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Thai Women May Be Among The Most Sensitive


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You may have noticed that Thai women are allegedly among the MOST beautiful in the WORLD, and you may have also noticed that concomitantly with their beautiful looks, the package also usually comes complete with an inherent sensitivity and a temper that is also WORLD CLASS, at least that is what this writer has noticed.

Personally, I have never met another "species" of women who can switch on a dime from sweet and innocent to a TIGER mentality that can chew you up and spit you out with ease. Perhaps it is just this writer whose faults are many, that can bring on this volcanic eruption of fury, but somehow I DOUBT it :D .

Perhaps many of you have heard the story of the fury of the Thai women back in the day, when the Burmese army sacked the old capital, and thousands of beautiful Thai women slept with Burmese soldiers, only to slit their throats en masse as the Burmese men lay drunkenly and sexually satiated.. or perhaps you have heard of Thai women scorned, when they discovered their husband had a Mia noi.. then proceeded to cut off his member as he lay drunkenly satiated ( and fed it to the dog ).. the Thai Bobbit :) .

The more beautiful the Thai woman, the more sensitive they seem to be. In this writers case, the wife starts sniffing, the more sensitive she becomes. The caveat here is this..most of us farang are utterly convinced that we would never have it any other way than to be with our Thai women, but we are also VERY cognizant of their sensitivity and tempers. Any comments/ hyphothesis/ explanations as to why Thai women are so sensitive and have that famous temper ??.. or perhaps you disagree with this concept, then feel free to comment as well..

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er cognos.."species"...

ok i wont go there.

um anyway ...imo your first couple of paragraphs you could change the word "Thai" for a number of different nationalities. Italian, Argentinian, etc. Ive heard other men say the similar things about other nationalities of women. Whether this reflects on the men who say it or the women they are saying about i have no idea really. Im not a man and i dont particularly think about it. :)

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er cognos.."species"...

ok i wont go there.

um anyway ...imo your first couple of paragraphs you could change the word "Thai" for a number of different nationalities. Italian, Argentinian, etc. Ive heard other men say the similar things about other nationalities of women. Whether this reflects on the men who say it or the women they are saying about i have no idea really. Im not a man and i dont particularly think about it. :D

sorry eek. I should say nationalities..not species..and also..perhaps ALL women throughout the world ( and men for that matter ) are (very)sensitive with (quick?) tempers..but in my experience with some Thai GF's and now a Thai wife, it SEEMS they are more sensitive and possess a fearsome temper if "provoked"..maybe its just me who provoked them :)

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er cognos.."species"...

ok i wont go there.

um anyway ...imo your first couple of paragraphs you could change the word "Thai" for a number of different nationalities. Italian, Argentinian, etc. Ive heard other men say the similar things about other nationalities of women. Whether this reflects on the men who say it or the women they are saying about i have no idea really. Im not a man and i dont particularly think about it. :D

....meanwhile eeek hides out the back of her torture chamber preparing the tools of the trade and thinks about ways to bring cognos to justice :)

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On another note,

Cognos, I agree with you totally about this. Thai women and their hot little *sses, woops i mean tempers.

Have they forgotten how it is in the story of adam and eve, where the woman was only created as a companion for the male, created for entertainment and reproduction. Have they forgotten their place in society? :)

Of course, I'm only trying to bait eeek, ladies don't take my comments to heart :D

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Sorry cognos, but I can't disagree with you more on this.

First, your opinion on the so-called beauty of Thai women is purely subjective.  People who might agree with you would probably be the ones who gravitate here in greater proportions, just as men who like tall blondes might go to Finland or Iceland.  TO say you think Thai women are beautiful is fine, but it is hardly a universal truth.

Second, women are women, just as people are people. People from all nationalities and of both sexes can turn on a dime and throw a temper tantrum.  In the US, a father just ran over and killed his daughter because she was acting too promiscuous, in his opinion. Also in the US, Latina women have a reputation for having uncontrollable tempers (Latino men too, for that matter.)  In Asia, Koreans have a reputation for wearing their hearts on their sleeves and acting upon that.  Ditto Russians.  And so on.

In my meager experience, I have found most Thais to be actually less likely to act on their passion of anger than many other cultures. The mai pen rai attitude often serves to cool down emotions.  But as I wrote, people of both sexes and of all cultures have the potential to erupt in to jealous rages.

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Sorry cognos, but I can't disagree with you more on this.

First, your opinion on the so-called beauty of Thai women is purely subjective. People who might agree with you would probably be the ones who gravitate here in greater proportions, just as men who like tall blondes might go to Finland or Iceland. TO say you think Thai women are beautiful is fine, but it is hardly a universal truth.

Second, women are women, just as people are people. People from all nationalities and of both sexes can turn on a dime and throw a temper tantrum. In the US, a father just ran over and killed his daughter because she was acting too promiscuous, in his opinion. Also in the US, Latina women have a reputation for having uncontrollable tempers (Latino men too, for that matter.) In Asia, Koreans have a reputation for wearing their hearts on their sleeves and acting upon that. Ditto Russians. And so on.

In my meager experience, I have found most Thais to be actually less likely to act on their passion of anger than many other cultures. The mai pen rai attitude often serves to cool down emotions. But as I wrote, people of both sexes and of all cultures have the potential to erupt in to jealous rages.

nothing new here..we agree to disagree on virtually everything..but i agree with one thing you say.. mai bpen rai..and I always respect your opinions

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In my meager experience, I have found most Thais to be actually less likely to act on their passion of anger than many other cultures. The mai pen rai attitude often serves to cool down emotions. But as I wrote, people of both sexes and of all cultures have the potential to erupt in to jealous rages.

Hiding in a remote thai hut somewhere, are we bonobo?

Seriously the "mai pen rai" of thailand is only words, have a propper look at whats going on around the place. Have you ever seen gun crime like it? (okay I accept their are obviously places such as Iraq, Afghanistan and various parts of Africa that are worse).

What about the daily deaths of this jilted lover or that irate father and so forth. I accept that aweful crimes happen worldwide, but this thing of thai being all so mai pen rai, is just not the truth.

I accept when it comes to getting a job done or meeting a deadline, yeah the old mai pen rai kicks in.....typically :)

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In my meager experience, I have found most Thais to be actually less likely to act on their passion of anger than many other cultures. The mai pen rai attitude often serves to cool down emotions. But as I wrote, people of both sexes and of all cultures have the potential to erupt in to jealous rages.

Hiding in a remote thai hut somewhere, are we bonobo?

Seriously the "mai pen rai" of thailand is only words, have a propper look at whats going on around the place. Have you ever seen gun crime like it? (okay I accept their are obviously places such as Iraq, Afghanistan and various parts of Africa that are worse).

What about the daily deaths of this jilted lover or that irate father and so forth. I accept that aweful crimes happen worldwide, but this thing of thai being all so mai pen rai, is just not the truth.

I accept when it comes to getting a job done or meeting a deadline, yeah the old mai pen rai kicks in.....typically :)

Your opinion.

In my "remote Thai hut," I have seen far fewer eruptions of jealous anger in Thailand than in many other countries in which I have been. If my analysis of the mai pen rai attitude as a reason for that, so be it.  But that still does not get away from the fact of my own personal observations.

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You may have noticed that Thai women are allegedly among the MOST beautiful in the WORLD

Huh.. says who? When was the last time a Thai woman won anything internationally in a pageant? How many international super models are Thai?

Dare I say this.... I think racism played a large part in the fact that very few non white males or females became supermodels though this trend is slowly changing.

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In my "remote Thai hut," I have seen far fewer eruptions of jealous anger in Thailand than in many other countries in which I have been.

I have no doubt your little thai hut is a peaceful one......your personal statement says it all :D .

Ohh and your right about opinions, they're like asssholz, everyones got one :D , surely tho, mines the only right one :)

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Sorry cognos, but I can't disagree with you more on this.

First, your opinion on the so-called beauty of Thai women is purely subjective.  People who might agree with you would probably be the ones who gravitate here in greater proportions, just as men who like tall blondes might go to Finland or Iceland.  TO say you think Thai women are beautiful is fine, but it is hardly a universal truth.

Second, women are women, just as people are people. People from all nationalities and of both sexes can turn on a dime and throw a temper tantrum.  In the US, a father just ran over and killed his daughter because she was acting too promiscuous, in his opinion. Also in the US, Latina women have a reputation for having uncontrollable tempers (Latino men too, for that matter.)  In Asia, Koreans have a reputation for wearing their hearts on their sleeves and acting upon that.  Ditto Russians.  And so on.

In my meager experience, I have found most Thais to be actually less likely to act on their passion of anger than many other cultures. The mai pen rai attitude often serves to cool down emotions.  But as I wrote, people of both sexes and of all cultures have the potential to erupt in to jealous rages.

I fully agree with bonobo.

Women are women and the line between woman in Thailand and other countries is being blurred by standardization through globalization. Attitudes and behavior are influenced by family of course but exposure to other cultures will bring about change.

Sinophiles who prefer Asians or those stuck in the "Thai women are the most beautiful" are just putting their personal opinion out there. There are breathtaking women all over the world if you just take the time to explore. Rio comes to mind. Man, those women are on fire in all respects especially temper. Oh yeah, IMHO.

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I also dont see a basis for objective beauty. Im afraid I dont see that you have any point at all, on beauty or on temper. The most fiery and stormy women I ever knew were russian- god help you if you pissed one particular lady off- hel_l hath no fury.. regardless of nationality. The most calm woman Ive ever met is in fact Thai, she is so chilled its almost makes me wonder if she is constantly stoned.

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On another note,

Cognos, I agree with you totally about this. Thai women and their hot little *sses, woops i mean tempers.

Have they forgotten how it is in the story of adam and eve, where the woman was only created as a companion for the male, created for entertainment and reproduction. Have they forgotten their place in society? :)

Of course, I'm only trying to bait eeek, ladies don't take my comments to heart :D

Yes they certainly do have tempers unmatched anywhere but you have got to love them. The best way to keep them calm is to obey and do exactly what you are told and never question the orders.

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You may have noticed that Thai women are allegedly among the MOST beautiful in the WORLD

Huh.. says who? When was the last time a Thai woman won anything internationally in a pageant? How many international super models are Thai?

Who cares about that?? Do you think Brittany Spears is attractive?? Most of the so called Hollywood beauties do nothin' for me..but I guess poor David Carradine did not fancy Thai women..most men I know who visit Thailand think the women are among the most Gorgeous..perhaps its the Thai Chinese influence..but each to their own thats 4 sure

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In my "remote Thai hut," I have seen far fewer eruptions of jealous anger in Thailand than in many other countries in which I have been.

I have no doubt your little thai hut is a peaceful one......your personal statement says it all :D .

Ohh and your right about opinions, they're like asssholz, everyones got one :D , surely tho, mines the only right one :)

hey..I heard that on :D , only it was excuses are like a-holes..when I used to teach woodwork in the prison system i heard that one from an inmate..you're the first one never die that I've heard say that on the outside besides me..usually thats an " on the inside only" statement :D ..from the school of very hard knocks :D

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I also dont see a basis for objective beauty. Im afraid I dont see that you have any point at all, on beauty or on temper. The most fiery and stormy women I ever knew were russian- god help you if you pissed one particular lady off- hel_l hath no fury.. regardless of nationality. The most calm woman Ive ever met is in fact Thai, she is so chilled its almost makes me wonder if she is constantly stoned.

I wouldn't date a Russian woman, judging from the few pieces of lip stick-smeared work I saw in Pattaya, albeit a very narrow sample, however I believe you..Have you dated many Thai women? If so, I am a little amazed you haven't seen their over the top sensitivity and sometimes temper, but I suppose if you are Oxford educated, you didn't screw up as much as moi and therefore did not see those attributes

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A couple of points , the american man was not an American , he is of a faith who allows that kind of barbaric re-action when children deviate to the thinking of the country in which they live , he never assimilated .

There are many ladies of colour who excell in beauty pageants and become 'Beauty-Queens .

Yes , ladies of different nationalities have temper tantrums , but of the 25 or so nationalities I have enjoyed the favours of , Thai are definitely the most viscious , reaching for the handiest knife/cleaver with which to vent their spleen . It does not even take a dime for them to spin on , a mere satang is more than sufficient , and for absolutely no logical reason , one attacked me just because I refused to buy her a drink and another because I spoke to another lady .

As to the percieved beauty ? That is in the eye of the beholder , and remember the song "The girls become more beautiful as the night goes on "

Ah well , just my two penuth .

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the most chilling factor i have found in regards to thai women is exactly the opposite.for example if i do or say somthing wrong/out of place, i will never know.nothing is said or done at the time and its not until much later that i find out.in other words the ladies concerned have been very cool calm and collected and have said nothing and shown no temper.perhaps i have been lucky,cos i have seen and heard stories of "crazy" responses.

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the most chilling factor i have found in regards to thai women is exactly the opposite.for example if i do or say somthing wrong/out of place, i will never know.nothing is said or done at the time and its not until much later that i find out.in other words the ladies concerned have been very cool calm and collected and have said nothing and shown no temper.perhaps i have been lucky,cos i have seen and heard stories of "crazy" responses.

I have experienced the same as you. I have had the same experience with my last Thai gf. She was very chill, calm, and would be polite even when I was not keeping my cool with a Thai dude or was making other mistakes. I also had a very intelligent and chill Vietname gf. One of the most calm and chill Asian Women I met was a Filipina. There are, however, many crazy Filipinas that have a very bad tempers. IMHO, the more enlightened and intelligent a person is, the less likely they are to lose their cool. The most calm people I have ever met were Cambodians. The given culture and society has much to do with behavior as does personal upbringing, personal experiences and history, and genetics. :)

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You may have noticed that Thai women are allegedly among the MOST beautiful in the WORLD

Huh.. says who? When was the last time a Thai woman won anything internationally in a pageant? How many international super models are Thai?

Who cares about that?? Do you think Brittany Spears is attractive?? Most of the so called Hollywood beauties do nothin' for me..but I guess poor David Carradine did not fancy Thai women..most men I know who visit Thailand think the women are among the most Gorgeous..perhaps its the Thai Chinese influence..but each to their own thats 4 sure

some are beautiful I agree but a lot also look like monkeys I think - Scottish women are hot.

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I don't think it's so much women as it is nationalities. Thai men can be just as quick to temper as Thai women. Like eek says, I believe that certain nationalities have hotter personalities than others. I think there IS something to the Latin temper story. The more northern nationalities from Norway, Sweden and Germany tend to be colder and more precise in their thinking. But, there must be something about red heads as well. Red heads certainly seem to have quick tempers.

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the most chilling factor i have found in regards to thai women is exactly the opposite.for example if i do or say somthing wrong/out of place, i will never know.nothing is said or done at the time and its not until much later that i find out.in other words the ladies concerned have been very cool calm and collected and have said nothing and shown no temper.perhaps i have been lucky,cos i have seen and heard stories of "crazy" responses.

I have experienced the same as you. I have had the same experience with my last Thai gf. She was very chill, calm, and would be polite even when I was not keeping my cool with a Thai dude or was making other mistakes. I also had a very intelligent and chill Vietname gf. One of the most calm and chill Asian Women I met was a Filipina. There are, however, many crazy Filipinas that have a very bad tempers. IMHO, the more enlightened and intelligent a person is, the less likely they are to lose their cool. The most calm people I have ever met were Cambodians. The given culture and society has much to do with behavior as does personal upbringing, personal experiences and history, and genetics. :D

Cambodians..calm? Comrade Duch was calm on the outside, as he butchered thousands.. :) (but that was a long time ago granted)..until he found God.. you may be correct though about the majority..but I would say..don't piss them off!! My wife has a large temper, and she has a bachelors degree..but you may be right in general vis a vis education..but not in my experience...a narrow sample granted

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this conclusion is faulty, simply because it is like one eats only cherry pie, for then to assume that there are only cherry pie's...!

and it's universal, definitely NOT very specific to females of any certain nationality!

ever had the opportunity to share a section of your life with a Brazilian, Kenyan, Philippina?

and last not least there is the point of the background, don't want to elaborate on this one regarding this specific assumption,

but thik about and be fair in the future, there ain't only cherry pies - fact!

edited to add text

Edited by Samuian
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....meanwhile eeek hides out the back of her torture chamber preparing the tools of the trade and thinks about ways to bring cognos to justice :D

Have no fear cognos, my weapons of minuscule destruction are on standby only for Mr.neverdie.

Scottish women are hot.

I agree! :):D

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So.... what posters seem to be saying is that Asian and Latin women are 'sensitive'.

Would anyone find this behaviour as being 'sensitive' in a Western woman? Somehow I suspect not! :D

For some reason the word 'controlling' springs to mind. :)

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