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I Have My Airline Ticket

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I have my airline ticket, in my hand, paid up, tax and all JAL Japanese airlines, the 'agent' contacted me today and said there had been a mistake, and that I can't have the ticket.

I called JAL in Bangkok, not really much help, they just said my flight was confirmed O.K.

Can the 'agent' stop the ticket. It is the 'agents' mistake that I have the ticket fully paid up in my hands.

If you have a ticket, who has the power to cancel it?

Wilson Steer.

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Yes, the carrier JAL says it is a confirmed booking, and I have the ticket saying O.K. and everything, but this is Thailand, and just because the agent has made some stupid mistake regarding codeshare and profits for his/her pocket, the are GO-HO'ING me with telling me to return the ticket, cancel it and start again.

No way, it's their mistake, I have paid my cash so I intend to travel on this ticket.

I just think that 'agents' here in the LOS have more power, in the U.K. if a ticket is issued and paid for in full, that is story over, finish...right?

BUT TOT....??!!

Wilson Steer.

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Yes, the carrier JAL says it is a confirmed booking, and I have the ticket saying O.K. and everything, but this is Thailand, and just because the agent has made some stupid mistake regarding codeshare and profits for his/her pocket, the are GO-HO'ING me with telling me to return the ticket, cancel it and start again.

No way, it's their mistake, I have paid my cash so I intend to travel on this ticket.

I just think that 'agents' here in the LOS have more power, in the U.K. if a ticket is issued and paid for in full, that is story over, finish...right?

BUT TOT....??!!

Wilson Steer.

One wonders how common such experiences are here. Had a not too dissimilar exp - recently booked a flight at good price, in a certain sukhumvit outfit, & returned later that day to pick up the tkt & pay balance only to be told: "sorry, but we've made a mistake - the price shuld be 1XXX baht more - please, you must pay that now" V naughty :o

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Yes, the carrier JAL says it is a confirmed booking, and I have the ticket saying O.K. and everything, but this is Thailand, and just because the agent has made some stupid mistake regarding codeshare and profits for his/her pocket, the are GO-HO'ING me with telling me to return the ticket, cancel it and start again.

No way, it's their mistake, I have paid my cash so I intend to travel on this ticket.

I just think that 'agents' here in the LOS have more power, in the U.K. if a ticket is issued and paid for in full, that is story over, finish...right?

BUT TOT....??!!

Wilson Steer.

If JAL say it is confirmed, I reckon that it is confirmed.

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The agent may need the ticket to complete a package, probably for a multi party package and wants to lose you and get the bigger prize. Tell them to get stuffed and use a different agent next time.


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Make sure that when you go to the airport you have proof of payment to the agent in case they try to withdraw the funds - if the ticket is definately confirmed then they have paid the airline - but they may try something underhand like saying you have not paid.

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I have my airline ticket, in my hand, paid up, tax and all JAL Japanese airlines, the 'agent' contacted me today and said there had been a mistake, and that I can't have the ticket.

I called JAL in Bangkok, not really much help, they just said my flight was confirmed O.K.

Can the 'agent' stop the ticket. It is the 'agents' mistake that I have the ticket fully paid up in my hands.

If you have a ticket, who has the power to cancel it?

Wilson Steer.

What is the issue behind it? Have they undercharged you?

If its an undercharge, there is not a lot they can do about it. They can cancel your booking and if the ticket is restricted, it becomes worthless. If its a changeable ticket free of endorsements/restrictions then its good for carriage/use.

It really depends on the issue and the amount of baht involved as to how 'difficult' the agent might be - they have a fair amount of ability to make life difficult for you if they so desired.

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If the ticket is issued on JAL plates it is up to JAL to accept or refuse the ticket at check-in.

The agent could make life difficult for you if it is a restrcited ticket and they cancel your booking in a certain class and that class becomes full on departure day.

Keep checking with the airline to make sure your seat is still confirmed in their computer.

If flight is not full it is very unlikely that JAL will not let you fly even if your booking has dissapeard from their computer as long as the ticket is genuine.

For the travel agent to cancel an issued ticke, theu need the actual original ticket or have to wait one year until the validity of the ticket expires and the airline is satisfied it has not been used.

Good luck

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Thanks for latest advice all: I will explain further;

The ticket is JAL but operated by some airline called jalways, or something like that and it is a codeshare.

For some reason, there was a mistake and the JAL ticket was issued in full to me when I made full payment, but because the agent realises now it is codeshare there is a problem.

I have even booked my seat number with JAL and they say O.K. I guess I am 90% O.K.

I really need a travel agents viewpoint or perhaps not T.I.T.after all...

My plan is this: call JAL the day before and then travel if they say O.K.

What do you reckon?

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Thanks for latest advice all: I will explain further;

The ticket is JAL but operated by some airline called jalways, or something like that and it is a codeshare.

For some reason, there was a mistake and the JAL ticket was issued in full to me when I made full payment, but because the agent realises now it is codeshare there is a problem.

I have even booked my seat number with JAL and they say O.K. I guess I am 90% O.K.

I really need a travel agents viewpoint or perhaps not T.I.T.after all...

My plan is this: call JAL the day before and then travel if they say O.K.

What do you reckon?

Hi, Jalways is operating some flights for JAL in and out of Bangkok. It enables JAL to offer cheap fares as teh JALWAYS crew is underpaid (by JAL standards) and it uses mostly non Japanese crews.

JALWAYS is a wholy owned subsidiary of JAL and therefore these flights are not real code share as for example a Qantas flight with a British Airways flight number.

I think you are pretty safe to have your seat and no bother at the airport.

JALWAYS also fly to Hnolulu for JAL

Good luck

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Thanks for latest advice all: I will explain further;

The ticket is JAL but operated by some airline called jalways, or something like that and it is a codeshare.

For some reason, there was a mistake and the JAL ticket was issued in full to me when I made full payment, but because the agent realises now it is codeshare there is a problem.

I have even booked my seat number with JAL and they say O.K. I guess I am 90% O.K.

I really need a travel agents viewpoint or perhaps not T.I.T.after all...

My plan is this: call JAL the day before and then travel if they say O.K.

What do you reckon?

If the ticket has been wrongly issued, odds are it wont be accepted at check in if its picked up. Why dont you just take it back and change it.

Also odds are the agent will have logged on the booking notes that they know the ticket has been issued wrongly and that they have requested you to come back and change it. All of these notes are visible to the girl at check in. If the ticket has been issued on JAL paper (ie says JAL in top right hand corner of ticket), it may be that JALWAYS have an agreement with another carrier for ticketing rights in Thailand. If your caught in that trap, they may not let you on simply because the airline (JALWAYS) may never get paid for the seat.

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I have my airline ticket, in my hand, paid up, tax and all JAL Japanese airlines, the 'agent' contacted me today and said there had been a mistake, and that I can't have the ticket.

I called JAL in Bangkok, not really much help, they just said my flight was confirmed O.K.

Can the 'agent' stop the ticket. It is the 'agents' mistake that I have the ticket fully paid up in my hands.

If you have a ticket, who has the power to cancel it?

Wilson Steer.


I had a similiar situation once in U.S. where agent used cost that was out of date for a Thai International ticket. They told me about it at check-in. Basically they said Agent would have to absorb cost difference, as it was their mistake. But in this case...TITS.

Still think you will not have to pay.

If the agent hassles you, just tell them you are canceling and want a full refund. Bet they cave in at that suggestion.


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Thanks for latest advice all: I will explain further;

The ticket is JAL but operated by some airline called jalways, or something like that and it is a codeshare.

For some reason, there was a mistake and the JAL ticket was issued in full to me when I made full payment, but because the agent realises now it is codeshare there is a problem.

I have even booked my seat number with JAL and they say O.K. I guess I am 90% O.K.

I really need a travel agents viewpoint or perhaps not T.I.T.after all...

My plan is this: call JAL the day before and then travel if they say O.K.

What do you reckon?

If the ticket has been wrongly issued, odds are it wont be accepted at check in if its picked up. Why dont you just take it back and change it.

Also odds are the agent will have logged on the booking notes that they know the ticket has been issued wrongly and that they have requested you to come back and change it. All of these notes are visible to the girl at check in. If the ticket has been issued on JAL paper (ie says JAL in top right hand corner of ticket), it may be that JALWAYS have an agreement with another carrier for ticketing rights in Thailand. If your caught in that trap, they may not let you on simply because the airline (JALWAYS) may never get paid for the seat.

JALWAYS is a fully owned subsidiary of JAL (Japan Airlines). The flight is only operated by JALWAYS for JAL.

Travel agents will issue pape tickets on JL plates and are then liable to pay JL for the fare stated on the ticket minus any commission (as per agent/airline agreements which can vary)

It is very unlikely that teh agent will risk loosing the confidence of the airline over one ticket miss issued by threatening not to pay the airline.

Also check-in will be done by TG staff or airport staff not JAL although JAL staff will be available.

I think there is near no chance of the ticket being refused (if the flight is not over booked)

God luck

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My plan is this: to cal JAL one more time the day before the flight and ask if any problems are showing up on their computer: then I think I'm O.K.

They even have my home phone number, so if they had a problem they would call me, and I have seat numbers because I am a 'Milage Bank' member with JAL.

Feel O.K. really, now I know JAL and Jalways are interconnected.

Thanks for comments/advice


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