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Translating Bill Categories

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Having just moved into my house, I'm beginning to get bills. Can't avoid 'em, but would like to be able to understand them.

My helpful translator isn't here for a while, so I'll turn to TV for a bit of help, if someone's bored and wants a bit of something to do.

I've paid and figured out the categories on my TOT bill, with the help of someone in the office there.

I haven't yet received my water bill, so that's yet to come.

But I've got my electric bill. Even though the total seems to be 183.99 baht, the total indicates I don't pay anything? Now or later? It'll accumulate? Not much there because I did just move in, so next month's will be larger, I'm sure.

But what are all the little boxes? If someone's got the info, I'd appreciate knowing what's happening in my financial life :)

Either use Acrobat to put stickies on the Thai boxes, or list, or whatever. You can post or PM.

Thanks in advance.

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As for your little boxes, the top ones under your first tick are just account numbers followed by information about the billing month, time and date the reading of your meter was taken.

Under the second tick, in the boxes where 50 & 2 are displayed are your opening and closing meter readings for the month and the 48 relates to the amount of electricity you have used in units.

In the cost, you are charged a certain amount by your local authority for each unit and then an access fee for having the electricity connected to the grid, then theres a total and some VAT.

You pay nil this month because you used less than 90 units

Does your name start with L and end with S?

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Thanks, neverdie. Much appreciated.

Curious that I've got three different account numbers. No problem, just strange.

So the billing month is November (makes sense), the time and date of meter reading was 9:14 a.m. on October 21st. And this bill covers all the month of October? 10/2552

And the cost of electricity was 127.53 while the access fee was 44.42? And, of course, the 7% tax was 12.04.

What's the 0.0000 and 0.9255 ?

You also asked, "Does your name start with L and end with S?" Hmmm, yes it does. I thought I'd blocked out my name and address where those check marks are. The first one had a series of numbers, which I'd assumed was my account number. Wrong there, I guess. And the second does have my address, as I recognize the numbers of my house! Least I can read numbers!

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No worries mate,

Listen, i wasnt exactly specific about the top three boxes. But since you want to know. The first box is a code for the electricity you are receiving, it wont mean anything to anyone other than the electricity company. The second one is a telephone number and the third one an account number.

The bill was read at the time you stated and covers electricty used up until that exact moment, from the time at which the electricity was last read. Most the electricty guys take the readings within a similar time each month, I have one in the family, they run like clockwork, some of my bills appear within minutes of each other, each month.

The 0.0000000 and the 0.92555 are the rates at which you have been charged, although I do understand it makes no sense when you look at it, it does to them. It was explained to me by the family member but it was a bit like explaining brain surgery to a brick layer. I could never understand why a charge is costed against the 0.0000 line.

The only thing u need to watch each month is the meter readings and that they are correct on your bill. No point looking at the last digit, its a one tenth of a unit.

Some years ago here in Thailand, the little meter man use to knock on the door with the electricity notice and ask to be paid on the spot....things have changed, these things are easy to pay.

hope this helped.

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ps: the water one isnt that different either and i think the govt stimulous is still paying for small water bills.

When you look at the water meter, the last 3 digits are only fractions (100ths) of a water unit.

the bills look similar and can be dealt with in the same way

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ohh finally,

where you have the ticks, the first box is the address details of YOUR electricty company.

The second tick is your address details, as you stated.

If you hover over the ticks, I can see your name only. Maybe you can ask a mod to delete the attachment if thats a problem for you.

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I think the 44.42 is the fuel surcharge that is tacked on every month depending on the current costs of fuels to power the generators.

As to seeing your name I think you did not lock the PDF and its possible to see the notes and your name in the name as to who posted it.

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Thanks for the deletion. I'd thought I'd gone through each of the little notes and removed my name, so it didn't show up. Guess I missed a couple Thanks.

And thanks for the info. I do like to know what's going on. (At one time, I used to do my own tax returns, as much to know just why I was paying what I was. Not anymore - need a magnifying glass for all the boxes, and computer to take percentages of Box Q to Box L, and then a percentage of that to Box W, subtracted from Box Y, and added to Box B to show what I owed!)

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I'm a Canucklehead.

Lived in Oz for about ten years, though, a few decades back.

:) love it, never heard that one before.

No worries about the deletion, neverdie PM'd me about your little problem and its really not a good idea to let personal details out there so I deleted.

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Canadian = Canuck = Canucklehead

True, not a good idea to let personal details out there. I had thought I'd removed my name from those little stickies, but guess I didn't catch them all. I think I've changed the application properties to leave it blank now be default.

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