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The Worlds Dullest Reality Show


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This is a subtle ploy by the shows producers to increase the ratings, it must be working 'coz the number of viewers doubled in the last minute (I tuned in).

There is a bit of string moving in the shot to show it's not a still image :D

EDIT It does indeed look rather dead :)

EDIT 2 For those who really need their fix, more panda cams here http://thai-panda.blogspot.com/2009/08/lin...ngth-63-cm.html the one in San Diego Zoo actually moves :D

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Tune into True Channel 18 to see what must be the most boring reality show ever. A live cam inside the cage of Lin Ping, Thailand's panda cub. Right now it is either sleeping or dead. Hard to tell.

I just don’t unrest what big stupid (used a nicer world than I wanted to use) thing with this things. There are a lot of other interesting animal in the world and no one care or they may not be in this world soon

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Yea, all this hype with this panda is enough to like totally gag me with a drill stem! On one of the Thai news channels in the mornings (I don't watch it, the wife is watching it on her tv), I hear this most pukingly sound to coincide with this dear panda's adventures. Uh oh! I'm out of drill stem, may have to gag myself with a spoon instead!!!!

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Tune into True Channel 18 to see what must be the most boring reality show ever. A live cam inside the cage of Lin Ping, Thailand's panda cub. Right now it is either sleeping or dead. Hard to tell.

Sorry I was expecting to see a few disabled people before i realised it wasnt "limping"

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Tune into True Channel 18 to see what must be the most boring reality show ever. A live cam inside the cage of Lin Ping, Thailand's panda cub. Right now it is either sleeping or dead. Hard to tell.

It won't be if he spikes himself on a swinging gate and ends up as dead as a door nail. It'll become international news footage. Having seen the workman ship around the zoo I don't think we have long to wait!

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Yea, all this hype with this panda is enough to like totally gag me with a drill stem! On one of the Thai news channels in the mornings (I don't watch it, the wife is watching it on her tv), I hear this most pukingly sound to coincide with this dear panda's adventures. Uh oh! I'm out of drill stem, may have to gag myself with a spoon instead!!!!

i've been watching them sleep for the last hour. (The hour before that, I watched my paint dry with bated breath.).


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How sad is that, a bunch of people come to Thailand and end up watching panda's on TV and complaining about how boring it is - the term, "get a life" doesn't even begin to do justice.

Do I detect a bit on envy that some of us have Truevisions satellite whilst you don't? :) If you want a DVD of the highlights - let me know.

You're missing Linping having breakfast right now. Looks like it's having Khao Tom this morning washed down with green Fanta.

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  • 3 weeks later...

well, i'm appalled. how on earth can anyone look at a couple of fat pandas woofin down food and chewing on tires as "astonishing garbage". you my friend are way to angry at the world to be posting on the internets. anf frankly, life is way to short to be hatin on the panda.

besides, it's like staring at a campfire. i just can't look away. i've also been on mescaline all day so. whatever, pandas are cool as shit, end of story.

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There's a really deep dark nasty part of my heart that hopes to turn on the Panda Channel and see a team of vets frantically trying to resuscitate it.

I think it stems from there's been more new coverage dedicated to that frigging animal than there was about the families of the victims of Tak Bai seeking justice etc

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