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I'm a DAV from the US Army and receive a pension every month in the form of a direct deposit on the 1st of every month but this month it's not there. This happened a few months back and my bank nearly closed my Hawaii account. I pleaded with them not to do this as I would have it straightened out in a few days and after over a week it was cleared up but with no explanation from VA as to why.

Has this happened to anyone else this month or ever before to you? What was the problem and how did you resolve it. It was expensive for me the last time this happened because of the countless calls to the bank,VA and the main office of VA. Is there an office here that can help me? Can the VFW help me? It's the weekend and I can't get in touch with anyone until Tuesday like at 0100 hrs. so this makes the process even harder.

Thanks to any other Vets out there that might be able to shed some light on this and give any assistance.




I also get VA checks but never have had a problem. They have gone direct deposit to Bank of America in California every 1st of the month like clockwork for several years. It appears to be a bank problem rather than a VA one. Good luck!


What's that got to do with Thailand?


Madsere, got something up your nose or up your assole, I live here in THAILAND, support a family here and so do other Vets. So go jump on something else you twit.

"Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt"


Scalawag, Thanks for the info and mine has been most of the time but this is the second time for this and the Hawaiian Bank said that they never received it the first go round so I just don't know. Does anyone else have anything constructive to add?



Scalawag, Thanks for the info and mine has been most of the time but this is the second time for this and the Hawaiian Bank said that they never received it the first go round so I just don't know. Does anyone else have anything constructive to add?



Nothing except thanks for putting that "AH" in his place. I'm a Vietnam Vet and hopefully will be residing in Thailand in the future.

Cheers... :o


I would think that the VFW very well might be able to help you sort it out. You should contact the nearest VFW Post Commander. They might be more inclined to assist if you were a member, but if not, at least meet with him. I know there are VFW Posts in Korat, Pattaya, Bangkok and Udon.

Good luck, I can picture the frustration trying to deal with this from Thailand. :o


Try the US Embassy?

I know they aren't a lot of help in general but maybe since you're a US citizen they'll let you in the door?

Best of luck Chris and hope you got your cycle parts! :o


Who made this guy moderator and I will tone it down. Just tweaks me when someone has nothing to contribute and doesn't know <deleted>.

It's just the way things happen in Forums sometimes Kringle, by the way he's not a Mod.

I know he's not a mod but he certainly thinks he is or he's a wannabe. Maybe he's in line for VP in Patty :o

Ahh, don't y'all miss the old days when the Gent (Tornado) would weigh in now with words of wisdom? :D

Oh no. :o

You have to admit he used to "liven" the place up a bit! :D


I would like to thank all of you guys except (explatives) one for your help and I will get in touch with the VFW in the morning and also check out the website. Having a little trouble connecting to the website right now but that is most likely a TRUE problem not the site. I have always had great information from most of you guys and it does make things easier to deal with when one has this forum to go to in times of trouble. I will post anything that might help anyone else in the future.

Thanks again,

Kringle :o


NOT SURE IF THIS WILL HELP YOU OUT FOR THE VA PAY BUT TRY "www.dfas.mil/money/milpay" or 175fincom.korea.army.mil hope this helps out i am also retired military and understand the money problem.


MasterChief, Thanks for the info but these are for "retired" military and I'm only a DAV from VA and so can't use these.

Thanks again,




Site above shows all the ways to contact the VA. I've used there email service ("Ask A Question" on this site) many times to get answers to many different types of problems. Max response time is 5 days, which they've always complied with, more often it's 2 or 3 days.

The problem is if you need a more immediate answer as being overseas we're not able use the "800" numbers they list.

I finally got the number to my regional office and was promptly put on hold for a long time when calling USA direct a few years ago was much more expensive. Had several 1,500 baht individual calls at that time.

They do seem to do much better on the computer service if it's not a "I gotta know right now" issue.


Sriracha John, Thanks for this and I did try this the last time this happened but never recieved a response. Ended up making all the calls to the bank and VA and still took over a week but eventually got it cleared up but with no reasons given to what happened.

Spoke to the guys at VFW in Bangkok but they do not handle anything to do with VA and was directed to go the same route I took before. I will make the call to the VA first before making all the calls to the bank to save a bit.

Thanks again to all for the help and will let everyone know what happens.



Sriracha John, Thanks for this and I did try this the last time this happened but never recieved a response. Ended up making all the calls to the bank and VA and still took over a week but eventually got it cleared up but with no reasons given to what happened.

Spoke to the guys at VFW in Bangkok but they do not handle anything to do with VA and was directed to go the same route I took before. I will make the call to the VA first before making all the calls to the bank to save a bit. 

  Thanks again to all for the help and will let everyone know what happens.



Sorry your experience with their "Ask a Question" didn't have results. As I said, I've always had great success there. Could have been a clitch or something on the sending or receiving email. I always get a confirmation email the same day saying they'd received it and will respond in 5 days. If you don't get one of those, I'd try again right away.

Sorry also to hear the VFW in BKK doesn't handle VA issues. When I was in the USA the local chapter there helped throughout the whole process.

Best of luck to you.

Pepe, I think you quoted the wrong people, it's "madsere" that's the A$$hole.


I realized that to late, a thousand pardons... :o

Pepe, no worries as I knew what you meant. I did find out what was wrong and got in touch with the Pension office in Minn. If you would like the direct number to that office, just pm me and I'll send it to anyone that is a US Vet.

Thanks again to all and will let everyone know how it all turns out as I went to the US Embassy to fax the forms off as they requested but then the Embassy couldn't understand why I couldn't fax from anywhere but then sent the fax anyway for free which I thought was cool of them. The pension office said 7-10 days and everything should be done.




AH = :D

I think we all know. (why didn't he get a warning?)

Kringle, good luck. I do not know you but if anyone deserves good treament it is you. I have been watching your posts ever since the infamous BKK debacle...Good luck my friend keep us up to date mate. :o


Tukyleith, thanks for the good words and I'm happy to say that everything is taken care of and the direct deposit is in. Hopefully I can get my status changed and get an ID card for a 100% and I won't have to go through this anymore.

Thanks again to all for the help.



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