people who most defintely were not and whose abnormal results were right there in the shiny booklet, but either not noticed or shrugged off by the doctor. Be sure you go through that report by yourself, the normal values are usually indicated so not hard to see if something is off. If there are any abnormal findings make an appointment with a doctor to go over them.

The whole process is a waste of time and money if there is not a thoughtful review of the findings.

(I'm just guessing it was Bumrungrad..byut same advise holds if it wasd anywhere else given the rushed review you got).

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  • 1 year later...
I went in person to make my checkup appointment with Bumrungrad today and they gave me the little plastic cup and spoon for a stool sample, just like at Samitivej. So if you want to avoid violation of your fundamental orifice, make the appointment in person.

And it's damned difficult catching it on that spoon!

Line a bucket with a plastic carrier bag and crap into that. Scoop out what you need into the container. Drop spoon back into carrier bag, seal and dispose.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sheryl, I believe you have followed somewhat this debate about testosterone which made me curious to have myself tested in this respect too..

Do you believe that Dr Samitivej has also detail knowledge about hormones or if in BKK should I see someone else?

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