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It is ignorance such as yours that allow people such as Griffin to gain a foothold and your support of Enoch Powell is despicable.

Just another narrow minded fool that Griffin has managed to dupe.

i gotta say i thought whichschool's post was very reasonable,here's a guy "on the ground" so to speak with first hand experience,who are we to judge,living in thailand

And so him living in UK means that his blatant racism, and it is racism, should be excused or even accepted?. I could talk about the klu-klux-klan and how racist they are but, oh wait, I don't qualify because I am not in America and so an American in the US saying that the KKK is not racist must be right when I am wrong?

The majority of people "on the ground" in the UK find Griffin and his cronies to be odious, hateful pieces of work and thankfully so.

PS i believe any UK national should have the right to bring in a spouse from whatever racial background they maybe from.

How very fortunate.

Yes, it would be quite a convenient little clause for whichschool wouldn't it. All other Asian's may go expect for his

Before i comment i want to make it clear that i in no way support the BNP in any shape or form.

But i fear that it is possible that they may gain a few more seats and MP's

I have seen over the last few years racism on the increase from the teenage element of the uk.

Some it seems cannot diffirentiate between countries of origin, My wife was intimidated outside a shop and called paki scumbag by some louts. (she is thai)

It seems that if you are dark skinned in the uk you could be in a no win situation. (in some areas)

This was northeast uk.

Please use the word England, north east UK is where I live in Scotland my wife has lived here two years now no problems so far :)

PS i believe any UK national should have the right to bring in a spouse from whatever racial background they maybe from.

How very fortunate.

whats wrong with that wish?

Nothing, except Whichschool seems to want to stop immigration except for a privileged few, i.e. his family!

PS i believe any UK national should have the right to bring in a spouse from whatever racial background they maybe from.

How very fortunate.

whats wrong with that wish?

Is it not obvious? Everyone else seemed to get it.


he is saying he backs the BNP for wanting to close off immigration, for all i know he may not back the BNP in anything else,however only he can answer that.if the govt. made unemployment benefits harder to access and got the lazy white population used to going to work again,then mass migration would n't be so "so called necessary"

PS i believe any UK national should have the right to bring in a spouse from whatever racial background they maybe from.

How very fortunate.

whats wrong with that wish?

Is it not obvious? Everyone else seemed to get it.

well i just beg to differ,ok with you?andi imagine you'd be up in arms if UK immigration refused your thai wife/gf entry into the UK.


If the BNP had their way, then all immigration would be stopped; including Thai wives!

It is obvious from you comment that you have never attempted to claim unemployment benefit, or jobseekers allowance as it has been called for some time.

In fact you seem totally ignorant about much of life in the UK; but as you say you live in Thailand I am not surprised.

for all i know he may not back the BNP in anything else

I gave him that benefit of the doubt to begin with, but then he said Enoch Powell was a visionary and his Rivers of Blood speech was 100% correct.


Jaysus SBC.

He is classifying people based on their race. Nick Griffin and the BNP wish to send all non-caucasian people out of the UK regardless of their nationality. An attempt to control the flow of illegal immigrants is a reasonable thing but such fascists don't deal in reason and want to make Britain a white only place.

for all i know he may not back the BNP in anything else

I gave him that benefit of the doubt to begin with, but then he said Enoch Powell was a visionary and his Rivers of Blood speech was 100% correct.

And this.

I see that whichschool is lurking, perhaps he would care to answer for himself.

How very fortunate.

whats wrong with that wish?

Is it not obvious? Everyone else seemed to get it.

well i just beg to differ,ok with you?andi imagine you'd be up in arms if UK immigration refused your thai wife/gf entry into the UK.

You seem to have grasped completely the wrong end of the stick my friend.

If the BNP had their way, then all immigration would be stopped; including Thai wives!

It is obvious from you comment that you have never attempted to claim unemployment benefit, or jobseekers allowance as it has been called for some time.

In fact you seem totally ignorant about much of life in the UK; but as you say you live in Thailand I am not surprised.

yes that is true,but then there so many other ways to get a govt. paycheck.single parent,disability,free housing etc.my point is that there is a whole range of people,and for the sake of this discussion,lets say white people who could be working but the govt. make it easier and more profitable for some not to work,and these people are generally bone idle with no get up and go


if i have the wrong end of the stick please tell me what point am i missing? if its his love of the BNP so be it,but i am not debating about the BNP,i am however highlighting the point,or trying to, that there is room for reasonable debate on this part of his post.

for all i know he may not back the BNP in anything else

I gave him that benefit of the doubt to begin with, but then he said Enoch Powell was a visionary and his Rivers of Blood speech was 100% correct.

And this.

I see that whichschool is lurking, perhaps he would care to answer for himself.

in many ways enoch powell was a visionary,he told it like he saw it,and for that he was shot down at the time.he was not 100% correct,but who knows if things keep going on the way they are he maybe yet be proved right

if i have the wrong end of the stick please tell me what point am i missing? if its his love of the BNP so be it,but i am not debating about the BNP,i am however highlighting the point,or trying to, that there is room for reasonable debate on this part of his post.

To ask the government to get a grip on the immigration issue is a reasonable one indeed, there is nothing wrong with that at all as every country has the right to protect it's own interests. To expect the immigration policies to be defined by race, however, is simply not an acceptable criteria and is, again, racist. All through 'whichschools' post the only criteria he used was race and he even went onto to name a few examples. To make such decisions based on the colour of a persons skin is simply wrong and if you don't see that now then you never will.

Jaysus SBC.

He is classifying people based on their race. Nick Griffin and the BNP wish to send all non-caucasian people out of the UK regardless of their nationality. An attempt to control the flow of illegal immigrants is a reasonable thing but such fascists don't deal in reason and want to make Britain a white only place.

yes moonrakers,i am not with the BNP on any of this,in my first reply in this thread you will see.extremism is not a good thing in any fashion,but the UK from what i have seen and read is in for some tough times on the immigration issue,and it seems that the indigenous whites will become the minority in the not to distant future,and one could see this leading to a lot of trouble.

For any kind of immigration to work those that come to a new country have to have the goal of integration,through learning the language,education and inter marrying.they have to become british for it to truly work.

The BNP are only were they are today because the SOME of the people of britain have put them there through the protest vote,simple.

The bnp party have more chance of fitting an elephant up there arse,than winning the next general election so no worries there.

True, but they do have some big <deleted> in the party.

if i have the wrong end of the stick please tell me what point am i missing?

It's not that you are missing a point, it's that you seem confused about my position.

i imagine you'd be up in arms if UK immigration refused your thai wife/gf entry into the UK.
if i have the wrong end of the stick please tell me what point am i missing? if its his love of the BNP so be it,but i am not debating about the BNP,i am however highlighting the point,or trying to, that there is room for reasonable debate on this part of his post.

To ask the government to get a grip on the immigration issue is a reasonable one indeed, there is nothing wrong with that at all as every country has the right to protect it's own interests. To expect the immigration policies to be defined by race, however, is simply not an acceptable criteria and is, again, racist. All through 'whichschools' post the only criteria he used was race and he even went onto to name a few examples. To make such decisions based on the colour of a persons skin is simply wrong and if you don't see that now then you never will.

i dont see his post as slagging of against any one race,he's made the point that there are too many immigrants and its causing problems,i doubt if anyone would disagree with this point.however i think immigration and who the govt, chooses to let in is up to the govt.If you are going to encourage people to go and live/re settle in the UK surely you want people who are going to or are able to contribute and integrate.

australia is a case in point.they are very selective in who they let in,and up until now this policy has been successful.Signing up to the human rights charter of the EU has been an unmitigating disaster and has only added to immigraton problems in my opinion.


It is ignorance such as yours that allow people such as Griffin to gain a foothold and your support of Enoch Powell is despicable.

Just another narrow minded fool that Griffin has managed to dupe.

Ah the name calling from the liberal left, this is your usual way so i will not debate with you

Though i will tell you i am voting UKIP not BNP, as i am not a socialist as the BNP policies are.


The BNP take advantage of a widely perceived feeling that there are too many immigrants that refuse to integrate living in the country.

This has been compounded by:-

The London tube bombings were done by British born Muslim fundamentalists, as was the "shoe bomber".

Wide spread areas in major cities that are no-go areas for white people.

Knife crime spiralling out of control. This started with Balkan immigrants from the wars fought in the 90's.

That the present government has turned England into a "nanny State".

The BNP gets the protest vote. It will never get into power and the way to marginalise it is to face the peoples concerns and then be seen acting on them.


totally agree KB,..........if they would only do just that,but they wont because when you become a politician you have to forego one of the greatest treasures a person can possess.................commonsense.

So, Whichschool, you believe that your wife has a right to migrate to the UK, but nobody else does?

She isnt my spouse and had citizenship before i met her due to being married to a Brit for 10yrs, Immigration through marriage is controlled.

Most migrants to the UK are not only legitimate, they are essential! The indigenous UK population is declining, and without immigration it would not be long before there were not enough people to fill the essential jobs, not enough people working and paying taxes to fund the NHS, state pension etc.

The millions of Polish builders who are on the whole very honest decent hardworking people arent needed other then theyre useful for cheap labour, i stopped working in the building industry 5-6 years ago as they were supressing wages, but again i presume this is racist and ignorant of me. But they are not needed here.

As for the NHS the medical staff are from poor countries where they are needed far more, and what are we spending money on an education system if we cant train doctors and nurses.

As Moonrakers says, it is ignorance such as yours which plays right into the hands of the BNP; not that they would accept you as a member, or even allow you into one of their meetings, as you are tainted by marrying a non white and having a mixed race child.

The BNP candidate in the London mayoral election is the father of a mix raced child.

If the BNP had their way, then all immigration would be stopped; including Thai wives!

It is obvious from you comment that you have never attempted to claim unemployment benefit, or jobseekers allowance as it has been called for some time.

In fact you seem totally ignorant about much of life in the UK; but as you say you live in Thailand I am not surprised.

yes that is true,but then there so many other ways to get a govt. paycheck.single parent,disability,free housing etc.my point is that there is a whole range of people,and for the sake of this discussion,lets say white people who could be working but the govt. make it easier and more profitable for some not to work,and these people are generally bone idle with no get up and go

My brother is receiving, and has received for some time, incapacity benefit due to a disability which prevents him from doing any work; you presumably include him in "a whole range of people,and for the sake of this discussion,lets say white people who could be working but the govt. make it easier and more profitable for some not to work,and these people are generally bone idle with no get up and go" despite the regular checks he has to undergo to prove his disability!

Rather than saying "for the sake of this discussion,lets say white people" why not stick to the facts? Although, to be fair to you, the majority of claimants are white because the majority of the population is white!

it seems that the indigenous whites will become the minority in the not to distant future,

Really? Where do you get that 'fact' from?

According to the latest (2001) census, 92.1% of the UK population is white (source). The next census is due in 2011, do you seriously think that will have changed enough by then to put whites in the minority? If not by then, when?

I do agree, though, that immigrants to any country should learn the language (or one of the languages) of that country, learn about the history, customs etc. of that country; which is why I am in favour of the KOL requirement for those wishing to settle in the UK.

On that subject, and seeing how you live in Thailand, how is your Thai?

If the BNP had their way, then all immigration would be stopped; including Thai wives!

It is obvious from you comment that you have never attempted to claim unemployment benefit, or jobseekers allowance as it has been called for some time.

In fact you seem totally ignorant about much of life in the UK; but as you say you live in Thailand I am not surprised.

yes that is true,but then there so many other ways to get a govt. paycheck.single parent,disability,free housing etc.my point is that there is a whole range of people,and for the sake of this discussion,lets say white people who could be working but the govt. make it easier and more profitable for some not to work,and these people are generally bone idle with no get up and go

My brother is receiving, and has received for some time, incapacity benefit due to a disability which prevents him from doing any work; you presumably include him in "a whole range of people,and for the sake of this discussion,lets say white people who could be working but the govt. make it easier and more profitable for some not to work,and these people are generally bone idle with no get up and go" despite the regular checks he has to undergo to prove his disability!

Rather than saying "for the sake of this discussion,lets say white people" why not stick to the facts? Although, to be fair to you, the majority of claimants are white because the majority of the population is white!

it seems that the indigenous whites will become the minority in the not to distant future,

Really? Where do you get that 'fact' from?

According to the latest (2001) census, 92.1% of the UK population is white (source). The next census is due in 2011, do you seriously think that will have changed enough by then to put whites in the minority? If not by then, when?

I do agree, though, that immigrants to any country should learn the language (or one of the languages) of that country, learn about the history, customs etc. of that country; which is why I am in favour of the KOL requirement for those wishing to settle in the UK.

On that subject, and seeing how you live in Thailand, how is your Thai?

my thai is ok thanks,and like many expats who marry into a thai family and do actually assimilate to some degree,and also take care to some degree financially so they dont have to go down to socialsecurity to collect dole checks :)

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