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Scandalous, Extortionate Fedex Fees!


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A Farang friend of mine suggested that I buy some herbal supplements from Swanson's in the USA, as they are virtually impossible to source in Thailand. I placed my order a couple of weeks ago and the total, including the shipping, came to $25.46 for the tablets and a staggering $24.46 to ship it by FedEx!. OK so Mr. FedEx did rather well out of that small purchase of three bottles of pills.

It gets worse... Yesterday I got an email from FedEx (Thailand) containing what seems to be some sort of delaration form about the contents of my package which has now apparently arrived in Thailand. I emailed them back asking what it was and what I should do, this being the first time I've ever encountered one of these.

I append here the (full) text of their reply:

What we need from you for clearance are

copy of your passport

Good description of each item

Please be notd that after we got the required information as above,

We will use 3-5 business days for clearance and there will be the clearance service charge

Thb1200 exclude the tax.

So I am now being asked to pay Mr. FedEx a further 1200 Baht ($36) as a "clearance fee" (for goods that have a value of only $25) on top of the ridiculous cost of shipping before I even pay import tax!!

What's the game here? Is this normal? Has anyone any experience of this? My Farang friend who recommended this method of buying the health supplements has never had this happen in the 6 years he's been buying from Swanson's.

Also - is it safe to email a scan of my passport? Why would they need that?

I hope someone can shed some light on this, which I am inclined to say, seems to be nothing short of an extortion racket.

it sounds all one big racket

i brought in some items from the USA and was told i had to pay tax and kinda just questioned the whole thing

end result was i did pay something, but not what they were asking and not that much

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Someone I know who does a lot of import/export says that these days the express carriers like Fedex, DHL, et al are strictly interpreting the laws, much much more so than the gov'ts themselves, and have proven to be a real pain in the ass. He's given up on all of them, and will only do business via the post office shipping. I recall a few years ago the crap he was going through when he sent some cloth from Thailand to Japan, took a lot of grief and a trip to Japan to straighten it out. He says things are going much better with his new scheme.

OP: I also have vitamins/herbs shipped from the US, but I use a friend as a cut-out. I buy the stuff online, have it shipped to my friend, and she packs it up and sends it to me, marking the package as a gift and listing each item on the declaration form. I then reimburse her for the costs. Also, I've been having the packages sent to Malaysia because I've had good luck with getting packages there (so far).

If you keep the package under 4 pounds it can be sent for a maximum of app. US$32, more than that it gets more complex and much more expensive. See the USPS site for details. Most recent package was last month and took app. 10 days from the DC area.

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Some are taking a perverse delight in sniping at the perfectly reasonable position taken in the OP. I've had quite a few small items (including, for example, items from eBay) delivered to Thailand by ordinary post without problems, but anything sent via the major carriers (FedEx, DHL etc) seems to attract inflated charges. We're are not talking of a major import/export business for goodness sake, just the odd domestic purchase, and some of the early posts seem completely wide of the mark.

Agreed - Postal System seems the most hassle free. Fedex and their Customs clearance provider (from my experience) are the worst; I had a shipment of books sent here by a relative (via Fedex), along with a one tutorial CD; all were declared properly. Books are normally duty free in Thailand - however, since the CD was included, Duty was charged on ALL items (3000+ baht).

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Nope, but in the FAQ ( Help ) page, where it belongs to. :)

I think you are wrong, they belong in the FAQ... but they also belong on the shipping part of the check out... If the shipping address is international they should display these warnings, they should not hide the warnings in some FAQ page.

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Some are taking a perverse delight in sniping at the perfectly reasonable position taken in the OP. I've had quite a few small items (including, for example, items from eBay) delivered to Thailand by ordinary post without problems, but anything sent via the major carriers (FedEx, DHL etc) seems to attract inflated charges. We're are not talking of a major import/export business for goodness sake, just the odd domestic purchase, and some of the early posts seem completely wide of the mark.

Someone understands - Thank you!

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Nope, but in the FAQ ( Help ) page, where it belongs to. :)

I think you are wrong, they belong in the FAQ... but they also belong on the shipping part of the check out... If the shipping address is international they should display these warnings, they should not hide the warnings in some FAQ page.

Exactly. That's the point I was trying to make. You've made it better though. If it's not presented "up front" then it's as good as a "hidden charge".

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That's why some call it FedUp !

Are you sure Amway does not sell this herbs ?

Otherwise, at 'Munkala' the Chinese Medical Clinic in Chiangmai if they don't have it they make it for you. I recommended this clinic to several people who suffer from something. Very recommendable !

I call them Federal F!#*-Ups.More approprate,I think.Anyway- it is courier service - did you need pills so urgently?There is post office.

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That's why some call it FedUp !

Are you sure Amway does not sell this herbs ?

Otherwise, at 'Munkala' the Chinese Medical Clinic in Chiangmai if they don't have it they make it for you. I recommended this clinic to several people who suffer from something. Very recommendable !

I call them Federal F!#*-Ups.More approprate,I think.Anyway- it is courier service - did you need pills so urgently?There is post office.

Have a look at my earlier posting above... The pills didn't come urgently, they took 3 weeks. I didn't ask to use FedEx, I had no choice in the matter. This was pre-decided by the seller, Swanson's

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A Farang friend of mine suggested that I buy some herbal supplements from Swanson's in the USA, as they are virtually impossible to source in Thailand. I placed my order a couple of weeks ago and the total, including the shipping, came to $25.46 for the tablets and a staggering $24.46 to ship it by FedEx!. OK so Mr. FedEx did rather well out of that small purchase of three bottles of pills.

It gets worse... Yesterday I got an email from FedEx (Thailand) containing what seems to be some sort of delaration form about the contents of my package which has now apparently arrived in Thailand. I emailed them back asking what it was and what I should do, this being the first time I've ever encountered one of these.

I append here the (full) text of their reply:

What we need from you for clearance are

copy of your passport

Good description of each item

Please be notd that after we got the required information as above,

We will use 3-5 business days for clearance and there will be the clearance service charge

Thb1200 exclude the tax.

For what its worth, last week i had to have 5 credit cards sent by fed ex from the states to my condo here. They charged $50 for the small envelope ! All the charge was made at the post office upfront in the states, it was delivered to my door here.....

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Hello Hawk,

That's a very interesting thought. I paid by credit card. I guess I could report a non-delivery as you suggest. That may well be worth a shot. I have already decided that I am not paying FedEx, even if it means losing the goods. I also see no reason why my passport number would not suffice rather than an image of the passport.

Thank you for this suggestion.

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I'm FedUp too. I am in the US now and offered to FedEx about 20 pages of documents relating to university admission to a friend in Bangkok.

For the one small envelope FedEx charged US $52.

I paid it but won't use them again. That is a ridiculous charge!

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The photocopy of the title pages of your passport is required by Thai Customs for clearance. It has nothing to do with Fedex. All they will do is show it to the Customs officer for clearance of your goods. Even if your order comes by regular mail you will still have to produce this along with the green Customs form, duty as assessed and VAT when you pick up your package from the post office. If there is no duty then they won't need it.

My experience has been that if vitamin or other pills are involved they will often have to get approval from the Food and Drug Administration. This is usually quite fast.

The passport photocopy or scan is a routine government requirement. There is nothing suspicious or conspiratorial about it. Customs must have acquired enough of mine to paper the walls of several offices over the years.

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Hello Hawk,

That's a very interesting thought. I paid by credit card. I guess I could report a non-delivery as you suggest. That may well be worth a shot. I have already decided that I am not paying FedEx, even if it means losing the goods. I also see no reason why my passport number would not suffice rather than an image of the passport.

Thank you for this suggestion.

Fed ex is a dreadful company to deal with, especially here in Thailand. Their staff always demand some kind of extra payment after the goods have arrived at their office.

So, my advice is don't pay, then they will be forced to return the goods to Swansons in the US.

Go, to your bank and explain to them that you paid for some goods but never received them, fill out a few forms and then the bank will do a "cash back", they will take the money back from Swansons. It may take a month or so but your money will be returned.

Lastly, when you buy stuff from overseas make sure before you pay that the company is willing to send it direct to you by priority mail. 8" by 10" envelope is about $11. Never ever use a carrier again, like Fed ex, DHL, etc as there is too much monkey business going on in their offices in Thailand.

And always check locally for the product or something close, as it will save all the headaches and loss of money.

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The photocopy of the title pages of your passport is required by Thai Customs for clearance. It has nothing to do with Fedex. All they will do is show it to the Customs officer for clearance of your goods. Even if your order comes by regular mail you will still have to produce this along with the green Customs form, duty as assessed and VAT when you pick up your package from the post office. If there is no duty then they won't need it.

My experience has been that if vitamin or other pills are involved they will often have to get approval from the Food and Drug Administration. This is usually quite fast.

The passport photocopy or scan is a routine government requirement. There is nothing suspicious or conspiratorial about it. Customs must have acquired enough of mine to paper the walls of several offices over the years.

Whenever a Copy of a Passport, Tabien Baan, Residence Permit - whatever - is required for any purpose you should provide it, as already mentioned this is a frequent requirement for many purposes in Thailand.


you should ALWAYS write in clear letters across the copy

"Copy supplied for Clearance of FedEx Shipment (here insert the Tracking Code or other specific reference)"

or a clear Reference to why that particular Copy of an official document was submitted.

This makes it difficult (OK, not impossible given present technology) for that copy to be used for any other purpose.


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I'm having a similar problem except that I am not the one importing.

I am an expat event manager working in a hotel and my client usually send me their materials for their events like welcome packs, seminar notes etc. THey usually send it and list me as the receiver as I would receive the goods on their behalf.

My client sent a package via Fedex and the value was more than THB 40,000 and thus required an import clearance form. But Fedex has a copy of the airway bill which states everything you need to know about the package.

I am just a receiver of these items and I find it ridiculous that they expect me to fill in the import clearance form and give a good description of the items in Thai. EVerything is in the airway bill form which is how it made it out of the export country in the first place.

Then they require a scan / copy of my passport to clear the package under my name. My company has an account with FedEx and i asked if I could clear it under my company's name, but no, to do that I need to contact the sender and get them to resend the airway bill and pay extra to change the name of the receiver. The company then has to produce a huge list of paperwork to clear the package. The paperwork required is already on hand with FedEx since we have an account with them.

I don't really mind sending my passport to clear the customs, but the last time I did that, I received a notice 2 months later from the Thai Customs that I owe them THB 200 for using their service or something. THe notice was all in Thai so I don't really know what I was being charged, asked my friends and all they know is that I owe Thai Custom money for using their service. I know it's not the import duty as that was already paid when the packages were delivered. And I know I didn't import anything personal that would warrant this "service" charge. I would like to know what the charge is for as I don't want to be charged for this everytime a client sends something to the hotel.

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Even through regular mail I have been taxed for vitamins, so I am not surprised that OP has been hit by a tariff- not really FedEx related, I think.

I have had vitamins sent to me over the years and never once have I been asked to pay tax, the OP is being scammed and so were you.

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I'm having a similar problem except that I am not the one importing.

I am an expat event manager working in a hotel and my client usually send me their materials for their events like welcome packs, seminar notes etc. THey usually send it and list me as the receiver as I would receive the goods on their behalf.

My client sent a package via Fedex and the value was more than THB 40,000 and thus required an import clearance form. But Fedex has a copy of the airway bill which states everything you need to know about the package.

I am just a receiver of these items and I find it ridiculous that they expect me to fill in the import clearance form and give a good description of the items in Thai. EVerything is in the airway bill form which is how it made it out of the export country in the first place.

Then they require a scan / copy of my passport to clear the package under my name. My company has an account with FedEx and i asked if I could clear it under my company's name, but no, to do that I need to contact the sender and get them to resend the airway bill and pay extra to change the name of the receiver. The company then has to produce a huge list of paperwork to clear the package. The paperwork required is already on hand with FedEx since we have an account with them.

I don't really mind sending my passport to clear the customs, but the last time I did that, I received a notice 2 months later from the Thai Customs that I owe them THB 200 for using their service or something. THe notice was all in Thai so I don't really know what I was being charged, asked my friends and all they know is that I owe Thai Custom money for using their service. I know it's not the import duty as that was already paid when the packages were delivered. And I know I didn't import anything personal that would warrant this "service" charge. I would like to know what the charge is for as I don't want to be charged for this everytime a client sends something to the hotel.

What a disgrace! Makes my little problem seem unimportant by comparison. If FedEx is behaving like this around the world, it makes me wonder why/how they remain in business!

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it seems to me many posters on this thread, including the op, have very little experience ordering online.

anytime you use a courier (dhl, fedex etc.) to thailand, you are subject to duty. sending registered mail, while it may take longer, rarely involves duty, though occasionally customs do wake up and levy an arbitrary charge.

and besides, caveat emptor applies in all purchases.


i would like to add that many vendors will not ship out of their comfort zone due to customer reactions exactly like this. it is not feasible to for a seller to understand the vagaries of each and every country they may have to ship to.

every seller makes the same disclaimer.

Edited by t.s
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it seems to me many posters on this thread, including the op, have very little experience ordering online.

anytime you use a courier (dhl, fedex etc.) to thailand, you are subject to duty. sending registered mail, while it may take longer, rarely involves duty, though occasionally customs do wake up and levy an arbitrary charge.

and besides, caveat emptor applies in all purchases.

Once again - I repeat that I had no opportunity to choose another delivery method. Swanson's offered only FedEx.

I return (yet again) to my original stance that "Caveat Emptor" can only be successful if all the relevant information relating to a purchase is offered up front in an honest, overt and accessible way and not buried somewhere in the T&Cs. Actually, forget about Caveat Emptor... there's a much more simple business dynamic at play here... Both Swanson's and FedEx have lost a customer. Perhaps it's happening every day. Maybe they place little emphasis in the old fashioned principles of customer retention. As for your "Caveat Emptor", I hold the opinion that in this super-communicated world, we should not be living in the dark ages of "buyer beware", especially from internationally known firms who proudly boast about their pedigree and calibre and so-called "customer service". Ultimately the customer can vote with his feet.

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i would like to add that many vendors will not ship out of their comfort zone due to customer reactions exactly like this. it is not feasible to for a seller to understand the vagaries of each and every country they may have to ship to.

every seller makes the same disclaimer.

Don't be ridiculous. Swanson's is a huge operation shipping their products worldwide every day. Their "comfort zone" is bringing in revenue from the four corners of the earth. They know exactly what's what. If they don't then they shouldn't be in the business.

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i would like to add that many vendors will not ship out of their comfort zone due to customer reactions exactly like this. it is not feasible to for a seller to understand the vagaries of each and every country they may have to ship to.

every seller makes the same disclaimer.

Don't be ridiculous. Swanson's is a huge operation shipping their products worldwide every day. Their "comfort zone" is bringing in revenue from the four corners of the earth. They know exactly what's what. If they don't then they shouldn't be in the business.

you are correct, i am being ridiculous. i am sure that swanson's do a booming export business to thailand.

i will now make way in favour of people who tell you what you want to hear.

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i would like to add that many vendors will not ship out of their comfort zone due to customer reactions exactly like this. it is not feasible to for a seller to understand the vagaries of each and every country they may have to ship to.

every seller makes the same disclaimer.

Don't be ridiculous. Swanson's is a huge operation shipping their products worldwide every day. Their "comfort zone" is bringing in revenue from the four corners of the earth. They know exactly what's what. If they don't then they shouldn't be in the business.

you are correct, i am being ridiculous. i am sure that swanson's do a booming export business to thailand.

i will now make way in favour of people who tell you what you want to hear.

The Canadian who originally told me about Swanson's has been bringing their products into Thailand on a regular basis for 8 years. (Although curiously has never encountered the bureaucracy that I have on my first purchase). He in turn was told about Swanson's by a European, who had been shipping their products to Thailand since before the internet ever came along (via magazine mail order). I think therefore it's safe to conclude that Swanson's have made enough sales over a long enough period of time to have grasped the fundamentals of how their partners here, FeDex Thailand, operate at the customer end of things.

Quaerere Verum.

Edited by Bearnagh
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