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Is Visa To Cambodia Required Of Us Citizen?

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Visa is required for almost everyone entering Cambodia.

Visa requirements are very strict, all rules need to be followed, or visa will be refused.

Below I will list the requirements.

1. $20

Basically if a monkey shows up with $20 and a passport he'll get his visa on arrival.

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A passport picture is also required, they staple it to your visa application before it goes into the circular file. When I went in 2005, I did not have one with me and I had to pay an extra $2 for one. This year my travel agent reminded me of the picture requirement as she has heard that they are running scams on those who do not have a picture with them and are trying to get more than $2 a pic.

So, if said monkey has $20, a valid passport and a passport sized pic, you're in. FYI there is also a $20-$25 charge on departure

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A passport picture is also required, they staple it to your visa application before it goes into the circular file. When I went in 2005, I did not have one with me and I had to pay an extra $2 for one. This year my travel agent reminded me of the picture requirement as she has heard that they are running scams on those who do not have a picture with them and are trying to get more than $2 a pic.

So, if said monkey has $20, a valid passport and a passport sized pic, you're in. FYI there is also a $20-$25 charge on departure

I just Came back from Cambodia yesterday...There was no Exit fee Charged.

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Couple of months ago it was charged on departure at airport. After a weeks stay. And this is official airport fee with receipt etc.

Then again in border you get the "oh you are not staying for the night, i think it is 100 baht then sir" and goes directly to their own pockets.

They do the same in PP airport if you don't have photo. Asking anything between 2 to 20 dollars for "photo fee" and no receipt. Also if you pay using 50 or 100 dollar bill they short change you 9 times out of 10.

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Went into Cambodia for a couple of hours yesterday at Chong Jom and was allowed to go in without being 'stamped out' of Thailand at a cost of 800 baht, rather than the normal 1,500 baht/$20US. I didn't need a visa run - just a trip for the TW's family

Is this an official policy for a day pass? Silly me - 500 baht to Thai border pockets and 300 baht to Cambodia border guys.

I was given absolutely nothing official to denote my status for the day - I was a bit dubious about whether I would be challenged on return, but nobody seemed to want to check me coming back in - just sauntered through

[Quite why anyone would want to go into Cambodia for 2 hours at Chong Jom defeats me, (other than to laugh at how the Thai metal road suddenly morphs into a bumpy mud track), but the Thai family seemed to enjoy becoming 'international tourists' and I was reliably informed that the handbags were much cheaper than in Bangkok and with more variety. I cannot possibly comment on whether they were real or not]

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