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Same-sex Marriages Overseas

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I've been reading that same-sex marriages (civil partnerships) can take place in the UK as of from the 21st December.

Ok a bit about me... I'm a 31 year old gay girl, from the UK and i've been living in Thailand five and a half years. I've been with my current girlfriend 2 years, she's a computer teacher in the same school as me.

My question is, is it possible for the two of us to get married and live together in the UK OR am I living in some sort of fantasy land??

I'm guessing the latter, but hey you never know.

On the off chance that there is a slight possibility of the above, would anyone be able to tell me the long and tedious process that I would need to take.

Thanking you guys in advance.


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I've been reading that same-sex marriages (civil partnerships) can take place in the UK as of from the 21st December.

Ok a bit about me... I'm a 31 year old gay girl, from the UK and i've been living in Thailand five and a half years.  I've been with my current girlfriend 2 years, she's a computer teacher in the same school as me.

My question is, is it possible for the two of us to get married and live together in the UK OR am I living in some sort of fantasy land??

I'm guessing the latter, but hey you never know.

On the off chance that there is a slight possibility of the above, would anyone be able to tell me the long and tedious process that I would need to take.

Thanking you guys in advance.


There a Gay forum[ just for questions like this. Live long and prosper.

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Ok a bit about me... I'm a 31 year old gay girl, from the UK and i've been living in Thailand five and a half years.  I've been with my current girlfriend 2 years, she's a computer teacher in the same school as me.

My question is, is it possible for the two of us to get married and live together in the UK OR am I living in some sort of fantasy land??

I'm guessing the latter, but hey you never know.

I've not heard of 'civil partnerships' being accorded the same immigration privileges and 'assistance' as marriage, but living together as a couple has afforded the conditional right to live together in the UK for several years already. A paper trail of shared financial commmitments would be helpful. From what you say, your relationship may already qualify. See www.ukvisas.gov.uk for details - you're 'unmarried partners'.

On the off chance that there is a slight possibility of the above, would anyone be able to tell me the long and tedious process that I would need to take.

Thanking you guys in advance.


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As you say, civil partnerships are to be recognised in the UK later this year. It is believed that the immigration rules will be changed to take account of this and that you would then be able to apply for a fiancée-type visa which would give you and your partner 6 months in which to register your partnership and she would then be able to prolong her stay without having to leave the UK, ultimately culminating in indefinite leave.

As Richard said, if you have already been living together for in excess of 2 years then your girlfriend could seek a visa on the basis of being your unmarried partner. The immigration rules stipulate that you would have to satisfy the visa officer that the relationship is akin to marriage; i.e. you/your g/f would have to supply evidence that you share the bills/rent, receive mail at the same address, generally behave as a married couple would, and that this has been the case for 2 years or more. Also long periods of separation will result in the application being refused.

So, basically, the choice is yours: your g/f can either wait and, on the understanding that the immigration rules will change, apply for a fiancée-type visa or, if you believe that she can satisfy the standard, apply now on the basis of being unmarried partners. In both instances you will have to prove to the visa officer that you would be in a position to maintain and accommodate your partner in the UK without resorting to government support.

That's just a brief overview. If you want further advice then post your additional questions.



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Thanks for then link Richard, lots of useful information to be found there.

Also cheers Scouse, you’ve made things seem a lot clearer to me now.

To be honest with the two of you, my girlfriend has two teenage sons living with us, so it wouldn’t be something we would be doing within the next five years.

I know that things will have changed by then, it’s just that it really was a burning question, that I wanted to get off my chest. (No jokes about my chest please!!!) :o

You know, I always thought that there would be no chance on earth that we could be together in the UK but it looks like I could be wrong. One thing I have learnt though is the paper trail. Even though we’ve been living together two years, I’ve come to realise that I would have had a hard time convincing any official of that.. So I think it’s about time we looked at getting a joint account or something and also asking my current landlady to put my name on the contract (we’re renting).

Thanks again for all your help


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