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Tot's free 1222 internet


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what it will achieve is the opposite of what those who implemented it intended.

it will be interesting to observe if they stonewall such a blatantly bad decision for thailand, or if they find a way to gracefully reverse their position

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Plumbing new depths of stupidity. I can't see what it's trying to or going to achieve at all.

There are things/decisions you may not fully understand ... it does not mean these are stupids ...

"Things are not always what it seems."


Now, think about :

1: the difference between:

- an Internet Cafe

- an ISP access

- a TOT 1222 access

2: How the Police managed to locate the stupid Singaporean ...

... then, make you own conclusion on the possible reason why they (Hi guys !) closed the 1222 access ...  ???

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Some words of technics ...

first I never use this 1222, as I do own a tot line...

once I used it before, and gave up because of the slowst connection I had ever had  :o

well, the 1222 goes through a proxy, which makes thigs more difficult to trace events ... ???

internet-cafe, are anonymous, but the fact reamin that your a customer, so easy to find out where you are staying...

ISp, hum hum, you have a phone number and an IP, even for a few minutes, the ISp can be able to know from which phone number the connection was made, unless you use technics that are popular among the people that the FBI are after ...  :D

so, if they closed the 1222, they might have a reason.

and I do believe that it's not a thing for us to discuss.

we all watch tv, and we know that there is a censorship on movies, (violence,cigarettes,weapons..), do we talk much about?

if they want to avoid a possible ooutbreak from internet, because they know that Thailand have numerous hackers, it's their business, not ours, is it?  ???

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Interesting LegalAlien:

Are you dial-in to your ISP via 1222, or using the Free Internet services from TOTOnline (with the same number 1222) ?


You can connect to your ISP, like, Pacific Internet, using the 1222 number:


It is a bit different from the TOTOnline services: http://www.totonline.net

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Ok, I've read the reports and what people are saying on this forum... The 1222 number was supposed to stop yesterday - am I right? - but as I type this I am connected via 1222.

How can this be? Have they decided not to pause the service?

Are you on the free 1222 or accessing with a prepaid card via the 1222 gateway?

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Bottom line is Thailand is trying very hard to avoid any possible international implications whether it is a citizen or foreigner or a terrorist.   Yes true for the most part investigative agencies can trace you down if such messages were sent even if you went out of your way to hide your fingerprints.  They do have a system in place that captures on instant the connection is made and such is filed at the same process to another computer that holds this fingerprint meaning your IP.  I talked to a computer programmer who is very familiar about this about a year and a half ago, and that is how they can even find hackers if they wanted to do so.

One would have to get a certain specific computer that can generate bogus IP's and serve different fingerprints into such connection before such connection is made, and makes it virtually untraceable to the original source. The price for this unit and if you can find one in the blackmarket has to be awfully high, because of its success as what I am told.

Not to mention of changing this subject, but putting a huge half kilometer long tarp to hide a slum section in Thailand is so outrageous.  Imagine a super nice good gust of wind, coming from say a thunderstorm this tarp would make a fabulous sail and perhaps wisk Bangkok far out to sea!  Wouldn't that be so cool.   Ready made instant sails!  If that is the case, it would be a sight to behold so where is the Coast Guard for this kind of emergency if such took place?  I wonder if they prepared themselves for that possibility?  Just trying to lower myself down to Thai thinking so to speak.  Hard to do, but one can if one makes such effort.

:blues:  :o  :laugh:

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Hey Bob, read your post.  Wow, you can still do it on the 1222 deal.  Amazing, so really I wonder what is going on.  Are they shutting it down or slowing it down or doing something for political purposes.

Beats me of the Thai way of thinking.  The government has become so unpredictable of recent like they are in a panic mode.

Sha Na Na Na

Hey Hey Hey

Let's confucious Say!

Sha Na Na Na

Hey hey hey

Let's do-the Bank today!

Sha Na Na Na

Hey Hey Hey

Let them find their way!

Sha Na Na Na

Hey Hey Hey

Let them bust their way!

Sha Na Na Na

Hey Hey Hey

Good Bye!!!!!!!!!


:blues: :o  :laugh:

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I believe only FREE access 1222 is closed. I use Pacific Internet unlimited 30 days (1222TOT) and it works fine. They should close Mobile Phone networks as well. If terrorists are doing something , they don;t have time to go to Internet Cafe to send messages to each other. They will definitely use Mobile Phones. So........

If you've watched APEC channel and latest what Thaksin said yesterday IN ENGLISH.

"Hey, you know, I am not a dictator (laughing). I just try to work for this country and make it better."

All what I have seen in the past 4 years about him he should say:" I can do whatever I like to telecommunication and to Internet in Thailand. I own it and will own it 'til 2006. Why should I let other competitors to enter to my country. THAI RAK THAI....FARANG ARAIKEDAI.....

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Mr. Petanque,  Wow, you have guts.  If the PM was to officially say that of what you quoted, their highness the King and Queen of Thailand would tell him how to be directed so to speak, and be truly corrected.

Yet many people can see right thru this man, and for what it is worth, one wonders of his true intent, but as I can see from all the actions recently done by his administration it truly does indicate many negative moves.  I have not seen anything that truly favors the world or of his own people.

I won't put such down in this forum because it is monitored by the Thai Government, so I am right now :D  and will have to remain so. :o

Spot on my friend


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Hang on am I missing something?

I can get free Internet access?

I have a TOT phone line and I spend about 2000 baht a month on internet cards plus 3 baht for every internet call (usually get kicked off after about 4 hours).

How does this tot ISP free service work? Is it totally free? Their webpage is in Thai i dont understand. What are the dial up details?

Also if this free service is crap can someone recommend an ISP where i can pay monthly, I am a heavy internet user usually online for 10 hours a day,


This APEC stuff is really getting on my tits. I got stopped 3 times on the way home yesterday (in a taxi) and searched. How much can you over react? It's just a few meetings for Christ’s sake, if Thailand is really unsafe for the meetings they should have refused to host them.  Closings banks and   internet access - I can't see how this is preventing terrorism.  Surley Terrorists don't conduct business from their own email addresses/computers/Internet connections?  Whats to stop them from using internet cafes or payphones?

The latest is that they are removing bins from Sukumvit road as they "make the place look untidy" what a joke! Apparently the stray dogs are good because they eat the food people drop on the street!

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Yes there is free internet from TOT (you only pay for the call), I find it works ok from 7am-Noon and also mid afternoons, but at peak times it's useless.

This morning I have been unable to locate the Thai language sign-up page, I'll keep looking and post the link here when I find it. There were sign-up CD's available from TOT offices.


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All what I have seen in the past 4 years about him he should say:" I can do whatever I like to telecommunication and to Internet in Thailand. I own it and will own it 'til 2006. Why should I let other competitors to enter to my country. THAI RAK THAI....FARANG ARAIKEDAI.....

Thaksin is a smart asskisser to western world during APEC.... he needs world banks help soon anyway.....

tough words .. tss tss  :o

a bit bitter for me ...doesn't mean that I think sweet  ::D:

but, you see I am not that aware of Thailand financial position,

to launch any prevision of it  B)

and surely not aware about Thai politics to judge them  B)

do you feel you are mistreated here?

tell us, you look so angry  :cool:

wish you a good anyway

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest IT Manager
Hmm, guess this may have answered my questions.

I'm using a prepaid card (e15d) - unlimited hours for 15 days using the 1222 number on a TT&T telephone line.

Guess I should take more notice of my own sig in the future :o

Nice way to go. Apologies never hurt and are appreciated by those who were right.

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I got my phone connected thru telecom asia, it cost me 3700 baht at the office, plus 1500 baht for the appartment fix it man to get it working. I was informed with my new connection I would get 6 months free internet access, unlimited time/downloads but with a 3 hour session limit. I have been using it for two weeks now and have not had an issue with the connection.(33.6k ext)

will check my bill today to see if it really is for free, I distrust all telecos, but the lady when I signed up for my login and password assured me it was free, except of course for the local phone call.

will keep you posted....

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Guest IT Manager
will check my bill today to see if it really is for free, I distrust all telecos, but the lady when I signed up for my login and password assured me it was free, except of course for the local phone call.

will keep you posted....

Anyone know where Telecom Asia is outside of the Mango? I know a few people in Chiang Mai would be happy to know as well.

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