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Little Meaw


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Little Meaw, named Nui, is looking for a good home. Currently in boarding with me but going back to current owners soon, who rescued him and his sister as tiny malnutritioned kittens. Unfortunately the owners are not allowed to keep pets there where they live, hence their (urgent) search for a good home for him (sis has been adopted already).

Nui is about 4 months old, male, loves affection, vocal, good with people including children, and isn't in the least impressed by the dogs.

Anybody out there who is just thinking of caring for a(nother) little cat?

Please send me a pm, email: info (at) luckydogs.info or give me a ring 08 999 seven eight 146.

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Sadly there is abundance of too many unwanted pets in Chiang Mai.

I have two dogs that came from a litter of dogs owned by one of my daughter’s friend’s. We took them in 6 years ago, are now part of our family and spoilt something rotten.

Unfortunately if I took this cat, my dogs would see him as lunch, so it wouldn’t work.

Being as it`s approaching Christmas, why doesn’t someone who intends staying in Thailand for the long term, give this cat a good home. Show some charity. Anyone that does this will be my hero and I will create a thread to say, thanks.

Cats don`t require a lot of attention. All that is required is that they are feed and watered, given some shelter and the odd medical attention if and when it`s needed. Cats are not a tie down like dogs and cheap and easy to care for.

These cats are intelligent and make wonderful loyal companions. If cared for properly, they will give back much more than they receive.

If anyone wants to compare this pussy with the other kind of pussy, cats won`t steal your assets and will always be faithful and will probably stay with you a lot longer.

Com-on, it`s nearly Christmas, lets have a happy ending and I`m not referring to massage parlours.

Edited by sassienie
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Thank you sassienie for spreading the word. What a great thing for someone to do for Christmas and you can be sure that Nui will return the favor with lots of love. I have four cats and a dog that we saved from the street and no regrets.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Nienke!

Have you found Nui a home yet? I might want to adopt him to keep my poodle company. I know you said he "isn't in the least impressed by the dogs" but what does that mean? That he fights with them, avoids them, or doesn't mind them at all? Poppy the poodle loves cats, and could use a friend as it's just me and her right now. Is he an outdoor/indoor cat or mostly indoor? Is he fixed or intact?

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Hey Nienke!

Have you found Nui a home yet? I might want to adopt him to keep my poodle company. I know you said he "isn't in the least impressed by the dogs" but what does that mean? That he fights with them, avoids them, or doesn't mind them at all? Poppy the poodle loves cats, and could use a friend as it's just me and her right now. Is he an outdoor/indoor cat or mostly indoor? Is he fixed or intact?

I took it to mean that he is not bothered by dogs. I hope this works out as Nui looks like such a sweet cat.

Good luck Nui.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just a last try.

This afternoon I received a phone call from Nui's current care-takers saying that he still hasn't found a new owner and they are leaving the country soon.

Anyone out there who is interested in adopting him? If so, please pm, phone (089 double9 78 146) or email (info[at] luckydogs[dot]info) me and I'll give you Nui's care-takers' contact number.

Thank you.

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A BIIIIIIIIIGGGG thank you, Steve. :) I hope Nui will settle in quickly and make friends with the other animals.

@UG, in defense of the former care-taker, she has NOT abandoned Nui but rescued him together with his sister, despite the fact that pets at their place were not allowed. And if I'm not mistaken she hand-raised them as they were very small and abandoned by the mother cat or the mother cat was somehow killed.

So actually, a big thumbs up for her as well. :D

Edited by Nienke
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A BIIIIIIIIIGGGG thank you, Steve. :D I hope Nui will settle in quickly and make friends with the other animals.

@UG, in defense of the former care-taker, she has NOT abandoned Nui but rescued him together with his sister, despite the fact that pets at their place were not allowed. And if I'm not mistaken she hand-raised them as they were very small and abandoned by the mother cat or the mother cat was somehow killed.

So actually, a big thumbs up for her as well. :D

Sorry about that. I thought that she had taken them in after someone else had abandoned them, so nothing but positive emotions about her for sure.

Thanks Steve. :)

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A BIIIIIIIIIGGGG thank you, Steve. :D I hope Nui will settle in quickly and make friends with the other animals.

@UG, in defense of the former care-taker, she has NOT abandoned Nui but rescued him together with his sister, despite the fact that pets at their place were not allowed. And if I'm not mistaken she hand-raised them as they were very small and abandoned by the mother cat or the mother cat was somehow killed.

So actually, a big thumbs up for her as well. :D

Sorry about that. I thought that she had taken them in after someone else had abandoned them, so nothing but positive emotions about her for sure.

Thanks Steve. :)

Gulp - I'd forgotten what it's like to blush so much! :D

Nienke's 100% correct - the then tiny Nui & sis were actually rescued from the 107 highway by the previous owners. When I went yesterday to pick him up, they also presented me with a near-condo-sized covered litter box, expensive-looking scratching post, Louis Vuitton-style pet carrier, umpteen toys, flea treatment etc. "Little" Nui has clearly been spoiled to the nth degree - and actually weighs about 3.5kg according to the proud and tearful 10-year old daughter of the house who is so upset at parting with him (unexpectedly, the family has to relocate to France in a few weeks). While mum was thanking me for adopting him, I was telling her daughter that I think I'm very lucky to get him.

Day 2 bulletin: Nui is settling in well - eating for two and already staking out his preferred bits of the house here...... :D

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Very bad form publishing photos of an adorable kitty like that when I can't have one :D My dogs only accepted our old cat, but she died a few years ago, other cats get hunted. :D

Your kitty looks just like a cat I had many years ago, Sammy was his name, a sweet and loving ginger tom who moved on to greener pastures when he reached sexual maturity (no vet on the island then). Be sure to get him neutered if you don't want him wandering and getting into fights.

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