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What Crazy Reasons Have The Bib Pulled You Over For?


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On turning right out of a hotel carpark we were stopped for a " no right turn "--we asked where is the roadsign was that showed that---answer was something along the lines of " I am not responsible for them--that's for the local council to put up ". :)

Asked 400baht---negotiated down to 200

Edited by Bucko
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my first car

my first long distance drive

got me for the right lane thing...

just before new years...

ok, it is a law, fair enuf, but fuc_ker said it would be 1000 and he would take my license... ask for reduction and he took me for 400

to new to know how to play him...

anyway, i'll stay left until passing next time.

but im sure theyll have another excuse.

he didnt say anything about my red plates or check the papers/book

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Every Tuesday morning we have BiB Helmet and License checks in town. And, every time they ask me to show where I have paid the 50Baht "CarryBoy" tax, been going on for 2 years now! I just smile, shrug my shoulders and drive off, they smile back as if to say "Well we have to ask!".BTW I know most of these guys so it's no big deal. AND, even though these checks are as regular as clock work it's amazing the number of people, including Farang, that get stung for 200Bath helmet fines. Rest of the week the BiB don't give a toss.

Edit. BTW the reason for not paying the tax is because of the bullshlt I have to go through to do it. Can't be done at our local licensing agent, they expect me to do a 150km pound trip, piss around with inspections and stand in ques all day for this ridiculous tax some <deleted> bureaucrat decided would be a good idea.

Edited by bdenner
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Once in Pattaya for not wearing a helment. Stopped about 10 times and never fined. In 3 years. I always play dumb and say i do not understand. After a while it seems they loose interest in me and tell me to go. LOL

But i am sure it is a matter of time before i get nailed...

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A few days ago my Girlfriends cousin got pulled over for going through a traffic light as it turned yellow.

She ended up in a blazing row with the BIB claiming they were just on the make for a bribe and that going through on yellow is not an offense.

The wouldn't give her a ticket - they just demanded the 'fine'...

Its my understanding that you should 'stop on yellow unless unsafe to do so'....

(which in thailand means never cos the bikes and cars behind you are so close you'll get rear ended if you surprise them and stop on yellow !)

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A few days ago my Girlfriends cousin got pulled over for going through a traffic light as it turned yellow.

She ended up in a blazing row with the BIB claiming they were just on the make for a bribe and that going through on yellow is not an offense.

The wouldn't give her a ticket - they just demanded the 'fine'...

Its my understanding that you should 'stop on yellow unless unsafe to do so'....

(which in thailand means never cos the bikes and cars behind you are so close you'll get rear ended if you surprise them and stop on yellow !)

A friend of mine, driving a nice shiny new Benz got stopped by the police for going through a yellow light. They issued a fine.

After the fine was issued, my friend drove off. As he approached the next intersection the lights turned yellow. He stepped on the brakes, and was rear ended by ............ the police who had given him the fine at the last intersection. :)

(True story - however, not is Thailand. Sorry for being OT :D )

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I got stopped on Srinakarin road a few months ago because the additional headlights on my bike had blue "angel eyes" in them (those light rings like in BMW cars), i was told that the only colour allowed would be white or yellow. 100 Baht on-the-spot, alternative a trip to some cop shop at Rama IV (!) to collect my license.

So i changed them, in fact changed the whole lights to now be all-white LED's, no more angel eyes.

Got stopped again at that very same place (but different cop) for the very same issue - those lights, but this time not the colour - this cop said "normal motorbikes are not allowed to have that kind of lights, only police bikes do!". Lucky i had my boyfriend with me (Thai) who got quite rough telling the cop what BS he's blubbering in order to scam his 100 Baht, most choppers come with such lights out of the factory and more than enough other bikes, too.

Once i got stopped, also on Srinakarin but going the other direction, for "overtaking on a bridge". There is no sign forbidding such and why would i, on a speedy bike, stay behind one of those typical old overladen 8-wheel trucks that creeps up the bridge at 3 km/h laying a coal cloud behind it? By the time i was done (got stopped some 250 meters after that bridge) that truck still hadn't reached the "checkpoint", another 100 Baht on-the-spot.

Another time i got stopped near On Nut for riding in the right lane - the bus that cut into my way overtaking another bus (of course without any indicators) and hence forcing me to either run into him or take evasive action towards the right was NOT stopped, typical too. Here it was me ending up yelling at the cop and his supervisor, too, and was let off without a "fine". As those guys actually spoke English i told them to better fine the buses that cross the white line all the time as i had been stopped for that precise offense before, too. They are standing there some 25 meters after a traffic light, not giving a rat's ass for red-light-runners or line-crossers, all they are after is motorbikes that use the right line.

I am riding a bike in Bangkok daily and i HATE them for their harassing motorbikes. You can SEE how disappointed they are if they can't get you for anything..... no "bye bye", nothing. As once happened in Udomsuk, was in the left line, had my license and a copy of the green book, helmet on my head, all lights working (the cop even asked me to use both brakes and the indicators!), bike's insurance not only valid but even the sticker in place, exhaust not loud etc...... he got frustrated for not finding anything and just went away to the next bike without a word.

But there are also nice ones.... once i got stopped (again in Udomsuk) and after seeing my license the cop got chatty with me (almost fluent English) explaining that he used to ride the same type of bike both private and as a police bike some years ago and that he still loved it :) He wanted to know if mine was an ex cop-bike (looks a bit like one) and if i did all the mods myself, how much i paid for bike and parts and how fast it was. Here i lied, not wishing to expose the engine mods however it was HIM who told me what i can do to make it faster - apparently he had it done on his own bike. I didn't tell him that exactly what he recommended me was already in my engine and doing a dam_n nice job..........

Best regards......


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Once at the notorious first tollbooth on Bangna trat motorway, the BIB stepped up and asked where I was coming from. I said Chonburi. He said I was in the wrong lane for cars coming from Chonburi I was at lane number 6 he said Chonburi cars had to be in lanes 3-5. We argued, but he was going to take my license so we paid 200.

Another time i got the right hand lane fine. This was particularly annoying because my car had been overheating and I was driving slow in the left lane the whole time hoping to come across some water for the rad. 200 baht once again.

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Licence plate - not the standard size or shape. Despite it being a completely bona fide licence plate produced and embossed by the Ministry of Transport.

Pulled up 5 or 6 times in the space of 3 months 4 years ago; must have been a bizarre crackdown.

Had the same one. Completely genuine license plate, yet the copper insisted it was the "wrong size".

Most creative cop, after trying to get me for something but could not find anything at fault, came up with less then 3 mm thread on one of my tires. Visual check as well as he had no measuring tools...

Also almost got fined for having our business name on our mini-van (sticker on the back window) and not having proof of having paid "advertising" tax. Might exist but I for one never heard of it, nor would I know where to go and pay it!

All of the above highway police. Regular Pattaya police only fined me for genuine offenses, and only with a real ticket to be paid at the police station.

I can validate your Pattaya comment. Its the only place I've been stopped where the BIB confiscated my bike and sent me to the copshop to pay the legitimate fine. Absolutely no body language suggesting tea money would be fine - quite the reverse, very officious. Perhaps the Pattaya expats should recognise that their brownies aren't quite as corrupt as they are made out to be.

Yep! aggree to a point, got pulled in Pattaya last month on a vist there, on bike g/f no hemet, had to go pay at station! Fair cop Gov.

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I Was stopped for speeding,plates missing,pick up back loading(humans,bikes,animals),drinking,nothing,tea moneying,drug searching,wifey driving :D ,did not paid parking ,offroading,wheelings ... :)

I love to tell them that i'm was copper (really not) in my born country,chuaikan dude!

Or stop the car 200meters after the bib's spot, 8 by 10 they leaves,(i keep that one for motorway speeding)

In my country they are acting really hard especially with people from neighbourhood (where i'm from),relatively nothing with the arrestations i have mentioned above over LOS, we call it "facies delit" or judge on your appearence,French Cop are more stupids than here,they don't takes bribes :D ...

I love those BiBs over here,a fine for speeding in my country is 6000Baths if U drive 90km/h instead of 80!! .

For those mates who ride bike helmetless,please please does strains , brother's friend just got hit with is mods scooter ,helmetless riding about 50km/h ,is actually in ICU with 15cm2 of sillicon instead of his 15cm2 skullhead...


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I've been pulled over for the lane thing many times.

The strangest one however was being pulled over for driving at daytime with low-beam lights on.


Wife and i were driving up to Chiang mai from Phuket last year.

Basically in the middle of nowhere a roadblock appears, and i was stopped.

What is the problem says my wife...get this.''We stop you because falang drive the car without shirt on''

I understand the ''polite''thing is not to be seen without a shirt on in public [wish they'd tell all the scandinavians, both male and female who are here now, that one]

BUT i am in my private vehical, with tinted windows also!

No fine to pay but the BIB was very ''fired up'' about it.

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