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Oh Man! Ants In The Bath Towel!


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Yesterday morning I grabbed the bath towel before taking my shower. Unbeknownst to me when I hung it on a nail on the wall the night before there were tiny red ants nearby.

After I showered and dressed up, I noticed some itching but ignored it. Then while driving I realized I had a big problem. The damned ants had taken a particular liking to my crotch area! :D I had to quickly return home to shower again.... and medicate! My private parts had swollen badly, evidently from whatever toxin the ant bites have, and itched like mad. Then the wife put some Thai salve on me which put me through the roof - OMG! Finally washing up again and using calamine helped.

Wife and family unable to stop laughing. :D

Hmmm, wonder where the MIL hangs her towel? :):D

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I sympathise with your plight, but maybe this tip will help

Aspartame the artificial sweetner makes a great ant killer.

For a few days you wil be plagued as they all come and take this delicious feast back to their nest for the youngsters, then you will never see them again.

Not sure if it works on those vicious red ants but it does on the general black variety

Whats more your local coffee shop is so concerned about your "Ant problem" they have free sachets of sweetner for you to take home

Edited by thaimite
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I woke up on Koh mak one morning with bites from those red ants all over my body, horrible itchy lumps that take and age to disappear. Thankfully they kept away from my croth, obvioulsy not brave enough to take on that monster :)

Maybe they were just unable to find it. :D

But the small red ants can be a pain. A couple of years ago I stood outside our gated backdoor and took care of a delivery of Pizza as a late dinner when I feel a lot of minor stings on my feet. I quickly pay up, thinking it is mosquitos, but the stings increase and finally i step inside the gate, close it and look down while standing on the cement pathway and notice a lot of small red ants. Rub/crush them off my feet and lower leg and scurry back to the house. But the poison these small suckers manage to put in one, wow. Shaking of muscles and swelling of the skin in big regions.

Then there is the story of the huge ant (the ones that live in big trees) that was the size of a small dog that big my shoulder and hanged on when slapped...that was so big that one could clearly see it's snapping mandis when tearing it of ones shoulder... :D

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I woke up on Koh mak one morning with bites from those red ants all over my body, horrible itchy lumps that take and age to disappear. Thankfully they kept away from my croth, obvioulsy not brave enough to take on that monster :)

Maybe they were just unable to find it. :D

But the small red ants can be a pain. A couple of years ago I stood outside our gated backdoor and took care of a delivery of Pizza as a late dinner when I feel a lot of minor stings on my feet. I quickly pay up, thinking it is mosquitos, but the stings increase and finally i step inside the gate, close it and look down while standing on the cement pathway and notice a lot of small red ants. Rub/crush them off my feet and lower leg and scurry back to the house. But the poison these small suckers manage to put in one, wow. Shaking of muscles and swelling of the skin in big regions.

Then there is the story of the huge ant (the ones that live in big trees) that was the size of a small dog that big my shoulder and hanged on when slapped...that was so big that one could clearly see it's snapping mandis when tearing it of ones shoulder... :D

half a centimetre is huge :D

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half a centimetre is huge :D

It is for some. :)

I used to have one of those kaffir lime trees just outside my front door. Not having any use for the fruit myself I used to pick up the fallen ones and give them to the girl that run the corner shop. One day there was only one lime on the ground so I gave the tree a good old shake to improve the harvest which it duly did. Halfway to the shop I realised that I was covered in those big red bu66ers and they were highly p1ssed off at being shook from their tree at 7 am. I also encountered great mirth at my predicament.

No experience with the little reds but from what I've read here I'm happy with that situation.

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I used to have one of those kaffir lime trees just outside my front door. Not having any use for the fruit myself I used to pick up the fallen ones and give them to the girl that run the corner shop. One day there was only one lime on the ground so I gave the tree a good old shake to improve the harvest which it duly did. Halfway to the shop I realised that I was covered in those big red bu66ers and they were highly p1ssed off at being shook from their tree at 7 am. I also encountered great mirth at my predicament.

No experience with the little reds but from what I've read here I'm happy with that situation.

Shaking the trees reminds me of seeing some men using long poles with nets deep up into the trees to retrieve ant eggs from the nests. They shake out and capture the whitish eggs then cook them somehow, a Thai delicacy I understand. Even though eating fermented fish (heads I think) turned out to be fairly tasty, I think I'll pass on eating the ant eggs, thank you very much. :D I was tricked into eating the fermented fish so now I am much more careful to inquire before eating. In the LOS Lord only knows what you're about to set your choppers into. :)

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I used to have one of those kaffir lime trees just outside my front door. Not having any use for the fruit myself I used to pick up the fallen ones and give them to the girl that run the corner shop. One day there was only one lime on the ground so I gave the tree a good old shake to improve the harvest which it duly did. Halfway to the shop I realised that I was covered in those big red bu66ers and they were highly p1ssed off at being shook from their tree at 7 am. I also encountered great mirth at my predicament.

No experience with the little reds but from what I've read here I'm happy with that situation.

Shaking the trees reminds me of seeing some men using long poles with nets deep up into the trees to retrieve ant eggs from the nests. They shake out and capture the whitish eggs then cook them somehow, a Thai delicacy I understand. Even though eating fermented fish (heads I think) turned out to be fairly tasty, I think I'll pass on eating the ant eggs, thank you very much. :D I was tricked into eating the fermented fish so now I am much more careful to inquire before eating. In the LOS Lord only knows what you're about to set your choppers into. :)

Have you tried the Ant Salad for sale on the Fried Grasshopper Stalls around, it is quite nice.

The ants are dead so that's ok, they won't bite your tongue.... :D

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Yesterday morning I grabbed the bath towel before taking my shower. Unbeknownst to me when I hung it on a nail on the wall the night before there were tiny red ants nearby.

After I showered and dressed up, I noticed some itching but ignored it. Then while driving I realized I had a big problem. The damned ants had taken a particular liking to my crotch area! :D I had to quickly return home to shower again.... and medicate! My private parts had swollen badly, evidently from whatever toxin the ant bites have, and itched like mad. Then the wife put some Thai salve on me which put me through the roof - OMG! Finally washing up again and using calamine helped.

Wife and family unable to stop laughing. :D

Hmmm, wonder where the MIL hangs her towel? :):D

Thanks for the funny story and my morning laugh. I could just picture it.

Ants are always a problem in Thailand. There was one long thread on it with all sorts of solutions. A search might find it. I'm not sure which forum it was in, but possibly the Chiang Mai forum or this general one. Only occasionally do I go to other forums.

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Yesterday morning I grabbed the bath towel before taking my shower. Unbeknownst to me when I hung it on a nail on the wall the night before there were tiny red ants nearby.

After I showered and dressed up, I noticed some itching but ignored it. Then while driving I realized I had a big problem. The damned ants had taken a particular liking to my crotch area! :D I had to quickly return home to shower again.... and medicate! My private parts had swollen badly, evidently from whatever toxin the ant bites have, and itched like mad. Then the wife put some Thai salve on me which put me through the roof - OMG! Finally washing up again and using calamine helped.

Wife and family unable to stop laughing. :D

Hmmm, wonder where the MIL hangs her towel? :):D

Thanks for the funny story and my morning laugh. I could just picture it.

Ants are always a problem in Thailand. There was one long thread on it with all sorts of solutions. A search might find it. I'm not sure which forum it was in, but possibly the Chiang Mai forum or this general one. Only occasionally do I go to other forums.

I like to work in my rubber trees barefoot. Those fricking ants go to town on me... I spend most of the time dancing about mashing them between my legs and feet. After awhile I cannot take it any longer and go for the water spout. It's actually really good exercise and and the locals know your crazy and don't bother stealing from you as you are unpredictable.

Once I did crap myself using the jop (hoe) with a cut off handle...accidentally hit a snake and it tapped me on my big toe. I had him cut and pinned to the soil so fully extended he could not quite get his teeth in me. SHIIIIIIDT! I said

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Have you tried the Ant Salad for sale on the Fried Grasshopper Stalls around, it is quite nice.

The ants are dead so that's ok, they won't bite your tongue.... :D

Actually it hasn't been my tongue I've been worried about pattaya_girl :)

But that reminds me of something which happened many, many years ago which I am surprised I can still remember. I think I was only about 4 or 5 at the time, but I had a neighbor friend over in my little two-ring swimming "pool" one hot summer day. I can't exactly quite how this happened, I think we were probably playing "I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours". I remember seeing his little penis end and my friend putting an ant on it (only a 4-5 year old would do such a thing!), but THEN I distinctly remember seeing his face and wide-open-mouth SCREAM as the ant evidently took a bite! :D:D:D

BTW, since we are on the topic pattaya_girl, I'll show you mine if......... :D:D

Edited by ThailandLovr
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Yesterday morning I grabbed the bath towel before taking my shower. Unbeknownst to me when I hung it on a nail on the wall the night before there were tiny red ants nearby.

After I showered and dressed up, I noticed some itching but ignored it. Then while driving I realized I had a big problem. The damned ants had taken a particular liking to my crotch area! :D I had to quickly return home to shower again.... and medicate! My private parts had swollen badly, evidently from whatever toxin the ant bites have, and itched like mad. Then the wife put some Thai salve on me which put me through the roof - OMG! Finally washing up again and using calamine helped.

Wife and family unable to stop laughing. :D

Hmmm, wonder where the MIL hangs her towel? :):D

So that's ants in your pants making you dance........ :D

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Have you tried the Ant Salad for sale on the Fried Grasshopper Stalls around, it is quite nice.

The ants are dead so that's ok, they won't bite your tongue.... :)

No I haven't tried the Ant Salad, with or without the optional eggs. Or the Cockroach Salad, or the Larvae Salad (large or small grubs, your choice) , or the Assorted Crawlie Salad either for that matter.

And you think the Ant Salad "is quite nice?". Oh p_g, say it isn't so!

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So that's ants in your pants making you dance........ :)

It's amazing how many times posters on TV have brought back memories long thought forgotten.

I remember being surprised at the title and lyrics of this song by Dr. Hook. It was on the reverse side of a record of his I bought:

"You make my pants want to stand up and dance".


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