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West Sands Jungle Waterpark


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I see this is on schedule to open next month and, clearly, it's a welcome addition to Phuket attractions. However, no pricing structure has yet been released and I'm writing this in the hope that someone 'in authority' at the Waterpark will take on board these points.

Look at water-themed attractions around the world, and let's take those on Australia's Gold Coast as an example. GC is a similar place heavily driven by the holiday / tourist market.

For tourists and visitors to Phuket (and GC), their trip to the waterpark is likely to be a one-off. By all means set the entrance fee at an appropriate level for this kind of experience. But, do remember, once they leave Thailand to go home, that's it.

Business depends on generating repeat custom. Just as they do at the My Fun parks on the GC, good business gets the locals turning up weekend after weekend after weekend. Why? Because for local residents, the first visit is the same price as a tourist, but for 12 months after that, it's peanuts.

If the Jungle Waterpark get a pricing strategy like this, then island residents (irrespective of race) will keep the tills going in terms of drinks, ice creams, food, souvenirs etc.

If you're greedy and set the same entrance price continuously, then me and my family will turn up once to see what it's like.......and once only.

It's very simple, so think very carefully and if you get it right, it'll be a fantastic and popular business.

Thought from other Phuket TV's?

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I see this is on schedule to open next month and, clearly, it's a welcome addition to Phuket attractions. However, no pricing structure has yet been released and I'm writing this in the hope that someone 'in authority' at the Waterpark will take on board these points.

Look at water-themed attractions around the world, and let's take those on Australia's Gold Coast as an example. GC is a similar place heavily driven by the holiday / tourist market.

For tourists and visitors to Phuket (and GC), their trip to the waterpark is likely to be a one-off. By all means set the entrance fee at an appropriate level for this kind of experience. But, do remember, once they leave Thailand to go home, that's it.

Business depends on generating repeat custom. Just as they do at the My Fun parks on the GC, good business gets the locals turning up weekend after weekend after weekend. Why? Because for local residents, the first visit is the same price as a tourist, but for 12 months after that, it's peanuts.

If the Jungle Waterpark get a pricing strategy like this, then island residents (irrespective of race) will keep the tills going in terms of drinks, ice creams, food, souvenirs etc.

If you're greedy and set the same entrance price continuously, then me and my family will turn up once to see what it's like.......and once only.

It's very simple, so think very carefully and if you get it right, it'll be a fantastic and popular business.

Thought from other Phuket TV's?

Why are you even posting this?

Do you think anyone in their right mind would read a post from someone that they don't even know and give it any credence?

Siam Park City Water Park in Bangkok has been here for years and it is the same price whether you go once, twice or 50 times a year.

Guess what? It is overun with customers year after year and I am sure Siam Park City could care less if me or you go there once or 100 times a year.

They are probably operating well, well over their yearly customer capacity anyways.

What you do not seem to understand is these types of attractions are so few in Thailand, they will operate over capacity all year round whether the locals support them or not. Tour operators will have that place full of tour buses of people in no time.

Given the choice between a tourist family coming once a year and paying full price, buying soveigners etc. and a local family looking for a discount, I would go with the first choice if I am running the place.

If you want to go, you pay the admission daily just like everyone else.

I live near Dreamworld and have taken my son there at least 100+ times. We can buy an unlimited ride wristband for Thai residents which saves a bit, however, the price is the same every single day we go which currently is around 380 baht each person. Today it's 380 and if we want to go tomorrow another 380

Attractions, and news ones at that, do not seem to have any problem getting customers in Thailand

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Why are you even posting this?

Do you think anyone in their right mind would read a post from someone that they don't even know and give it any credence?

Siam Park City Water Park in Bangkok has been here for years and it is the same price whether you go once, twice or 50 times a year.

Guess what? It is overun with customers year after year and I am sure Siam Park City could care less if me or you go there once or 100 times a year.

They are probably operating well, well over their yearly customer capacity anyways.

What you do not seem to understand is these types of attractions are so few in Thailand, they will operate over capacity all year round whether the locals support them or not. Tour operators will have that place full of tour buses of people in no time.

Given the choice between a tourist family coming once a year and paying full price, buying soveigners etc. and a local family looking for a discount, I would go with the first choice if I am running the place.

If you want to go, you pay the admission daily just like everyone else.

I live near Dreamworld and have taken my son there at least 100+ times. We can buy an unlimited ride wristband for Thai residents which saves a bit, however, the price is the same every single day we go which currently is around 380 baht each person. Today it's 380 and if we want to go tomorrow another 380

Attractions, and news ones at that, do not seem to have any problem getting customers in Thailand

You have your point, but why put it so aggressively?

Reading a post from someone they don't know and giving credence........sounds similar to "letters pages" in newspapers to me. So, all newspapers to stop that particular waste of paper from now on, eh?

I asked for opinions from Phuket residents, as I think they'd understand the market forces here a bit better than a resident elsewhere in Thailand such as your goodself. Bangkok isn't a major centre where tourists linger, unlike Phuket. Consequently, the dynamics there are governed by a large urban population, with a large proprotion of middle class Thais with good incomes.

In Phuket, totally different. There are some very rich Thais here, but many more poorly paid locals and transient workers from the north. As yet, and until the summertime Asian (Chinese) market really takes off, there are still distinct high and low seasons.

I would agree that in the high season, the place will be busy. Outside of this, many Phuket businesses have problems : little cashflow, heavy discounting, and staff lay-offs. It is during periods like this that the waterpark will rely on the goodwill of local residents. And what better way to do that than to give residents some kind of "value season ticket". In your point, at the same time, you concede that there is some kind of discount for residents in your DreamWorld - that's all I'm suggesting down here!

In conclusion, it depends whether the waterpark have done their research and compared their product with other international venues. Whichever way you cut it, it can be well argued that the tourism industry in a place like Australia is much more developed, savvy, and customer-focused. West Sands has, I believe, some backing from big UK business, and I'm just hoping they use some western business logic in their trading model.

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Siam Park City Water Park in Bangkok has been here for years and it is the same price whether you go once, twice or 50 times a year.

Guess what? It is overun with customers year after year and I am sure Siam Park City could care less if me or you go there once or 100 times a year.

Are you sure about that?

I have been there only 2 times in the last 10 years or so, but on both occasions, whenever I wanted to enter an attraction they had to start it, because there was nobody else in the attraction part of the Park. There were some people in the water park, but also there, very, very quiet and most of the slides closed because there were not enough people to make it worthwhile to open them.

But as mentioned, that is an observation based on just 2 visits, so hardly any real market research.

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Interesting and extreme couple of posts:

Nio from Bangkok thinks it will be overun and over capacity all year round, while grumpyoldman from Phuket reckons it'll be full of poop and will probably never go because the Andaman Sea is the better bet.

Quite revealing that it's 2 'locals' who are unsure of how this will fit into the Phuket leisure scene.Just the kind of research that West Sands should be doing, as far as I can see.

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Every year in the US there is a water park where people get sick from the kiddies dropping doogies in the water.................can't imagine the amounts of chemicals this place will need to dump into that water.

I have a water park for you, it's called The Andaman Sea.

Ah now, the Andaman Sea has plenty of dropping and plenty of chemicals. :)

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Every year in the US there is a water park where people get sick from the kiddies dropping doogies in the water.................can't imagine the amounts of chemicals this place will need to dump into that water.

I have a water park for you, it's called The Andaman Sea.

Ah now, the Andaman Sea has plenty of dropping and plenty of chemicals. :)

Luckily it is a large body of water that has currents to move and dilute.

For the poster who commented on market research, why should they care, they'll just pull up the tour buses and call it good.

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  • 1 month later...

check the homepage west sands, water park,.............

Why does the resort need such a feature as it is already on one of the best beaches in Phuket? There are many studies and case examples to prove that developments with unique features such as a Water Park with exclusive use by residents and guests only have a greater occupancy level and as such give a better return for the people investing, not to mention a better holiday for the families who visit.

exclusive only!


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Why does the resort need such a feature as it is already on one of the best beaches in Phuket

The answer is simple. Because Mai Khao beach looks beautiful, but has a very strong undertow. If there are no lifeguards around, then you would be foolish to swim in the water.

I used to cycle along M.K. beach and I'd stop to cool off in the water. Although I'm a strong swimmer, I wouldn't go more than a meter or so into the sea, such was the rapid incline of the sea floor and strong undertow.

I don't think they mentioned this to Turtle Cove purchasers either :)


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From what I read, it was originally promoted as exclusive for guests. In fact, when I was looking for info yesterday, I came across on one of the official pages for the development mention that it was exclusive for residents.

My guess is the "exclusive" part was just to assuage fears of crime/crowding by the public for early investors.

If this was just a small waterpark, I could see it being exclusive. However based on what I've read, this water park is planned to be quite large, including man made snow (ala Dreamworld in Bangkok). There's no way to justify the expensive of building something so large for just residents of the resort.

My guess is they plan to use the waterpark to raise awareness of the resort (who wants to stay at a resort that borders the airport and isn't at one of the "famous" beaches?) as well as be a profit center itself.

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